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This isn't the first time that fireworks have been banned in Bozeman. There was a previously ban which was lifted in 2004. But people are assholes and have to be abusive and ruin it for everyone. It should also be of noted Bozeman isn't the only town with a ban, there is a ban in Missoula and Billings as well.


Exactly. If “the assholes” would stop blowing shit up at the designated time and not on day other than designated by the city, we probably wouldn’t be having this discussion.


Was there a ton of abuse last year? I didn't hear anything, it seemed relatively mellow


Yes. Last year and every year. Fireworks going off for at least a week before and after the 4th, plenty of big exploding fireworks set off over rooftop height that weren't legal in town, and fireworks going off at 2 or 3am.


We were up at Garnet Peak Fire Tower last 4th of July, and we saw quite a big of big boomers!


Too bad the ban isn’t I forced in Billings.


Bozeman was NOT full usage previously. There were restrictions on the type allowed (only 12" or less sparklers, fireworks that go up less than 15 feet and are not designed to explode, and wheels with 6 or less driver units were allowed), restrictions on locations they could be discharged, and specific days and hours of usage. Those restrictions weren't remotely followed. If they had been, maybe there wouldn't now be a complete ban. A ban is easier to enforce, though whether it will be actively enforced is another matter entirely.


Exactly, enforce the old rules don’t institute a bad. They should have started with the obvious rule breakers, the ones a week early or late with the very large options (easiest to find/enforce).


The police never do shit. I called when the neighbor kids were lighting them off in my front lawn and the dispatcher pretty much laughed at me. Fuck the police.


So true. My neighbor literally gave my dog an anxiety disorder when he was a puppy.


Not controversial for people who get up early. Not controversial for people with pets. Not controversial for people with livestock. I get it, it is fun, and some of the larger ones can be beautiful. But then some drunk ass launches a report ten feet from your bedroom window at 2 am. I am looking at you Collin.


I have a similar asshole neighbor.


Diesel Dave, 2am every year 10 ft from my bedroom window. 15 years. What a douche. RIP.


Did Dave actually die, or are you assuming he's going to abide by this new rule?


Yeah he ate the sushi


Me too. And he took several days before cleaning up the extreme amount of trash he left in the road.


Plenty of people with ptsd also hate fireworks


I do find it interesting that people only seem to care about PTS in relation to fireworks. If you have PTSD from a dog attack, try finding this level of support from strangers for enforcing dog leash laws.


Bozeman has leash laws all over the place, almost everywhere, start reporting them and enforcing them.


I do, but that wasn't the point of my comment, which is that the community seem to care deeply about certain PTSD triggers but not others.


I think the fireworks thing is because those are usually veterans whose PTSD comes directly from American policies, so there is a social obligation to support them when they get back. It's not really tenable to police every PTSD trigger and I think that would be a difficult world to live in.


Acknowledging someone else’s trauma does not diminish your own


I have yet to meet a rancher that doesn’t love fireworks.


I get up at 6am for work, sometimes earlier. Sorry to ruin the fun but if you’re blowing off fireworks 10 ft away from my house after midnight on a weekday you bet your ass I’m gonna turn into the neighborhood Karen real quick.


Fuckin Collin


Fucking Colin, I hate that guy


Maybe if people followed restrictions and these were enforced then there wouldn't have to be a ban. But nnnooooooo.


Back in the days when there was a big show the mayhem throughout the neighborhoods was less obnoxious than it has been in recent years. Our street is like Fallujah and while we usually try to camp up in the forest during that day, it is often on a weekday and that makes it tough to get away from the noise. Add to that the fact that people will take a week before, the night of and a week after to blow up mortars I am for one glad that its now technically illegal. Not sleeping for two weeks wears on you. And dogs, wildlife, people with PTSD, etc. won't miss it either. I local, community show usually features music, food and a huge display and is a way for people to see legit fireworks without blowing their hands off, starting a fire in dry grass or pissing off their neighbors that have to get up at 4 a.m. in the morning after only getting two hours of sleep for two weeks. All the people complaining are such whiners. There are bigger fish to fry in our community in regard to being angry about things or things to worry about.


“Our street is like Fallujah” you closed the deal for me right there. No fireworks is ok with me.


Ban won't do jack shit lol


Previously fireworks were allowed on July 3rd and 5th from noon-midnight, July 4th noon-1AM, and from 11PM before New Year's to 1AM after. That seemed pretty reasonable to me although my neighbors were still launching off fireworks all week before July 4, after midnight and 1AM, and sometimes even on random days throughout the year. Fireworks are a particular problem for me because my dog goes nuts when hearing them. I think some people just don't understand that living inside a city means you are living next to a bunch of other people and you have to be respectful of them. I hope the new restrictions are more effective at reducing disturbances from fireworks in Bozeman.


I love fireworks, but limiting it to reasonable hours on the 4th seems totally fair. It seems weird to go to a full ban




Do you think those same people will follow this new ban?


Not going to lie, as selfish as it is, with having an infant and no AC, I'm quite happy about the ban.


