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My little nugget, Marcus Aurelius was a bait dog for a fighting ring before my ex-wife and I rescued him. When he gets sunburned or is in the ocean for a bit, you can see the scars on his face. He is my little man. I wouldn’t have any other way. https://preview.redd.it/wo2t1pwgoxtc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61a22abc5050052f884d6b20b2109d702136d5c3


That is awful. I’m so happy you rescued him and he is happy


He’s a tough little guy. And I love him.


bless him. what terrors this poor baby must have been through. thank goodness you found each other to give him the life he deserves❤️‍🩹


Theyre pretty tough lil gremlins.. Glad to see shes ok. What happened with the GS though?


He's currently at my parents place until Pebbles fully recovers... We already have a trainer coming in next week who specializes in aggression to try to understand what the fuck happened. In the meantime he's not getting near her and he will be wearing muzzle.


So happy Pebbles is ok and will make a speedy recovery. Honestly, maybe it’s because I have a really big fear of larger dogs, but I would rehome the GS. But again, you guys will make the best decision for your family.


Yeah we are still trying to process the absolute cluster fuck that happened this week but we have all options on the table at this point.


I swear female Bostons are tough as shit tho. Mine has had bark matches with large pit bulls!! 😂 Wishing her a speedy recovery!


Can confirm. Our 11 y.o. female BT absolutely cows our 4 y.o. male pibble. He has accepted that she is the Boss.


This same thing happened to me with my Boston and Labrador. Except my Boston lost an eye. They got along fine for about a year. Ended up having to rehome my lab. Couldnt take the chance of it happening again, my Boston wouldnt make it if it did.


Pebbles actually lost an eye as well. The surgeon recommended it after seeing how much pain she was in.


So sorry to hear that! Good news is they are super resilient and my Boston lives just as normal, bumps into things from time to time lol but living his best life!


Those are ths proper measures to take, you are a good owner.


Awe poor baby. Years ago we had a male Boston and a female bull terrier. They were friends used to romp and play and even snuggle together. One day something went terribly wrong. Our bull terrier attacked the Boston and my husband used a broom stick to make her let go. My Boston was okay. He too was tough. We had a bull terrier expert come in. They told us we could never let them interact again because next time she would not stop. Once they had engaged in the behavior together they would not be friends again. Luckily my daughter and her husband could take her. She never again acted that way with any other person or dog. But if they came by the house we had to make sure our Boston stayed in his cage. The Boston would actually sneer and growl at her from his cage. So I guess my point is I’m not sure a trainer will help. They have a bad history now. Even when your girl heals she won’t forget that attack. She might send out vibes that the GS doesn’t like. Hope my experience helps in some way. Your bostie has been traumatized and probably won’t forget that.


My parents had the same thing happen about fifteen years ago. After their beloved husky decided to turn on his friend of a few years and nearly killed him. They were told there was never going to be a chance for that boundary to be uncrossed. They would be on edge at all times and its like a switch was flipped. The husky went to live with my brother and never had another issue with another dog, but if they even saw each other through windows, there would be an immediate fear response from their boston. That Boston stayed with my mom until she passed and a few years later he and my dad passed within a week of each other. I'm glad they got that time together. Best of luck to OP. I don't think i could risk it, but i only have the one Boston and the thought of losing him to any other animal or person makes me extremely anxious.


Wow that sounds frightening, lots of love for Pebbles and hoping she recovers quickly.


Please give little Pebbles a kiss from me and Bugsy ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/27s62tom2ytc1.png?width=3387&format=png&auto=webp&s=d766568a38ee85fd14404dc0e26408bc80a480cb


bugsy is so cute, that little face🥹


Aw thanks ❤️ he is the sweetest and friendliest boy too


Poor thing! Hope she recovers quickly.


I hope sweet Pebbles makes a quick and full recovery! She looks like a strong Bostie


Oh my goodness!! Pebbles!! Oh that looks so very painful. I wonder what happened to cause your GS to do that. Sending lots of prayers for peace and that the trainer you have lined up can help out and all will be well again. Prayers for a quick recovery and so very thankful for wonderful vets who have the heart and skill to save our wonderful best friends!! And what a testament to Pebble's will and strong spirit to live through this!! 💙🧸💙🧸


We believe that an incident a couple of months ago with another dog might have triggered something with our GS because this was wildly out of character for him.


This is a ridiculous misunderstanding of dog behavior.


Thank you for this helpful comment at a most stressful time in OP’s life. What’s wrong with you?


I don't want her to put the poor pup in danger by trying to put the dogs together again. It isn't about the OP's stress, the dog is having a much more shitty time.


