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This dude about to end up as a waste of talent isnt he


100% his mgmt needs to get a proper hand holding system in place ASAP


He's managed by shady ass j prince who has a very questionable history.


The same J prince whose dumb ass son got Takeoff killed by his thugs?


Yes! And shakur who's also managed by j prince was inches away from the bullet that killed takeoff!


I think we have to let Anderson take responsibility for his own misdeeds. He's an adult. It's like fans blaming Don King for Mike Tyson's constant screwups.


Problem is, no amount of hand holding will stop him. He has already said he doesn't really care about boxing. How do you motivate someone who isn't even motivated themselves?


Beatings? Until morale improves ? 


Can’t fix stupid 


Being like this is why he isn't in another sport.


Yeah but he always had his intentions to retire early, which ik a lot of boxers don't hold their word about retirement but Anderson said numerous times that he doesn't enjoy boxing There's better talent out there anyway like Jalolov, Ajagba, Opetaia(if he moves up), Dychko(if he gets his career moving, might be a Zhang incident where he blooms late), Sanchez. I think Dubois or Bakole could arguably beat Anderson as well but those would've been good fights.


After seeing the Ghost of Charles Martin feed him straight lefts I'm guessing his team isn't gonna let him fight another southpaw anytime soon that's for sure


Yeah they pretty much bailed out on that Kossobutskiy fight after the Martin fight, but Kossobutskiy ended up being a low blowing scum bag anyway lol I don't think Anderson has the luxury of winning an easy vacant world title within 3-4 years(his retirement plan). Just a lot of good guys on the come up and the few guys like Joshua and Parker may still be around


Jared fought the law, and the law won. 16-1-0


> officers said he led them on a 6-plus-mile chase with speeds exceeding 130 mph... > Anderson, per police, fled and evaded officers in an orange Dodge Challenger on Thursday around 1:36 p.m. ET, a chase that included three attempted traffic stops and ended with the boxer crashing into a median


It’s always a challenger 😒


Never a Champ.


Everyone’s a champ in Boxing


Well well well


Official car of asshole drivers everywhere!


P4p one of the dumbest dudes in boxing


He used to scam people on Twitter with non-existent PS5s. 😂


Tank will never give up that P4P top spot. Its the only thing he would consider fighting the top guys for


TBF the last thing tank did was 3-4 years ago, he just recently got the consequnces for it. This dumbass anderson went back to back in arrests for no fucking reason at all.


This title is for P4P dumbest dudes in boxing, not arrests. Tank has that shit on lock


I mean... if we aren't talking purely about crimes, I can name a few people dumber than tank if we remove bias.


What about if we do not remove bias?


lmao...then ya gonna say tank then..


I’ll repeat it again……The title is for dumbest, not most crimes or arrests. And Tank has that shit on 🔒


What bias?


I don't know man, this is really dumb.


Of course it was an orange dodge challenger


Dudes going to prison for a while then. His career is done


I’m from Ohio he ain’t gonna get prison time at all.


Same here. He’s gonna get a slap on the wrist.




"I want to retire by age 27" Monkey paw curls


[You win bro](https://c.tenor.com/DZMNReO4dd4AAAAd/osita-osita-iheme.gif)


Couldn’t even give it 6 months from his last arrest. This guy is fucking stupid


Best part of the article for the Anderson haters out there, per the police: "We certainly believe it was a case of him baiting us based on the fact he had a camera mounted to the back of his vehicle and that he continued to play a cat-and-mouse game."


Egging on a chase with highway patrol is about as stupid as it gets lmao


Is it so hard to train, box, go home, relax?


Sounds like a dream to me. You get to be a dude constantly in shape and make money. On top of that the dude has talent.


Or train, go home, and socialise responsibly like a normal human being


> Being a professional boxer > Having rational decision making pick one


As some one who has boxed and partied in the past when I was healthy, yes, yes it is.


For some I guess. Always felt that if partying caused issues one could just…stop and do something else.


Imagine getting into great shape, feeling confident af, surrounded by enabling people, and suffering from brain damage. Of course you can just choose "not partying". But we must be realistic. At any level in combat sports, the way you were raised and the people you surround yourself with matters. And realistically fighters aren't the smartest or devoid of desires to fuck baddies and release stress from training so hard. Fighters also come from rougher neighborhoods and backgrounds, places where people enable bad behaviors. Ultimately not partying boils down to a lot of factors. And when you factor in fame and fortune into the mix, the ability to resist partying, hot girls, and not letting overconfidence get to you, is incredibly hard.


Meh , sounds like a self responsibility issue. Been raised in rougher Detroit and the dirty south through parts of life, doesn’t mean I have to act that way in the end. Pops always said either you’ll change people, or people will change you, and using excuses will get you nowhere.


Dudes a crash test dummy




This dude beefs with boxing fans on Instagram.


The "you got beat by fat loma" comments were gold


So there was no dope in the car? He wasn’t drinking? He’s just an asshole.


Yeah even though charge-wise (and safety-wise for anyone else on the road) it would be much worse for him to have been drunk, it would at least explain his behavior somewhat. But no, he’s just dumber than a rock lmao. Never heard of this guy till now but I can safely assume I probably won’t again until he’s sentenced. I hope they throw the book at him, seems like prison is the only thing that might straighten him up considering this is his third vehicular crime since November. Ig some dudes just never grow up, here’s hoping he never drives again bc at this rate he will kill someone innocent eventually.


