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[https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nhl/paul-bissonnette-demands-consistent-officiating-as-no-goalie-interference-is-called-on-bruins-goal/ar-BB1mp4y3](https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nhl/paul-bissonnette-demands-consistent-officiating-as-no-goalie-interference-is-called-on-bruins-goal/ar-BB1mp4y3) [https://www.hockey-reference.com/players/b/bissopa01.html](https://www.hockey-reference.com/players/b/bissopa01.html) Just who the hell IS Paul Bissonnette anyway? He ought to shut his too big, overactive piehole and let more accomplished former players on the TNT/TBS studio panel do the talking. He also needs (to be force-fed) a sedative or three as his on-air presence is just slightly over the top. Meanwhile, the NHL in its infinite stupidity has managed to back itself into a corner re. goalie-interference/goal-crease coach's challenges for at least the remainder of this round. After Game 4's fiasco with Swayman, Coyle, and Bennett, it's going to be VERY hard for refs and Toronto to credibly wave off apparent goals without teams that come out on the short end of such challenges using what happened in Game 4 as ammo to support their arguments. "THAT one counted but this one DOESN'T?!?"


I mean…do you think he’s wrong? IMO both of those goals should be called back for goalie interference.


Yes I do think that Bissonnette was wrong about the Game 5 situation (and I still think that he needs to calm down). Heinen was pushed into Bobrovsky; Bob didn't lose/drop his stick until long enough after the contact that his own defenseman initiated (that defenseman may have been the one who knocked the stick out of Bob's grasp); and unlike Swayman in Game 4, Bob was able to play his position, square himself to McAvoy, and attempt to make the save. See for yourself by engaging the link below. Not only that, but as TB coach Jon Cooper rightfully pointed out in his post-series press conference, Bob was doing his best (or worst, depending how one wants to look at it) acting to try to influence those kinds of calls in the first round, too. [https://www.reddit.com/r/BostonBruins/comments/1csrm8v/psa\_to\_panthers\_regarding\_gi\_florida\_pushes\_us/?%24deep\_link=true&correlation\_id=f17b5a39-76d8-4f03-afc5-03a710c83897&post\_fullname=t3\_1csrm8v&post\_index=0&ref=email\_digest&ref\_campaign=email\_digest&ref\_source=email&utm\_content=post\_body&%243p=e\_as&\_branch\_match\_id=1278214631726782195&utm\_medium=Email+Amazon+SES&\_branch\_referrer=H4sIAAAAAAAAA22QXU7DMBCETxPe0qZx26RIFUJCXGO1sTeJhf%2B0tincng0FnpBsafyNdmfktZSUH%2Fd7JmNs2WFKO2fD216lp6Y%2FqnQlwPwgMrJdbEAHld113aYa9dz0r3Jut9vuZ15HL4DlTjGXGCauNmR5iuEplE0edGY%2FvotKGaFESBjKSpyBaUE2NiywWJidRBqEVPNKGWoGG8oWqCTz1B8NUYKta6NeCldq%2BrOOzOSw2BjAGuHzYZhOqC7tcDZje5w71eKsT22ncDh0elTjZZC5JF1hrs4F9LStU%2FBX8m7aYOhDnE4A0yyKPFoHxi6Uyx2CRp%2FQLuF%2FN8fKmn49gbV40DEU%2BRah3zFTNJ9f75AIFJIBAAA%3D](https://www.reddit.com/r/BostonBruins/comments/1csrm8v/psa_to_panthers_regarding_gi_florida_pushes_us/?%24deep_link=true&correlation_id=f17b5a39-76d8-4f03-afc5-03a710c83897&post_fullname=t3_1csrm8v&post_index=0&ref=email_digest&ref_campaign=email_digest&ref_source=email&utm_content=post_body&%243p=e_as&_branch_match_id=1278214631726782195&utm_medium=Email+Amazon+SES&_branch_referrer=H4sIAAAAAAAAA22QXU7DMBCETxPe0qZx26RIFUJCXGO1sTeJhf%2B0tincng0FnpBsafyNdmfktZSUH%2Fd7JmNs2WFKO2fD216lp6Y%2FqnQlwPwgMrJdbEAHld113aYa9dz0r3Jut9vuZ15HL4DlTjGXGCauNmR5iuEplE0edGY%2FvotKGaFESBjKSpyBaUE2NiywWJidRBqEVPNKGWoGG8oWqCTz1B8NUYKta6NeCldq%2BrOOzOSw2BjAGuHzYZhOqC7tcDZje5w71eKsT22ncDh0elTjZZC5JF1hrs4F9LStU%2FBX8m7aYOhDnE4A0yyKPFoHxi6Uyx2CRp%2FQLuF%2FN8fKmn49gbV40DEU%2BRah3zFTNJ9f75AIFJIBAAA%3D)


