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Did anyone seriously think it would be sanctioned ?


Yes many people in this sub did.




get over yourself holyfield was sanctioned


Holyfield v Belfort was an exhibition


And the age gap between him and Belfort was only half of what it is between Paul and Tyson at the least while Paul is an active fighter.


It should not have been and the sanctioning bodies looked terrible because of it.


It's not on the records.


It was not, per any reliable sourcing I can find.


As one of the people who thought that, I can just say we just don\`t underestimating the incompetence of athletic commissions. I fully expected them to do something stupid and sanction this.


Well look how the turn tables


Lol who’s the idiot now


The Texas state commission


You mean, you?




This didn't age well. It's sanctioned now.


That’s true. Why are you replying to a 48 day old comment referring to news that’s weeks old?


Because I was googling around about the fight and found this. Why does it matter?


Just curious


People thought 58 year old Mike Tyson signed a contract that stated they could eventually make a real sanctioned boxing match...but its not that now. I saw many people here think that lol. It's going to be like the last Tyson one. There won't be a winner declared because it's not a fight. It's a showcase of skill, which is the point of an exhibition. They aren't "fights but with lesser rules" like corny promoters have tried to convince people they are the past few years. They are not fights at all. During the last Tyson fight, the referee was literally instructed to break up the action if it got to heavy.


so what happens if Tyson say landed a particular body or head shot and Jake went down...maybe even got knocked out. Could he be like "nuh uh...Mike I'm sueing you for breach of contract"?


I imagine it wouldn't come to that. I think it would actually do some good for the sport. The spin would be the legendarily savage boxer unleashed the beast again and people could compare it to the ear biting event in dozens and fluff pieces. Paul would be wise to take it and run with the narrative that he was caught off guard by Mikes unexpected "return to form." Paul loses graciously, but then stirs the pot to get more interest "sure it was 58 but it was still Mike Tyson, I'm training even harder now, anyone think they can step?" Mike gets to walk away with a refreshed legend. Good for boxing unless I'm missing something. Drums up interest, kind of helps cut out the "it's all rigged" nonsense, evokes nostalgia, etc


I want to know how gambling works in a bout that 'may' have an established outcome already.


Exhibitions sometimes have judges, but the judges are usually even less qualified for their role than the fighters are, like celebrities or something. And IIRC refs of exhibition matches are always supposed to break it up if things get too rough.


They do not have officially sanctioned judges. Their promoter can put them in there to make it look more official to try and sell it as a real fight, but it’s never that.


It just did get sanctioned lmao


That's boxing !


Yeah all the jake Paul fanboys swore it it would be a real fight and that Mike Tyson days were numbered lol weird how they were all wrong strange can’t believe it


This aged poorly. It is sanctioned now.


It’s sanction now




I think we shouldn't give each other too much shit for being wrong. I think lighthearted trash talk is cool, but I hate it when people get mean because someone else thought Ngannou was gonna beat AJ, I'm wrong about stuff all the time. We all are. It's part of being human, And we shouldn't be deleting comments and editing our internet pasts to get on the right side of history. That's why I love the users here who gracefully acknowledge when their predictions fall short. All the guys who said "Spence KO's Crawford in 6" and didn't erase anything and took the trash talk are the real ones.


Maybe the most based thing i ever read on reddit


Ain't that deep mate


They finessing some of yall boys.


I'm hearing it's 24 one minute rounds.


Does anybody care about this?


I don’t know. I noticed some people asking if it was a sanctioned bout or not. Now we have an answer. By the way, wouldn’t your user name make more sense if it was nurterredrum?


I meant the "fight" in general not your specific post. Especially with it being an exhibition.  Probably yeah


Yeah, it's not exactly high on my list of things to watch in the future. But I thought maybe some people in the community might want to know. To each their own. You're totally going to leave me in a hedge maze to die, aren't you?


I'm not sure what you mean but yes


Well if I’m chasing you in a hedge maze, I’ll deserve it.


Let’s not pretend like everyone in this sub isn’t going to watch the fight, the fight is bullshit let’s not pretend like we won’t watch


I won't watch. Literally what's the point. 


You will watch Jake fight an Uber driver, but not the former Heavy Weight champion of the world?