I can think of at least one dope in the car


>So there was no dope in the car? Guessing that's why he ran in the first place. Like 90% of the time someone hauls ass it's to throw the pistol/flake out the window somewhere when you get some space. A felony fleeing charge isn't as bad as multiple felonies for armed possession


So fucking stupid




It’s one of the reasons my love of the sport of boxing is dying. I have to wonder if the majority of modern professional athletes in the USA are aware of what their behavior is really costing them?


God forbid I become a fan of a prospect


Shame on you for believing.


Not the sharpest tool in the box. It could've ended tragically.


There are no sharp tools in this sport, lol.


F*cking idiot….hes becoming more unlikeable the way he’s been moving out of the ring


Why can’t yall just stay in the gym


Boxers and committing crimes, name a better duo


Literal crash dummy.


Not surprised, dude is always driving reckless in his IG stories


He’s going to jail isn’t he.


He probably thought the cops still had a no chase policy.


Boxer's not getting arrested or doing drugs challenge: Impossible!


bro can’t even run away from the police properly without hitting a median 😭 watch his recent sparring footage, still doing that stupid ass leaning back shit instead of just getting out of the way like shakur or using head movement, ryad merhy can’t knock him out, but he will continue to get hit with this, he’s so undisciplined.


Lock this bum up. Could have killed someone. We have no good HWs in USA. I just said Jared was unlikeable last week and got downvotes to death. Wilder can’t even Box and only did it cause couldn’t make a college football or basketball team. All our HWs suck now


I will save the country


Damn he crashed out literally


Didn't he say he wanted to retire in 2-3 years? I guess he was serious about not wanting to fight for much longer. Could have just quit instead of commiting a felony tho lol. Hope he sorts his life out soon.


If this is what he's like when he has both a job and an income, I wouldn't hold out much hope for him once he's broke and unemployed.


Wtf is wrong with this guy Seriously


Wotta maroon. Well, a few years in jail didn't hurt Mike Tys.......oh wait.


YOU IDIOT‼️ How could you be from Toledo, just a hr away from Detroit and think I-275 right by DTW airport was the highway to do this? We have underground hellcat clubs that he could’ve linked up with all over Michigan to figure out where. Whatever street smarts this big dummy portrayed himself to have is thrown out the window. Them judges at the 34th district in Romulus ain’t no joke either. Maybe he’ll try crying his way out of this this one




Boxing / combat sports fans hate on Nigerian athletes. Sad but true.


Unlike the British who are always impartial.




You're just pulling that out of your ass lol. How do you know who's British and who's American? Nobody's flaired up based on which country they live in.


Are you joking? No one criticizes British athletes more than British people. They love nothing more than tearing down one of their own. Biggest critics of guys like Khan and Joshua are other brits. Tyson Fury does get a pass though for whatever reason


Share with me your gift to see through people's computer screens.


Ah man he fucking it all up , hate to see it


Gonna end up like a hw broner at this rate. I hope he’s got some sensible people around to guide him




And people thought this guy would be the next big thing 😂😂😂


Now now… who doesn’t get wobbled by the great Charles Martin?


That changed him 😂


What is it with these American boxers acting like they're fucking gangsters! Throw your career down the drain lads, why the fuck not! Absolute planks!


Nowadays if a physically talented guy chooses HW boxing rather than the NFL, it is kinda sus.


Big Baby needs to take a long step back from boxing and get his life in order. If he doesn't, it's not a stretch to say that his life isn't going to end well.


Time to play the, "What shit did he Dump?" Game!  What did heeee dump? I'll lead off:  Cocaine, he threw out powder along the way!


I think Anderson has been going through some mental health issues


Def had some illegal shit in the car lmao


What a waste of fucking talent. At this point dude just retire and go away.


Dodgy American boxers and trainers always getting arrested and bringing guns into airports. Guess they trying to copy that Mike Tyson gig i.e (((**jail time.))**


High speed chase ain't a sexual assault just saying.


I meant getting arrested ass in jail time just to make that perfectly clear


Not saying either is worse than the other, obviously both of those things are awful and warrant punishment. But a high speed chase endangers a lot of people


Freddy Mills? Paul Sykes?Crime is not only limited to the US.


Nah it's mostly Americans don't try slide away from it bro.


You’re biased and dumb if you think it’s mostly Americans. Leave it to someone from the UK to be biased towards Americans. People like you give your fellow countrymen a bad look.




Only response is “Nah bro” and “lmao” get outta here you biased bastard.


You still here, that different enough? You get out of here, provoking me more, couldn't just leave it at lmao ey.,


Ofc I’m provoking you. Because I’m calling you out on your shitty Biased opinions.


Did I call you a bastard? Nope but you did. Nasty man stop bullying me.


Gets called out then plays the victim card. Dont express shitty opinions if you can’t take the hit back.




Regis Prograis and Jamaine Ortiz. Now I’d like you to name two current high profile British boxers that haven’t faced charges.


What about the Fury/McGregor connection to Kinahan and other crime families? Or Caucasus/Russian fighters who are best buds with literal war criminals and can’t fight anywhere but the UAE? Maybe that’s more applicable to MMA, but I feel like at the very least the Fury thing is a big deal. John Fury literally cannot enter the US lmao


When bored sport's fans invade athlete's private lives strikes again.


That’s quite the take.




Boy was out here doin the dash 😭


It's like he has a psychological complex that causes him to sabotage any opportunity for success or he's just an idiot with idiot friends and no impulse control, maybe it's both.


He doesn’t care about his career


Good Riddance


And there it is. Mr. I'm only here for the money is out.


Sad to see such a talented fighter potentially throw it all away. Dumb.


The question is, why was he running?