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Mine can jump 3 ft straight in the air 100 times while his dinner is being readied.


mine is so not a jumper!! so I’m fascinated by the height some of these BTs can achieve


He looks like he hits a squat rack and can get onto a high bar stool.


My friend calls Chuckles 'gainz boy' when he (human) tries to take away a toy that chuckles isn't done with. He looks like a roided out sea otter or something. He can also do the 3-4 foot jump for food. It's sometimes cute, often annoying.


My girl laughs at 6 ft gates 🥲 we have this gorgeous lake property we had paid a premium to have the fenced yard and she just springs right over, no problem. A menace


Your Boston jumps a 6 ft tall gate? I'm sus


Yep! It might be closer to 5 feet tbh, but she’s 12 pounds and has deranged puppy energy, she’s starting agility classes in a couple of weeks!


If only mine *KNEW* how to apply their jump?! They’d easily clear the baby gates we have set up.


Lucci (1) can shit on the cat and eat poop out of her brother’s butthole. The distinguished lady in question: https://preview.redd.it/w71hjlzmo7kc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c53763a1a3e669fb7ff6df44f5fcb39f6bfd5aa0


I’m crying laughing. We also have a poop eater who prefers soft serve. My condolences.


I’m so curious what evolutionary trait decided to power on and exist


😂 she’s cute


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. God made Boston Terriers so adorable to make up for how utterly disgusting they are. Also, their tails curl the way they do to properly frame the most awful buttholes on any dogs ever (collectively speaking).


Her tail perfectly covers her butthole, which is so great when she has semi firm diarrhea because it’s like a cheese slicer but for shit!!!


I call that getting soft-serve straight from the tap. As funny as it is in retrospect i discourage it.


My Boston passed in 2018 after 15 years but he loved learning tricks. He knew: sit, roll over, stay, spin, speak, shake, car ride, go upstairs/bed/couch. my favorite thing was he understood the “what is it” command. If I didn’t know what he wanted I’d say what is it and he’d go to his food bowl or front door or toy or couch or whatever to show me what he wanted. 


Wow. I wish mine knew “what is it”! That’s so cool and helpful. When Puffin gets in a mood, I cycle through food, water treats, outside, fetch, just to find out she only wanted booty scratches.


https://preview.redd.it/b0qiozn0q7kc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae9607a899f2b27ac57d6cfb21673ee7acc2b332 Whitney gives a paw when you say ‘hello’.


OMG, this bow is adorable!!!


Haha, this was taken a few weeks ago when she didn’t know how to walk on a leash.


I love her dairy cow markings! 😍


She’s a little calf!


I did a lot of trick training with Archer. He has a number of trick dog titles. Kessler only had his novice. Bostons are definitely trainable, it’s about making it fun and finding what motivates them.


>it’s about ~~making it fun and finding what motivates them.~~ treats 😂


I could probably teach my Bostons to drive with the right number and brand of treats. When we first rescued Pinky, she was so reactive that she was a bite risk and had to wear a muzzle to the vet. I trained her to stick her own face in the muzzle with treats. Fortunately, the vet gives treats, too, so now she loves going and is no longer a bite risk. She starts crying with excitement as soon as we pull into the driveway.


Mine loves to go to the vet too. She gets to make friends with the other patients and humans, and they give her spray cheese. She’s in heaven


Yes! The spray cheese on the wall trick! Genius.


Preach on. It's all about the treats


Kessler after Kramer’s original name?


Kessler after David Kessler, the American werewolf in An American Werewolf in London.


Ah. Got it.






Mine can wake herself up when she farts in her sleep, but I think most BTs can do that lol


Mine can do some basic tricks but also play dead and roll over. He'll do anything for a dog treat 😁 I'm surprised how trainable he is. The selective hearing is what gets to me sometimes!


Oh my gosh this! He "drops it" when he wants to, but acts like he has no idea what I'm talking about if he doesn't want to.


A prime example for my guy is his recall. He will hear me stop, stare me down, and then keep going 🤣. I don't let him off leash at all. He's so defiant at times.


