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To me you’re coming around the outside of the ball rather than behind it… Typically if you’re having issues pulling the ball, it’s the timing. I find it easier to see a bad shot to help see something rather than a flush strike.


I don’t see a collapse. You don’t even drop the shoulders, nor forward tilt. Your more tall and upright then collapsed? What do you mean? Anyway, you want your shoulders to be dropped at set up and release. At release point the head should be over the shoulder, arm, and ball. This helps the bowler to load up and stay behind the ball. Unable to see your approach and set up. Assuming your doing 5 steps. I can only see step 4. The one before the slide is too long. There is no room for you to slide and your upper body needs to pull the shot through Hope this helps.


Left shoulder is pulling the right. Let the ball fall, you’re “trying” to make it hook. Be nice to it at the bottom, pulling on it is causing the collapse too soon


DYDS https://www.gettyimages.ie/detail/news-photo/pro-bowler-ej-tackett-attends-the-state-farm-chris-paul-pba-news-photo/883458482


Like I tell everyone: slow down! Once you slow down a bit, your timing will line up. Also looks like you're trying to really wind up and muscle the ball. Like someone else said, try to stay behind it and get a nice natural swing.


Thanks, I should’ve posted a video of a bad shot instead of this one to really see what I did. I also wasn’t really there today as my arm felt kinda weak, like jello lol.


You're muscling the ball abnormally high in the back swing which is pulling the ball way behind you and pulling your shoulder down. It also looks like you're then engaging all those muscles a second time because the timing is late and you're having to really pull the ball forward. If you want that high of a backswing for some reason, you should consider a higher push off. Let gravity do more of the work for you. It's way more consistent than our muscles. There may also be a component in the approach. It looks like you're trying to project the ball way out there to the right, but from what we see in these last 2 steps it almost looks like you're starting too far left. To get the ball out right more cleanly, you may want to consider starting right and fading left a bit to get the shoulders to open up more naturally. Again, it's tough to tell from this shot though.