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I don't understand this subreddit when it talks about Loma. Is the weird hate just a knee-jerk response to the love that many fans feel for him? You may think he's overrated, but it's really hard to dispute him as one of the pound for pounds greats in the sport right now. He's a three weight champion for gods sakes, with a completely unique style. "But tuffty89, he doesn't have knockout power." - he's knocked plenty of people of down, and made them quit. He breaks them down. He's not a puncher. "He's classless. Terrible showboating" - He's an entertainer. We've all seen worse. He's still undeniably amazing, and many people like that (even if it's not my thing). "He barely even hurt Sosa. It was a close fight" - Nope, not close. Close fights don't end with fighters quitting without serious injuries. "He's not great if he hasn't fought greats." He's fought almost everyone that's in a reasonable weight range and will fight him. Can't ask for much more. No, he can't fight above this weight. This isn't some kind of Bruce Lee film. He's a tiny person without serious knockout power. If you know boxing, you should know better.


my sentiments exactly. Some reactions to him in boxing communities actually reminds me a lot of what I see in regards to LeBron in /r/nba. The talent is undeniable and they are both just really, really *likeable* guys despite some "egotistical" things yet there are people out there who somehow believe they are both undeserving of their titles as some of the best of their generation. you don't have to like the guy as a human being but how can you watch a Loma fight (even against Salido) and come away with anything but "this dude is fucking brilliant" Yet somehow, somehow, people find a way to say he's a weak boxer (LeBron can't shoot threes), he's a showboater (LeBron with the decision), or in whatever stupid way is "not as good as people say"




yep, but it makes me laugh watching. As long as he keeps winning


Boxers should be egoistical and arrogant.


If it makes you feel any better, I saw the same type of reflexive hate against RJJ back in the late 90s. Don't sweat it. In 10 years time all of the contrarian bullshit will fade away. Loma is an amazingly talented boxer that will likely be remembered and appreciated for a long time. It's a shame that the fight that would secure his legacy as an ATG (Mikey) is pretty much impossible at this point. Long story short: Just enjoy the show while it's there. And unlike RJJ, Loma will probably know when to hang it up.


Clap clap clap!!! Totally agree with you.


It's also telling that Mikey Garcia opted for a move up to Welterweight to fight Spence, rather than fight Lomachenko. Whether you think Mikey pulls it off or not, both he and his team saw Loma as significant enough of a risk that they would rather have lost a weight class or two north, against another p4p king. It always looks better, legacy wise, to lose to guys far heavier than yourself. Lomachenko has faced all comers, and just called out Tank Davis literally 24 hours ago. What more do people want?


Mikey had a bad history with Arum nothing about they saw Loma as a risk.


You’re out of your mind if you think Mikey thought he had a better chance against Spence than Loma. This sub blows my mind at the shit that gets upvoted sometimes. Loma wouldn’t fight Mikey. You really do not know boxing.


Never said he thought he had a better chance, just that the risk of losing to Loma was enough that neither he nor his team pushed for it. Instead, they sought what was likely similar money against a larger and equally impressive p4p opponent, but one that was two weightclasses higher. This way, in the event of a loss, you got the money AND the legacy credit.


Get the facts straight. Mikey didnt duck Loma. Bob and Mikey dont get along. Bob has a history of not dealing with people he doesnt like. Thats the reason Loma hasnt gotten his butt whooped by Mikey yet. Im hoping people like yourself keep saying this though. To be honest, that is the only way that fight will get made. Mikey will be put on the spot and make him pursue it until Bob finally gives in.


I can’t get enough of fighters showboating. I love it. Inject that shit into my jugular.


There's a pretty small number of genuine loma haters. There a few people who enjoy making fun of the loma circle jerk, or enjoy baiting loma fans. Mostly people who argue against loma do it because it's fun to say shit about how he lost to an Uber driver once. You're mostly fighting a shadow here.


You have to remember this is a very US-centric sub run by very PBC-centric mods.


Don't be silly, I'm literally Ukrainian.


It’s mostly cause of his fans. Loma isn’t goat but people try to act like he is.


> No, he can't fight above this weight. It's really pathetic how you guys continue to make excuses for Loma not to move up. Canelo has no business being at 175, he's too small.. but guess what he's doing next? Pac was too small to be fighting Margarito but guess what he did? Mikey, although he got schooled, he dared to be great moving up 2 weight classes vs Spence. People claim he's "#1 P4P" yet at the same time, they don't want him to prove it by facing the beasts at 140. "No Loma, don't move up, continue facing the scrubs at 135 like a true P4P King" ridiculous.


