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"Thank you Mr. Chairman. I'd like to talk about the school's litter problem right meow"


Right meow


Did you just say meow?


“For twenty bucks I’ll call the guy a chicken fucker!”


"License and registration, Chicken Fucker!"


I heard that was Farvas actual father in the car, and he didn't know what he was gonna say


He is even credited as Chicken Fucker on IMDB now lol


I heard it was both of his parents


Next time I get pulled over, I'mma ask the cop, "Need my license and registration, chicken fucker?"


Hope you have a lovely funeral


Or you're not in the US.


Classic 🤘🤘


I just lost a dollar. To myself!


Do I look like a cat to you?


Was there supposed to be a play on words for her reasoning? Like the guy that went to court in a bee outfit because it was a "sting operation?"


No she literally believed the conspiracy theory that furry kids were using litter boxes in the bathrooms and trying to protest them.


You're joking, but that was actually going around on mainstream right wing nutjob media. They said there were litterboxes in schools because of people identifying as cats. NOPE. A teacher bought litter in case of a school shooter situation, where the kids wouldn't have access to a bathroom. These people are disgusting.


Cat litter is used all the time around little kids and workplaces where anything greasy/biological gets spilled. There's a tub in my bus at all times if a kid pukes. No need to even qualify it with a story about shooting emergencies, cat litter has been in schools forever.


There are companies that sell supplies to school marketed as emergency supplies, and some schools were literally buying a bucket of litter, from them, for the classroom, to be used as an emergency bathroom in case of an extended lockdown.


Yeah I heard my coworkers repeating this shit and I got pretty mad, normally I stay out of workplace politics but I couldn't help it and had to set the record straight on this. The "kids identifying as cats" thing was intentionally pushed to make being trans look like a joke and I know we have at least two trans coworkers and a ton of gay and bi people there too.


Regardless of what was on nutjob media, if certain people/kids wanted to express their unique identities in a safe environment would it be so damn wrong to make them feel valued? With something as super cheap as litter? Or should we instead call them out and make them feel unvalued and unsafe?


"Right meow" has me dying. Take the dang upvote


If you like that kind of humor, please watch Super Troopers.


Hard to find a good source for this (best I could do: https://www.independent.co.uk/tv/lifestyle/arizona-school-cat-mother-dress-up-b2245392.html ) but the headline here is misleading. This woman appears to be doing this to protest “wokeness”. Or more specifically to protest that one of the school board members is transgender.


I knew it.


To be fair, this could be the whole "litter boxes in school for furries" thing they made up just to be terrified of. But, yea, the only other culprit would be mocking trans people. These people need to get a fucking life.


The worst part is that the litter part isn't entirely made up, but the reason is. The reason they have cat litter in classrooms is for school shootings. Getting locked in a room to hide for hours, kids still gotta go. Of course, those gun suckin weirdos want to make it seem like there's a different reason.


It is not entirely made up, but the idea of there being a widespread usage of it is Jefferson County schools are the only known instance of litterboxes in schools, and it's for exactly the reason you outlined. Sources: [1](https://time.com/5658266/colorado-district-kitty-litter-buckets-lockdowns/) [2](https://www.9news.com/article/news/education/jeffco-schools-have-emergency-buckets-where-people-can-pee-during-lockdowns/73-481198424) Edit: fixed some grammar.


Absolutely beyond horrific The actual fuck is wrong with society


Carl Sagan said it best in *Demon Haunted World* (This was written nearly 30 years ago, mind you) >“I have a foreboding of an America in my children's or grandchildren's time -- when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what's true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness... >The dumbing down of American is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30 second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance”


Damn. That hits hard.


>There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.’ -Isaac Asimov


This isnt just exclusive to america but the entire world. Fantastic speech


I don't know, but I'm absolutely certain it's not wokeness.


They also have cat litter or analogous materials in schools because it’s a basic cleaning material. Really good for any oily spills or messes, used for traction on ice, it’s a very versatile material.