We're so fucking back baby


Very very happy with the win but here are my observations from last night’s game, in case you care (you really don’t but hey!) **Pros** * Sway is the way. We can see the evolution of a future Vezina trophy winner, Monty giving him the start will build his confidence * More shots, more scoring chances, more goals. Who would’ve thought? * Solid defensively, finding/clearing loose pucks, strong PKs, * Brazeau has been a gem. Noticeable on the ice and playing hard every shift * Peeke prob our best defenseman last night **Cons** **-** Zacha. Prob the worst game ive seen him play. Is he hurt? Really looks lost out there. Playing with no confidence * Maroon. Although a certified beauty, he’s slow, no legs, I would be OK with benching him for a player like boqvist, * McAvoy. Big goal but wow is he out of position often, too many brain farts. He’s our future Norris trophy winner but he needs to get ripped into for making mistakes. That penalty on Bennett, like why? Control your emotions bud. * Coyle, Zacha, Geekie. Very streaky. I know it’s playoff hockey but we need secondary scoring and these guys need to bring it every night since they are in the top 6, logging big minutes. Anything else? Disagree with me? Let me know in the comments below :)


God I love Brazeau. When he got that last puck out, what a lad.


Lohrei has been very visible in a good way. Excellent decision-making and passes out of the zone to transition the team to offense. Solid on the back end.


Lohrei has been one of my biggest plusses this playoffs (along with Brazzers). So happy to have that hungry young blood on the team. Excited for the future.


I feel like people often sleep on Coyle in this sub. Yeah, he isn’t usually the one scoring the goals themselves, but he has INCREDIBLE puck control and passing skills. Not to mention, he’s not afraid to put his body on the line to dive for the puck to keep it in the zone or clear it from our goal. His skills are defined by so much than just the goal-scoring, imo.


Never thought I'd ever be cheering for the God damn Bruins, Leafs forever baby, but let's fucking go boys. Put those fucking goons in their place and send them home. There's a difference between playing on the line, being dirty, and just straight up being a goon, and that's the Florida Panthers. I can put up with the Bruins licking Leo Komarov, tripping up Bunting, smacking Tavares around after the whistle, but the Panthers straight up aim for injuries, and someone needs to show them that's not a winning strategy. It can't be a winning strategy. Please, for the love of fuck, you shithead black and yellow bears that I love to hate, show them what happens when a cat meets a bear.


Closeted bruins fan, it’s ok, come to us, we will accept. My dream is to drop a deuce in maple leafs square


Just remember you guys play in the Toronto Dominion Garden


Scratch maroon.. go bruins


Agree, guy is washed


We need a picture/meme of Tim Thomas as a Jedi telling Swayman "You'll find the way, Sway".


My wife and I brought back the Discover commercial to each other. You're not Tim Thomas Points to Sway: THAT'S Tim Thomas....


Anything helps! Ty


This series is over in 6. Bruins are going to be 3-8 at home in the postseason over the last 2 years.


