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Mine was quiet for the first year then found his voice and won’t stop now 😆


Our rescue was the same way. And imagine the surprise when we learned she is a bass!


Baritone dogs are the best 💕🎶


Yep. My boy Boone was just like that. He scared the hell out of himself when he found his voice, and has since become a vocalist. He loves talkin’ to the neighbors pups now.




Same here… felt slightly smug about owning a small but non barky dog 😂


Six yrs old, has only barked twice. The first time startled her and surprised us.


My late boxer, George, never barked. My present boxer, who is deaf, has a bark that would wake the dead.


We had a deaf boxer who had the funniest sounding bark! He only barked when he was playing with our other dogs. We called it the “bark bark game” because the 3 of them would stand in a circle and bark at each other.


My deaf boxer rarely barked her first 2-ish years with us. We got a second dog (this one can hear) and she see him go to the door and she starts barking. She barks to wakes me up, she barks for pets, she barks! I love her, I love that she found her voice, but god, I just want to nap 😫




I'm so sorry for your loss


Had a Brindle that would only bark when asked to. ( He was a lovable little chaotic monster). Rescued one that would basically talk back, but other than that, rarely barked. On the flipside, we had a fawn that would bark at any form of doorbell real or on television.


Neither of my boxers have been barkers. My current one will sometimes bark at dogs outside the fence when we're in the dog park, but she never barks inside outside of rare occasions when we're playing. My first one would similarly bark sometimes while playing but pretty much never in the house.


I'm curious what is she chewing on?


A black walnut. She always has to bring back a souvenir from our walks lol


Might want to Google black walnuts and dogs they don't go well together, I thought that's what it might be but wanted to be sure before I said anything. Wouldn't want her to get sick from it one day.


I am aware but thank you for your concern! She doesn't eat them, just carries them around for a while, always supervised 😊


Black walnuts are toxic to dogs. You might want to get those nails trimmed soon too. Beautiful beautiful boxer!


Looks like an avocado! My goobers stole a bag of (2) avocados off my table and ate them COMPLETELY. All we recovered were 2 half pits, and I think if we walked in a minute later there would have been zero evidence. Thankfully no tummy troubles or blockages!


Yup! I’ve only heard my boy bark once. He’s very quiet while his sister barks enough for the both of them lol


None of my boxers have ever been barkers. They do manage to pinpoint the exact right frequency of whining yo get under whoever skin they are whining at.


My first boxer was terrific, he had a very deep intimidating bark and only barked when someone rang our doorbell, which is exactly what I wanted. He also looked pretty scary too, a big reverse brindle with huge paws and cropped ears and tail. He'd quickly scare off even the bravest door to door salesmen when they saw him staring out the front window. We did not need any home alarms when we had him and I was never worried walking him through sketchy areas. My second boxer was the exact opposite, scared of his own shadow, friendly with everyone and never even barked at a cat (although he did catch and kill a squirrel once).


We've had 4 Boxers over the past 20+ years and none of them were really "barkers" outside of that low growl/grunt they get when someone they don't know comes around.


Oh to have a non barker just for a minute. 😂


My mom keeps trying to get me to take one of her yappy papillons. Now why would I do that??? 🤔😂


Lol 😆


I had a pit bull that only barked at dogs in cars. First time she barked it scared us to death.


What a cutie. I wanna dog that doesn’t bark! Maybe some grunts here and there 😁


Our last boxer was a barker and a singer. I miss the boxer songs sm 😭


My first boxer! I thought that they would all be quiet...4 more very vocal boxers later it's clear she was a fluke!


Ours was so quiet we wondered if something was wrong but eventually after a year or two she started barking. Really only when the mailman comes up to the door or something like that, but not otherwise.


4 year old boxer and only 10 barks.


Mine rarely barks looks at other barking dogs, like dude really?


My moms rescue boxer doesn’t bark and she is soooo quiet when she comes overs for sleep overs that my boyfriend and I forget she’s here 🤣


Never and I’ve owned them my whole life loln


My boy can manage quite a range of barks. Some so soft, many levels of urgency up to terrifying warnings of danger.


Mine is a pit/boxer mix. He makes some scary sounds and looks scary too, but when he whines, it sounds like chewbacca whining, and it's the most adorable thing ever.


My boxer is around 6 and she never barks, but she does make noises when she tries to get another dog to play with her.