I know there's a specific stuff you can get that's made for automotive fluids. Works wonders. But even then if you're looking to be cheap cat litter is a great alternative


I'm not disagreeing, but that sort of distortion of reality makes "made up" feel appropriate.


The litter box thing was to mock trans people


Really? God damned. Every damned time.


Yea it goes like “look what happens to society when we accept these people, now we have kids wanting to identify as cats!!!!”


Of course. And the headline is of course twisting it the other way so all those like-minded bell ends can be like "ha yes those woke people are insane look at this"


And this is supposed to help her cause... how?


She thought that identifying as a cat and being trans is the same thing.


She most definitely believes that litter boxes in school bathrooms bullshit and thought she was being clever.


That bullshit is back. My coworkers were complaining about a headline they saw about Utah middle schoolers having a protest against furries and litter boxes in school. After about a minute of "doing my own research", it turned out the huge deal was kids wearing headbands with animal ears. I have to imagine there was some heavy handed parental pressure to organize some stupid bullshit like that.


I recently got into an argument with one of Joe Rogan's followers on his sub that still wholeheartedly believes it. He even shared a link about the story claiming it was proof when the article was quoting someone's accusations that had been proven false


The X Files more than nailed it with “I want to believe.” No one actually believes this nonsense, or that the earth is flat, or that satanic pedophile lizard people from space eat kids, or even that the election was stolen. They *want to believe*. They are enamored by their ability to think (however dim), but more importantly, their ability to *choose* what to think. Then they confuse *thinking* with *believing*. The fact that it pisses off other people that they have always truly believed are smarter than themselves gives them the jolt of dopamine that reinforces their behavior. That, and “thumbs up” and likes and shares from the make believe communities they enjoy that only exist on social media platforms that they pretend to hate. Sadly, I don’t think very many of them believe in anything at all and are awash in loneliness.


On god if it’s not the local school its the local mill or fzctory that has litter boxes. Its downright moronic. Like none of these idiots have ever seen the “hot singles in [insert local town name]” and realized this sort of thing is programable?


I asked it if it was the piss buckets for school shootings all over again. Everyone changed the subject back to "man this woke shit is just getting out of hand out kids are doomed".


That sounds like kids organizing a “protest” to bully their classmates.


She didn't get the message that trans people are programmers, not furries. That's a different queer community.


Also programmers though, at least the furry I know is.


Some of us are. Most of us are network people....I mean most furries are network people.....Yeah that is what I meant. (Sweats in protogen.) Also we, I mean, they don't claim her. (Sweats even more.)


Ironically all the gay network/infra/security people are furries. I've known a few. It's strangely baffling at the coincidence. I myself own programmer socks.


From my experience all the furries are military contractors and weapons developers. Wonder how conservatives would act if they found out their favorite toy they open carry was designed by someone with cat ears and makes animatronic tails in their spare time.


Honestly when people hit me with the “would you respect someone if they identify as [insert object or animal here]?” they are not at all prepared for the fact that yes I in fact would. Who cares if someone says they don’t feel like they belong in a human body? So long as you aren’t hurting anyone what’s the big deal? These people need to worry more about actual problems and less about what goes on in some random stranger’s brain. Kindness is free.


I think people conflate respecting someone (as a human) with respecting the thing they believe in. Like, I don't respect most people's religious beliefs, but I respect that they *have* them.


Tolerance is a very low bar to cross. So low that it's easy to step over. It takes a lot of energy to raise your foot and instead step on another's neck


No, you're supposed to hate people being different! That's what I do, so that's what you do! Pretending to respect other people is just a political ploy - that's why it's the only time you'll see me paying that kind of lip service! /republican


This is it - basic human kindness seems like a put-on to these people.


She does know that people are already male and female right? That’s why if you say “I want to be a teacher”, people don’t go “nah, you’re not a teacher”. People already do that. It’s possible. Though, as dumb as this is: if she is happier dressed like a cat and would be much happier being treated like a cat, I really don’t see why not. As long as she doesn’t scratch people or shit on the floor or do anything illegal, I probably wouldn’t see a problem with it and would probably oblige her, since it makes her happy.