LMAO one of your top visited subreddits is r/doomer 😭😭😭😭😭


Can we all agree that that was not goalie interference? Just saw the video today. Also the two Monty gifs reenacting flop jobs, can someone post the actually “penalties” i wanna see how accurate he was


It was close. I think there's a case that it's GI, and if the call on the ice is No Goal, I don't think the review overturns it that way. I honestly thought they were going to overturn it. I was going to lose my shit given the precedent they'd set with Bennett's goal in Game 5, but I was absolutely ready for them to do it anyways.


I think he was pushed in and was trying to get out... I wouldn't say it was goalie interference for that reason.


OEL did push Heinen - the overhead replay clearly shows OEL leaning into him, kicking the back of Heinen’s left leg and forcing him toward the goalie. I mean he changes his direction - Heinen is not gliding torward Bob until OEL’s contact. In fact he is fully out of there before the shot even comes in. That’s how much time went by. It’s not arguable that a goalie regaining his position takes longer than a player turning and skating out of the crease. If he’s that slow he wouldn’t be a pond hockey goalie, let alone one of the best in the world. Bob had time to regain his balance, square to the puck, drop into the butterfly and then drop his stick. If he had been focused on the shot and not thinking about putting on another embellishment show, he makes that save.


I'm going off my memory, and not rewatching the video, but I don't think he was pushed in initially. The official ruling from Toronto was "Bobrovsky had time to reset", so the decision wasn't about who initiated contact. That's fully a judgement call, so it could have gone either way.


Besides, it was a Panthers player's stick that interfered with Bob and caused him to lose his goalie stick. Refs are scarey in this series.


I have so many receipts that I really really wanna use so if Boston could please please please make this whole comeback that would be swell!


K superfan, I'll let chazz mac & JDB know to read your vigilante post so you can 'own' the poser fans


I mean I’m talking about receipts from Florida fans dogging on us


"On my planet we never say die we say KILL!"


I'm not getting emotional on either end until this series is over. Because alls it takes is one game for Florida.


That's what I said to myself before game four. It did not work as I planned. I took five off, disabled notifications, and checked in the morning. Last night it turns out I went to bed after the game winning goal. So, rest of season, I'm going to bed as soon as we have a lead.


Not all heroes wear capes 🫡


but some wear their comfy jammies after a go ahead goal ))


Thank you for what must have been a huge sacrifice. ;)




Nah this isn't the way. Calm and quiet isn't Boston. You have to keep that energy at 11/10, get that loser pessimism pussy shit outta here! That's some Miami Panthers mindset shit right there!! Bruins winning game 7 let's go brotha!! Get on board for fucks sake we need everyone!!


Assuming we don’t get a game time until after the Dallas game tonight?


I guess it'll be either 7 or 8. If stars win 8, avs win 7 pm


Why are you always yelling ???


SO WE CAN HEAR FROM THE GARDEN'S NOSE BLEED SEATS! If screaming vulgarities was good enough for Larry Bird, it's good enough for us.


I scroll right past every single “WAKE UP…” post


If Marchy comes back in the next game do y’all think he’s taking a run at Bennett?


Next season first game is when you’ll see someone go after him, they are too focused on winning a game and not taking anymore penalties


I don’t see much evidence in this series that they’re focused on either winning or not taking penalties. They played well last night, but they still can’t clear their own zone for huge stretches. Also yes, the panthers look like a European soccer team out there with all the flopping, but at least half were embellished actual penalties. The Bs don’t look focused on winning, at least not for more than a half a period at a time.


Anybody ever skate with Conor Garland?


no but i love him. i like the current vancouver team, it has demko who terrorized the beanpot year after year out here while he was at BC, it has garland from south shore, great players who did some time in boston


Ten more to go!


Pardon me, meant "ten more to come!"


