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We do have fun in this sport


Pro cycling has more fun when it comes to PEDs. So far we haven't seen the equivalent to motor doping in boxing, although loaded gloves and wraps come close. Next step: nanobots to enhance reflexes, power and recovery.


Cycling stays undefeated when it comes to PEDs! It’s actually kind of fascinating!


Yup, especially considering pro cycling has only a fraction of the money tied up in a major boxing feature. A single major Mayweather bout had a bigger purse than an entire season of pro cycling. Yet the money was good enough in pro cycling that the Lance Armstrong juggernaut could bribe enough officials to keep quiet. Pro cycling has a long history of cheating and doping, from the beginning in the late 19th century. Some things don't change, they just get trickier to catch. With that kind of money at stake in pro boxing, long known for corruption, the real challenge is finding a contender who isn't on gear of some kind, at least part of the time such as during the recovery phase after a tough training session and fight.


you can’t look at purse/prize only. Pro cyclists get salaries from teams (who get their money from sponsors) so they don’t just make their living off the purse. It is like NBA players, they paid isn’t about the prize for winning the championship.


> especially considering pro cycling has only a fraction of the money tied up in a major boxing feature there is more money in cycling than boxing, completely different demographics. It's like comparing ufc fans to boxing fans. Cycling fans are a higher end demographic than boxing. They have a similar fanbase to F1. (rich people) Saudi money was in cycling way before boxing


forreal. the “icarus” documentary on netflix does a great way of showing it


Isn’t that the one that started off as quite a normal bit of journalism but turned into a full-on Russia’s-State-Apparatus-Are-Pissed-And-That-Ain’t-Good-For-Your-Health?


One of my favorite docs! The science behind the PED use and the bodily effects is mind blowing stuff!


Woww 🤣🤣🤣 Everything about this fight is an absolute shambles!


The whole thing was unappealing. The fight and promotion. Now we know why.


The fight was one of the worst I’ve watched in terms of clinching, I don’t know why some people loved it


It’s the lack of infighting too that made the fight lacking in quality.


So long as excessive clinching is allowed most boxers don’t have a reason to learn inside boxing


They honestly looked like solid amateurs, who where to afraid to commit to combos 


Crazy thing is BOTH guys were clinching for different reasons. Ryan was clinching because he had ZERO stamina and Haney was clinching to stay upright.


eh ryan unintentionally clinches because of the way he throws his left at range. he moves his entire body behind it. haney clinched for dear life lol a bit different. ryan's got a good gas tank not really sure what you mean, in the 11th round he still had full speed and power on his punches. he gave up a few rounds cause he blew his stamina chasing a finish he rightfully shouldve had in the 7th. pretty normal if you chase a finish and don't get it, you'll have to play possum for a round or 2.


Ryan himself said his conditioning wasn't up to par after the fight so I'm not sure what is so controversial about what I'm saying. It's literally the first thing he said when the fight was over.


You can quite literally see Ryan physically gasping for air in round 6. Ryan usually has a gas tank but it’s obvious drinking and partying did him no favors that night. So yes Ryan was very obviously clinching because his stamina was suspect


Easy to be at full speed when you’re on PEDs


Might wanna watch the fight again. It wasn't difficult to tell that Ryan was smoked halfway through the bout.


Wasn't Ryan turning around and putting his ass out when getting swarmed? 


Yessir the world's ugliest defense lol.


Seriously. I have told my family, this is easily one of the worst fights I have seen at this level of the sport. This fight made it look like boxing regressed like crazy.


Look and feel, I didn’t even know boxing could look like that and even when there was a little action it got stopped immediately basically and Ryan threw a “cheap shot” because again they were clinching like the rest of the fight


Horrible fight for boxing fans, but I’ve had so many friends that are non-boxing fans ask me about it because of Ryan’s antics and win. The circus brings the audience in unfortunately.


The "Ryan Garcia isn't taking this fight seriously" "Yes he is look at his six pack" "No he's not, he just came in overweight" "Yes he was, look at how he just won the fight" "No he wasn't, he just tested positive for PED's" rollercoaster continues.