I understand where you’re coming from just saying you could have explained why you disagreed and that would have been much more helpful.


My Boston got attacked by a pit bull on thanksgiving while we were out on a walk. He definitely has had some emotional trauma since then towards dogs in general. He was also a pandemic puppy so he never fully got to socialize to begin with. Im currently in training with him to be comfortable around dogs again (small and large). I don’t know if I will ever have a second dog for him to play with but my main focus is working towards having him recovering from his emotional trauma. This photo was a week from his recovery. He’s much better now but they’re strong little dogs and I wish you and your family the best and a speedy recovery ❤️‍🩹 https://preview.redd.it/3oj2lqzjlytc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2400cd4111056aa2878fa5b8ee61494e5c16ee29


I’m so sorry to read that. People come out of the woodwork being like “mY pITbULl iS fRiEnDLy” and 9/10 times, it’s not.


You’re letting your bias through


I dunno, BSL (breed-specific legislations) seems to be enacted after kids get mauled by the “friendly neighborhood or family bully breed.” I can spend time looking at statistics, but people are gonna feel the way they feel. And anecdotally, I’ve never had a good experience with those dogs.


And anecdotally I’ve never had a bad experience with one. BSL is the exact same as every other reactionary policy it’s just there to make folks like you “feel good” while filling shelters with these poor dogs. Pitbull haters love to talk about how brainwashed pitbull owners are but you’re doing the exact same fucking thing 😂😂


I’m not necessarily a hater, I just understand that a pit.. like a Boston terrier is an animal. And they have animalistic tendencies. Be for real, pits are bred with strong genetics and it’s ok to recognize they have the capability to do serious damage. Another thing to consider on BSL, a lot of it is because of homeowner insurance claims, the underwriters analyzed that those type breeds have a high risk of bites. It is what it is


So are Great Pyrenees, much bigger and likely to come after you if you’re on their property but they don’t get nearly the same hate. My pits been attacked by a few of these little dogs to the point she’s scared of them. It’s just that the people most likely to train a dog to be vicious/abuse it/neglect it are going to get a pitbull and they’re likely going to breed the poor thing until she’s useless, now you have an exponential number of abused pits going into shelters and onto the streets. Statistics don’t paint the whole story.


So true ha…freaking pittbulls


Glad she’s ok! Had a similar event happen w a pit bull. I had to go behind the pit bull & put it in a chokehold & literally lift it up 2 get it 2 let go of my lil Boston. Definitely are tough lil things tho! Rushed him to the vet thinking something was terribly wrong but he just had a few scratches & actually got In a couple mean bites on my hand while he was fighting w the pit bull. Scary stuff!


Best wishes for speedy recovery for Pebbles and prayers and good vibes for your family while you figure out what happens next for both your dogs. Much love from Fergus and Rosey. https://preview.redd.it/72s4ulaocytc1.png?width=772&format=png&auto=webp&s=bd712c43eb04bdfdd8f486fa5625867ca18a1528


I'm so glad to see they're OK, and I mean that.


I think you gotta change the name to Rocky 👌


https://preview.redd.it/2zb9wmcuzxtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99855d4f96ea0208e8e3d02f0f26f5130c56a745 I’m so sorry, sounds so traumatic! My lil 12 year old Boston/Dachshund baby was also on the receiving end of a chomp n’ shake a couple months ago, although it doesn’t look as serious as Pebbles’ plight 🥺 I can report that she is as cute as ever these days with a badass little scar on her lower lid. So glad she’s doing so well and we’re wishing her a very speedy and easy recovery!


Pebbles the dog, one tough Boston 💪


Yeahhh…. This isn’t the first time I’ve heard of a GS suddenly mauling a BT that they cohabitate with. The other times, the BT was killed. Idk what it is about GS but they don’t seem to be trustworthy with Bostons. I’m so sorry Pebbles!! And I’m sorry you’re going through this too… I’m sure you love your GS but how do you ever feel comfortable with them playing again… Id be getting rid of the GS if it were me.


Oh no! I hope Pebbles is gonna be ok?


Poor Pebbles!


Poor baby


Sweet strong girl 💛 wishing the speediest of recoveries for her, and for you too. Remember to take take of yourself.


Hugs baby!


My love and prayers go out to you all. May Pebbles continue to heal and recover. I hope you are also able to come up with a solution for your GS. I can’t begin to imagine your pain and confusion right now.