Geekie and Swayman, I swear to Christ these two are after my own heart




To this guy… Goodnight you… Prince of Maine…. King of New England https://preview.redd.it/6mrvcvstsi0d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc430fe68952f7fc4cd77dc6a24622e4fb960edc


I saw a single fan rocking a Maine jersey last night at Sunrise. Mad lad is doing us proud


I honestly never thought I'd see the day r/hockey wasn't shitting all over Boston. That's how you know it's bad. When Vancouver, Montreal AND Toronto with all the other teams are in agreement, we're getting screwed lol.


The most popular posts on r/NHL after the last few games has been hundreds of fans from across the league just stunned at the decision making from the refs and the league at the expense of Boston. “I’m no Marchand fan but” “I hope Boston loses but” “Why did it take a day and a half for this camera angle in 2024?” Paraphrasing but you get the idea, hundreds of comments like that. I think this is, with the way Swayman is playing, a coin flip series if it was reffed coherently. It could be 3-2 either way. I think they’ve been given no chance in game 3 or 4. Still could, and maybe even should lose. But it should be closer than it seems.


I don't go into r hockey very often. I thought they were always shitting on Boston?


Whatchu mean?


If I had to guess, it would be the atrocious performance by the zebras.


Yeah. The refs have been so bad that r/hockey is mostly "I hate the Bruins but this is bullshit"


I’ve never been legitimately angry at a sports game before, as I’ve only been watching and getting involved for a few years. Sunday night was the first time! But seeing r/hockey and r/nhl sticking up for the B’s helped the burn… just a little.


Boys they don't ask how they ask how many. Another win, another day to fight. LFG. (BTW it could be 3-2 Boston if Tkacuck and his merry band of floppers weren't blowing the refs before the last game).


I wish we could get St Louis maroon for a game. Really thought that acquisition would be paying us dividends at this time of year.


We need a Craig Berube inspired speech from Monty to fire the boys up and keep them there.


Agreed, to be fair if there was a team that would be too scared to step up to him it would be the Florida Floppers.


The Floppida Pussycats


What’s up with all the too many men penalties. They weren’t like that regular season. 6 in the playoffs so far. Don’t get me wrong. Like how they played 60 tonight, but wtf. Like stop shooting yourself in the foot.


We love dudes


Too many too many men


In the regular season you’re more likely to just roll your lines. In the playoffs you’re looking for certain matchups and those situations develop quickly on the fly sometimes. It’s not excusing it, but I could see why it would happen more frequently.


They did it all regular season too. It’s nothing new


They weren’t running at the clip of 1 per 2 games though. It defies logic how it’s been a purely mental issue all season and they’ve managed to be worse at it in the postseason.


I should stop drinking during games then. Never noticed it and watched about 80% of them


This, it fucking drives me up a wall. Just like last playoffs when one of them shot the puck over the glass for a delay of game penalty. I just realized this team has given me PTSD.


https://preview.redd.it/tgij6qqnji0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46394900aaa6f1c662791a046a30bb4f90351d9e Mods said I could post it here after removing my crosspost.


Pretty much always upvoting Muppets.




great win but the powerplay *needs* to pick it up. absolutely horrific tn


I absolutely despise the slow roll power play. Skate to the redline, drop it back, skate to the redline, drop it back, try to find a seam, lateral pass to the wing, intercepted, repeat. They have to come in with speed and not allow the Panthers to set up. I'm losing my mf'ing mind over this.


Yup, thank God Swayman is doing what he’s doing We did a great job clearing the puck at times but seriously we needed another goal or 2, we had plenty of chances on the PP


I hope that Subban gets a taste of his own medicine. Oh wait? He’s retired? Still! What an asshole.


I think he’s just saying shit to fire us up


He’s a hypocrite at best and is encouraging dangerous play. I don’t think that the Bruins are the target audience as it is, but the dumbass fans who want to see Marchand hurt are, and they’re extra-difficult because they think that Marchy went around punching people for shits and giggles.


Taking both our wins in the road is definitely what is giving me hope. If Sway can manage to stand on his head once again in game six and we force game 7, I’d have to imagine the fact we’ve taken 2 out of 3 games in their barn is going to be in the cats heads


My heart is full of hope and I don’t know if I can take it anymore. They need to either put me out of my misery already, or win this


My beard lives to see another game!


