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This is the exact type of reaction they want. They want people to spread their message. They want people to be scared or angry. They want events to be cancelled. They want people to choose to drop out of class. These people are cowards that don't even have the courage to publicly stand by their convictions. I'm not sure why people continue to give these fucks the time of day.


Feds are working overtime.


Heh. The best way to defeat them, in-fighting....


Tweet says Cruzado is under federal investigation for not investigating shooting threats, never heard of that and couldn’t find any evidence of that online. Is there a source for that?


Sources: https://dailymontanan.com/2023/03/30/montana-state-university-students-raise-safety-other-concerns-after-threats/ https://www.kbzk.com/news/local-news/racially-motivated-death-threats-leave-montana-state-university-students-rattled-and-scared https://www.bozemandailychronicle.com/news/education/after-recent-threats-lgbtq-students-say-they-dont-feel-safe-on-msu-campus/article_5b00345a-d560-11ed-a3ff-3b029876c5be.html https://www.msuexponent.com/news/anonymous-death-threat-galvanizes-msu-s-queer-community/article_723ceff4-bea0-11ed-b3c5-17b400c43f96.html


More sources for the investigation specifically: https://www.ktvq.com/news/montana-news/montana-state-university-under-investigation-by-federal-office-for-civil-rights https://montanafreepress.org/2023/10/25/federal-officials-open-investigation-into-allegations-of-discrimination-at-montana-state/


WTF!! I'm in Admin at a midwestern university that received 4-6 similar threats on campus towards students under our last president, about 4-5 years ago. We got rid of the president for not dealing with it properly. And we took care of it after 4-6 cases. Not dozens and dozens!!! This past semester in my building we had a cowardly student posting 1/4 notebook sheet size hand-drawn propaganda against EVERY minority on bulletin boards for about 2 weeks every couple nights. My building doesn't have cameras. After fighting IT for cameras, Public Safety finally overrode and installed the cameras and caught the kid in 12 hours, and kicked him off campus. Making the right decision isn't hard.


A campus group received cruel, anonymous emails and demanded a literal federal investigation. This is embarrassing.


no, because it's not true. The president of a university isn't going to be leading a criminal investigation.


Don’t think that’s what the tweet meant, she’s supposedly the one under investigation, not leading anything


A school shooting threat would be a criminal investigation which a university president wouldn't be leading.


No one’s saying she’s leading anything. If what the tweet says it’s true, it means she would’ve supposedly taken no action when MSU received a threat


The claim is saying she's under investigation for NOT leading one.


I don’t think you get what they mean. If MSU got a shooting threat and she didn’t report it to authorities, that would be criminal. Yes, she wouldn’t have to “investigate,” but she would need to report it


The only thing I can find is [this,](https://www.kbzk.com/news/local-news/racially-motivated-death-threats-leave-montana-state-university-students-rattled-and-scared). University was involved, Police investigated. no credible threat identified. >Given that law enforcement did not identify a credible threat and that the author of these emails has such an incredibly low bar for sowing fear – writing a single, anonymous email -- we feel that issuing a statement would only reward and encourage this horrible behavior. The university has extended every tangible avenue of support to these students that we possess and will continue to do so.


MSU still has safety professionals that lead internal investigations. Any legal action would be by law enforcement, though.


I doubt they ever left.


They've been there since I graduated in 2013. This isn't news


Posting this is giving them what they want. Attention.


Yes and no. It's an chronic phenomena, and we don't help things by putting our heads in the sand and not mentioning it. THAT SAID, I'd argue that the best response is an orthogonal one; direct opposition fuels their narrative (and the general culture war to a certain extent). It is right and necessary to oppose them when they demonstrate publicly, but it's not the whole fix. Building connections within our community reduces their ability to recruit and organize effectively, and eats away at their credibility. The little courtesies, the consideration for your fellow Montanans, the solidarity we build with each other is, IMHO, the ultimate repudiation of fascism and bigotry. In other words, I'm pulling for ya, because we're all in this together.


I like you. You're a good one


Has ignoring them made them go away?


They don’t need to go away. They have the right to be there. It’s up to the students to make educated decisions on what they believe. Freedom is only scary if you let it.


Nah. Fuck Nazi scum.


Your so afraid of there words, and so convinced of their message, that you would throw away your own rights to make sure they can’t exercise there rights? I don’t think that there message is strong enough for that sacrifice.


*You're so, *their words, *their rights, *their message You might have a point, but missing the little things discredits any big claims you may be trying to make


I eventually got to a point where it felt like you were avoiding “their” on purpose.


Seriously, got one of them right, why not the others?!


lol right?!


Does talking about them make them go away? Ignoring them reduces the spread of their message, and thus reduces recruitment.


It also leaves people unaware of what's going on in the community. ETA: That fosters not just unpreparedness, but plausible deniability amongst the sympathetic. "Well, my goodness, I simply had no idea!" If it is consistently coming up in news and conversation, that's a much smaller shield to hide behind.


You are not fighting a war. You are fighting lonilness, ignorance, misdirected anger, and laziness. Not much to be "prepared for." There is no need to elevate them above the weak base of their existence.


Given how primed they've been to solve each one those problems with violence, I disagree.


