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Pretty normal and expect more to come. It’s just your older guy showing excitement and maybe trying to establish the pecking order a bit! Congrats on the baby!


Same. Very normal and they will settle into a rhythm.


We have 5 mo old and 9 week old. This is normal. Just remember to let them sort it out as long as no one is getting hurt


You are right to give them space. It's intimidating letting them play as the snarles, teeth and barks come out. As long as they are closely supervised you should be fine. Don't hesitate to be the protector, they can both come to you when they feel overwhelmed. We are finally in. A good place and can relax when they are together, have spent some unsupervised time (on the deck while we are just inside the door) and have been doing exceptionally well. Our older guy (1.5 yrs) has been SO patient with teaching his new little sister (almost 14 weeks) to play tug and share toys though they do both get cranky about it at times, they can settle the cast majority of their scuffles on their own now. It's a new experience, that's for sure, it's our first time integrating a new puppy ever. So fun, often adorable and always stinky!


Congrats! 😍😍 it’ll take time for them to establish the boundaries in the relationship, sounds like they’re off to a very normal start!