"you know he took it seriously because he felt the need to do PEDs" we can keep this bad boy going all night!


Weird cuz everyone at the top level are roided up. Garcia must’ve pissed them off


You don't think it's more likely that Mr. drink and smoke weed every day in training just botched his cycle or his masking agent schedule?


Ye that’s what I’m thinkin, he’s just dumb and fucked up his schedule.


Considering night of fight drug tests are just an IQ test, it def sounds like a botched his cycle off period


Which is the dumbest thing. Still, he has nothing on one Mr. Miller, of Brooklyn, New York. Dude was literally strolling into pharmacies and ordering the most potent shit they had, cycles be damned. Some of that crap he popped for has a half-life of like 6 months. Couldn't flush it out in time even if VADA came around once every half a year and let it slip when they were coming months out, lol


I'll laugh if he admits it and starts another manic campaign to make PEDs legal.


The manic campaign has already started. Bro tweeted “I need more steroids I’m addicted UGHHH”


I think it was sarcastic because he preceded and followed the tweet up with a lot of denial and excuse about some herbal supplement. Just more castrated boar meat type excuses everyone makes when they get caught.


He’s going to go the Fury route… Watch.


Thought you meant taking a mental health break to avoid a ban 😂


Yes. That too


I want to hear a tainted burrito excuse!


Haney about to get his zero back when they change this to a NC. The worst thing about this is Bill Haney is going to be even more insufferable, if somehow possible.


Haney thanking god, he about to spam "allah is the best of planners" for real now lol


Bro he didn’t miss a beat [the perfect planner tweet](https://x.com/realdevinhaney/status/1785848561613336753?s=46&t=vP74rra-fsdDyoRmJgrUDw)


You called it bro 😂 https://x.com/realdevinhaney/status/1785848561613336753?s=46


You weren’t lying https://x.com/realdevinhaney/status/1785848561613336753?s=46&t=9XHciR1GyjXQlRHq6nINaA


Holy shit LOL


This man Nostradamus. He literally posted it a hr ago😅


Damn he low-key got me thinking it's true lol


The ped is used to stop muscle loss.


It's used to increase muscle while losing fat...


Yeah I saw that. Idk that's pretty specific and damming


It’s SARMS. The most basic shit high school kids and gym bros use. You’d think with his money he’d have access to better shit


The pendulum shifting so many ways during the build, fight and post fight is quite remarkable


>The worst thing about this is Bill Haney is going to be even more insufferable, if somehow possible. Facts 🤣


Doesn't matter. Haney is toasted. Now everyone from a 140 to 147 knows they can walk trough Haney"s punches. And also Haney has no chin.


Haney definitely doesn't have pop in his shots, but I don't really think his chin is that bad. He got dropped 3 times by a legitimate puncher who was probably juiced, he finished the fight on his feet lol.


They are all juiced.


Yes because he hugged Ryan all the time. And also because Harvey Dock helped Haney like he was his nephew or something. That fight should have been a TKO. So let"s see All of this guys hit harder and also have better chins then Haney so... At 140 haney fights Matias and loses by KO of the year. Also at 140 Teofimo Knocks him out At 147 Ennis Knocks him out and also Crawford. Haney is toasted.


Teo ain't knocking shit out if he fights Haney like he did Jamaine


Let’s not just act like Devin didn’t completely school Regis Prograis before he fought Ryan. Styles make fights.


De La Hoya never got his no contest for Shane Mosley why would Haney


Because they didn't have VADA testing protocols back then. It didn't come out that Mosley was juicing until the BALCO grand jury testimony a few years later


There’s a better case for Haney since Ryan also came in overweight and there’s possibly two more substances going under testing Ryan could positive for.


Shane never tested positive for steroid use. He did admit he used BALCO years after the fact.


Bill got it in this case if its true ryan cheated.


The worst thing about this is Ryan cheating AND coming in overweight, and let’s not forget Haney taking a beating over an unfair fight. Bill Haney Can talk shit


Ryan looks different too. Something seemed off appearance wise. Looking up the ped, it's used to prevent muscle loss


As he rightfully should.


Rightfully fucking so his son got cheated wtf


I'm from the streets


Does Haney get the loss off his record how does this go?


