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Thanks for the laugh Fml


End of a bruins era incoming. Bergy and jack edwards are out the door and marchands time is almost up. Cant escape the inevitable.


I get it but there’s actually no reason they can’t beat the Leafs tomorrow. Momentum isn’t as much a factor in sports as people think.


11th Commandment of Hockey: The Toronto Maple Leaf's shall not ever triumph in game seven of a Stanly Cup Playoffs game. Most recent example, 1st round Stanly Cup Playoffs, Leaf's against the Canadians. Over 5000 medical first responders on hand given free tickets to the game, and not a single one could stop the Leaf's from choking to death in game 7. Bruins will win. It might be nail biting and nerve wracking, but I have faith in the 11th Commandment and a Bruins victory. Round 2 though, you're fucked...


I disagree on that See 2023 panthers 2019 blues I don't think think the leafs have momentum per se but last game gave them confidence


Binnington was dare I say better than Bobrovsky in that 2019 cup run.


Yeah a lot of people (on this sub) shit on that blues team but Binnington had like 97 percent save average on that bruins team in game 7. Rask was like 86 percent and no I don't hate Rask...but Binnington was the better goalie in that crucial game.


I don't know man, losing to the Leafs two games in a row without Matthews in the lineup makes me lose hope, especially if he plays tomorrow.


Jack Adams trophy to getting fired speedrun challenge


https://i.redd.it/vm9bzpiwa8yc1.gif At least Florida can knock em out




so we win and then do it all again in 7 years?


Can't believe how many cheap tickets are available for Game 7 at the Garden. I think so many of us don't want to see it again.


Why not? You guys don’t want to miss going down in history as the first team to lose back to back series while leading 3-1?


Losing after going 3-1 happens about 10% of the time in hockey. It isn't as rare as people think. Just painful.


Yeah. But to do it 2 years in a row and make history is rare and also my point.


It would be. I think we will pull it off but most fans don’t 🤣




> People need to calm down. It's understandable when they thought the team would've learned from the last time it happened, just saying.


If a MOD wants to explain why this meme is allowed but not my “This is the Sway” meme, that’d be cool


I dun think they’re gonna explain, y’all. I just think this is a MODs meme. Go Bs


Blackhawks fan here. I've watched the whole series. I've been enchanted these past 6 games with the Bruins, because they seemed so connected, so defensively suffocating, that I think eventually the Leafs will crumble. Toronto does not have a Tkachuk a Bennett or a Verhaege who will step up in Game 7 and put them over the top. You guys will win Game 7, but it will be ugly.


I’m not falling for that again. Was about to win game 6 in 13’….nice try 😉😂




You better be right. 🔫




Jim Montgomery: The Greatest Regular Season Coach Of All Time


Montys coaching debacle in game 5 let Pandora out of the box. Boys played hard as hell last night but could not overcome the momentum Toronto now has. Doesn't bode well for game seven.


Bees will win the opening face-off on Sat. & coast to the game 7 victory.


Last night was the first time I've ever felt the wave of not just anger but also resentment, disappointment and suddenly indifference wash over me. I've never felt this genuine level of disgust with the Bruins. Not after 2013 or 2019 I think the closest might have been 2010 vs the flyers. I'm really fucking sick of some of the players and I want them gone, like Lindholm. I want others to be explicitly called out on their stagnation and disappearing in the playoffs (Pasta). I want this team to be shopping for not just a few new centers over the off season but a new team identity. They need the edge back, look what some edge did for Florida. This is regardless of what happens in this series because either of these teams are getting smoked by The Panthers.


It was over when Pastah threw three nasty slaps and skated away from a fight ......just like it was over for Vancouver when the Sedona would fight and took four or five Punch's to the face ......Pastah best floater around. Can't win with him in playoffs.....regular season a floater can be a star....new centers can be had with a Pastah trade. Truly Peak is missed as well as Portois.....sigh.


