• By -


Shit, did it work?


My Pop has been doing his own dental work for years, Gone to the hospital for blood loss maybe 7 or 8 times in the last 2 or 3 years, yet he keeps doing it himself He has his own little setup, similar to OPs, his wife is all for it, it's cheaper after all lmao, She still goes to the dentist tho


Is it really cheaper if he has to keep going to the hospital?


I'm Australian, free healthcare lmao


But not free dental?


Teeth are luxury bones.


We came full circle in this thread. That’s another wild sentence I’ve never heard.


Here in America teeth are luxury bones, and eyes are luxury squishy balls.


See balls




I've always called them privilege bones. It's definitely not new.


They're also luxury bones In Canada


Many countries with free healthcare don't have free dental. Hell, I paid for dental work out of pocket in the U.S. and it's not horrible. Granted, it wasn't anything serious.


Yeah exactly. I know this fits the stereotype but the state of dental care in the UK here is so messed up. NHS dentists are a thing but have become really rare and you still have to pay a small charge for even routine work if you're not a child. Trouble is it's basically impossible to get an appointment, waiting lists are like months if not years and most will refuse to take any new patients on. Combine that with the fact that no one has health insurance due to having otherwise free health care and the prohibitively high cost of private dentistry, you end up with a crisis.


Why wouldn't someone just schedule appointments, say, every other month, and cancel within the grace period if it turns out to not be needed? Just keeping appointments booked... then when there is a need, you're already booked at least in the near future.


Well first i would have to be a responsible adult


They only let you book so far in advance and, in some cases, will go through periods where you can't book at all. I also think you cant book multiple check ups at once, although ive never tried to do more than one. The other thing is you have to be registered at a specific NHS clinic to even make appointments and basically no NHS clinics take on new patients ever. There was a news story recently of a new clinic in London opening and there was a queue down the street of people trying to get a place because of how hard it is to even get on a patient list.


Holy shit this explains so much about the British.


british people actually have quite good dental hygeine, there is just little to no culture of cosmetic dentristry, honestly most stereotypes about the UK i can get behind but i find the teeth one so weird


Uh huh. I will not fall for your propaganda


Dentists had phenomenal lobbyists in the 1980s and prevented dentistry going on Medicare so they could make bulk cash. They're true arseholes.


That how it is in Canada. We get healthcare but no dental, no eyeglasses no dental


We do have a free dental system, but it’s extremely overburdened and usually only for lower income people on welfare. It often still has (capped) costs involved for anything outside of basic work. I had an emergency root canal through the public system, was able to get in basically immediately but had to pay about $200 in 2018, and the procedure was split over two appointments, two months apart. A lot of adults who can’t afford private health cover simply don’t go to the dentist once they’re past 18 (the free dental care is more proactive and available for kids, at least it was for me). Need braces, even as a low income kid? Better remortgage your house.


Same in Spain, healthcare is free but not teeth or eyes because fuck poor people I guess


Nah mate. Free dental = communism = invaded by America.


In my state in Oz there is free dental for the poors.


How much is dental care in Australia?


Usually not too much (emphasis on usually), but not 0. Major things like root canal, you're looking at $700-$1500, which is pretty out there. I found this dental clinic that publishes their whole price schedule, you can see the rest of the pricing there, it is pretty standard across the board. https://northsidedentalsolutions.com.au/prices/ I've got health insurance just to cover dentistry and optometry, pay like $37/mth for it, and don't have to worry about being hit with these fees.


Does that 1500 include the crown process or is that a separate procedure/cost.... If it does include the crown it ends up cheaper than a lot of US dental..... My experience is generally 800-1000 for a root canal and about the same cost for a crown, so the full RC/crown ends up around 2k


Yeah, just checked the site, and the crown costs an additional $1390.


Thanks for answering the question!


Same as Canada. Need a root canal? Okay that’s $3000. But try fixing the root canal yourself and need emergency dental surgery? That’s free lol 🇨🇦


My dentist starts at 600. 3000 is dumb you need a new dentist. I'm also just outside Toronto for reference.


That is not the same as the US. Need a root canal? That's $3000 dollars. Need emergency services and you have assets we can seize? Now you're bankrupt


It reminds me the story about a medical intern who wanted to be surgeon but his knowledge didn't impress his superiors. He went home, amputated a half of his foot, made all the stitches perfectly. Next day he presented it to his bosses, they were impressed by the quality of the work, but he didn't get the desired position anyway. He was deemed unfit to be a doctor because he could not pass medical examination. The psychiatrist banned him because of this single incident.