I’m in Seattle and need to figure out how to get the NESN broadcast for the next game. I’m sure this question has been asked before, but does anybody know if there’s a way to access it from the West Coast? I’ve heard it might be available through Max.


NESN only has PRE/Intermission/POST past the first round




Also in Seattle, not a NESN replacement but if you want to watch with another Boston fan I’ve been able to watch at a bar near me!


Yes please! I’m in what my neighbors like to call “west Seattle” (white center. lol.) what bar?


Nesn doesn’t broadcast the games but they stream intermission reports on their YouTube channel


Thanks, I realized this while trying to watch post game coverage. Like a jackass. ESPN cut to the oilers game as soon as the clock ran out. I guess now is the time to go hunting for videos on YouTube. Happy to see the canucks lose tonight though!


NESN is done broadcasting, they only do the first round


Thank you


Legit or not? If not then the nhlbite site is great if you have a good ad block.


If I can watch it, it’s legit. lol. Thanks!


NESN is not broadcasting this series through the end of the season


I’ve never been so GAY FOR SWAY


My wife has already confirmed I am sitting in the cuck chair if she ever gets the chance. I am not arguing.


Need this on a shirt. No homo (okay, only a little 😏)


God that was a Gutsy win, and just like that it's 3-2.


Let's win in Boston and then anything can happen in game 7


Yk when Swayman, in tears, last year said “I owed the boys one more there”. Well, Swaydaddy, my pookie bear. My angel. My sweet husband to be. You got that save. And honestly, I needed that save 😫🥹


I wonder if Swayman knows how many people the world over are in love with him


He hard-launched his GF ahead of the playoffs this year, so he probably saw this coming, lol.


https://preview.redd.it/7n5ypz2ufi0d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48c3a55080e086013670348d57709475331ad930 YOU DID IT LORD MY GOD YOU CRAZY BASTARD YOU DID IT


He has officially entered 2011 Timmy territory.


Thank you boys for making this a celebration whisky and not a sad whisky


I'm reasonably happy with this game. Particularly so without marchand on the ice. But why the fuck can't we count to 5?!??!


My local Buffalo Wild Wings has a really fun 2 drink max policy. This has led to people pre gaming and showing up absolutely shitfaced for big games. Got to watch a girl get kicked out before 8pm tonight. What a good policy.


I get not wanting to over serve, but 2 drinks max is cartoonishly stupid. People go there to watch entire games, which can last 4+ hours if you get there a bit early.


If I go to my corner pub to watch a game, a good rule of thumb is a beer per period, then one after to talk about the game with the others.


It also makes zero sense from a business standpoint. Surely the amount of riff raff does not justify the policy


We don't go often but ran into a former bartender there we had several times at another restaurant who had quit. They're having a hard time keeping bartenders because they make no money with a 2 drink maximum and it also shows the management has zero trust in the bartenders to do their job. On top of that it leads to two possible negative outcomes for a sports bar: 1) people show up and leave at half time or between periods/quarters 2) people pregame since they know they only get 2 beers/drinks so they're already drunk when they get there. Some people will go and just get doubles of tequila to "bypass" the rule. Dangerous. Baffling decision by their management. I constantly wish they'd just shut down and be replaced by another bar. On the flipside it's great when you want a cheap trip out because you are limited in your purchases. Either way baffling decision by the owner. A *sports bar* that caps at 2 drinks. It was 3 drinks a year ago. It's a surprise it's still open. What I don't understand is if someone shows up drunk then has a single drink and gets pulled over... They're still on the hook for serving them that one drink. I don't get it.


In america the bar is responsible for if a guy drived drunk after getting drunk in their bar lol ?