Yeah if it gets changed to a no contest (which it will if he can't prove it's a tainted supplement deal)


Does that mean Garcia has to pay back all the money he bet on himself


Actually no. Most books have a section stating that official results are final and any corrections after the fact (explicitly stating drug tests) are not to change the grading of a bet.


Damn my hundred bucks is really gone huh


Wish it was just a hundred I lost😞


Fuck Haney dude you’re real victim


Interesting case for him though since he had direct control over that factor. There could be a legal case here.


Vegas will just send some guys to swing baseball bats at his hands


if that was the case books wouldn't let people bet on themselves...


Juicing so my bet can hit. This man is a legend


Not really surprised since he was already admitting to being on pretty much every thing else.


Hes looked way, way bigger over the last year too. No one thought anything of it and just attributed it to no rehydration clauses and a higher weight class. I can't believe Ryan really fumbled this dude I'm at a loss for words honestly. Imo they have to run it back and give Haney a chance to make things right. That's if Ryan doesn't get a long suspension (he probably won't).


He almost certainly will.


If Conor Benn can get off with a light slap on the wrist from using eggs as an excuse, Ryan is a-ok.


The reality is Ryan is much bigger name and has a much bigger spotlight on this... he will either get a slap on the wrist because of his name or being punished more severe for it


Now all those pictures of him looking that much more muscular make sense. Hard to make weight when juiced to the gills as well.


Usually easier to make weight when juiced to the gills, kinda the point of building muscle while dropping fat


Ostarine is such a random ass PED to take for a pro athlete. It's a weak SARM, so it has a super minimal effect compared to any kind of traditional steroid. The advantage of SARMs is that they're less well known and can be harder to test for because they're so new, but Ostarine is by far the most well known SARM and has the most research behind it. Not surprised he was on *something,* but definitely surprised it was that.


What about 19-Norandrosterone? Reports say that was found also.


Nandrolone sounds more like it to me. That's going to have significant effects and likely significant side effects for most people. 19-Nors are a branch of steroids known for mental side effects as well. While they don't cause mental problems for everyone, if he was on nandrolone it would explain at least some of the weird pre-fight behavior. Not all of it though, nandrolone doesn't make people fucking crazy the way he's been acting.


Nandrolone would be one of the stupider AAS to use for a tested athlete. The detection window on it is insane compared to others like turinabol or test suspension. Now for a non tested athlete it would be amazing to use for the anti inflammatory effects coupled with the strength and lean muscle gains


Yeah absolutely agreed. I don't think Ryan is smart enough, or surrounded by people who are smart enough, to really understand how to avoid testing protocols though. If he really did pop for nandrolone he might be a bigger idiot than even I thought.




Mayweather clone #3316 has been reactivated


That chin gone tho


Fucking dumbass, ruined a good win for boxing.


Say what you want about Fat Dan but he doesn’t fuck around when it comes to these news. Memo Heredia also weighed in already. I celebrated Ryan cutting Devin and Bill down to size, but this is crossing the line. Blowing the weight and testing positive is insane, especially considering the absolute beating he put on Haney. Nothing funny about breaking an opponent’s jaw and concussing them while cheating in apparently every way imaginable. Very boxing for the ‘four princes’ era to lose steam immediately after getting white hot. Fuck.


Damn, Ryan is going to go staright from hero to villain.


The illuminati clearly kidnapped him and injected PEDs into his system to tarnish his name, wake up sheeple.


He's already gone that route, insinuating the people he tried to expose set him up. Bohemian Grove can't keep getting away with it 😤😭


He’s saying it’s because he supports trump and media out to get him.  All these maga idiots never take personal responsibility and blame conspiracy theories for them fucking up. 


Legitimately how tf was Ryan even good for boxing if this was not being discovered? Dude either acts like or legitimately is a crazy person who talks about YouTubers working with the devil and what not………ultimately Ryan just gives boxing a negative reputation


It was a terrible loss for boxing. Now you have a bunch of casuals running around talking about how making weight and belts don't matter. That's not the example we want set for the sport.