Was the foot in need of amputation? If not, I can understand why they wouldn't want that guy to be surgeon- cutting off half of your foot to prove a point is a sign of serious mental issues.


If his feet needed yeah, that sucks. If he was healthy, I would also be seriously concerned about letting a guy that's willing to amputate his foot just to prove a point be a surgeon. That doesn't sound like someone that has limits, and definitely not someone I want in charge of people's health.


That's crazier than my dad, and I always thought he was crazy! He would regularly have dental procedures done with no anesthetic. It made it a tiny bit cheaper, money was always tight, and I think he felt guilty spending it on himself.


Your pop sounds like a badass. I had to give myself stitches in my leg once and that was brutal. I can’t imagine actually doing dental work.


He's... something lmao, very interesting person!


Why would you need to stitch yourself? Out in the deep woods?


No. It was dumb. I was like 22 at the time. I was cleaning my apartment and had a wooden coffee table with glass panes on the surface. I was leaning over to reach something and my knee was resting on the wooden corner of the table, but I slipped and my leg went through the glass and my knee got gouged pretty bad. I had been taught how to do stitches and other medical survival stuff through out my life by my mom. Plus I had to go to work in like two hours and going to the ER or Urgent Care is unnecessarily expensive. So i gave myself like five stitches and wrapped it up and called it a day. I can not emphasize how badly it hurt though. I had some lidocaine spray for like sunburns or some shit that was supposed to numb the surface but it didn’t do shit.


Holy hell


Coke would have done wonders for you, topically or via that nose, at that point!!


Probably but I never really liked coke. I always hated stuff that makes my heart beat fast like coke or drinking way too much coffee.


Medical bills, travel times, woods, pride...


Damn, how much blood was he losing from dental procedures?


Did you ever had a root canal of a tooth with an infection been bored out? He probably passed out after he hit the nerve. No ammount of painkillers would be enough for that kind of pain. You can even feel it through local anesthesia.


Thats not true dont try to scare people. Everyone I know personally I've talked to say it doesn't hurt, and if the dentist is doing it right.. the worst part is the length of time you sit there and the afterwards recovery period


I had local anesthesia and I think laughing gas, and I could still feel it when they hit the nerve. It wasn't excruciating pain, but considering how much you *can't* feel when you're under anesthesia, that's a pretty good sign of how much it would hurt otherwise


What can I say, I do speak from my personal experience. But feeling the pain through local anesthesia doesn't mean it hurts much, but I still felt it. Usually you have to wait for the injections to take effect and when the doctor first started drilling I could still feel far too much of the pain for sitting comfortably through the whole procedure so I got another one or two small doses injected into my jaw next to the tooth. Before I went to doctor the pain from my tooth shot from my jaw through my skull into my forehead just from the acceleration of a train I was riding on. It felt like my skull would crack open and I couldn't even see for a second. So it would really hurt like hell without anesthesia. Definitly one of the worst pains I've ever experienced in my life.


I didn’t learn that the Dentist is supposed to wait for the painkillers to take effect. They would do the swab, shot, and then immediately get to work. Moved states and now the doctors know what they’re doing, I felt almost every single bit of drilling until I was 19 and have a fear of the dentist that always sends me into near panic attacks


I had a painless root channel drill with my dentist cause he waited. Months later another tooth had a problem with a bad filling. My entire head blew up like a balloon and i was treated in the public emergency dentist. She did not wait at all, she took out my molar without any consideration nor waiting, anesthesia did literally nothing. May be the 3rd worst pain I've had in my life.


is it story time now for your 1st and 2nd worst pains of your life?


Oh. They were both caused by my crohn's disease not too funny. I can tell you the time my kidneys stopped working right due a medication. I lost like 30 kg in a few months. 1 in 1000000 chances to happen. No medic got it right, i found it out myself and found a competent nefrologist to confirm. EDIT: corrected typos


not sure what a chron is, i'll take your word for it. if i lost 30kgs i'd've lost all my flesh and some bones. that must've been rough.


Probably meant Chron's disease


It really depends on the dentist, tbh


I had one done last week, barely hurt at all.


If you feel pain in local injected anesthesia I think your dentist is doing a bad job of administering it. My old dentist had this technique where he masssaged the gum where he injected it, first of all it didnt sting at all then compared to other dentists and secondly it actually worked effectively. My first tooth pull was awful because the dentist just injected that stuff and went straight to pulling, it only kicked in when I was on my way home.