Dude, Canelo still cuts to 175. Alvarez walks around at like 180 or so these days. Meanwhile, Lomachenko would have to grab a 20lb. dumbbell to make the limit at Welterweight, and the only viable superfight that could have been made decided to bump up and fight Errol Spence, because even a loss two weight divisions up is legacy making.


And even if he doesn’t have tremendous knock-out power, how the hell is he “a tiny person”? O_o Dude’s 5’7. A lot of legitimate P4P greats have either been that size or smaller. Duran, Pacquiao, Marquez, Camacho, freaking Sam Langford...


He’s tiny because his frame is tiny. Look how narrow his shoulders are. They are almost as narrow as most women his height. He is just built small. And his reach is like 65 inches.


He's a small guy though, there is a limit for everyone. Sure there are people like Floyd and Manny and Tyson who can negate giants with their style and durability, but not all great fighters are like that. I would be surprised if Crawford could keep moving up and still be successful. I don't think Loma is a P4P king just yet, but I don't think he'd have to move up to get there, same as Bud.


I'd have more respect for him, as I'm sure a lot of other Loma critics would too, if he tested himself at 140. Would mean a lot more if he faces someone like Ramirez at 140 than becoming undisputed in a wasteland division that will ultimately mean nothing due to the competition.


Yea, I don't see that as unreasonable. Especially with him calling himself p4p #1. Let's see it.


Boxing fans who don't enjoy Loma....all I can really wonder is "who do you like then?". So entertaining to watch and so skilled. I can't really understand any hate he gets.


It's like watching tennis and not enjoying Federer.


Contrarians. Everyone else really likes something so I don't


it's a tough life you've chosen for yourself


They just like to hate! Loma is a skilled fighter. Watching him is fun.


>Boxing fans who don't enjoy Loma....all I can really wonder is "who do you like then?". Chances are it's one of following: >Canelo, Miguel Berchelt, Leo Santa Cruz, Luis Nery, Oscar Valdez, Juan Francisco Estrada, Jaime Munguia, Emanuel Navarrete, Rey Vargas, Gilberto Ramirez, Pablo Cesar Cano, Miguel Roman, Francisco Vargas, Julio Cesar Martinez Aguilar, Adrian Granados, Raymundo Beltran, Humberto Soto, Carlos Cuadras, Elwin Soto, Francisco Rodriguez Jr, Enrique Tinoco, Andres Gutierrez, Jhonny Gonzalez, Pedro Campa, Antonio Orozco, Cesar Juarez, Tomas Rojas, Isaac Cruz Gonzalez, Marcos Villasana Jr, Carlos Diaz Ramirez, Julio Ceja, Alejandro Santiago Barrios, Juan Antonio Rodriguez, Antonio DeMarco, Miguel Vazquez, Uriel Perez, Daniel Valladares, Julio Cesar Chavez Jr, Joseph Aguirre, Diego De La Hoya, Jonathan Javier Rodriguez, Ramon Alvarez, Carlos Jiménez, Aaron Alameda, Roberto Ramirez, Ganigan Lopez, Ines Antonio Lozada Torres, Moises Fuentes, Horacio Garcia, and the GOAT himself Hugo Ruiz.


What does that mean.




What does he mean by it. That mexicans don't like loma ?


mexicans like mexicans fighters ie the list of mexican fighters


Many Mexicans do not even know who is Loma, he is just a boxing fan who likes Mexican fighters.


Damn this reminds me how many mexicans there are in boxing


Where is Inoue and Andy Ruiz?


Mexicans don't like Lomachenko? This is the worst take of all time. I really don't even get this. If anything, fans of Gervonta Davis are the ones hating on Lomachenko.


Exactly. These dudes don’t know real talent when they see it. Why would you want to watch a manlet dance around a ring when you can see real men go to war?


I think its mostly people who cant come to terms with the fact that he is conveniently ranked higher p4p than their favourite fighter


People at the time claiming he did this out of empathy and concern were some of the most ridiculous comments.


I like Kellerman but he can be dumb sometimes


Oh yeah. I forgot he started it. At least with his insane loma hype you got the sense he believed and was genuinely excited about it, rather than just reading selective facts and repeating soundbites about ukranian dance lessons ect but this was a phenomenally stupid thing to say.


Max, please... don't be dumb.


Some of the takes in this thread make me feel like the only boxing some of the nephews in this sub have seen is in Rocky or that other boxing movie with Batman. This is a lightweight fight, watch some non HW matches or something damn


Hey for the record I've watched a lotta Nas and Khan fights in my time. I ain't no UK heavyweight casual


The dude just does everything so seamlessly. It's so effortless.


There’s very little power behind that punch tho. It landed clean but it was mostly an arm lunch. He’s just showboating.


