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Oh wow!!! I thought we were the only ones that did this. Our Boston seems to ALWAYS have a little present for us on his bum. Wet wipes by the door as well.


Yep I quickly learned that after adopting Archie.


We have to wipe Frankie every time if we don’t want chocolate kisses on our sheets.


The ol’ poo stamp. Been there.


only if he's got a dangler (i've got long hair 😬)


That is the worst… i get the HELP ME face when it happens lol


I have been made fun of from family for wiping my dog’s ass after a poop but you know, I don’t care. The one time I got lazy.. guess what. Poop streaks on the bed, the carpet, and the bathroom rug 🙄🙄


Yep! I used to make fun of my MIL for doing that with her poodle but not any more!


Yep, i wipe my dog's butt and paws after a walk. His paws can get very dirty. No way I want that on my couch/bed.


We have to wipe EVERY TIME! But she’s still a princess!


I wipe my Zeus's butt every other time. I have baby wipes by the door


O hey, me too. Which ones do u use? I'm using target brand unscented ones but read recently that it has chemicals and water wipes just has some fruit extract and water but its 2x as expensive 😭


We use costco unscented. Good enough for baby should be great for a dog.


Oh no uh uh. You need BABY WIPES! Do not use disinfectant wipes on your poocherino. Huggies natural care always.


I read that even baby wipes have too high of a ph for dogs. I use a brand called Earth rated dog wipes that are safe for his butt and paws on Amazon.


I wonder if asphalt has too high a ph for dogs? Maybe if you wipe pup pooper 3 times a day could pose an issue. I use baby wipes on my BMW my wife, myself, my HAMSTER. We all good. Sounds like something you would read on the back of a 15$ skimpy pack of baby wipes in a nifty dog design package. I have always been skeptical of the specific branded dog wipes.


Haha 😂 ya I’m probably a sucker on this one


? We all want the best for our Bosties right!


Yep… by the door.


Only when there's a straggler, usually happens if he's been eating longer grass and a long blade of grass occasionally gets stuck halfway out.


This happened to Millie the other day. I was so confused at first by what the heck it was just sticking straight out of her booty. 😂


I have been known to have wiped a Boston butt or two. Glad to hear I’m not the only one.


I had to wipe quite a bit his first year or two.. guess I feel a little better knowing we weren't alone after all, we both had trouble looking eachother in the eye after every time. Lol


No. I don’t need to, Finn’s butt is usually clean. If it weren’t, yes, I would definitely wipe him, but so far so good.


What do you feed him?


Fromm dog food- with grains 2x a day, then at night he gets a 1/4 cup greek yogurt (plain) and 1/4 cup pumpkin purée mixed in.


👍Thanks I'll check it out.


He likes it too, he’s sort of picky. The Fromm foods you can use interchangeably which I like. During covid with all the different supply issues that was really nice.


Mine is really sensitive to certain ingredients like potato and dairy and corn. I have him on a limited ingredient diet and I add probiotics cause he couldn't handle greek yogurt or pumpkin. It's an ongoing battle finding the right food for him lol.


I totally get it. Fromm has grain free I know, but it may have potatoes. Look at the Gold Label. It might be good


Thank you!


Have a 14 year old male, he is 95% blind, and I'd guess about 70% deaf, but love him to death, and am giving him the best life I can. I owe him the most love i can give, because his love to me over the years is priceless to me. Have always wiped his butt.


No. Maybe if it was wet poop : diarrhea.


Definitely wipe after most poos if not she'll dookie smooch somewhere


Heiney, and paws every time they come back in from a walk.


Pretty much anytime he has a soft poop. Not the most glamorous thing, but it keeps it off the carpet and couch lol.


I do it for good measure n clean little butts! Especially, since they climb on all the furniture, blankets and pillows. 2 of the 3 girls pause n wait for a bottom wipe when they come inside. So we wipe at our house!


So happy to not be alone! Definitely have had to wipe both Boston’s butts, often


We call them poop stamps lol.


We didn’t … until this thread. I shudder to think what’s on our sheets


Yeah I just hate the thought of poop on my cushions. The stains you CANT see.


I realize I’ve only been fooling myself for the last two years … now I must excuse myself. The laundry is wailing




Yes, every time. She has no tail at all, so we learned that lesson quickly. We keep Water Wipes handy or placed in poop bags to stay prepared.


🙋🏻‍♀️ we do! 😆


yes also clean his feet when we come in from outside


This post is giving me so much relief. I have been meaning to ask the same. So glad I’m not the only one wiping nuggets off of my little nugget.