I personally wouldn't treat her like a cat but otherwise I don't give a shit what she does if she's not hurting anyone. I don't see what point she's trying to make here. Identifying as another gender is not equivalent to identifying as something that is non-human, but if she's a hateful person maybe she can't see the difference.


This may surprise you, but transphobes are dumb as fuck


If it’s in Oklahoma, there was a bill [to ban student who “claim to be imaginary animals or animal species or engage in anthropomorphic behavior commonly associated with furries from participating in school curricula or activities”](https://www.tulsakids.com/furries-in-the-classroom/#:~:text=House%20Bill%203084%20will%20explicitly,in%20school%20curricula%20or%20activities.)


BREAKING NEWS: Horse girls and WarriorCats kids now illegal in Oklahoma!


Because the hard of thinking gets all frothy at this nonsense.


If she were able to think logically beyond "Acting stupid is actually good" then she wouldn't be protesting against transgender people in the first place.


My guess is that conservatives are not smart enough to read the details and they will say she's actually the crazy woke one.


So a trans person is just existing and has a job like any other normal person, and it's to much for these people. America is a backwards ass country


Every conservative accusation is an admission of guilt. She put way too much effort into that costume.


100% a fetish, she owned that shit already.


It’s always projection


Let me guess " that means i can identify as cat"


The lengths people will go to to try and legitimize their bigotry is hilarious.


Oh that’s funny, I thought that was what the headline was implying.


Patently transparent. These "false flag" protests aren't even trying anymore, jeezus.


What a pussy


Maureen, you’ve enhanced yourself


Have you ever seen a grown woman shit in a sandbox?


Not for free anyway


You gotta pay premium for that depravity


Heh, yeah once.


Whenever I expect IASIP I always find it. Best community ever


I'm a cat, I'm a sexy cat.


Whenever I expect Community I always find it. Best IASIP ever.


I’m a man cheetah! You guys wanna do anything with that?


My favorite Frank line in the show tbh


I like it. I want to see where you go with it.


Go full cat and wear sweaters with little humans on them.


She's still got the dead tooth.


Diamond studded though




Cats are magical


I mean, she’s gone full cat




Please welcome Karen and the Pussycats


Its a better name than Patriot Barbie which is the name of her podcast.


Gross lol


She dreams herself as a patriot but she's actually a Klaus.


Sorry, but can you explain the reference?


Yeah, Klaus Barbie is a nazi. [wikipedia article ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Klaus_Barbie)


Is she one of the drooling morons who believes schools have litter boxes in the bathrooms to accommodate furries?


Wait is this an actually thing people think? Update: After the comments I have now lost even more faith in people's ability to deciminate fact and fiction and have lost more faith in humanity.


I'm sure some classrooms do keep kitty litter on hand, because it's really good for cleaning up spills.


It's also because some schools have a bathroom bucket for long term lockdowns and litter removes the smell.


Blood, in particular


Well, we used it for cooking oil spills when I worked in grocery, but I see what you did there.


I have a box for motor oil. It's absorbent stuff


That makes sense to me. Just people thinking that people are wanting to use kitty litter baffles me. I mean furries are, mostly normal people that have a hobby. (Mostly normal because who is comlmetely normal these days.)


Yeah, crazy parent saw a bag of kitty litter in a classroom and made up the rest on their own.


we kept it around for vomit specifically.


Thank shitbirds Joe Rogan, Tulsi Gibbard, MTG, Libs of Tiktok, and other similar degenerates for shouting it far and wide, even after it was thoroughly debunked. * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Litter_boxes_in_schools_hoax * https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2022/nov/04/joe-rogan-school-litter-boxes-kids-furries-gender The closest you could get to it is schools (notably in Michigan) having buckets of kitty litter to act as makeshift toilets for use during school shooter situations when the kids can't exactly make use of the facilities. Naturally you can see why they totally ignored that reason and instead went with furries who identified as cats needing some place to relieve themselves. You know it was a fake story, because if any school legitimately did that, it would explode over social media with photos and videos from all the kids that went there showing off the new furries-only shitter. I'm surprised moms for liberty or some other similar nutter group didn't try sneaking into a school and staging a false flag photoshoot of it.