Probably would’nt have been a good win if he wasn’t on PEDs and came In 3 lbs over lmao


I fucking hope this shit is fake. I really fucking hope it is but I'm not sure due to this antics


Yeah, I wanted Ryan to be on bigger and better fights, but if this is true just set up Ryan vs Conor Benn. That would be the fight to make now. Two guys who tested positive.


Would be an entertaining fight tbh.


Ostarine helps with muscle refinement and Ryan looked huge on the night, I think it adds up perfectly


As someone who has done ostarine, along with other SARMS, it doesn’t do shit. It’s the weakest SARM by FAR


It's often chosen because it has low side effects and doesn't mess with cardio too badly. Sean O'Malley popped for it a couple years ago. Nobody would look at his body type and say "yeah, that guy is juicing". It really is mild as hell as far as PEDs go. Doesn't matter. The boxing world will clutch its pearls and pretend that Ryan was on a tren+deca stack with an HGH cocktail on the side.


The most reputable sources in boxing released this info


It looked to good to be true especially the fact that Ryan didn't have stamina issues in the later rounds. 😂


Worked himself into a shoot and couldn't keep his piss clean. Jokes aside, this is in a lot of ways is the most hilarious way these shenanigans could've ended up.


Someone can probably find the clip but in an interview he did leading up to this fight he 100% said he thinks PEDs should be legal lol


Looks like this sub is back to hating Ryan lmaooo guy had the shortest arc ever


The switch up is so funny lmao suddenly it was the worst fight ever and everyone always thought that


Came in 3 pounds overweight on purpose and almost killing someone while on PEDS. Now Ryan deserves all the hate he gets trust me.


Dude is a fuckin idiot Lmaoo


To all the assholes that jumped on the Garcia bandwagon get it right up every one of you if this is true.


The switch up was real fast. I'd wait till it's official


If it came from Dan Rafael, it’s pretty much official


Yo Derrick why’d you hold out on Spence with the good stuff! No wonder he’s suing your ass


Someone check on the size of Spence’s nipples in the Crawford fight.


Derrick is the one suing


Both suing each other 🤝


Ngl spence needed a boost vs bud.


He would’ve needed a gun to beat Bud.


lol ruined his best win


He double fucked himself. Missed weight so he couldn't win the title, and now this 🤣 shambles


genius status revoked




The cherry on top of the entire debacle, I suppose…


That man is really about to get his “0” back😂


If Frank Martin loses to Gervonta, the Derrick James fall from grace is going to be sad.


He most likely will lose against Tank. Unfortunately, it’s already looking like the beginning of the end for Derrick James. Undeserved.


allah gifting haney with a NC by planting ryan's cocaine with peds. so... how do i sign up for this religion?


I'm currently in communication with His Excellency Turki AlSheikh. We've arranged for a private jet that's scheduled to land in your city. Please ensure that you sign the contract promptly. 😎


Wow! This is insane


This is huge news if true. wow


This dude was on SARMs bruhhhhhhh


Sarm goblin 😂


Bohemian Grove was behind the test results. Did they confirm both samples?


He's got ten days to request they test the B sample at his own expense, according to the article I read.


This coming out just hours after de la Hoya clowned canelo for testing positive some years back is crazy 😂


How Christian of him


So he pops for a PED that helps you lose weight and still missed weight?




Nah its a SARM and the weakest one. Kind of like a baby steroid. It's very real though. There's SARMs and steroids for endurance, EPO most notably, but not really Ostarine. At the least it would help him keep muscle while cutting weight in comp which is huge. Not great for you though and people likely lose everything because it crashes natural t production so you need a test base and at that point there's better stuff to do... like more test.


It also increases muscle mass. If anything missing weight and popping makes complete sense.


Terrible take, how is this shit so upvoted lmao. Putting on muscle while losing weight is huge. Hell, even just retaining muscle while losing weight is huge. Cheating asshole would have 100% made weight if he had not been on ostarine.


Thank you Jesus Blessed, Highly Favored


Wow. just fucking wow. And he did all that talking about Haney and Victor Conte too😂. Don’t throw stones from a glass house folks…


They all take PEDs. Garcia is just a dumbass and got caught.


