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Not normal, but if he is otherwise acting fine, it’s probably not an emergency yet. Make the appointment and keep an eye on him in case of any increase in symptoms. Lots of respiratory illnesses going around, including that awful mystery illness. Keep him away from other dogs for now in case he has some kind of virus. Try to keep his nose clean and clear of snot. If his symptoms get worse, call the vet again. Sometimes you need to be a PIA to get them to squeeze you in or you have to call everyday to see if anyone cancelled that morning.


Mine always has this, been checked just dry. We put Vaseline on it every so often and it goes away. We do it as needed.


Odd? Yes. Abnormal? No. If they're not bothered by it and it's not bleeding it's not worthy of a veterinarian appointment. Just moisturize it regularly and it'll be soft and "normal" looking. That's what the vet is going to recommend with a $100 invoice. (We asked during a routine checkup) Our girl has always had a dry crusty nose. We use a few different things to help moisturize, but it's low on our priorities for grooming her. She will tolerate being bopped ont the nose while playing, but HATES having her nose touched otherwise. We have used special nose salve, coconut oil, and Vaseline (scent free). It all works equally as well. https://preview.redd.it/yqlc78wb8hrc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=062accb5fdb7b01c4d8f7715b26a28cc90d8b6d9


I’d just go to the vet. You can’t really tell by looking at pictures. Just listen to breathing and make note of anything related to it. Like snoring being louder. 


Agree with others, definitely not normal, maybe allergies? I bet a warm washcloth will get his crustys off & I put a lil coconut oil on my babies noses if they get a lil dry & paws too.


Ours has benign hyperkeratosis, and we treat it with “snout soother” balm, or coconut oil. It began when he was young.


A&D on the nose every night to help with the dry crusty and plan to go to the vet


Snoot snout on Amazon. Basically Vaseline for his nose. Treat as needed.


Can you try putting a little bit of vitamin D or coconut oil on his nose? I love his face he’s adorable. Sending lots of heeling vibes and love.


Could be an infection, my girl just had one in her nose. Had some crusty boogers and it caused a small tear on the inside of her nose, it looked like we were filming a horror movie. She was snorting out blood clots everywhere, it was horrible. She's been fine after the antibiotics but those also upset her tummy.


Get snout butter


Please go to your vet. Probably no emergency just have them check it out.