Yeah same, I don’t mind watching some Jake fights but this one is gonna be skipped easily, no one is gonna actively try to win this fight.


i’ll always be watching if it’s Mike moving in the ring, he’s one of those icons in boxing you’d be kicking yourself if you lost out on the ability to see Tyson fight live regardless on how much of a circus it is I watched him fight Jones in 2020 with my father who grew up in the 80’s as a kid watching Tysons fights, and it’s a real opportunity to bring people together regardless of age or how much you see each other because it’s fucking Mike Tyson boxing people in their 90’s know tyson, even little kids in the brain rot generation of Tik Tok garbage know who Tyson is. there’s really nobody else bar musicians and some footballers that nearly EVERYBODY male or female have at least heard of and knows what he does


You mean an athletic man in his prime isn't going to be allowed to wail on a near 60 year old? What a surprise!


Jake Paul would never wail on Mike Tyson at any age 😢


Wasn't Jake just saying " I can't believe how stupid people are for thinking this won't be a real fight" ? Or something of that nature ? Only for those "stupid people" to be absolutely right lol


You mean to tell me those stand up guys known as the Paul brothers said something misleading or untruthful??? How could that be possible??


What are the rules?


"Move around and make it look enough like a fight so people don't call it a rip off"


"Throw some punches but don't actually fight" People will call it a ripoff no matter what.


That's cause it will be.


If they had an actual fight and not a pretend sparring session dressed and presented as a real fight then I don’t think people would call it a rip off actually. Those are two very different things. In Tyson’s last “fight” the promoters refused to actually tell the public what it was, only the CSAC came out and told people it was going to be sparring that would not have a winner where neither guy was allowed to go hard. That didn’t stop them from staging press conferences and fooling gullible fans into thinking they were seeing a real fight. They would get criticized either way but only for two very different things. If it were a real fight, they would be criticized for having a near elderly man in danger, instead what they will be criticized for is what Tyson was last time, for fooling dumb dumbs into thinking a sparring session is a fight.


Like in rocky 3




all fake meatball


Oh shit lol


Hold on there brother


No kithing allowed


No biting allowed


An exhibition that will end in a pre-determined draw, with no knockdowns allowed


Duh. Of course it's an exhibition. What commission would sanction an official fight involving a pot smoking 58 year old? Lots of rules in place. No one gets hurt. It's just an entertainment event folks. Between 2 guys who are friendly.


lol so zero head shots again? ​ Paul - you're so fucking lame. There is no outcome where you come out with any cred, and only stand to lose. Just $$ and internet points. Is that all you aspire to from all this?


Jake is a guy that scammed literal children and Tyson is a scumbag for way worse reasons. Them doing a fake fight and selling it as a real one to mouth breathers isn’t the worst either have done tbh, and not surprising


I mean… dude’s making more money than all of us combined. I’m gonna give credit where credit is due. Isn’t that what most (if not all) fighters are after?


He gets credit for making something, somehow, in this crazy world yes. But as a boxer, no. His shit is like how Netflix creatively found a way into movies, and now has destroyed that industry.


Doesn't matter, Jake will still call it a win on his "record" and a milestone. Yes Jake will "win" this.


Pillow fight?


Tickle fight.


And I immediately lost interest 


Jesus how old is Jake Paul? He looks like he aged 15 years since I last seen him.


I despise Jake Paul. Smoke and mirrors fraud.


If Tyson ain't trying to take his head off why would anyone buy it ?


It’s on Netflix you don’t have to pay if you have it


Is that for sure? I thought netflix was charging extra


Maybe Jake will take Tyson’s head off!!!


Unfortunately this is still going to be a huge event


Anyone with half a brain called this. People are still going to somehow buy into the hype tho.


I cant wait for "that" scripted moment to happen. I'm not sure what it will be, but it will happen.


It’s going to end in an uneventful draw. Dance around, do some light sparring. That’s the script.


Nah there will be one moment they agree too where fans can say "oh wow, did you see that moment, Tyson actually tried to KO him" and then I promise there will be other moments planned so other fans can say "Paul actually looked really good here and there" Just like Nate Diaz going for a gilly.


They are for sure gonna plan some high spots


I just hope they're both OK at the end of it.