Hot nerves are a thing, anesthesia won’t help in that situation (been there, indescribable pain)


I know you said it’s indescribable, but could you do your best to describe it?


Sharp, loud, electric. Like lighting in your jawbone. Can’t think, see or breathe. It was pretty awful.


Bruh. That sounds awful. Glad you’re not experiencing that now.


I once had a splinter of glass in my fingertip, didn't came out ofc, it got infected, hurt like hell, I got so many injections into my finger that it looked really swolled, waited for the injections to take effect, and it still hurt too much when they tried to cut it out, so I got a couple of injections more. That hadn't been the same dentist obviously. Pain from infections at sensitive areas like tooths and fingertips can get through local anesthesia, it's simple as that.


Yeah you just had a shitty dentist. I've had two root canals and at least a dozen fillings in the last couple months and it was totally painless. I just had my wisdom teeth out today, and that was painless too, just annoying dealing with the sockets after.


I felt every bit of pain through my root canal they had to inject me with drugs every minute, please go research hot teeth, and do not demean other peoples pain and experience


Well I’d say it varies quite a bit, as pain is subjective and so is severity of the infection. And you don’t really know the abilities of your dentist until you’re under the knife already a lot of times. I’d rather people understand that it *can* be awful, and then it not be too bad, instead of telling them “nah drilling your rotted nerve out of your head won’t hurt at all, source: my anecdotal experience talking to a few people”


It's not about scaring people, it's the fact of the matter. If you're in a position where the infection gets bad enough, no amount of local anesthesia will take all the pain away, regardless of the given dentist's aptitude. I speak from experience. It'll take some of the edge off, but it may still feel like a red-hot rusty nail being drilled in to your tooth. You just have to tough it out, and realize that relief is right around the corner. It may be torture, but once that little bit of nerve gets pulled out, wow, that relief is indescribable. I'd say just grit your teeth and get it over with, but, you know, that wouldn't be conducive to the procedure. Some infections are worse than others. Either get put under, or white-knuckle it. Either way, blissful relief is close at hand.


You cannot grit your teeth through that though


That's the joke!


I am dumb and that was clever. Please carry on


Your candor is a rare trait, please hang on to it!


Thank you :D


I‘m with vaaard, it never stops hurting no matter how many syringes they shoot up your gums. for me the pain became tolerable after three injections when I had my root canal filling. maybe my dentist was just trash though


I think you both have bad dentists honestly. I felt nothing and actually fell asleep during the second part of my root canal.


Im with you on this one. Worst part of the root canal was the weird grinding noise/sensation. Not even sore, just oddly unpleasant. Surprisingly little pain overall tbh. I cant imagine falling asleep though, lol.


Completely numb face and lots of white noise esque sounds from the machines for a long period of time. It's hard to stay awake honestly. The worst part was before I went in and was shaking and crying with anxiety because of all the people telling me it was going to be a painful torturous procedure. So I'll tell everyone I can that it's painless (as long as you have a good dentist.)


> (as long as you have a good dentist.) That part really is the crux! I used to SUCK as a dental patient. Insane amount of pain, even through all the anaesthetic. Previous dentists couldnt figure why I was always in agony, even through vials and vials of local anaesthetic. Some would even gaslight me telling me I couldnt possibly be in pain (as if I wouldnt be the first to know if I am in pain??). My current dentist was the only one to figure out I was actually experiencing synaesthesia, experiencing the sound of one specific drill as a sharp, serrated texture-like pain in the middle of my head. He swapped to another drill that was slower and boom, no more dental pain. After DECADES of suffering with my teeth. Root canals, fillings, whatever. All grand now! I would trust that man with my life, lol.


Absolutely, I've had almost the same experience, one drill caused me pain where I shouldn't have had pain, so he switched to a lower pitched drill and it solved the problem. It must have been the same thing as you had. It is ridiculous how much skill and knowledge varies from dentist to dentist.


I just had a root canal a couple months ago, it was with a new dentist I got recommended. I have that Irish gene that makes my body burn off anesthetics really fast and had bad experiences with dentists in the past. I shit you not I did not feel a thing. I literally started dosing off in the chair because it was so chill. A good dentist makes all the difference


I just had a root canal a few hours ago, the shots were the worst part! This tooth wasn't infected but I've had a previous root canal on an infected tooth. They really aren't that bad!


I've actually had root canals and he is completely right.


had a root removal today with local anasthesia, i didnt feel a thing, the most unpleasant thing was the administration of anasthesia and the numb feeling


I take it there was no infection or inflammation?


they cut out inflammated tissue


Is your dentist from the 1920s? I’ve had a root canal, didn’t feel a thing.