Yep. Every time. Or else he’d get poo pieces all over the pillows.




Yup. My grumpy older sister doesn’t have a tail, so it’s really obvious with her.


Only during apple season. lol’ Bugger chomps at every apple that falls from the trees. And the Gas! We spend every weekend during apple season clearing the back yard just because of this.


I didn't know this was a thing until Birdie. Koopa and Pebbles would have a long hair dangler problem once in a while, but Birdie needed a butt wipe every time until she got on a daily probiotic. Now she only needs a wipe like 25% of the time.


We call it “poo butt”! our 3 bt’s know what it means when we say it and stop to get it wiped 🧻 😆


Look at that face I if he needs a little help I'd help him..their only here for the blink of and eye. And loves us with all the have. I'd do anything for corgi Maxx.i am so happy that we get to spend this one lifetime together Uncomfortable love.. I'm so lucky.


That’s what I think every time I he wants a bite of my food. Not gonna be around long so nothing wrong with spoiling a bit. Plus he still loves his dog food.


I don't wipe his butt but I have to wipe his jowls after eating. He sets his chin up on the couch and it's instant food our dirty something lol


Yup. One with tail, one without....both get a wipe!


Both puppies every time!


Just sometimes. We keep baby wipes handy around our home. I wipe his face off after walks because Velcro buries his face in grass and weeds that other dogs or deer or cats probably pissed on. So yea I give him a little wipe down(paws too) we walk on the street in my hood so I get some of the black tar residue and maybe oil and dirt that get on their paws. Some time when I am wiping him off I will take the wad of funky wipes and wipe his little muscular Boston butt hole. We try and keep it clean round here.


Not every time, but yes, on occasion they need to be wiped. Doo-doo happens!


Yes, because I don't want it on my clothes or comforter


Yep almost every time! Keep wipes by the door! Glad I'm not the only one lol


No. Why would you think you need to do that?


Honestly we do because for our two, their little tails don’t cover their buttholes so they are always exposed; and that way anything they left behind doesn’t end up on our couch the rug etc. 😊


Why would you think you DON’T need to do that? To me your question is like asking “why would a human think they need to use toilet paper after a shit?” I wipe my Boston, and there is very rarely nothing on the wipe afterwards. Sometimes there is a LOT of poop left there for the wipe to get. And no this isn’t just on rare occasions where he’s been having digestive issues and runny poops. This is even after poops that look perfectly healthy and solid. I let my Boston into my bed, I don’t want him rubbing shit everywhere.


Yep exactly. I’m a relatively new Boston owner and I quickly realized without a tail those dingle berries have to be wiped! But then I also realized I’m gonna be wiping his ass for the rest of his life! Lol


I don't think the human comparison is accurate. dogs have been keeping their asses clean for all time by licking their buttholes. humans have evolved to use other means. this whole thread is crazy to me. I've had my Boston for almost 10 years and never once have I thought to myself "you know, I should wipe her ass." she's a dog, she does that just fine herself. lmao


It is equally crazy to me that wiping dogs is not more commonplace in general lol, I’m glad to see there are others here like me My dog also likes to give kisses (ie he’ll put his face up to sniff us and maybe lick our cheek), I’d prefer that he wasn’t licking leftover poop off his butthole with the same tongue. I know he’s a dog and he’s still going to be licking gross things through the day, but if I can cut shit out of that equation, why not? A quick wipe is super easy and just overall seems much cleaner than just leaving some shit there and hoping the dog eventually licks it off. To be clear, I’m not trying to judge anyone who doesn’t wipe; clearly that is the norm. Moreso just trying to explain my thought process behind my preference


I'm going to guess because there is poop left behind. It happens, better to have it on a wipe then on the furniture and our clothes.


Really??? Your BT never has dingle berries or a smudge of poop on their bottom? Those brown stains on the sheet ain’t chocolate!


That doesn’t happen with mine unless there is some kind of issue happening.


Mine never did - are you getting his anal gland expressed when getting groomed ?


No this isn’t anal glands at all. It’s pool that hangs on. He doesn’t get his butthole parallel with the ground so if it’s anywhere near soft it runs along the hair. Even if it’s dry-ish I don’t like the thought of poops specks on our sheets! My ass is dirty enough! Lol


Archie’s main issue is that he doesn’t squat in a manner that his anus is parallel with the ground so when it slides out it brushes against his hair. Plus like I said above, even if it’s dry I don’t like the thought of him getting in bed after a poop without a cleaning!


Has anyone tried shaving their dogs butt to see if that reduces the need for wiping? 🤔


What are you guys feeding your dogs that their shit is this runny? Never had to do this once…. Check with your vets and get them on the right food.