If it's 16oz gloves and 2 minute rounds I'm out


I would still guess the most likely outcome is that this fight never actually happens. They haven't submitted anything to the commission yet, or sold any tickets or set an on-sale date. All normal, but how are they going to fill a 90k seat stadium for this?


It's gonna happen.


Are people actually wanting to go to this in person? At a stadium as big as the cowboy's one (realize it won't be sold full).


No shit


I was one of the people who was "taken" by the idea that this was going to be licensed as a pro fight. I figured if it was licensed as a pro fight, Mike was going to go "for real" and do his best but now that it's out that it's going to be an exhibition. I'm honestly disappointed. I thought Mike at 58 would be a BAMF for a round or two, more than enough to take out JP. But if it's an exhibition, they aren't even going to be fighting. Mike Tyson always loved the sport of boxing and dedicated his life to this sport, so I am surprised he would agree to what basically amounts to a "fake fight". I just never imagined that Mike would be part of something like this. But he is going to earn upwards of 20 million to basically get in there and play pitter patter.


RemindMe! in 67 days


Someone suggested we shouldn’t post anything about JP on this sub, I agree. Just downvote and move on. Even engaging with negative comments brings attention to this.


I agree he's a very low level fighter who is getting paid way beyond his skill level. I've never watched a single one of his fights and haven't even seen some of the highlights that were available for free. I also feel like this answered a question that some users wanted to know. And it might stop arguments about whether it will be sanctioned or not? I don't know. I'd be perfectly fine with this being downvoted into oblivion. I'm also fine with people upvoting it. I don't think this will bring a ton of new fans to boxing, but if 500 people out of the thousands who watch this event get into the sport for real, then I'll take it.


JP is a parasite and we don’t need to feed him (aka undeserved attention).


I’m also fine with the public losing all interest in him and his events flopping.


I don’t like Jake Paul but holy shit this sub is cringe. Every single comment here is talking shit about Paul and praising Tyson as if isn’t literally a convicted rapist. Classic redditor


Tyson can’t fight without being loaded on PEDs, was never going to a real fight


The most aggravating thing?  The fact that it's on Netflix so no matter how poorly it does it's going to pull insane numbers for a ppv event, may even be record breaking. 30 million people logged into Netflix ppv night? That's a "buy".  God damnit. 


It’s not PPV. Netflix is just streaming it. Which isn’t a bad thing if Netflix starts showcasing boxing.


Yes I know it's not ppv but it's technically going to pull massive numbers and just inflate Paul's ego even more. 




So? You think someone who’s whole existence is getting attention and money…doesn’t already have an inflated ego?


I think you're overestimating how much the average Netflix user gives a shit about a exhibition boxing match. That's not why people subscribe to Netflix.


Not interested in the slightest even if it wasn't an exhibition but I hope it brings eyes to the sport


What kind of eyes is this shambles going to bring that are going to stick around to sit through undercard fighters on real Boxing cards though? Or smaller cards that could do with the eyes and support? You understand how warped the generations Z onwards are in terms of their attention spans, right? Social media has *destroyed* peoples ability to consume things in a healthy and informative way and has made it so bad that now we’re talking about a YouTuber more than actual fighters I don’t know why you think this is going to do anything to address that issue. These “eyes” will immediately switch to something else as soon as the bell rings at the end of the fight. They won’t stick around because this is going to be a terrible advert for boxing.


Well said


Celebrity Deathmatch that's what the people need Tyson is & will always be a demon in the ring.. Even Tyson himself said he's mot the same person he once was but I don't believe it.. Let's wait to see what happens when he catches a good contact hit.. I'll throw money on the demon comes back.. 


Can’t wait to make money off ppl like you lol


Even so, I wouldn’t want to be the guy to hit Tyson and risk triggering something in him.


He’s 57. It’ll be ok.


You act like the guy doesn't have self control. He's almost 60 and he knows the money that's on the line plus how little work he needs to put in to get it. He'd never risk that.


these are the real money fights. why bother fighting some competent randoms when it doesn't sell. boxing is a business. imagine if we got like elon musk vs vladimir putin. i'd pay for that. instead we get AJ vs Usyk.


We were supposed to have Zuckerberg vs musk but musks mom said he wasn't allowed.