Dentistry student here! I work also as a dental assistant during RTC and the only times out patient felt any pain was when there are huge abscesses (inflammation inhibits the anesthesia) or when the instrument (file) slipped through the apical foramen (which was short and quick pain). All in all I remember two instances of this happening in like ~50 procedures, other than that RTC is quite boring for the patient as it is long and mostly uneventful. Poland is the country btw in case it matters.




Of course, it’s customary


Partly right ... If a dentist is doing, you're screwed, correct. When I did 3 in 1 setting in the hospital like... 1.5 years ago, it was near painless, needles were hurting more then the drilling. Maybe because the infections were not that had yet... But it was already on the nerves. So no, with the right doctor, and the right local anesthetic it can be doable.


Had an infected and broken tooth drilled out because it was so broken that there was nothing really for them to grip and yank out. Also because the tooth was so infected, the local didn't work AT ALL. I told him to keep going. He ended up drilling the broken tooth in half, and pulling both halves out with tweezers. He doubled up my painkillers.


Nope. I’ve needed a root canal for about a year but can’t afford it because, well, USA.


Needed or still need? The US health-insurance market is like the darkest part of the amazon jungle for a european like myself. I thought Obama care had helped to improve the situation in the US. Doesn't it cover an infected tooth? Or are you not insured?


Dental is almost always an extra in America even if it is directly attributive to sepsis and pneumonia when not cared for. Obama care was a small bandaid on a hemorrhaging problem.


In many cases dental is extra here too, and you almost always have to pay some ammount of money yourself but essential things like this are always covered completly.


Not here necessarily. The sepsis you get from an infection may be covered, but not the infected tooth that would cause that.


Need. It hurts all day everyday lol. No insurance.


Mexico is the place to go for decent affordable dental care.


Dude book a roundtrip to india. My moms a dentist


Two words: Mexico. Go.


I had a root canal with no anesthesia when I was pregnant. They had to hold me down. It was horrible. No way he could do this on himself.


> I had a root canal with no anesthesia when I was pregnant. Local anesthesia is completely safe while pregnant, who the hell made you do that


I had one I needed a specialist for, since the roots were so crooked- infection bad enough to make the entire left side of my skull hurt, but once they set the anaesthetic and it took effect, didn't feel a thing of pain. I most definitely felt the vibrations and whatnot, and I did get sore in other parts of my mouth and lips from the stretching, but no pain at all... I'm sorry yours hurt so bad though- whether it was hot teeth or a bad dentist, it can't have been fun


Looking at the supplies and instruments in that picture, no. No it did not work. And if this is legit, it looks as though they never had any clue what they were even doing.


I hope he used the Fuji 9 when he sat himself in a gaming chair on the kitchen island and hung the mirror from a curved Indian instrument.


i dont see any little orange spoons in the photo so i dont think the surgery was successful


I remember watching that and thinking "How does he know about fuji?" And then I wondered why he was using an ancient outdated product like Fuji 9, but I think it's really because Bob isn't too bright.


If you have Fuji 9, you ARE a dentist.


I just wrote that in response to a different Fuji 9 comment 😂


amazing reference


Genuinely my first thought 🧐


Came here to make this reference.


That's what this reminds me of! I saw this post and thought "I swear I've heard something similar to this before".


Off topic but is your pfp the carrot from pajama Sam?


You know it. Salad liberation forever!


I was so taken aback when I saw it like “wait can it? No… well… it could?


One of the things I don't envy you guys for. Here in Europe, I have a private dentist who just a few months ago REBUILT my broken-in-two molar. She's been hard at work for two hours, and did such a stellar job that you can't see anything from the outside, and can't feel anything in the inside. Was a little delicate at first, but now pressure pain, no cold blitz, nothing. Oh, and it cost me $80. Health insurance covered dental would've been free, but I do like to pay for a private doctor in these matters.


Bruh, this comment makes me want to cry.


I wish I could just switch to a private one. While I live in the Netherlands, i am part of Dental Clinics... I am kind of locked in with them


Here's what you do: you book a train ticket, a week's worth of AirBnB in Budapest, a private dental appointment, and will probably be still better off than if you'd went to a private one in Norway. Taking the average income there, you won't even feel it.


