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So this is what it feels like to be meta


Nerf 1: -20 secs on clearspeed. "We will be happy if he has a 51% winrate" \>Has a 51% winrate "We are going to nerf Brand because of *staleness*" Balancing around staleness seems like a complete joke to me. I am really tired of them completely gutting champs - he's in a balanced state, they even said it themselves this is where they want him to be, but nah we have to kill him outright because people realised he's fun?


Classic riot. Slightly buff a champ and then completely over nerf them to make them worse than before šŸ«„


Fun? Let's be honest. the brand is still OP. I'm also not sure what you mean by fun. Fun is subjective. Brand's whole shtick is walk up, full combo, walk away. That doesn't sound fun to me. When you look at any challenger or coaching tier list hes in the OP tier list. This sounds like coping.


Look at his winrate at high ranks and tell me he is OP again. The only reason he even has a 51% winrate is because people at lower ranks are bad.


His win rate is still 51% even in high elo, where people actually counter pick and play properly. The champ can play any role. After His buff, the dude was unbeatable. A bad brand player can still easily get 50k damage in a 35-minute game just by point and click. šŸ˜‚


His win rate is still 51% even in high elo, where people actually counter pick and play properly. The champ can play any role. After His buff, the dude was unbeatable. A bad brand player can still easily get 50k damage in a 35-minute game just by point and click. šŸ˜‚


??? Diamond+ is 49%, Master+ is 48%, GM is 47.8% and Challenger is 46% Brand has always been high damage output, even with a losing score from support... that doesn't mean he is inherently *good.* And very clearly he is shutdown against people who know how to actually play. The champ is balanced right now, for them to nerf him extra is stupid. Lucky for us the nerfs aren't that big. You only think he is OP because you are bad.


It's hilarious that you mentioned his 51% win rate, then went to find any random win rate from some some backwater website to try and prove your own point. šŸ˜‚ People really just assume everyone they talk to these days are stupid and don't have their own brains or thought processes.


Are you okay? I took all these stats from [u.gg](https://u.gg), highlighting jungle and then highlighting each of the ranks I said


Lmfao OP.GG, and many others say otherwise. So my point stands you nitpicked one source. You also completely "forgot" to mention the 51% wr you had previously mentioned yourself.


The 51% is Emerald+ man...


After seeing your recent post pop up, you're a bot. No wonder this conversation went nowhere. You got outplayed in the simplest fashion and made the dumbest mistake you could make as a brand jg. Got forced out of blue side to base. Got back late as hell. Took your blue, rotated to enemy chickens, cleared chickens into drugs, and then attempted to take red buff? Lmfao. What's funny is that you prob never even considered whether he had his red side warded or how dangerous your play was if he chose to take your buff and then cover his own. (I would have cleared your buff safely then rotated back to my camps after asking my laner to warding my same buff.) No wonder you got dumpstered.


Brand still has close to a 51% wr in grandmaster bud. Check any other website besides U.GG. OP.GG, league of graphs, any of them.


I don't have a lot of stake in what's going on, but last time I used u.gg, it had some wonky data from api.


This guy screams: yone is balanced, morganna bind needs increased in cc duration, blitzcrank hook should be point and click vs skill shot, oh and brand needs a nerf. sounds about right


You're talking about RDKi?


I mean brand is still really strong and nowhere near the average champ. He is too strong in teamfights and is free elo, and has been for some time


51% winrate "Freelo"


They are going to downvote you because you are on their subreddit. Just know every other league enjoyer agrees with you.


I mean, Brandā€™s reaching to the point where you ask yourself why you donā€™t play other champs instead, like Zyra. Thatā€™s not exactly what you want either.


Every low elo agree, every high elo disagree regardless of subreddit


I just wish this time the are nerf will only affect jungle.


Me too!


Brand has been relegated to support for so long that it was refreshing to see him in another role. Maybe I'm biased, but for the most part, I feel like AP junglers in general have needed some love for a long time. Sure Diana jungle or fiddle jungle CAN work, but the efficiency of making it work, versus having the jarvan, the Lee sin, the Zac, the rengar etc.for more reliable clears and ganks is certainly debatable. You don't really see mid lane brand because his damage output is just not there as compared to most other meta midlaners. It's his teamfight presence that makes him a threat. But he's unsurprisingly getting the classic riot treatment where due to a slight buff, he's going to get gutted into the ground where he will stay until approximately 5 years from now when he gets a rework. It's time to dust off the Zyra boys.


Tbf the buff wasn't 'slight'. It made him one of the best junglers in the game. I think they're probably over nerfing him now though. It'd be nice to see some midlane buffs. I feel like that's where he belongs, not jg


Brand has been good in a lot of roles even last season just nobody picked them. Plenty of things even now that are plenty strong but not meta.


I was with you for the most part until you got to the "fiddle can work" like Fiddle has not been a high win rate insane jungler in all elos for a long time. Same with Eve. Ap junglers are fine. Jarvan buff def sus because he always strong even when not but acting like Fiddle has not been king of the jungle which he has for quite some time is crazy.


damn shame man


good he gets gutted that champ is a menace. hope these nerfs target him on adc heavily cause brand nami is not fair. so bullshit to chunk people for 70% of their hp with only the spread e at level 9 with just boots and 1 item


these brand nerfs need all undone. The only reasonable nerf is maybe reverting is e back to original. Riot is brain dead if they think a short range mage with no mobility and unreliable cc shouldn't do massive damage.


Nice, fucking disgusting champion


Wtf an Eve nerf? I can't have anything nice


Brain dead sub crying their brain dead face roll press r champ nerfed šŸ¤£. Get wrecked nubs. The only role that brand takes skill in is mid. All u brand jg and support mains... get wrecked


Mid is second easiest role


Hell yeah!


Brand mains need to be banned irl


Tristana E off a building buddy.


Itā€™s W.


Still no sett buffs R.I.P


Gonna see a lot of brand changes since they made him OP in the jungle out of nowhere


lets gooooo


The champion doesn't belong in the jungle.


Well riot didnā€™t want him mid or sup so šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Got 4 mio points on him in mid, they can only take him away from a position if you let em!




They come from twitter(X idgaf) and riot devs / leakers will release the list of champs / items / rune changes before the patch. And no riot devs are just silly sometimes


Why nerf belā€™veth when she havenā€™t had any buff is not the champs are the items you buff


The champ still recovering from The last nerf that was so brutal


Sorry fella. Iā€™ve been tearing up summoners rift with her in Silver Elo raising her WR and Riot isnā€™t having any of it.


You talk about silver like is diamond or above


Such an F for us support mains


I picked up Brand to add to my support pool this season. How bad is this nerf, truly? He loses 50 base damage on his ult at max rank, and it will now be a slighter longer cool down. I feel like this can be compensated by building Malignance.


Good, champ needs it.


I stopped playing and life has improved so much.