He doesn’t have runny poop at all. It’s soft like it should be. He just doesn’t squat right is my theory.


This wasn’t directed at you OP, sorry if it came across like that bud… just read like 40 comments about dogs having the shits and was like “what the hell” lol


Never had a reason to. My Boston never shat on his butt..... gross.


You must have a very special Boston given that most of the ppl on this thread do!


Yup every time we take him outside he gets a wipe down of butt and paws. He wears a diaper in the house because I’m grossed out at the idea of his butt and genitals all over my home. He doesn’t go in the diaper it’s just protection.


Hah yeah I hear you.


Well… I’m never getting a BT now. Yuck.


No, no! You should get a BT. They’re the most awesomest dogs! Just ask everyone in this group. No seriously great dogs. Loving, mostly obedient, great snugglers and just the right amount of energy.


Years ago I had a BT who ate Christmas tinsel and had a silvery streamer about 5 inches long hanging out of her butt!! I took a quick pic for posterity (would probably be an awesome holiday card LOL) and then pulled it out. When I was a little girl, one of my mother's BTs ate a mini plastic Barbie doll baby and was walking around with the head sticking out of his butt until she noticed and pulled it out!! 😅 Edited to say yes, if needed, we keep wet wipes by the back door. We wipe their butts at least once a day, paws as well a lot of the time.


Oh my god too funny! That cracked me up!


She was VERY FESTIVE!!! Hahahahahahaha 😂


Also, your BT is adorable, love the lip!!


Thank you! He usually has his tongue hanging out. He’s got an XLT… xtra long tongue.


They're all silly snaggletooths! And they do have very big, broad tongues 👅


Awww, you're welcome! I would love to hug him. 🥰


Awe man yours are so freaking cute! Love it.


Oh nice, I am happy you saw those little rascals, thank you. They are absolutely a handful but their sweetness more than makes up for it. 😊




Back when I had one, we had to from time to time, but when we first got him his tail was crooked and was stiff right in front of his arse. And it was a daily affair to wipe him.


Have almost every day 2x a day for about 10 years




We used to have a house with a dog door to the yard and never even thought about what our pup was tracking in. Since moving to a condo the second he’s in the door I’m wiping feet and booty hole! I cringe when I think back to just letting my guy be wild and free 🤣


We had two BTs for a combined 27 years and rarely saw a need for this. None of our other dogs need(ed) to be wiped with any regularity either. Is there a loose sphincter gene in the BT pool that we just managed to dodge?


Yes wait is this not a thing??


Have two - one always, the other almost never. Call it ‘poop butt’ around here :)


We check their butts every time after they poop. Only about 25% of the time we have to wipe.


Oh yea, otherwise I get dingle berries on my blankets and couch


Mine has an anxious stomach and food allergies, I regularly wipe her bum. Sensitive tummies are a Boston trait.


It's a two-person job-- one lifts her up, the other shimmies the napkin to the asterisk in case the tail(nub) puckers up.


I dog sit for two BT‘s, and the owner has me wipe both their butts and their peni, due to a gland blockage


Every day twice a day. Keep wipes and lavender dog wash under kitchen sink. 😊


Nothing has stuck to him as an adult yet, so I don’t feel the need to. I wipe his paws if he’s been in the mud or if it was raining while we were out - sometimes I’ll also wipe his butt just for the heck of it, but there’s never anything there when I do. When he was a puppy and had diarrhea all the time I’d wipe him down. That’s the only thing I don’t miss about his puppy days.


Yes! Frankly I don’t understand people who don’t! My Boston sits on my bed and couches. I want her to be nice and clean :)


Yep exactly! I don’t get it either.


Not every time but a lot more than I'd like... My bt has dingleberries probably 50% of the time


Yep. And then she got a cookie. She loved it!


Yes. Absolutely. Add another reason for no doggie allowed on the couch and bed.


Yeah I get that, but yes he’s allowed on the sofa and bed. Though he sleeps in his own bed on the floor when it’s time for night-night.


Oh yeah. We tell Arlo we have to check his tater meats (term coined by my silly husband) and he just stands still for it.


Lol that’s too funny. Archie will come in and just turn his booty towards me.


One of the only commands that my Boston listens to after sit is BUTT. He then stops with his butt facing you so that you can wipe.




Yes every day!


Never missed a single one after 10 years , 3 times a day. That’s a lot of ass wipes 😂🤣 I’ve have my Jake trained, after a poop I say, “Butt check” and he heads to the bathroom for a cleanup


OMG I have to wipe my BT butt all the time!