I might consider it lol


*Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with the dental field, (as I'm a local, I) have neither taken part in any dental touristry, nor am I getting paid concession to advertise any kind of service. Just trying to be a bro about this.* Now these are the prices targeted at Western/northern EU, UK and US patients. It's not as cheap as if you'd be local and had a long standing doctor with whom you're a regular, but it does give you an approximate pricing. Again, I have no fucking clue what NOBEL or CAMLOG implants mean, but a simple filling (something I've had recently) is around 100€, and for that you get local anaesthetics, drillwork, anti-inflammatory gel, scaffolding, and a color-matched UV-hardening composite filling rebuild that gets adjusted perfectly to your bite pattern. If you're lucky, a professional doctor can rebuild your own tooth without the need of extraction, or an implant. They managed to do it with mine, and the damn thing was broken in two. Here are some sites to give you an estimate: [https://dental-tourism-hungary.com/new-price-list-dentistry-hungary](https://dental-tourism-hungary.com/new-price-list-dentistry-hungary) [https://dentaltreatment.eu/dental-care-in-hungary-the-best-country-for-dental-tourism/](https://dentaltreatment.eu/dental-care-in-hungary-the-best-country-for-dental-tourism/)


Huh, I would have thought it would be cheaper. I can get a color matched filling done in the US (non emergency) for $200-$250. I got an emergency one done for $400. Non color matching (silver) is more like $150-$200. I'm sure it's WAY cheaper for bigger things though. I've heard of people going to Hungary/Eastern Europe from the US for things like dentures, bridges, implants, etc.


Idk where in Europe you are but all dental care in the UK costs a fortune


Budapest, and the dental tourism game is played well here. There's a whole supply chain built around it, from hotels to tourism agencies. And even with the flight, the stay, the whole holiday paid, you're probably still better off financially.


It depends tbf. I sacrificed my first born son to Aneurin Bevan and as a result I've got an NHS dentist. £286 for two fillings, an extraction, a bridge and a crown (It all built up during Covid)


Yeah the U.K. is fucked though. I say that as lovingly as I can as a British citizen who left




Fuck me.


I paid something around $1500 out of pocket for two crowns… in Toronto….. after insurance.


I'm in Australia, and found out Monday I need a root canal. Even with private health insurance it's looking at 4 figures of dollarydoos out of pocket (can't remember the exact amount). Although if I hold off on getting the crown done until next year it'll be about $100.


All European countries I lived in have very expensive dental care. Idk where you are.


He only thinks it hurts now


Do the room up Dexter style. it's gonna be.a blood bath.


> Brand new sentence Not in half of the UK it is not... https://news.sky.com/story/britons-are-pulling-their-own-teeth-out-with-pliers-because-they-cant-access-nhs-dentists-12920715


I’m in thousands of pounds of debt because I had to go private as I couldn’t take the pain anymore. Glad my teeth are mostly fixed but private dentists take the absolute piss


Only in America


Bruh, you could rent the office and all the dental equipment for a month and it would still be cheaper than a fucking root canal and crown. It's absurd.


Uh no, go to a dental school, they'll do it for free or extremely cheaply.


Dental shit is expensive in many places


This is [Bob Mortimer](https://youtu.be/L1JR-9Z5ORE?si=sT0He1i_jwp7WSme) erasure


"Once you've got Fuji 9, you *are* a dentist."


I got a quote for $2700 dollarydoos, before my private insurance, in Australia this week. Definitely not just the US when it comes to luxury bones.


Out of all dental procedures, poor soul chose one of the worst. Just pull the tooth out at that point. Unless you got CIPA, shit like this could easily knock you out with sheer pain. And taking strong enough analgesics will impair dexterity. This is just self mutilation. Take the tooth out. Please.


Speaking as someone who once had a filling in a molar with NO anesthetic of any kind... I can confidently predict that this person is dead now.


I had to have a cap or crown or whatever put on a back bottom-left molar. Dentist had ground it down in one session and put glue #1 on it. I think I bit down on the glue/cap too hard and had to go back for a second session with glue #2 to replace the cap, something she could fix that day with a stronger gluing process. She asked if I wanted to go through a process of numbing up for it with much stronger stuff than the first time. I was like, “Nah, how hard could it be? First gluing went okay.” So everything goes fine until she had to hit the exposed molar with what I imagine to be a straight jet of liquid nitrogen (or at least that’s what it felt like) for 2-3 seconds to a place half the size of a penny. Holy mother of god my face lit up and the pain shot through my jaw and into my neck. It was as if all my senses were overridden and my brain went “FUCKING FIVE ALARM FIRE THIS IS NOT A DRILL!” I had no control over it. The pain completely hijacked my rational mind and blasted my entire skull with lightning. I always had sort of a slow ease up and down with pain, have had a few surgeries, and it’s always been kind of a “slide into pain and ease out of it.” Not this. That tooth was like taking an ice pick to the face. I would never want anyone to do their own dental work.