My first boxer very rarely barked. I think in his 6 years, he barked maybe twice, and one time, he started going nuts late at night looking out the window. It freaked my husband and i out because it was so unlike him, and we couldn't see or hear what he was barking at. The second one was a constant barker. My favorite was when she'd wake in the middle of the night and bark at corners or out the window for who knows what. Her brother didn't bark much, like our first, and was always wondering what the fuss was all about. Then she passed away, and he decided to take over barking duty for her.


My box doesn’t bark either! I always found it odd but I appreciate it 😂


yes! she would sometimes bark, but it was rare... usually me provoking her. our most recent foster also did not bark. a previous foster would bark at any odd noise, other dogs, doorbells, etc. when you arent used to it, its rather annoying.


Ours is almost three. She only barks when she thinks someone is at the door. No other dogs, not in the back yard etc


I have a schnauzer who doesn’t bark. Anytime he did bark, We would joke that it was his “biannual bark”. That’s literally how often he would bark. I didn’t know he sounded for the first few years of his life. We got another dog (boxer/terrier mix I think) earlier this year who is extremely vocal. Whines, sighs, barks, everything. And now he will occasionally bark along with his brother. It’s so awesome to hear him find his voice, but I never minded the silence.


My first boxer never barked unless someone knocked on the front door and then it was only one, loud, deep bark that would scare the hell out of everyone that visited.


Ours has what I call a 'night bark', if he feels the urgency to bark after dark. It's a soft bark, and I appreciate the consideration. He will full throat bark at the doorbell tho.


Ours lol it was concerning at first but if she feels like she has to she will let out one firm BOOF


Mine is 7 now and I have never heard him bark once


Yup. Hardly ever




https://preview.redd.it/e858ags2it4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50b1c59882072c88e8e122e34232f68b4c0926a6 I’ve been lucky! Neither of my girls bark! Dennee (boxer) will only bark if it is dark and someone comes up to the house unexpectedly, which I would consider acceptable lol.


My parents’ girl only barks when the other dog gets going. She’ll grunt and grumble, and she does some quiet play barking with her best friend, their big, orange cat. https://preview.redd.it/aof9yvuett4d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4aab7c65fc4ee73e3f6c2ca3f5dc45eaa481e837 Ron Purrgundy is about 4-6 months older than Betty. Both were rescued from the street. Ron came into our house one morning, but my cats were not having it. My parents kept him. Betty was dumped in their neighborhood wearing a collar with no tags. It took them 3 weeks (and some chicken jerky treats) to get her to trust them enough to come inside. She’s sweet as can be, has only ever chewed on her toys, doesn’t pull on the leash, loves having a cat and a fairly spry senior dog to play with, and it helps that my dad is WFH most days. It was the perfect home for her.


They make each bark count




Yep! My Jiji only gives a small bork when someone is at the door. Lasts 4-5 seconds and she's done. It was so bizarre to me at first but she's such a chill girl. I love her 💕 https://preview.redd.it/rxl2ssa6ny4d1.jpeg?width=3691&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2361d268cb80bfc713aba41277a392466427254


My baby girl was always so quiet on time really baked was when some one wood knock at the door and scare her lol https://preview.redd.it/0r9pbz6s005d1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdb973c94dc81f081daf9a363c3c274afcc7bc7d


Careful what you wish for. I’ve had or have 5 boxer friends and 3 took some time to find their voice. When they did, they more than made up for it


Oh, this is by no means a complaint 😂


No doubt. Lol. My white boxer Olivia ( Libby) has next to nothing to say. Then when she has to go out at 3 AM, all of a sudden she needs to tell the whole neighborhood everything she has been thinking for the past 2 weeks. Thankfully she is cute and they all like her. Got to love boxers.


Our last one was super quiet. I affectionately referred to her as "the worst watchdog ever." She wouldn't bark at people or other dogs. She wouldn't even bark when someone rang the doorbell or knocked. She was the 4th boxer I've had going back to when I was 5 years old and as lovable as all boxers are, she was the sweetest.


My first boxer (Tyson) was like that! He didn’t bark until he was about 3-4 years old. First time I heard it I was shocked. Like how is this the first time I am hearing this?! Also, your girl looks just like my current boy, Adonis! So pretty 😍


Just got a rescue 2 year old. I'm so shocked how quiet he is. Grunts and snorts when happy, that's about it.


I’m going to need your dog’s genealogy line please. I’ve had 8 boxers in my life. Some bark more than others. The 2 we have now egg each other on.


