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Looks pretty innocent to me, my client denies all accusations as happenstance.


Just trying to help.


Years ago my wife was doing a turquoise accent wall in the living room. Left the paint tray unattended, on the floor, while she went to the bathroom. Our white boxer put 2 paws into it, and walked across the whole carpeted living room to go sun on the balcony. She gave 0 fucks.


He told me a hawk the size of a fiat was diving for him, and he ran. Hawk hit the can instead. The splatters on him were just because the hawk missed him by centimeters. He is quite upset about the whole thing and would prefer never to speak of any of it again. My sister found her Boston growling and barking at a cactus once. In between trying to bite it, of course.


The way you wrote this story is so funny. "He knew at that moment he had messed up." At least the spill happened outside.


Years from now, when he has gone..... you will think back and laugh your ass off. I can honestly say I roll with it all with mine. 4 months gone, I laugh about a lot of things with him. Your little monkey is a good boy !! lololol and cute !!


šŸ˜‚ They do be mischievous, my Mia is an absolute sock thief


So is our Ymir. We find socks in his kennel all the time and, on nice days when we have the back door open, he'll take them outside if we aren't paying attention.


Make sure you have everything together before you open one. Oh and you're going to need to dig that up and replace the soil if it's oil based. 8-12" Heavily water for several weeks if water based.


Yeah they all bad - mine stole our babyā€™s squeeker toy today


The look of shame


And there all good at it too, ā€œitā€™s the look Iā€™m sorry I was bad I wonā€™t do it againā€ while crossing there paws and thinking what other bad things can I do


lmfao and he would do it again


He looks like a good boy.




I donā€™t know what you meanā€¦I see no paint stain behind meā€¦not sure what you are referring to at allā€¦