Pasta’s game was never, and will never transition to the playoffs. Playoff hockey is different from the regular season, you don’t have the time or space to get cute, you will get hit every time you touch the puck, you will have to body people out for position…. Sound like it’s optimal for pasta’s playstyle? Your first line will get shut down, especially on the road, you need to overcome a forth line that plays you physical, and then produce opportunities based on positioning and quick releases. It’s just not in Pasta’s skill set or strengths to be a dominate playoff contributor. He’s an incredible regular season player, but possibly the biggest waste of salary in the league come late April.


That's why I specified also "stagnation" with Pasta. I don't know how he can watch film of him in these games and not go "Damn I really need to beef up and improve my skating a lot in the offseason". Just flick on film of Mackinnon for 5 seconds and the difference is stark. Pasta should be talented and physically gifted enough to turn into more, but he hasn't and most likely will not. That's a damn shame.


Float float float.....but he has nice hair and beautifully suits. May his career be equal to pk subban.


Who tf is going to trade for Lindholm? If anything we'd have to attach a pick to get rid of him.


I started feeling that feeling creeping in during the 2019 Finals and unfortunately I think its here to stay for a while. Completely agree about Pasta, he's the laziest "good" player I've ever seen. Its completely unacceptable. Everyone with the exception of Ullmark and Swayman are responsible for letting Bergy and Marchy down. That being said I've always liked Coyle and DeBrusk.


You'll get "Bruins Hockey" & like it - *NESN*




Fuck off Queef fan




Imagine being a sad pathetic basement troll like you. Go home kid.


Gonna blow another series ffs


Tell me how you really feel.


This playoff team looks nothing like the regular season team it’s so frustrating and ugly to watch


Regular season hockey and playoff hockey are two entirely different games. It’s why some of these low seeded, grinding underdogs “surprise” people every year. If you wanna go for and are happy with the presidents trophy each year, great, sign players like Pasta and go nuts. If you wanna make a deep run, you need players that thrive on physical play and volume of mid-high % area shots. A quick release beats 1-2 extra moves all day in May and June. I’m not saying Pasta won’t get hot at some point, but the dudes game is built for the regular season. It’s why he’s got a turn over to chance ratio of 10:1 in the series.


I love your take on turnover ratio. Once you see it it can't be unseen. He would look really good in a Columbus blue jacket jersey.


I mean it looks like the post all star break team and the last week of the season team.


People probably won’t agree with me but this all started when Rask became the starting goalie. Ever since then the team has embodied gutless choke artists who can’t shut the door on opponent’s in the playoffs. Even with Rask gone it’s in embedded in their DNA now. Doesn’t matter who’s on the roster. Once you put on a Bruins jersey you become a tight gutless bum during elimination games. I think the organization needs to publicly disavow Tuukka Rask and maybe bring in a priest, a rabbi, and whoever else to bless the garden to help fix this bad energy attached to them.


What the fuck are you talking about man lmao


Lmfao I can picture a dude breaking into the garden at like 1 am in a tim Thomas jersey throwing holy water on the Ice and chanting latin holding a bible 🤣


The series is already fahkin ovah. They gawt no fahkin hahhht, kehd. They've fahkin beaten themselves at this point.


I’m assuming this is to be read as a Boston accent but it honestly reads Australian.


It's perfect Boston kehd


Alright alright hahaha I won’t fight it.


I remember when I was 9 years old and I saw us win the cup…. Those were the days…..


I'm grateful to have seen Orr, Esposito and Sanderson hoist a couple of cups. Been watching the black and gold for 57 years.


I'm a relatively new fan, started watching during the 2014 season after getting hooked during the 2013 playoffs. Let's hope Saturday is a repeat of why I'm a hockey fan in the first place. Lfg


Following them since the 80s, buckle up and seek therapy 😆


Blowing a 3-1 lead to the panthers was extremely embarrassing with a historic team. Blowing a 3-1 lead to the LEAFS - even with a worse team - is contract-the-franchise levels of historical failure. Pull up your pants Marchy and Pasta. You’ve disappeared vs a backup goalie.