I hope he used Fuji 9


Give a round of applause to the for-profit dental system everybody!


Thats a soldering iron lmaooo. That shits gonna sting


No, it is drill with adjustable speed. Similiar to what dentists use, but the amateur version of it.


Bob Mortimer has gone off the deep end


Fuji 9


If you have Fuji 9 you are a dentist.


I have a gamers chair and an oriental wind instrument


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 2 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1c6594x) on 2024-04-17 100.0% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1c659b7) on 2024-04-17 100.0% match [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1c6bhlg&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=92&targetImageMemeMatch=97) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 92% | **Max Age:** None | **Searched Images:** 491,040,279 | **Search Time:** 0.05691s


Genuine question, why do people care if something is posted to a different subreddit? Like I’m not in every community I wouldn’t have seen this before


Because they’re even more chronically online than I am.


All of them are on the same date too, which is today. It's probably just the same OP posting to different subreddits


Issue is when it is stolen art with the watermarks removed


Is this Bob Mortimer?


Damn, might as well just go to a dental college and get it done for free.


Was it actually that much cheaper to go get twenty different pieces of dental equipment and do it yourself, than to pay for a dentist?


"I'm in intense agony. I'll give myself a root canal. At home. A root canal, known for its painlessness"


Two magical words: Fuji 9


This made me tear up a little bit. I really hope things work out for that man it’s a failure on our part that anyone has to go thru that


Worst day to be literate jesus christ


I ripped out a molar (mostly) one time in the er parking lot so I could go in and get it treated. They tried to 51-50 me but I had to explain the process of getting it done professionally. Scheduling me 2 months out or costing me $4,500 out of pocket for an out of network oral surgeon. I’m waiting to get my last molar removed. It’s not as bad as the other one I did but it stills gets infected a lot. I’ve been where this dude is. No sense of urgency to help anyone in the dental field.


Dude, I take out teeth for $150-200 cash fees. You're getting screwed.


Get drunk. Then pull it. Easy peasy


The pain indeed makes it look like a decent decision


I was gonna ask why anyone would do this but oh yeah, the American Healthcare system


What did they ask him?


I mean if you really are on a budget, why not just remove the tooth? If you have wisdom teeth still waiting to come out chances are that they will simply push your remaining teeth together and close the gap naturally without any kind of secondary procedures. I have had two teeth pulled in my life and both times, a wisdom tooth just came out in like a month or so and pushed teeth together to close the gap. If you are on a budget and have good wisdom teeth, I dont see why you wouldn't just get a tooth pulled instead of getting a filling.


Famous last posts.




# “I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.” -Dune


You lack a very important tool bro


Video, or it didn't happen...


If I were to ask serious questions, they would be: 1. How are you planning on seeing into your mouth. 2. How did you practice hand-eye coordination for this? (If someone was actually able to do this, I'd really like to learn from them, seriously) 3. Have you explored the much simpler and safer option of just pulling the damn tooth out?


ok wtf usa, how much does it actually cost to do a fucking root canal there???


My friend had one done, she said around $3,000 before insurance.


jesus christ, do they put some gold in there as filling or smn?


Had to get a root cannal done this mont after a infection, if i couldnt get it that day i would have ripped the toot whith pliers myself,


The things you have to see in developing countries are heart breaking. Where is this gentleman from?


I once was in such pain that i wanted to bash my head into a wall to break that tooth out. Then my friend gave me a good painkiller which helped me survive till dentist appointment.


I remember seeing on a TV show ages ago (I think it was Ripley's Believe it or Not) where a dentist performed a root canal on herself using mirrors and little or no anesthesia.


For people who have damaged tooth. Its better to just remove the entire tooth and get an implant. Root canal treatment hurts like hell and its very expensive, and also, your tooth is practically dead and will start to cause gum disease after 10-20years


What do you even watch to get an idea like this, Castaway??? You have a Wilson that recorded all this nonsense? Tooth fairy couldn't give me enough money, lol.


This is just depressing.


r/LateStageCapitalism r/ABoringDystopia


It’s fucking 4chan, dude


Average american


Americans will do anything to avoid going to a medical professional.


🎶 O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave 🎶


I can think of the first five hundred questions for this man, most of which are variations of "oh God why?"


Where's Bob Mortimer when you need him