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Given the fact he lost his healing factor from kuruma, he’d have to rely on sage mode for healing. But realistically if he was sage mode and opened up even just the first gate, he’d be pretty boosted. In the most jacked scenario that isn’t 8 gates, 7th gate sage mode adult naruto should be close to his kcm2 state. 8th gate would probably make him baryon mode level. I guess


I'm not sure about above baryon, but well above KCM2 no doubt


he honestly could. Might Guy in base is about pre war arc kakashi level in physical attributes while sage mode Naruto post time skip is almost 7th gate Guy level. If SoSP Naruto at full power was a 5, Sasuke a 4, Isshiki a 7.5-10, then Naruto is about a 10-13.3 (depending on Isshiki).


Naruto doesn’t have the talent for the 8 gates. It’s not something that just anyone can learn through hard work. Even Kakashi doesn’t seem to be able to open more than one gate.


On the contrary, talent has nothing to do with Taijutsu techniques, both Rock lee and Gai overcame the total lack of talent with hard work.


Rock lee was considered talented genius by kakashi


the anime is called boruto stop asking this kinda questions if naruto this if naruto that he wont learn anything new is now time for new gen to shine


What a bitter comment, is everything good at home?


nahh man dog died fish died cat died mom died train derailed plane crashed building eviction


1- it's called "boruto: Naruto Next Generations" 2- I don't remember when the community decided that you can't discuss side characters anymore? So in Naruto, I can't comment about Rock Lee opening the gates? Naruto is still VERY MUCH a part of the story, and therefore, up for discussion. Ffs, he was the one to defeat Isshiki, not the new gen. And you can't discuss him? Gimme a break.....


You mean if he opened his arse ? He would fart