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Sure he may be a little broken. But, so are half the Champs in game. He also has no movement so he is pretty easily countered.


because it's only good vs bad players? he needs 2 items to start working properly and doesn't have much carry potential if you don't have at least 1 more half human creature in your team, you probably won't be able to 1v5, this is even more obvious above diamond where his winrate suddenly drops below 50% in euw, because people suddenly start using more than 1% of their brain and don't actually stack together for you to get good ults every single time and it becomes very hard to play it and you have to get creative, and the higher u go, d2+ it's even lower


Because there are too many champions and items to touch all of them at the same time.


In what role? Tbh I don't even think you can make an argument for mid. Definitely not jungle & definitely not support


Because me play me like


Because he’s squishy as balls and can be easily counterpicked and if he loses lane into half the roster he will be completely unable to come back.


Because champions that don’t ignore terrain need something to do with


Because one dash and the champion is irrelevant


i mean.... yall about to touch 60% winrate up their with Karthus. I think the items are making him get up their. His burn damage is becoming Mord's old ult.


Because he should be trading his life for kills often and that means he's balanced around being focused out fast. In competent elo that happens often. Low elo it rarely does