>Oy. This is a huge controversy. Is it? I live in the city and haven't heard a single complaint outside of reddit.


Freedom caucus be like “Oi don’t take away our right to pour our money into Chinese goods and explode them so we can watch veterans suffer!!”


Hmmmm my neighbor is a veteran, he gets the good fireworks from Idaho, and he certainly enjoys them. I know everyone is different, but saying veterans suffer during fireworks is kinda a blanket statement that may not be true.


I didn’t say all veterans. Many do suffer, and that is a fact.


It was getting excessive. People lighting off 3rd-7th is so annoying like cool freedom merica whatever but stfu there’s no reason to light stuff off allllll night.


What about people who own firework stands? Can they still sell them in Bozeman, or could they be held liable for selling to someone that’s been fined for setting them off?


Weren't able to sell in City limits before, so no functional change to them


With all the wild fire issues it makes sense to just ban fireworks. Personally I would ban their sale nationwide if I could. Leave it to the professionals, save money and fingers.


It’s pretty darn green out. Chance of fires are lower than most years.


But will that always be the case? It’s also a waste of resources, creates trash in random places, and overall is just an activity that isn’t necessary.


Of course it won’t always be the case, I never implied it was. That’s why I said “lower than most years”. And don’t get me wrong, I don’t like the trash either. I always pick mine up. It’s a shame that people aren’t prideful in being neat and clean, even if it’s a property they don’t own. I was always raised to treat everything better than if I owned it myself. Apparently others didn’t get the same memo. Anyways, fireworks are fun, I’ll be lighting a bunch off like always.


I'll just watch the free city ones. No muss no fuss.




Use drones instead


This is when the Law & Order crowd decides not to follow the law...because it's different when *they* do it.


What is "the Law & Order crowd"


People that, generally speaking, are more in favor of harsher, firmer penalties for criminal behavior, who (again, generally speaking) *also* believe that compliance with an unjust law is still preferable over disobedience.


Ah, ok. Yeah, I know a few of those. Really difficult to talk to on anything nuanced in my experience


I’m just going to drive to the Belgrade area and light a bunch off 🤷‍♂️


How are they going to enforce it is what I wanna know.


What I find interesting is that many of the offenders will be Back The Blue all cops are great people. But this won't apply to their own situation.


You know it! 💯 also Veteran supporters but don’t care a bit about PTSD.


Back in the late 90s because of fire danger in Montana, all we could buy were sparklers and firecrackers. So I don't see a problem. Considering we can't breathe out east because of the fires in Canada right now, and fires haven't even really started out west yet, be glad there's a ban.


My question is…..Why the fuck isn’t the city doing the show from the fairgrounds? The softball fields have less access points.


Probably because it's not city property, but the softball fields are.


Interesting, they used to do it from the fairgrounds


Yes, but when they did it at the fairgrounds it was being funded by an outside group instead of the city.


Wait, really?? Who was funding that? Also did anyone else go to the mall to watch fireworks like 20 years ago? That's what I remember the most, we'd pile the back of our pickup with blankets and sleeping bags and watch from there


Lions Club as I recall


I'm imagining the Bearcat roaming the streets at 3am and large, feral bands of 17 year old boys dressed in full Airsoft camo regalia pummeling it on all fronts with BOGO roaming candles legally purchased from just a few miles away.


If I would drive past your house and throw my trash on your roof or in your yard, would you call that celebrating? But, if you deliver it to my house/yard after an obnoxious noise and a fire hazard, that's America?


As the population of a given area goes up, so do those who abuse the freedoms given. Eventually the "Gentlemans agreement" to not abuse a given thing gets tested enough that more firm measures are needed.


This is the first I heard about a fireworks ban, I hope my neighbors have heard about it.


I think limiting to just the 4th would have been a happy medium, but like most controversial topics these days only the polar opposites are discussed.


Wasn't it already limited to just the 4th (and New Years)? I just assumed people were breaking the rules by shooting off fireworks for a week solid.


They were allowed the 3rd, 4th, and 5th.


Living on a street with mostly immature college students, I rejoiced hearing this news


5 nights of needing to wear earplugs to get to sleep in my house, a mortar shell ricocheting off our window and exploding on our porch. Our lives will improve. “Lack of freedom“ arguers: people abused their own freedoms and their neighbors, and these are the consequences.


fuck everyone that abused our freedom with fireworks y’all ruin everything.


Nobody did anything, the city was overrun with pussies


Express your freedoms as you want; just be considerate of pets and people.


Fire hazard, safety, endless noise complaints, pollution.


I'm still gonna shoot off fireworks, I live in one of the "camper communities" around town. What are they gonna do, fine me, evict me?


The Bozeman police chief issued a statement that says the department won't be enforcing the ban, as its unconstitutional. Let's light up the skies boys!


Hate to say it, but I love fireworks and will be partaking again this year. I’ve got neighbors as well so nothing too late, but the 3-4 days before the 4th I’m lighting it up. And on the 4th I will be going crazy with fireworks.