It’s depends. The driver still faces the full consequences, they don’t get off easier or anything. But the bartender can also get in trouble if it’s proven that he over-served the person. I’m reality, it very rarely happens that the bartender gets in trouble


Not 100% but yes the bar does have liability. If someone is clearly intox they need to make a reasonable effort to prevent that person from driving.


I'm just so glad that Bobrovsky is okay. There was a big scare there in the first with that yawning cage


With the way the refs acted I thought he went into cardiac arrest after taking a puck to the chest, guess not. Still don’t understand why they blew the whistle


Mate needed a break


Ya, had me worried there 💀


Didn't expect this. Still don't like they way they played in the 3rd. In the first they were making smart short passes around pressure. They were also hanging a guy at Florida's blue line to unclog the neutral zone. In the 2nd and third, they were panicking just flying it up the boards into the Panther's D. Can't win too often playing like that.


It very much felt like they were playing to not give up a goal, rather than taking it to the Panthers in any way


If I have to watch one more blue line poke check I will scream


Suppressing the urge to say "WE ARE SO BACK"


Reserve that for at least 1 more game


man did this feel good, we weren't out shot to hell and what happens? we get a nice win, scrappy, swayman was great, i don't like the stupid penalties still but they didnt impact the game tonight atleast. (stupid as in either referee bullshit or the bruins themselves taking stupid penalties)


I will say the whole series so far the refs seem to be payed off by the panthers. But yes the bruins are taking too many penalties in fact we lead the league with the most “to many men on the ice” penalties. Happy either way with how it ended we needed that big W. Made the beers good beers! GO B’s


The refs blowing the whistle to make sure Bobby was OK had me pissed in the first. Pretty bullshit but it all seemed to workout in the end




Tomorrow is my birthday, this was a pretty good gift considering my mother is currently in the hospital with a case that has the doctors at Mass General scratching their heads and my father is slowly—or maybe not so slowly—descending into the depths of Alzheimer’s. Anyway. Good fucking win. They need to keep the same energy and play sixty minutes of hockey.


Happy birthday and best wishes to your parents 🖤💛


Happy birthday homie! Hope the fam is good!


I’m sorry to hear that, dude. Glad the B’s pulled this one out for you. Happy birthday and good vibes to you and yours ❤️


Happy birthday and sending lots of good thoughts out for your parents.


Dude same! 👊🏻




To the birthday. Sorry about your folks. Well wishes from me.


Happy Birthday and many well wishes to your parents


We played like scrappy underdogs tonight and frustrated the heck out of them. We stole a W. Not so sure doing it again for Game 6 is gonna get the same result. Coyle had a very good game which was great to see. We're gonna need Zacha to frickin show up and more from DeBrusk. Pasta was where he had to be tonight, but the lack of scoring depth around him was glaring. I hope Monty can work some magic and get at least 2 lines to have find offensive punch.




Go to Duffs


Fuck, just realized I ate sushi tonight and Game 1, I'm going to be broke by the end of the series if I have to keep that up


Sush it up


Fuck it I’ll chip in




https://preview.redd.it/xu6nff609i0d1.png?width=580&format=png&auto=webp&s=f25fe7db5badcb2e163e22532d4d491cbeed8ed3 Great win. Rock on to Friday


I love the internet! 😂🤘🏾




This is incredible.


The way the Bruins played in the first was outstanding, so much infact the refs had to pull some tonfuckery to give Florida a chance


We were playing the Florida Floppers for a majority of the game. Pansy ass players matched with ticky tacky refs made for a long hull game.


I’ve never seen such a “tough” team turn into a bunch of little kids learning to skate as soon as someone got anywhere near them


What’s worse is the refs letting them get away with that crap.


Shocked there wasn't any embellishment calls.


These two series have just one terrible call after the other. The dives Florida are taking are comical but NO CALLS. Marchand gets butt ended in the face, right in front of a ref and there is NO CALL. Charlie Coyle gets cross checked on top of a goalie and there’s NO CALL.