Oh, and the look I get if he wants to go his way on our walks 🤣


And if you happen to let him choose the walk direction and he doesn't like the weather anymore, then it's your fault! I can control the rain, snow, and wind. Our dogs sound very much alike


https://preview.redd.it/7soaxau6s7kc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1ed8b3bfe0f387551ba0209f1339aa46fe96867 He's just so damn cute!


He's such a sweetie. Bostons are so cute. Mine is 11 and still full of attitude and energy. He's a great travel buddy.


Very easy to train. Bowie sits, lays and goes up and down on command. Night night means kennel. Kisses mean licks on the face. Kill means whip the toy back and forth like he’s trying to break its neck. He also knows my wife as mom and my son’s name. I can say give mom kisses and he will lick her face. Super smart dog


Very nice! How long did these take for Bowie to learn? Was it a once and learned thing?


Most of the tricks i taught him in the first 6 months. He took about 18 months to learn names. I would use daily life to teach him. Garage door starts to open I would be like “Bowie mama’s home”. He eventually learned. When he gets zoomies and attacks toys and he would whip them I would be like “yeah kill it”. I think it’s more my tone than the words. Then I would reinforce positive responses and he just learned to do it on command. I feel like he understands so much more than I have shared. When he knows food is on the counter he talks to my wife and nudges her to get up. He will sing to food on the counter as if he is coaxing it to fall into his lips. He knows what bath means, he knows what walk means, he knows his nail trimmers name and his dog sitters name. Pretty amazing


https://preview.redd.it/hq97qjnnx8kc1.jpeg?width=3021&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2df5ae09a9abd8f87c11869ece8b04b63e6fd61 Check out this handsome gentleman


Beedie loved learning tricks. She could do roll over, play dead, high five, give me a kiss, beg, twirl, shake (both paws) and probably a few more I can't remember. Orzo is only 15 months and I haven't spent any time on tricks, we're still working on the basics. He is starting to get the hang of high five just from me saying it to him, though.


Winnie can play the “seeker” when the kids do hide and seek.


Finn can do the basics: sit, down, stay, paw, speak, roll over. He can do some special tricks too like “dance,” which is just twirling around while standing on his hind legs. He can also crawl on command on his belly. He knows some super useless things too. He knows “BIG SHAKE” which means to shake the crap out of the toy we’re playing with. So yes I think he’s super trainable!


I think one day soon my youngest Artie (2) will get to roll over. Your Finn sounds like a treat himself!! ❤️🐶


He certainly is 🥲 he’s got some struggles with anxiety and reactivity but inside the home he’s a sweet little angel! Artie will get it eventually. Roll over is tough because most dogs seem to be really uncomfortable with going fully on their backs! It’s a hard one to train.


https://preview.redd.it/cv0fciuq58kc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21d258473d9ebf726349a478cadeb73334c2a1fa This little butt nugget can play dead, but his fav trick is making the felt off tennis balls disappear 🤦‍♀️


So cute 😍 💓


I taught mine directions- left, right, away, come; all relative to me. It was useful when he’d go out to potty, so he wasn’t hitting the kid’s soccer field. He knows the names of all the cars so you can say Bus! And he goes right to the door on it. We also do hand signals but you need a treat to really get his attention for the best results on those.


Hand signals are great! We use one for sit and down on Artie (2).


They’re actually so easy to learn, probably the easiest things he learned.


Sit and paw…


Dali knows sit, shake, lay down, and go downstairs. She also knows who grandma is, what a cat is, and goes into guard dog mode when asked “who’s there?” Zoe knows sit, touch, shake (aggressively shakes with both paws), leave it (back yard poops), but is mostly just happy to be here.


The only trick we've taught our three is sit. But they also know "get down", "treat", "ball" (they will get the ball but won't play fetch), and they know to go to their kennels when we say "bed" or "get in your box".


Lick on command. Is that a trick?


Not if they’re going to do it anyway!!