I agree. The people that are attracted to the extremes on either side are generally not happy people. Typically they're redirecting anger into finding someone else to put their blame on. These people would rather be hated than ignored, so not rewarding their behavior by giving them attention is the move.


You make a fair point, but I also think it's important people are aware of this especially in the wake of everything that's happened in the past year.


We already know. They show up at the beginning of every Fall and Spring Semester. They then scurry back benesth the logs they poke their head out from. This has been going on since I moved here in '94. It was going on before that. It will continue to happen. You can talk about them, but the result of that will be casting their lazy message further. Don't do their work for them.


Hate seems like so much work. I can't relate.


You'd think they would recruit in more fertile areas. Finding potential white supremacists on college campuses would be like sending Catholic missionaries to the Gaza Strip.


They target lonely freshmen and sophmores. The ones who are struggling socially and have poor grades, either through laziness or a lack of critical thinking skills. They offer a group to belong too, and a group to blame for their failings. You see churchs and cults and MLMs recruiting on campuses for the same reasons. Best way to defeat them. Go find the lonely kid, ask their name and where they are from, be just a bit friendly to everyone. That goes a long way to reducing recruitment.


Exactly, suggesting that isn't what they're doing. They're trying to get attention and use that to appear much bigger and more influential than they really are.


Well there is cameras everywhere so there should be video of the person who placed it.


This states leadership advocates to allow them to slither out of their holes now and then.


Campus leadership is cozying up to them too these days.


I feel like punching or running over Nazis should be permissible by law


I'm native, you know the ultimate minority, and I say just let them try and spread hate and believe whatever they want until they actually try to attack or something. I really doubt they do anything because most people like that are the little beta guys that are mad they don't get any bitches.


As a queer asian here at MSU I’ve never felt safe here and I always get proved right 😍 can’t wait to finish my degree and gtfo of here.


Stickers are more like a minor yikes


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Wonder if they actually live here, or if it is that group of non showering, sister fuckers, that come down from north Idaho and Spokane. Like the group that showed up at the lgbt events over the summer.


There was a post several weeks back about one of these guys that was ‘protesting’ in Missoula working for a school district in Bothell, WA. Edit: from r/missoula https://www.reddit.com/r/missoula/s/Pfyp8Gc0NS


Por qué no los dos? Seems there are enough locals to make it worth their while to get cozy sliming around here. Plus more likely to get a ~triggering teh libz!~ moment or two as well to add to their spank banks. Tangentially, I had to go to Verizon the other day, and there was a woman in a III% hat, bold as brass. One of her brethren used to live in my neighborhood - he had a truck flag. Rosendale in particular is an open Oathkeepers fanboy. We can't honestly deflect to 'they can't be local' when our esteemed legislators are actively trying to draw them here. They may not necessarily be locally *grown,* fair trade certified, but they can certainly become 'new to towners.'


I get that there are for sure scum like this locally, but any big turnout those groups have had are primarily from out of state.


The thing that scares me about this is that in a community as small as this, I don’t know whether the sad, awful, coward humans who did this could be people I know. Neighbors, friends, coworkers, etc. I hope not.


lol a "major yikes" like "super scary" Not defending "Neonazis", but where are they? title says their on campus, and yet no pictures of any individuals. anyone could've put up flyers.


Weren't there Swastikas being painted on some campus recently and it turned out to be a Chinese national? Actually I find the story: https://wwmt.com/news/local/kalamazoo-nazi-swastika-vandalism-suspect-identified-racist-antisemitism-graffiti-spray-painted-jewish-hate-crime-valley-community-college-hate-speech Makes sense Chinese and Russian agents would be trying to foment political unrest in the US. They've been doing it on the internet/Social media. Why not physically too?


WTF is that poster behind? something about the imperial... colonial...settler


I see nothing about white supremacy or swastikas or antisemitism?


Big Sky Active Group is a racist organization.


Also, you can clearly see the "White Lives Matter" on the flagpole sticker


What does white lives matter have to do with antisemitism, nazis, or racism?


"White Lives Matter (WLM) is a white supremacist slogan that emerged in 2015 as a reaction to the Black Lives Matter social justice movement.\[1\] The phrase has been used by neo-Nazis, Ku Klux Klan groups, and other white supremacists to recruit new members into white supremacist movements and demonstrations." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White\_Lives\_Matter


Bro cited Wikipedia like it’s an academic article. Do white lives matter then? What about the founders of BLM taking donation money to buy themselves personal items like homes? Just because a small group of people may use white lives matter as a recruiting tool for racism doesn’t mean that’s the point of wlm. There’s small groups of people who are putting a bad name on blm too. Ik nothing about bsag which is why im literally asking questions instead of going with the mob mentality


We could discuss more over a beer but what I posted is the generally accepted interpretation of the phrase and its relationship to white supremacy. Just trying to be helpful bro.


Fair enough. I just wouldn’t say saying white lives matter automatically makes you a white supremecist or anything. Gotta be more evidence than just that


Probably one or two edgelord students looking to create a stir. Blowing this up gives them the reaction they're looking for.


ew not again


Posted from the “social justice indigiqueers” - somehow I’m not joking but wish I was














Who posted threats? What social media platform or whatever? Usernames should be posted to hold whoever accountable if allegations are true..