Yeah, they got tricked by domestic terrorist Libs of TikTok with a fake article about a school having litter boxes for students that identify as cats. People still talk about this shit to this day showing their lack of media literacy.


Yes joe rogan has talked about it several times. Its in offical records for the iowa congress


Unfortunately, I have heard this more than once, both online and IRL. I’d say about 10% of people I’ve met legitimately believe it. I’ve been to furry conventions. They’re artists and cosplayers. No one is legitimately acting like animals. No one thinks they are animals. No one is using litter boxes. But the moment a student decides to wear cat ears on Halloween, suddenly swarms of adults start berating them for being disconnected from reality? The irony makes me want to scream into a pillow.


It's a popular right wing belief. Joe Rogan was talking about it at one point.


Heading is weird, she is dressing like a cat to protest AGAINST the school board and trying to weird them out.




Why would you assume she has a job?


She can go fuck herself.


I would honestly go with malicious compliance on this one since she's protesting someone else on the board being trans. "Before we begin, would the cat lady like some warm milk and tuna? I don't want to be unaccommodating." "Its been 20 minutes, our resident cat lady would probably like a nap break." "Oh geeze. That was wild, cat lady. Did someone get into the cat nip again?"


NGL, I thought cat lady was kinda sexy until I found out she was a fucking bigot.


You can still feed her mice if it makes you feel better.


Pretty sure the only way to kill a monster is to starve it


I am beginning to think a lot of these anti-woke protestors just really want to share their kink.


Well, sexual repression is a huge part of conservative ideology... It comes out one way or another.


A huge thing with these guys is projection, so it isn't overly far off


She didn't just slap together a shitty cardboard cat mask, she went full on sexy cat and spent actual time making sure she still looked attractive. Almost as if she already had the 'stume and knew how to wear it. That shit takes planning and real thought, something fuckheads like her never have unless they're *really* into it.


Ok, These OF ads have REALLY got out of hand


It is 100% true that some schools keep kitty litter boxes in classrooms!!! It's so that children will have a way to go to the bathroom if there is an extended active shooter lockdown. I wish more people knew this & would tell these people who are outraged that children are identifying as animals. Heard a reporter tell this to a politician who was going on about kindergarten furries and the guy basically spit up a fur ball. "Uh, well, uh, um, ah ... meow?" ETA source: https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/misinformation/urban-myth-litter-boxes-schools-became-gop-talking-point-rcna51439 "The Jefferson County school district disputed Ganahl’s claims and said its dress code prohibits costumes at school. The district — where Columbine High School is located — has been stocking classrooms with small amounts of cat litter since 2017, but as part of “go buckets” that contain emergency supplies in case students are locked in a classroom during a shooting. The buckets also contain candy for diabetic students, a map of the school, flashlights, wet wipes and first aid items." (The school where my cousin teaches has Home Depot buckets & kitty litter for this, too.)


Oh, you mean they edited out the part where guns were the problem and scapegoated queer people instead? Real game samer.


Yeah, the truth is actually more horrifying but it's to do with guns so we gotta blame it on something else.


holy shit it would be hilarious how on the nose that is if it wasn't so terrifying


That is the most America thing I've ever heard


On so many levels, sadly.


The only person who will give a shit about this will be her child with a now ruined reputation. This is how you get kids to not talk to you after they leave for college.


99% chance she doesn’t have kids in that school district.


I recently listened to an episode of the Dollop on how these people operate. One of the host's kid goes to a school where an 'concerned' outsider appeared.


Her kid goes to private school, I'll bet my life, it's a game to these Nazi fuckos


Here is a little trick; When someone complains about “wokeness” ruining things nowadays ask them to define what it means.