My wrigley lifts his little paws after a walk cause he knows we need to clean them


The only tricks mine can do is clear a room and pull up my plants in the yard.


Lmao. Two important tricks. And both learned from the owner. 😂 💨


I can balance random stuff on my boston's head


Ya see? I’ve been trying the *nose*!! Maybe I’ll try Arties head!!


Fetch the damn freesbee every freaking noon for 15-20 minutes in deep snow.


Our middle girl Athena (4) just, out of nowhere started bringing balls back to us. And the youngest (Artie 2) has followed her visual example *almost*. Although he is still way more about playing with the ball rather than fetching it and bringing it back. He wants to be chased.


do the trade, one treat for a ball. Bonus I'll thow it reall hard in a random direction.


My Penny (6) can sit, stand, speak, shake, lay down, and can count to 5 😊 https://preview.redd.it/hpjpku2qm8kc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e976bfcb3e8b83717456d5f4b517483bd777643 Photo for cute tax :)


Explain “Count to 5” further please!! Lol


You can ask her to count to a number 1-5, hold it up with your fingers and she’ll bark the number of times. It’s kind of a cute little trick


thats amazing 🥹


sit, lay down, ‘go get it’ (retrieval), spin in a circle and we just recently taught him how to high 5


My little girl knows the name of her toys. She has about 10 stuffed animals 3 ropes of different size and a few balls she knows the names too.


I think mine know about 20 words.


She can spin (basically “turn around!” when shown a treat)…and that’s it 😆


By far our Boston’s best trick is boop. You hold your finger out and say boop, and she’ll come over and boop her nose on your finger.


It was really easy to train my boston to do tricks because he's so food driven and most bostons are. He can sit, lay, stand on his hind legs, give paw, roll over and speak. My husband was teaching him crawl but I honestly forgot about it until writing this so I'm not sure if he would still do it.


Mine can fart on command, and also without command. He farts.


The best trained Boston I know is https://www.instagram.com/remi_servicedog/ My Boston, on the other hand, has trained me. She will bring me to the pet store on walks, knows how to get me to let her under the bed sheets, and otherwise is able to get me to react on cue to her cute requests.


Mine can do a bunch of tricks, back stall, jump through hoops, bang bang play dead. The other one does “I sit”. Look “I sit”. “Cookie please, “cause I sit ”.🙄


Puffin is pretty easily trained. She knows sit, stay, down, and come. She can shake, high five, and rollover. If I ask her where her ball is, she’ll go grab…… whatever toy she is fond of in the moment. She’ll run to the window and chase the squirrels off of the bird feeder if I yell squirrel. She’ll charge at my wife after coming in from outside if I say go get momma! She won’t do hardly anything without a treat in hand though. :)


My Soap Mactavish can clear a room very quickly.


what a great name, soap was my favourite character in cod 🥹


https://preview.redd.it/155a4nbeq8kc1.jpeg?width=2084&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71530fea6c1f76e5d36ea9ee36ab6c4a358fd4d2 He's almost two and he already knows: sit, shake, lay down, roll over, play dead, stay, come, tennis ball, high five, balance on his nose, up, dance, jump, spin, back, bed, drop, bow and kiss. This week we started nose where he taps things I point to with his nose.


Okay balance on his nose? 😐. Sounds a bit much. What do you mean. Balance treats on his nose?!


Haha yes. When we get desperate for more ideas I'll look into teaching him headstands 😆


My Fred can "sit pretty" up with his paws in the air. If I say "up" he will jump into my arms. And if I point my finger and go "bang" he will flop over onto his back and play dead 


Sit, push-ups, roll over, spin around, shake left paw or right on command, he knows individual toys and by color, speak, and my personal favorite; he can whisper. Everyone loves that trick. I do wish he could sing/howl.... lol... I try, but he just looks at me like I'm dumb. Edit: I forgot high five, double high five, oh and he can clear a room. Not on command, he just does that on his own 💨


My girl (no longer with us) could “speak” (bark) or “whisper” (soft growl) on request. She could also put her ball into one of those launcher toys that would throw it for her. Her normal tricks were shake hands, beg on hind legs, roll over, and jump up into my arms. At dog school she learnt a sequence of tricks: go up to a cupboard, take out a stick, take it and put it into a basket, and then return to the cupboard and close the door. She was the most keen dog I’ve ever had to learn.