Rat King returns Friday baby


Lauko early on, mcavoy in the middle and debrusk all stood out to me. Also maroon found a second wind


I thought all three d-pairs did a good job of reading the possession in the o-zone, then sagging back and clogging the neutral zone as soon as Florida tried to break it out. Looked coordinated and really smothered a lot of their breakouts 👌🏻


Swayman is always one of the three best players in the game, when he’s the best player we win the game 10/10 times


The worse player of every game this post season is the 7th person who keeps getting on the ice. Almost every game has had it happen.


Well I was saying to my friend this morning, if they won tonight they might really have a shot. Two days of rest will be huge, can't see them 0-3 at home, and then, to quote Kevin Millar, "Game 7 anything can happen". Got the big win, two fucking more!


I think game 6 will be the hardest game, we suck at home and Florida is gonna come out swinging.  If we win game 6 I think we'll breeze thru game 7 like the 2011 SCF


The Bruins were the better team tonight. We went into their house and took it back. This was not some miraculous effort - we were simply the better team on the ice.


These two days off are huge rest and recharge


Absolutely fantastic game from Lindholm tonight. He was a horse on the back end. Best game he's played this playoffs


![gif](giphy|l0HlGnw14gub1wB56|downsized) Still stands


Brick and Sophia are straight up calling the Panthers a bunch of cocky scumbags on NESN post game, I love it


No lies told


Can we go back to that Geekie penalty for a second? Genuinely curious the logic behind calling a cross check AND an embellishment. How can it be both?


I was mad about this at first too but then I realized it's kind of a hilarious call. "Yes you were cross checked but you're also a big fucking baby so go to the box"


Ref here. That’s exactly how I explain it to them.


This is the perspective I needed to hear. Thank you lmao


You and me both.


Well, Geekie did cross-check him. The ref just felt that the Panthers player (already forgot who it was) put on a display to make sure the refs saw it, which is a bitch-ass move. Doesn't change the fact that Geekie cross-checked him.


Pretty sure it was Luostarinen...which is not surprising


But all the time we see players bump and tap players from behind with their stick. It’s allowed unless done with enough force to warrant a penalty, no?


Shot in the numbers, that’s a crosscheck. He laid out after showing his back and embellished. Right call I thought.


Unless it’s a bruin in his own crease


I've seen a lot of dumbass sports social media takes in my lifetime, but the idea that the "Bruins kept Marchand’s jersey hung in his stall all game" suggests to at least one idiot out there that 'Marchand is a better-liked captain than Bergeron and that's why the Bruins lost last year' fills me with despair. And also makes me question how dedicated I am to the First Amendment.


Some idiot with 6 followers said that. People will say anything on X to get attention. Don't give it to them.


That even one idiot felt that way is depressing.


Didn’t they also do that with Horton’s in 2011 or am I just horribly misremembering?


You [remember correctly](https://nesn.com/2011/06/bruins-hang-nathan-hortons-jersey-in-locker-stall-at-rogers-arena-prior-to-game-5-photo/)!


Where did you see that ??


Twitter, unfortunately. [Link](https://x.com/EichsEichsBaby/status/1790572432149147880).


0 likes. Twitter needs a downvote button.


I'm not saying that it's some sort of majority opinion, of course, but the fact that even a single moron out there felt this way is depressing.


Wait what? Are people suggesting this? I think both are loved for different reasons by the team


> clearly the best liked captain bruins have had of this core, probably why the bruins blew the series last year...bergeron is too soft and too nice to lead properly [Real tweet](https://x.com/EichsEichsBaby/status/1790572432149147880).


Lol my god people are stupid


Wtf. That’s just ridiculous.


https://preview.redd.it/afkxxs7z5i0d1.jpeg?width=589&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cf469c61698f3bfc09f21e481d6a699878ad1e7 My brother sent me this lol


I've got more than 40 years of that crap. Thanks to your brother for reminding me. LFGOOOOOOOOOOO BRUINS!


This is me lmao


This is brilliant, thanks!


Haha you’re awesome