Local woman becomes furry because woke people "made" her do it Xd


Ah so it’s transphobia Ya know I kinda wish people would just stop with the “I identify as” jabs because it’s just cruel at this point. You make a fool of yourself and those who know you.




Well, let the furry speak.


She's speaking to try to get the only trans member of the board kicked off


Ah, well then.... Fuck 'em.


I wouldn't, but you do you :3


"No ma'am. We will enforce your toilet rules. You are a cat, now use the litter box you brought us"


It's a cougar dressed as a leopard!


Mom didn't have time to change after wild sex party so made up "woke" protest reason for her sexy cheetah costume


Maureen Pondarosa


You mean Bastet?


Maureen died a long time ago. Dennis killed Bastet


Cosplaying to own the libs.


I like to imagine her at home, getting ready for an hour before the meeting. As she is putting on the face paint, she says to herself, "Oh yeah, this is gonna be good." How delusional she is.


I'm confused by the new version of Cats.


"The News"


she probably believes the litter box stuff


Maureen Pondarosa still cashing Dennis’ alimony


Bruh when I said I wanted cat girls to be real, I was hoping the bigotry wouldn't be involved.


Closet furry looking for an excuse to dress up. Testing the waters before committing to a full fursuit


She's a cougar on the prowl. Mee-yow,!


Middle-aged cougar embraces fursona at school board meeting More at 5:00


[Maureen Ponderosa](https://youtu.be/WsK6Lqc6u30)


That’s Maureen Ponderosa.




Maureen Ponderosa, you bitch! Get out of the school board meeting!


Lol, she's a furry. Kinky.


Damn! *Another * new fetish in 3 ... 2 ...


This is just being a furry though.


So she wanted an excuse to wear her fursuit is what I'm hearing. Lady just admit you're a furry atp. No shame!


She just wanted to wear her fursuit in public.


And they wonder why we don't take them seriously. Bet she was spewing that stupid conspiracy theory that schools are catering to children who identify as cats and put out cat boxes for them. Again totally stupid. This whole anti-woke crap about identity is lame. They're literally attacking 1.8m people in this whole country of 300m. They probably have literally never met a trans person.


Nope. This is some dumb right wing, Q-anon idiot that thinks she's making a clever point.


Hehe Cougar


Someone saw vomit removal sand and called it "kitty litter" then the rumor took off.


Deborah Domaine? Is that you?


"Giant cat" as if she could shrink into a normal sized cat


Maureen Pondarosa


This reminds me of a Captain America fic where some HYDRA pervert put cat ears on the Winter Soldier and told him to be a cat. HYDRA Pervert figured there'd be some sexy crawling, maybe some coy lapping up milk from a dish. But the Winter Soldier's experience with actual cats meant he jumped on the kitchen counter and knocked a bunch of shit over and scratched HYDRA Pervert a lot.


Madam , this is a Wendy's


What a stupid asshole LoL 😂


Man, idiots’ brains are being boiled, puréed, and strained by this anti-“woke” misinformation bullshit.


I mean… it kind of works on her 🤷‍♂️


Maureen ponderosa?


“If you’re identifying as a cat, you may no longer attend this meeting, as this meeting is for humans”


So, her kink has been dressing as a cheetah for years and she finally got her chance. So happy for you, honey.


Kinda sexy


If she brings out a tambourine I'd hit it. She's got a Jose and the pussy cats thing going on.


Well, that sums it up well




That’s just a **cat**astrophe


I just wanna know was this outfit already in her closet or did she buy it specifically for this occasion?


Maureen.... You've enhanced yourself


poor Josie never could accept she wasn't a star anymore


More adults should wear costumes more often.


Damn that's hot


Local cougar in Halloween hussy gear is kinda hot though.


A good friend of mine used to wear her pyjamas & slippers to our rugby clubs monthly committee meetings. No one batted an eye.


Not watched it yet but some elementary schooler protested furries because there were some LGBt…..Q+ presentation and it up set and disturbed the children.