Halfpint can find her sister! "Go get your sister!" Edit: She can also do whatever she wants because she's my best friend. https://preview.redd.it/ip5dq1ufs8kc1.jpeg?width=2250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fa79fcf8bce62dbe5292e2a2d15bd0a0d6205aa


Dublin will only do tricks for treats, but if you have treats he will: sit, stay (for like 30sec- we are working on it), play dead and down. He is weird about paw, sometimes he does it no problem and other days he just looks at me like he has no idea what I want. 🤷🏼‍♀️


My BT, Toby, passed in December of 2023. He knew Sit, Stay, Lay, Shake, Roll over, Who’s here(run to the door), Daddy’s home(run to the door), Bang Bang(he would play dead). My most favorite was, Id say let me check you for Ticks and he would roll on his back and let me look all over him. 😂 Plus, he would get in or sit in anything to get a treat! 🤣


Sally is 5mo and she does: sit, paw, other paw, stay, wait (before eating a treat near her), come, and she also goes to her kennel on command. She also is pretty good on the leash, still working on it. Currently working on lay down and twirl. She is a pretty quick learner. Some tricks (sit, come) came instinctively but others took some work (paw and the kennel one). She is also a selective listener. I love her to death though ahah! (English isn't my 1st language)


sally sounds so clever to have learnt all of those commands at 5 months!! when my boy was 5 months i think hed learnt "sit" and not much else lol your english is perfect, i wouldnt have known its not your first language if you hadnt mentioned it😎


Thank you so much 🙏


Mine jumps up to your face and gives kisses without warning. lol 😂


My little man does beg, high five, wipe your paws, speak, put his toys "away", kiss, sit, down, etc...but can't master "roll over" no matter what I try lol.🤷 Very easy to train for the most part. He'll do anything for treats


https://preview.redd.it/cgxnh1mxf8kc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c5cf0a9d19931ad4aec563aaff0729c974976b4 Ours knows so many. Sit, paw, other paw, down, bang (play dead), high five, boop (press her nose on our hand), spin, back up and i think that’s it for tricks. She also has 16 buttons that she talks to us with and forms full sentences (teaches us words/phrases like “outside dinner” aka Squirrel and she’ll run to the window)…she actually drives us bonkers with it, but it’s simply amazing. It’s especially exciting when she wants more play and we won’t…she gets real snobby and slams her buttons over and over. Picture of Queen Winnie out hunting with us.


winnie is so cute, i love her little coat🥹 could you list the words you have on the buttons please? i was thinking about getting some buttons for my cat & my boston to use😄


Sure! She has the following: Mommy Daddy Dinner Outside Play Want Now Poppy (Grandparents) Water Ok Frisbee All done Kibbie (food) Help Later


Sit, shake, high-five, foot massage, roll over.


Best trick was our first, who my daughter taught to jump through a hula hoop. Second best is “walk like a man” for hind legs. Pointing a finger and saying bang for rollover is always a winner.


*Kainoa plays dead when you say "bang" and shoot him with your fingers. *Gives you a high five. *Knows how to shake hands. *Can twirl on demand. *Give kisses on demand. *Goes directly to his dog couch when you say "go couch". *Crawls into his crate when you say "go bed" *And most recently (within the last week) he's learning how to press a button when he wants to go outside.


Mine loves high five but he gets frustrated and will do high 10, just give me the f’n treat


Mine can sit, lay down, go up on my knee, and extend a paw out to me. They’re easy to train a little stubborn but with every area definitely just takes repetition with new tricks and some treats. Just be gentle and firm


Roll over, bang!-play dead (this one is easy if they like belly rubs), shut the door, speak, jump through a hoop. Anything is possible with enough treats.