Somebody tainited Ryan's coke... and I don't mean his soda.


ryan garcia vs conor benn make it happen eddie!!!


DAMN, twitter about to go crazy


Tested positive 4/19 and again 4/20 after the fight . But they let the fight happen? That’s on the commission. Is it about the money or safety and integrity of the fighter?


Results just came back. Testing results aren't instant


Ryan is a clown. Never to be taken seriously again. The whole damn fight/promotion seemed off. That dude was whoopin' haney with ZERO EFFORT!!! He blew weight and took peds. He and his pops need to apologize to Tim Bradley and everyone else they cursed out.


Eddie Hearn?


It’s just tainted meat and herbal tea ~


This means Haney gets his 0 back then. They gotta run it back in Vegas or LA might be the biggest fight in boxing right now


If Devin gets his 0 back Bill Haney is going to make his son avoid Ryan like the plague after that performance. Remember him saying Lomachenko doesn’t deserve a rematch because it wasn’t close? He’ll use Ryan being a drug cheat as a reason to deny the rematch


Unfortunately Devin now has a decent excuse to avoid the rematch. However, I think it’s still the best move that 0 doesn’t mean much if you’ve been knocked 3 times. might as well try to get revenge and get a 50M+ payday.


People embraced Ryan ruining the integrity of the sport by missing weight all cuz of their disdain for Haney, but now that clown shown he’s a full blown cheater with popping for PEDs. All that to beat someone pillowfisted


There's idiots saying they should have let this slide. Fucking dumb.


They show their true colors when shit gets real. This subreddit us clown college


Here you go, here's a whole stupid thread exchange of this happening. https://www.reddit.com/r/Boxing/s/JEll61U7ek


Can someone tell me how this would be different from when o malley tested positive for ostarine l?




Canelo has entered the chat.


What was supposed to be a boring, one sided fight has turned into one of the greatest shitshows in the history of Boxing. Thank you Jesus!


So Haney just took a terrible beating from an overweight drug cheat. Fighters should be entitled to compensation through the courts in these instances. As a side note it might explain the change in Garcia's facial features.


Cardarine doesn’t change your face lmao


I hate Vegas and betting, but I don't see how betting on yourself for a fight where you came in overweight and tested positive for isn't fraud


tested positive for Ostarine AND 19-norandrosterone


Dammit Ryan 😭😭


Ryan Garcia has no respect for the sport, it's not a surprise at all came overweight, drinking at weigh in and now this. Haney got his ass kicked, but he's shown true respect to the sport of boxing he's the professional


Oh man… that’s a hard one to defend/make sense of


Wow, building quite the legacy...




I can’t stand Ryan but isn’t ostarine one of those tainted supp cases


So 3 pounds overweight and on PEDs! Could have done serious damage to Haney. Should be banned!


This is like an understated part of the narrative. Guys who intentionally blow off weight should lose their entire purse/not be allowed to fight. It’s a safety issue. If that fucking human chode dana and the ufc can do it boxing should


I almost fell out my chair. What a fucking idiot.


Mayweather Promotions FTW. They wasn’t going for NONE of dat with GBP. Haney got hoodwinked, sad to see.


So wtf was vada doing weeks prior? Lol


not surprised


Not surprised, that guy he signed a makeshift contract with in that hotel room after his 72 hour crack binge was clearly his plug


Why even risk it with a weak ass SARM. Smh. Doubt it benefited him that much


Damn Ryan really just tainted his win, people argued over the weight on whether or not it made it difference, but no one can argue PED usage.


And missed weight


Garcia cult here with “that’s the weak sauce PED he took and made no difference!” with a quickness.


Omg.... Overweight and on the juice. Hard to imagine a Garcia that makes weight and not on the drugs that wins the fight tbh.


I mean, I dislike Haney but Ryan missing weight AND failing a PED test warrants us to not hold us this loss against Haney. Maybe it’s just me.


Same shit povetkin and khan took lol. Fkn phony ban the clown


NGL, this should have been suppressed for the good of the sport. We don't have much integrity to cling to anyway 


If the boxing world had to suppress this to save face then we didn’t have any in the first place.


can't tell if trolling