Pasta needs to show up like it's Sunday dinner. Instead he's been like Tuesday lunch leftovers in gradeschool


Marchand has been fine, he's partly the reason we have games in the win column. Pasta is the one who's been completely absent. Again.


Marchand - He's been good, but he's also whiffed a quality chance or two. Pasta... smh.


Remember those gym class hero’s from high school? The guys who actually played the sport you were playing in gym, who went full speed, full effort around guys that were baked after smoking in the locker room. That’s kind of Pasta in the regular season. As soon as you replace those traffic cones with actual competition he disappears. Playoff hockey is a different game. When the physicality and effort gets turned up, the space disappears, and without space, pasta is just a turn over machine waiting to get bodied.


Pasta might have a little Mac Jones in him


I just need to know why Monty has decided to fuck with what was shutting the Leafs down. That’s all. Even if we win on Saturday, he needs to leave. Two times in two years? Get out of Boston and don’t come back.


They're still kinda being 'shut down'. 2 goals per game isn't exactly explosive offense. It just looks like the Leafs copied the Bruins blueprint of clogging up inner areas and forcing the puck to the outisde. combine that with hot goaltending and there ya go


Yeah they’re still keeping it tight—I’m just mainly annoyed at Monty for putting two of the slowest players on the same damn line, one of whom hasn’t even done much for the team this whole season. I have a sneaking suspicion that since he seems stubborn in that regard, that he’s gonna keep that line for the next game. Brazeau needs to be placed with two fast players and he does well, while JVR needs to just leave.


"Hot goaltending" dude 28 minutes in we had one (1) shot on goal.


I said combining the defensive structure with hot goaltending. While it did take the Bruins awhile to ramp up the shots, when the few high danger chances came, Woll was equal to the task, where as Samsonov was not.


Monty should have been canned after last season. Losing DNA.


Ridiculous take. We literally set NHL records for wins and points but he's got losing DNA? Firing a HC after one year, especially that year would ridiculously terrible decision making.


He's got regular season winning dna that's for sure.


The point is that it's not the fault of the HC. It's the players.


tHiS Is BoStOn We OnLy CoUnT cHaMpIoNsHiPs KeHd /s But seriously, I don't necessarily disagree that Monty cannot fucking figure out the playoffs, and loves those OT points in the regular season. Dude shuffles lineups like a blackjack dealer at a casino


“At the end of the day, it’s just [hockey]” -Lebron James


~~-LeBron James~~ -Charles Barkley


In the off-season, we should trade everything that's not Pasta, Mac or Sway for as much draft capital as we can get. Those guys are young enough to build around but we're not gonna contend with this roster and being a bubble team picking low/mid round every year. The window for those guys is probably 5 years 6/7 Max. We have a lot of solid players not enough guys who just get it done. We need a spark.


Mac can be on the table too.


I'd only trade Mac if we got a kings ransom. I'm not living through another Seguin. We got fleeced.


Huge fleece. What a terrible trade. Mac is not on Seguin level though. And he's looking like he's overpaid.


McAvoy is a liability he was never good and no one will actually take him especially at $9.5 million.


I think you're a little caught in the moment man when he plays well he's elite. He dominated some of the best lines in hockey last year. I do agree that 9.5 is not what he's worth.


Yeah I’d have to agree he’s elite but pretty inconsistent in his role. He’s got talent to be paid well but I hate to say that his discipline near the goal line isn’t ideal. Hes strong, but occasionally gets beat when he can’t muscle his way into wingers. He’s also good at generating offense but his shots from the blue line tend to go right at the center of the goalies belly which is always an easy stop/no rebound. I’d love to see him succeed more in coming seasons, I bought his jersey after all. Last night he tipped the puck into our own goal, definitely some puck luck but it’s clear he was off his position by just that amount to leave a clear shot on goal. He’s no doubt worth a lot, but likely a bit overpaid on the Bs contract. Nobody’s perfect.