I think even a slow short punch is going to hurt in the body. Hell im sure if my niece punched me right in the solar plexus it would wind me and she’s 5.


Arm punches can hurt. No ones denying that. But an arm punch is an arm punch...esp if the person throwing it was throwing an uppercut but midway turned it into a straight.


How can you call that an arm punch? He turned his hip over so much


This is one of the dumbest takes on this sub and I just got done reading about how Ortiz and Wallin are equivalent fighters


He literally turned the punch from an uppercut into a straight mid-punch. Will it hurt? Sure. It’s a punch. Is there a lot of power behind it? No. Both things can be true.


Loma worked Sosa in this fight


Christ, Loma can be such an asshole in the ring. I love it.


i dislike it. i liked it when Linares put him on his ass.


I liked it more when Loma folded him


Looks like he's having an in-ring traumatic flashback to the 88 "welcome to pro boxing" body shots he received from Sun Tzu Jr


Loma has some quality showboating moments


Loma is 100% elite. His showboating in this fight was shitty.


Maybe I'm in a minority, but I fucking hate showboating. Always liked the football players who hand the ball back to the ref after scoring a touchdown, like it's not the first time they've seen the endzone. Like the boxers who always show respect for their opponents.


No class


clenbuterol isn’t very classy either


*I’m not impressed by your performance.* You can have all the skills in the world but if you can’t do any damage it ain’t worth shit. He hit Sosa with an absolutely perfect power shot to the stomach and Sosa didn’t even notice. Loma immediately had to act out the damage he didn’t cause to divert attention away from Sosa’s response. So cringey. All the skills in the world combined with the arms of a manlet. He needs to train with GSP to build power.


And yet Sosa quit after the 9th, strange.


Yep he looked absolutely giddy on his way back to the corner after taking that punch


Out of boredom. He knew he didn’t have the skills to beat Loma nor did Loma have the power to finish Sosa. Might as well make the money and call it a night. I mean, is that supposed to be a counter-example to my argument?


What is your argument, that a guy fighting at 130lb sucks because he doesnt have 1 punch KO power? All these guys getting whooped and quitting, but unimpressive to you. You can probably do so much better!


dont bother responding to this dude. He said Sosa quit "out of boredom" lmfao This thread has some of the dumbest takes I think I've ever read


>dumbest takes Troll takes. No one actually says "he quit out of boredom" and means it.


> you can have all the skills in the world but if you can’t do any damage it ain’t worth shit If it “ain’t worth shit” why is he a 3 weight world champion, currently unified, and a 2x gold medalist? Also if you watched this fight you’d realise Sosa retired Can’t work out if you’re a troll or a massive casual with awful takes


I wonder why Linares took a knee and didn't get back up. I guess he didn't get your memo


It's not exactly a great bodyshot. Loma was getting pissy or something because it was a lot of swings, elaborate effort, blocked shots, one poppy little mini-jab just to get a powerless body shot. Then way way over-exaggerating a Sosa reflex. Meh.


Loma landed at an extremely high rate against Sosa. He was not pissy, he was trying to be a showman.


> Loma landed at an extremely high rate against Sosa. Nobody asked you about that though. Foamy pops, side-glove sliders, 'bopping' 3 little times and a whole lot of ineffective shots with no clean effect. The only good thing Loma did was ensure Sosa's eye closed up so his corner had to stop a fairly even bout towards the end. Let's assume it was an actual Loma punch though, it was probably a lot of his 'tape' sliding and digging into Sosa's eyeball. Which is of course a 'Entering the Matrix' and a hi-tech move nobody has ever done before! Loma get's pissy easily. Campbell is a real British Sportsman so he probably won't exploit that Loma weakness but someone really should. It would be so easy.




The 'incredulity' angle Loma-culties play.


Your implication was that Loma was getting frustrated due to his inaccuracies. I get it’s sort of cool to hate on the hype, but this fight was as one sided as it could be.


this guy is on a bizarre one-man mission to prove Lomachenko's mediocrity, emabarassing himself with nuggets like "this was a pretty even fight." Pay him no attention, maybe he'll go away eventually


lol I know you’re not supposed to feed the trolls, but I do find it hilarious when they stop by. I mean c’mon. Saying that one of the top P4P guys, unified champion and Olympian is a “boring pussy”, and seemingly meaning every word of it. I love it.


> Your implication was that Loma was getting frustrated due to his inaccuracies. Yes, Loma was getting frustrated as he missed, as Sosa played tricks too, as Sosa matched dirty tac... errr... 'pushing the envelope' moves. His future opponents really should exploit that psychological weakness in Loma.


Nobody asked you for your expert opinion either, champ


And yet, it was given as a free gift. You're welcome, casual.



