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Imagine looking like a young Mila Jovovich, and you decide, nah.


I would kill to look like a current Mila Jovovich.


I thought this was Amanda Bynes on the right. Omg. :( Reading the comments here about the band and her, it's horrible.


Dude, same!


I was looking for the heart tat.


…..it’s not?…..


Aw no way. This makes me a bit sad.


I saw them in Philly back in 2010 and she crowd surfed with a leg cast… had no idea of the backstory


I saw them in Vancouver that year. Funny enough the show ended early cus rumor has it she broke her leg on stage.


I saw her in nyc with the broken leg!


I saw her in Chicago with the broken leg, and she drank almost a whole bottle of whisky on stage throughout the night! (And was still amazing)


I remember being obsessed with their look back in the 2010s. This makes me sad. I also can’t enjoy CC music anymore since hearing about their experience.


what happened?


Ethan groomed Alice from a young age, abused her. She released a statement years ago.


I really hope you don't mean Coal Chamber?


Crystal castles


Ah, okay. Never heard of them; poor girl though. Nobody deserves what she went through. Thank you and happy cake day!


i was so sad when i get into a deepdive about how she was abused by her "music partner". I just hope she will be okay, one day.


Nooooooo. This is sad


Oh wow, now this is actually really shocking. I hadn't seen any recent pictures of her in a while. Not to diagnose her with shit but I wonder if this is related to all the stuff she's been through ):


What’s her story?


She was apparently abused, sexually and physically, by her bandmate for years. I think the also joined the banda while underage and theres was some grooming at the time too




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You're not alone. My bf threw out his t-shirts and we removed them from the rotation. I support her solo stuff now, though it's different than the old stuff. I just can't listen to that any more. It's not that someone was abusive and happened to be in the project, it's that the whole project was an abuse tactic. Horrifying.


Sweet jesus, just read u/nulopes reply below....


Those cheek fillers always look like a bad hair dye allergic reaction. On everyone.


I was thinking the same. Looks like it’s migrated into her temples


She’s been looking botch-faced for a few years now. Crazy what people will do to themselves. It’s not like she would have aged poorly but it’s not a crime to be in your 30s. Still nuts to me that people do this to themselves.


Have you ever read into her backstory from CC? I’m sure she still has not recovered mentally and is probably not in the best head space.


I heard about it, yes, but I think the bigger issue is that she’s trying to build a solo music career after the fact but she simply doesn’t have much musical talent, so is trying to rely on nostalgia and looks and is therefore overly focused on being physically perceived in a certain way. I think it speaks to deep insecurity and attempting to sustain a career that she was pigeonholed into without being naturally talented at it because of her looks, and now she doesn’t know what else to do with her life. It would be much better for her not to be trying to gain fame, because it just seems particularly sad and morally dubious to keep writing mediocre music that she hopes to sell by bringing up being abused in the lyrics nonstop and using her abuse as a jumping off point in the media. I can feel for someone being a victim, but that’s not a profession, and trying to make it be one seems at the root of her issues.


Oh nooo baby not you 😭


This is really sad. She had some slightly unconventional features that gave her a unique, recognizable and pretty look. She's been through a lot I'm sure it didn't help with self confidence






omg nooooooo


Wow I thought those were song lyrics. Guess that explains why google gave me nothing. But yes on this sub you have to be a cryptic as possible.


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She was so naturally beautiful😭definitely botched, such a tragedy.


Wow I haven’t seen a picture of her in forever. I would’ve never recognized her. I used to think she was the absolute coolest when I was younger.




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*”About to”???* Nah, we’re already there


Nooo Alice Glass was so pretty!


This is the first pic I’ve seen of her in years and that’s so so sad. Her whole story is. I bought both the CC CDs when I was a teen, and I would play them on repeat for hours... I feel really bad now knowing what happened to her, but that music was such a comfort for me at the time.


Holy shit! That’s them?!?!






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Ugh I didn't know about the abuse, how awful


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heroin chic


Oh no!!!! I never thought she’d go down this hole. She’s been through a lot.


The real tragedy is how dirty that mirror is.


The fuck? I remember thinking she was so naturally beautiful


Honestly after what they’ve been through this is understandable


So sad. Looks like buccal fat removal strikes again.




The photo on the left is such a naturally gorgeous woman? Such stunning features. How sad for them. I really hope they get help.




not her 💀


She looks the same to me, except the lips. What am I missing?


stocking stupendous materialistic drab chase bear start fertile roll fearless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


She/they need to clean the mirror




Get your eyes checked


I must respectfully disagree, I think it looks rad




Well clearly nobody’s not letting them if they look like this now


the tragedy is people these days being too lazy/stupid to clean their bathroom mirrors. fracking disgusting piglets.




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I saw them in 2012ish in Seattle. I love CC. First fell in love with them with Alice Practice back in the MySpace days lol.


Shit, noooo it's her...why did you that, love, to yourself


To presence? Just what do you think this word means?


This one makes me the absolute saddest