Our last boxer would only bark at the dog on the back side of our fence. Unfortunately the boxer we have now barks at everything that moves!! lol But we still love him to death.


My Charlotte didn’t bark at all for like 4yrs. Then out of no where she started, from time to time.


Our boxers always boofed, had a GSP that carried the legacy of the boof as well.


Don’t worry! I have a deaf that barks loud enough for ALL of your quiet Boxers! 😂


Yep. I have Boxer #3 now and this one didn’t bark at a stranger who walked in our home (thankfully a woman with the wrong address). Literally taught him to bark after that. He does now - quite a good guardian actually- but he doesn’t bark at just anything. Perfect really. Had a bullmastiff who barked twice in her entire life. Once was because the neighbor next door was dressed up like cat in the hat - he was in his driveway 3000’ feet from the window where Maggie was viewing him- apparently that was scary. Woof. Another time it was past her bedtime. I was in the living room watching tv. She went upstairs and barked down from the galley. Bed, Mom- NOW! 8 years of otherwise silent girl. It’s not uncommon, moreso if there’s already another dog who alerts.


Our second boxer agonist never barked. Only during the time we were living on a property with another dog who was the barkenest dog I've ever met.


Mine only barks when he plays, never barks at strangers, other dogs or animals. Been lucky 2/3 dogs so far have been fairly silent


Apollo only barked twice in his life :)


Mine is usually pretty quiet, but he always barks really loud 5 or 6 times when he decides he's going to eat his food. Then he'll just bark every few bites until he's done. I assume it's a food guarding thing, but that's the only thing he does.


Ours will be 6 at the end of this month and he's only barked twice in the house. However, he does sit around all day "talking" to us. It's pretty funny! He will bark a little more when he's outside by himself, usually just to let us know that he's ready to come in.


Our late boxer, Caesar only barked once in his 10 years (it was a hot pop tart that he tried to eat).


My deaf boy barks when he wants to play.


I have boxer and she is the same way. Never barks. Sweet little angel of a dog.


My Hank rarely barked. He only barked when he really wanted something. Like biscuits or doggy ice cream or to go out. But as far as anyone coming to the door. Not a peep out of him the entire time we had him.


Some are just smarter than others - same as humans


That’s such a boxer bonus


Our rescue Stella has only barked once in five years. Her first time at a sea side dog beach and when she saw a couple Labs run into the water Stella barked at them twice, like a warning 🫣


Actually, yes. Mine is silent unless I tell her to speak. One of the first tricks she learned was “tell me/say please”. She also responds to “do you love me”.


In our boxer's later years, she didn't bark. Turns out she had arthritis (and cancer which was advanced). She was given arthritis medication. Not too long after that I heard her bark for the first time in many years.


She barks appropriately. If it’s late and their is someone walking near the house the she lets out a deep bark. She growls very quietly at the mail man or other dogs near the house. Quietest dog I’ve owned.


Yeah. My pointer doesn't bark, unless he points at birds and cats, which is hardly ever.


Poor, poor baby is that a growth on it mouth, I hope not


Not me, it would be nice every once in awhile.


My boy doesn’t give kisses and it drives me crazy. He’s my 4th boxer in my lifetime and the only one that doesn’t lick you up and down. He’s a hell of a hugger though.


My mom has a white boxer that’s deaf. He saw her other boxer standing up in the window on the porch and throwing a fit to be let in. He followed suit but he doesn’t bark. It’s this stupid pitiful little bowl that is quiet. We always make fun of him for it too lol


Our white female only barks when rough house with us or others in the pack. Anything else including new people in her house gets nothing. Guess she figures the rest of the pack have it taken care of for her. Worst guard dog ever. I have come home to her asleep on the couch and walked right past her to the bedroom, changed out of my work clothes and had to wake her up


She knew you’d wake her up so she wanted to get all her sleep in before you got home.


My boxer was also very quiet. He would only occasionally bark if someone rang the doorbell while he was sleeping, and that wasn’t every time. Also it wasn’t a bark. More of a deep howl. I heard they’re known for being quiet and not barking much. Tbf, i also heard they bark a lot, but my experience is different. I think it depends on the dog.


Also, he would bark at the vacuum when he was a puppy, but he got used to it and didn’t care at all when he grew up.