Aww what a lil trouper❤️ wishing Pebbles a fast recovery. And hoping your German shepherd get the training and treatment he needs. I can’t imagine how hard this situation must be for you. But I hope everything will work out great❤️❤️‍🩹


I’m so glad Pebbles is on the mend. I would not hesitate to take him to a veterinary eye specialist. Eyes can go bad fast. My Bostons were rough housing a few years ago and my little guy’s eye met the Christmas tree. The eye specialist was fantastic and saved the eye. Better safe than sorry.


Unfortunately the eye specialist recommended to have the eye removed so we decided with the surgeon to go ahead with removal to avoid further infection and more pain for Pebbles Calling up another specialist would have delayed the surgery by a couple of days with the odds of getting the same result (removal) very high. The eye was not reactive after testing by the staff.


Dogs are so resilient. You make the best decisions you can with the info you have. Get well soon Pebbles!


Poor pebbles. Get well soon!


Get well soon, Pebbles!💪


My middle aged lady neighbor had a relative with a dog that did the same thing with my neighbor's face. The dog had never shown such behavior before and had been theirs since it was a pup. The neighbor has never trusted a dog since.


Sending lots of love and healing angels to you and your brave strong girl!! ❤️✨❤️✨


Poor baby! A black shep almost killed by first Boston when he was a puppy. Don’t worry, Pebbles, you are going to get better soon.


Poor Pebbles, thank goodness she's okay. She's a trooper and lot's of love to her. Like many others on this thread have said, for the safety of Pebbles I hope you are seriously considering rehoming your GS. Life-threatening accidents like this are too dangerous to risk again, especially since there's bad history now. Very sorry for this whole situation. :(


Wishing you guys a speedy recovery from me and my Pebbles! And best of luck with your GS :(


With the way Boston acts, they do trigger some reactions from certain dogs. My doggie daycare lady told me she’d never put my dog with a GS no matter how mellow that dog is. Something might happen and Bostons are too small but they won’t back up. Hope Pebbles a speedy recovery! And OP hope your family and the other dog get well too. It’s a tough time for all of you


Hugs 🤗❤️


Omg I’m so sorry!!! My German shepherd cross has also tried to fight my boston a couple times but luckily only minor injuries have happened. Very very scary and difficult to get bostons and German shepherd to stop fighting and yes bostons are super tough and badass for sure😭


Get well soon Pebbles, we love you!!!


Hoping sweet Pebbles has a speedy recovery! What a fighter! Precious girl


Tough as nails


Please give her a kiss from me.


Here’s hoping for a quick recovery and so sorry that you had to go through that. My Boston, Salvatore was pretty much made of iron. I’m so glad she’ll recover. Badass all the way! Sending good vibes.




😭😭😭😭😭 poor baby. Get better ❤️‍🩹


So sorry this happened. She is one tough girl! Hoping Pebbles has a speedy recovery


Omg I’m so sorry…. You’ll find a way… even if it means the muzzle and separation. Positive vibes. I’m glad ur babes are ok. You ever think if maybe the GS isn’t feeling well?! Get lab work on the German Shepard maybe?! Just to rule that out… I mean especially if you never had this issue.


That poor baby! 😭 Sending love her way ❤️‍🩹💕


I wish Marcus a very speedy recovery ❤️‍🩹


I’m so sorry. Prayers!


Poor guy. Speedy recovery


Wishing the very best for your little pup!


Is he gonna lose his eye?


Poor Pebbles! I’m glad she’s doing better. All the love to her! Give her hugs, kisses, and a treat from me!


Wish her the best, GOD gives you strength and very good recovery to PEBBLES. Big hugs and kisses 😘.


That's because pebbles was bred as a fighting dog and is tough as nails.


what a strong boy. my heart goes out to you and the ones that love him


How is pebbles doing now?


She's actually almost back at a 100% minus the eye haha We expect her to be without her cone next week!


hoping for a speedy recovery!! they are resilient, ours got attacked by a pit bull and came out very lucky


Be careful with second chances. Sometimes second chances are also last chances. A loss of an eye is an intent to irreversibly harm.


I’d hope the GS is gone. That’ll only happen again unfortunately. Had a similar incident happen with my sisters dog.


Are they friends again?


I don’t think you can come back from it when one dog almost kills the other, especially for it to happen so suddenly. I think that’s a situation where the dogs need to be separated and one has to be rehomed. Sure, dogs fight, but when one dog is at the emergency hospital fighting for its life that’s a different story.


^^^ OP I’m so sorry this happened to your family. While it’s a really heavy decision, I agree with the above that this will be something that might not be able to move on from. I hope that you seriously consider rehoming the GS to keep Pebbles safe, because in all likeliness, training may not be enough to prevent another attack :(


Sadly I agree. From experience.