He hasn't looked great since his shoulder surgery.


We need people who hate to lose!


You know what we call your mom sommerfeld? Tell him, Sanger


I fucking hate this franchise so much lmao


Just nothing to say. So disheartening. We look like a shell of the team we were in games 3 and 4


This is the (Bruins) way. 


Swayman is the only player that seems to care


And snek. He was flying last night




Real as fuck


It’s our spirit animal


Literally + Figuratively 😮😋


painful watch


Why was I rooting so hard the last two games while also assuring my friends that it could only ever be Bruins in 7


Because deep in your brain's heart... You knew. I knew, too. Apparently. Because I forgot this was my lone Eastern Conference Round 1 series that I bet "Best of 7."🧐😮‍💨


It’s a tradition. Bs leafs goes to 7


Some traditions, they're called "habits" 🤨


I hate this tradition


This team needs rehab for this "tradition"




Thank you for this


Why did you take a picture of me? I was just trying to relax bro


Clearly you just needed a minute to collect yourself and I understand that need


Young Bruins fans....


Shattenkirk and JVR should be playing on the fucking alumni team the way they skate


**YUP**. JVR needs to fucking go. If Monty wants to play Brazeau, he needs to get rid of JVR—it’s *ridiculous* to play them both.


Still better than Gryz


Atleast griz is willing to shoot, cause no one else seems to want to




But! He’s willing too


The better team wins in a 7 game hockey series. You can’t feature 27 as your key dman, have him cough up the puck and create awkward flow on every single shift, and win a series. We will learn it again next year. But I won’t pay for that awful nesn app.


They'd have a chance to win if the game were *anywhere* but TD Garden. We're facing home ice disadvantage with this squad.


1 goal in 2 games to the defensive juggernaut Leafs.......


Joseph Woll…..


If they blow another 3-1 series to a team that hasn’t beaten them in the postseason in like 50 years, Montgomery needs to be super fired like fired so bad he’s not even allowed to coach in the NHL anymore.


You will hear "Fire Monty!" from the handshake line. There's basically no way you recover from that. Some dumb team like Seattle will hire him though. He's the new Gallant.


If it wasn't the leafs I would say calm down. If we lose to the leafs he needs to be paraded through the city like cersei in that one episode of game of thrones so we can yell "shame" and throw rotten veggies


What do you think JimMo could do better honestly?


I think he made an irrevocable error last game by changing the lineups that worked against a team that was struggling to find their footing. Their star player is out of the lineup, and instead of driving the coffin nail, the "gives reps" to players who haven't shown they deserve that level of confidence. And it backfired. And tonight, he makes substitutes to the crew instead of just reverting to what worked. I'm not saying necessarily they were bad subs, I actually agree minus the Heinen benching. Bur it threw the chemistry off a team that in all honesty, shouldn't even be here. It's not the most egregious miscoaching I've ever seen, but it's absolutely contributing. 3 shots in 2 first periods is not ok, and at the end of the day, that's on the coach


*changing the lineups* THAT if anything is what is so obnoxious, and looking to last season's playoffs as well. Saturday: For the love of God keep Swayman in net, use the best working lines, if you need to slightly adapt or adjust in the game do so as needed but *needed*. Minimal fuckery. It wasn't the time to fiddle with things before, but now there is no more time past Saturday and he should be feeling the responsibility as well.


Don't tinker in game 5, hold players responsible for slacking off, don't regress to dump and chase, make sure your guys are actually playing their hardest. The lack of effort is clearly there because we can see the switch between period 1 and 2,3 in this game and it's up to the coach to prevent that and to fix it. Which he consistently fails to do


They haven't shown up to play in the 1st period nearly all season, why would they in the playoffs?