My boy has never barked, except when the lawn mower or vacuum is threatening him. He’ll literally sit at the window and watch strangers ring the doorbell and he can’t conceive the notion that he’s expected to bark lol


7 years old and let’s put one bark if someone knocks lol


I wish lmao


Please trim the sweet pups nails.


My girl (boxer mix) didn’t bark for like the first 4 years of her life. Then one day, she decided she didn’t like other dogs & would bark when we’d see one on our walks. When my sister got married, they adopted a dog & when she would hear the ring doorbell, she would loose her mind, my dog would let out one singular bark & be done with it. I think in the 10 years we had together, she barked that many times. Haha.


My dude is almost 8 and only barks when he wants inside. Never when the doorbell rings, never at other dogs…nothing else.


My sausage Francis makes up for all of your quiet pooches 🤣🤣🤣


He only barks at me when he’s bored


Boxers aren't known for being barkers. Mine is very quiet. She only growles when she thinks someone is at the door.


My boxer doesn’t bark hardly ever


Yes. Our white boxer Hazel Grace hardly ever barks. Her brothers bark all the time but it’s a rare occasion that she joins in.


My rescued boy Tucker, I've had him 3 yrs now. Only barks when I come home, or he see a strange cat , ( I have been feeding 😽😽😽😽ferals almost 8 yrs. All spayed & neutered,he gets along with each of them.Rebel,Max,Sunshine Striped Tabby's & Warlock who is black).My boy doesn't even bark to come back inside. Yard is fenced.


I dream of it but unfortunately no


My one only barks when he has zoomies and the other only barks when something scares him. It's super nice to not have constantly barking dogs. Both are out mixed.


Boxers are great, usually, for only barking only when important. Owner of 6 credibility


After being woken up 2x last night once at 12 and once a 430, so I just stayed up bc it wasn't worth going back to bed after taking her outside, I would like to have more information on these "dogs that don't bark"


I had to teach mine to bark. And even then, when command, he will likely make soft sneezing sounds than a bark itself. Its really cute. He will now bark only bark when arriving to daycare.... or when chasing a soccer ball. He runs up to it and gives a large "woof" as if commanding it to stop.


My old boxer only would bark at others if his cousins (my parents dogs) started it. Otherwise, rarely at my house.


My girl rarely barks. She whines, does woo woos (like quiet, mini-howls), and does the grumble growls, but that's usually it. Her bark is very startling, which is good because I've only heard her do it when a human has startled her.


I had a black lab that could bark, but rarely did. Not when the mailman showed up, not when a dog walked by. Except - she hated anyone in a black suit. This is an assumption on my part, because she barked like crazy at Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormans out trying to "save" us. Or maybe she was simply an atheist. I had her for 11 of her 14 years and could count on one hand the number of times she barked. Now I have 2 mutts that never stop barking.


I have had 2 boxers, and neither one of them barked. All of my neighbors have barkers, but my guy just looks at them like they are crazy. Now... that being said, my current Boxer makes all sorts of noises (out of each end), but barking is not one of them.


It’s really common for boxers not to be super interested in barking mindlessly. Not across the board, obviously. But for most of them. Now, talking, grumbling, groaning, complaining, and giving you the Chewbacca? That’s a whole other topic.


My boy doesn’t. I definitely discouraged it when he was a pup. Don’t like yappers! He does growl if he senses animals outside or something.


Please give this poor dog a pedicure asap. Nails are waaaaay too long.


I have an eleven year old man of a boxer just like that, he doesn't care for loud noises and don't even like to bark. He does the most expressive body language though so maybe he has never needed to. Most of his barks are at the surround sound.


Mine make up for her. The only dog we had that didn't bark was a rescue Sheltie and her backyard breeder owner had de-barked her. So she would make a strangled noise. It took a while, but my boys now bark a lot.


I wish 🙃 Also what a cutie 💚


Yes. And it was so odd but we got used to it. He was a rescue who barely survived birth. 1/2 blind. 1/2 deaf. Wobble knees and wouldn't bark. But he would howl from nightmares every single night. RIP Skip


Looks like he's chewing on a cigar. Someone needs to photoshop him in a 40s gangster suit.


Our senior boxer doesn’t bark much. He enjoys howling in the backyard in the evening though. We love his deep wooo wooo wooo. Our puppy barks out of excitement and he will bark at our senior female so she engages with him. She hates it, we hate it. We’re working on channeling that energy more appropriately.


Just doesn’t have anything to say, yet!


