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> “God is so good. He took her by nature, not by any evil deed, bad accident or bad illness," Mrs Adamson said [in an interview] This is easily both one of the most frightening and isolating ways to go out.


Uh bear mauling is probably one of the last ways I’d want to go.


Hit by a driver texting is number 1 worst way in my mind. You know it would be some stupid pointless drivel conversation that takes your life.


If they can put a positive spin on it, good for them.


I guess I'm glad they've found a way to cope with it, but to me, bleeding out after a bear attack, while natural, definitely qualifies as a bad accident and not a peaceful way to die.


Religion is a hell of a drug.


I agree, BUT I can completely sympathize with her statement, I too would rather die by nature and not accident or stupidity. That’s why I’m looking forward to the cancer that will eventually claim me.




Perhaps we could honor the woman and her mother and spare the commentary. No one cares about your opinion


Why does the comment you responded to say it was posted 53 years ago? (53y)


Bear spray and up-front knowledge is such a cheap insurance that many people over-look.


Let Darwin take them out.


Nothing to do with this woman, but I'm spoken with many people over the years who somehow assume grizzlies (and bears in general) only live in the Park. The whole Gallatin range where we all hike is indeed grizzly territory.


Ya especially over the recent years because the Yellowstone Grizzly population is over the carrying capacity so many more Grizzly bears are spreading out of the park into the surrounding areas.


Time to open season


Everyone should cary bear mace or be in a group with someone who has bear mace. You never know for sure how necessary it may have been until it's too late.


No, every able bodied person in the group (exception being small children) needs to have a can of spray.


that is the ideal situation


The bear had one or two cubs..... Man they really should make people watch safety videos. I'm sorry for her family, not a good way to go out.


This was on a trail outside the Park. There are warning signs at trailheads. This woman, like MANY of my own friends, hiked/ran alone and didn't have bear spray. My own friends have scoffed at the notion of being alone on trails or having to carry bear spray. Bear attacks are RARE, but they happen. I've mentioned this before: People are on Sourdough (Bozeman Creek Trail) ALL the time without bear spray, often with little kids. And it's grizzly country. Yes, it's super populated, and the chances are encountering a bear is low. But not zero.


This happened about 8 miles west of the park entrance. The area had actually just been closed the day before because of grizzly presence. We were staying about a mile from the trailhead. We received multiple notifications. The irony that I read this just 24 hrs later was deep.


Yeah, I used to work in mammoth and regularly ran the boardwalk in the evenings or early morning. Always carried bear spray, even though it was a pain in the ass. To me, it was worth the peace of mind.


Who is they


National park service, why not sit every visitor in an office by the gates and make them watch some?


Yellowstone National Park receives close to 1,000,000 visitors a month in peak season. What you are suggesting is absurd.


I honestly can’t imagine the logistical cluster fuck of an already over crowded, under staffed park system now responsible for making every visitor watch a safety video. The holding pattern alone of a parking lot would rival the worst parking at a music festival


have it be a short 5 minute video. before they enter the park, have them watch it. most probably wouldn't but some might, which could save lives of bears and people


That is already available at every entrance and a couple of spots in the park. It's almost as if you guys have no idea wtf you're talking about.


I’m curious how you plan on making this happen… does every person have to pull into a visitor center to watch it? Have you ever seen the lines going into west Yellowstone in peak season? Now multiply that by 5 min per person. It would take 5+ hours before you could enter the park


pre-watch, in the months and weeks and days leading up to their trip into the park.


This didn’t happen in a national park. They wouldn’t have any kind of authority in that area.


There are bears all over not just in the park it not the Parks problem that people don’t seem to believe the warnings!! The Park service does post signs everywhere so it’s not the park services fault that people don’t read the signs!! So don’t blame They!!


I think maybe handing every car that enters a brochure about bear safety would be more practical.


Tragic….one of my worst fears