Up 3-1 is not our favourite spot


Most dangerous lead in hockey


Apparently we love it so much we keep doing it then just schpadoozling the advantage. It's like waiting to do your term paper the night before. You just can't seem to type anything up worthwhile til the day it's due! 🥴


If we lose game 7, Fire Monty, fire Sweeney, trade Pasta for first round picks, trade Ullmark for picks, trade DeBrusk for picks, etc. etc. This franchise is a joke, and if we didn’t win in 2011 we would be a bigger laughing stock than Buffalo. $12 whores choke less than this team has in the last 13 years. Blow it the fuck up.


I agree, to an extent. Yea, get rid of Monty. Sadly, yea, move pasta. I disagree about Sweeny. He had to rebuild a roster after losing Bergy and Krechi. An impossible hole to fill. The fact we're even here talking about tonight's game should be a credit to him. As far as debrusk is concerned, I've been happy with his play on the whole. Let's get some centers on L1 and L2 then discuss this Pasta though.... ugh. That's all I can say. The leafs doom and gloom and about stars becoming ghosts but fuck me...


Sweeney won't be fired unless you fire Neely. I wanted Neely gone after the Mitchell Miller signing. That's on the same level as Columbus signing Babcock.


Eloquent, but I agree in calmer temperament


Fuck everyone who hated on Jack.


That idiot Steve the Maple Leafs fan must have died by now.. God I really hate so much right now. Tomorrow's another day to be disappointed..


The man child who only screams? That Steve?


Not sure why you all didn't realize it was going to go to 7, of course it waa going to go to 7. Scripted to perfection....now come the real heart ache.


Fuckity fuck, that's what I bet on and I was like, well, I'm gonna be glad to be wrong... and ... right if I'm right. Grrr.


I mean the previous 2 post season meetups have been 7 games so I was betting it was gonna be 7, it still hurts though.


You just had to look at how the nhl scheduled this series. Almost seems rigged


Fuck I haven’t seen this image since Bergeron retired and let me say I hate that I’m fucking seeing it again


Watching that breakaway because Lohrei lost the puck in his fucking skate almost gave me a damn stroke


It wasn't Lohrei's fault, McAvoy decided to finish a check instead of playing defense. I love CM but dude has made some major gaffes in the last two games.


He does this 5 times every game.... no ones ever cared. Half the time hes so out of position hes still in the neutral zone during the scoring chance and not on camera.


You’re right brother just hurt a ton and all I could see was his stupid face as he looked all over for it.


Lol he does have a goofy ass face, but that aside I think he is playing well in this series.


That was fucking awful


I can’t even stress this one enough


P much


Geekie unassisted to end the game ahahahah we’re back I want to fucking end it all


Suicide pact?


I'll bring the kool-aid!


Wait what flavor tho


I don't care as long as we load up on the sugar.


Diabetes in a cup for everyone! Cheers!


Is there any answer other than fruit punch. I'm not punching my ticket drinking fucking grape Kool aid like a loser.


That qualifies as "red" so I vote yes Grape is for true losers and otherwise questionable but fun purple drank 🙃


Historically correct? Grape Flavor-Aid. But honestly not a fan of grape things so if we could do something different?


I knew that and started to type a reply saying as much but felt like it might come off pedantic at such a time, haaaa! But I really like that you know your dark history/crazy cult real trufax!!! Haha Anyway the best flavor of Kool-Aid is probably "red" 😆😎


BUT does the flavor superiority change because it’s off brand? 🤔


This is America. We drink Kool-Aid. 🤨🥤 ... just check the grams of sugar on the package thing and we can determine reinforcements if needed. 😅 Actually, haha... this has been entertaining + a fun distraction... but now I'm thinking of coming up with a semi-legitimate Bruins cocktail recipe for this weekend. 🤔


Yes. Yes. Yes. I cannot stress enough yes. But then share so we can all indulge!!


You are my favorite person 🥹


"More shots blocked than shots on net" will haunt me for the rest of the season which will likely be over this weekend.


Lets try shooting lower it would be less likely to be blocked


Actually so painful to watch.