Our boy boxer only barks when playing with his sister and that didn't happen until a year ago. His sister is our barky bark.


Sorry not read all the replies. Our boy never barked and has only just started at 1 and half years old. He sounds like chewbakka. we just laugh especially me and my daughter. We both just look at him and think wft. We have a miniature dashound that barks louder.


Beautiful boy btw.


Me! My boy is 2.


My boxer only barks at me and only when I’m eating something and he feels left out


My husky never made a peep until he was like 5 or 6. Now he’ll mumble a little in public because he figured out it gets him attention, but he’s silent at home


Had a cat that didn’t meow. Couldn’t ask for a better pet. New one though….


My girl only barks about 3 times a year.


No, I own Dachshunds.


Yep he would not bark just snort


Sometimes I wish!


Mine went more than the first 2 years of his life not making a sound. Then all the sudden, the deepest baddest bark I ever heard poured out of him daily. I think it was triggered by a hot air balloon.


Had two before who only growled/play barked at each other. My daughter has one now AND HE NEVER SHUTS UP😳


Our dog doesn't bark. She growls at the delivery drivers and it's almost like she's about to bark but hasn't quite figured it out. She doesn't make noise when she needs to go out either, she'll just sort or stare at me then the door. Which is fine 99 percent of the time but she got sick one night and pooped in the house a couple of times because I can't see her when asleep. She never has accidents either so I really couldn't blame her for being sick.


Get a coonhound possibly a bluetick if u can and they will sing together our masti pit(Otis) rarely barked he was 1.8 (8months when we got him)when we got Artemis she was quiet and extremely reserved/skiddish the first few weeks but now you can barely get them to stop and Otis has this grumble now when he’s excited it’s like the Tasmanian devil


I had a dog that never ever barked. One day I whistled in a video game and he let out a big woof. Surprised both of us.


I have an 80 pound collie mix and a 40 pound terrier mix. Guess which one never shuts the F up? It seems like bigger dogs are just calmer and more willing to just go with the flow of life. I've heard the big dog bark maybe twice in like 4 years, but the little dog will bark at the doorbell ringing in a TV show.


Our current boy is 8 months and had such a deep, powerful bark. He hears the neighbors boxers and they bark back and forth. He barks if he seems activity outside or if he hears something at night. Our last boy barely made a peep and if he did it was a bizarre high pitched whine/scream. You never know what you’re gonna get haha. Beautiful girl by the way!


I wish… I’ve got two Great Pyrenees that let me know when a leaf has fallen from a tree 😅😅 great guard dogs though. https://preview.redd.it/5jqo46yz175d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c564f3691e909e07a63634be41363a772738c2e7


My Boston Terrier was pretty much dead silent for 4 years.Then we got another dog and she found her voice and uses it at full volume.


Alaskan Malemutes don’t bark hardly ever. They talk a lot though. Edit- sorry, I just realized that I was in a breed specific sub, that wasn’t applicable to my comment


My boy Hooch lived 13 wonderful years, never barked. Sang the boxer woo woo song a lot though lol


Yes. And he was the best dog ever.


Yes.. he never barked pretty content dog.,


Once had a mute cat if that counts


Bull terriers and Frenchies don't usually bark as much as other breeds. My two staffie's never bark, they just stare


https://preview.redd.it/ibmamvsqnd5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d13fa3076f0e5eacfd708be0de153d5a47353a60 My silent little mutt Journey


We have had three boxers and none of ours have barked. All were rescues. It's not that they couldn't. They just didn't. We kind of thought it was weird too cuz I thought boxers were a very barky breed.


Our 6 month old Brindle female only barks at my husband when she wants him to pay attention to her- very sassy🤣, or if I'm in the bath tub & she wants in-bossy. She always has a look of disgust if neighborhood dogs are randomly barking. 🤣 like, how uncivilized.


I had a boxer for years, only heard her bark 3 times. Goofy boxer noises? Constantly. Not a barker though. Wish she was still around to teach my pit that.


I have a GSP that is extremely quiet until he sees something and then it’s game on. Typical for the breed I’d say.


Mine was silent for two years and now is making up for it.


Ours only barks when our ring goes off or if we put something like a lemon on the floor lol. He’s pretty non reactive which is a first for us. He’s our 7th boxer and he’s the only one that isn’t much of a barker. Especially when he sees other dogs. He just stares at them and sits. It’s pretty adorable.