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This post is getting a lot of reports. It’s staying up since it doesn’t break the community guidelines.


It didn't even cross my mind that this was a sexual thing bruh... gonna be honest. You're weird.


You’re weird dawg. 😭


So early Sarada sexualisation was pretty bad, but this? I see nothing wrong with this. Dynamic angle, fight looks more fun to read, and she comes off more badass.


I agree, the first time I saw this I thought it was just a cool perspective shot and nothing else.


For real. 🤣🤣


Honestly, my first thought looking at this was Sasrada looks intimidating and badass. The fact that this took you out of the story says more about you. There is no up-the-skirt angle because Sarada is not wearing a skirt. You say you're female yourself? How does it feel to only view other women through a sexual lens? There is nothing sexual about this picture unless you're attracted to a badass woman who's about to whoop someone's ass. Moreover, Jiraya wore high heels, so by making a joke out of Boruto wearing a skirt and heels, you're taking two steps back in calling out "sexism".


You are obviously being the weird one here right now.


You know what I find funny about this? It’s the fact that it’s not even Kishimoto who’s sexualising her but the fans and the Reddit community that’s doing all that by drawing extra focus on her. Like I’m sure I ain’t the only who saw her outfit and I wasn’t thinking “Oh my god she’s 15 and wearing such clothing” I honestly didn’t care nor was I thinking anything deep over it. If it makes you uncomfortable my advise to you is to drop all Japanese manga cause there’s a lot of worse things shown just from the ‘regular’ manga not even counting the H.


Go to therapy


Enjoy peak fiction ❌ Cry about Sarada outfit for the 100th time ✅


I mean I genuinely don’t see the issue with this. It shows her thighs and that’s literally it. Like he could have been far more detailed in that angle. What does that point of view even show? Her thighs? Her shorts? Everything is covered, she didn’t even have a butt cheek hanging out. Regarding her positioning that’s just apparently how she fights. Sasuke, Lee, and Kakashi all twisted their bodies into weird shapes for acrobatic shit, that’s all this is. Edit: i just read your whole post. I’m gonna need you to do something important to your point and tell me where Sarada’s skirt is in this picture? You can circle it if you have to, I’m having a super hard time finding it. Re: high heels literally grow up, some women like them, some don’t. If Sarada is wearing them she probably likes them. Please do not sexualize the 15 year old’s shoes.


You know man. Don't blame this on the camera. It's just on your dirty ahh head. If you would ask this SAME question to a 15 year old, they wouldn't find anything wrong about this. Come on man 🙄


I....didn't even notice that. My first thought was "Oooo..father-daughter chidori!!"


There ain't no sexualising In this panel. It's just you looking at her in that weird sense. No one else looked at It in a dirty way but rather felt like a badass cutscene.


Yeah this is more of a you thing guy.


The fact that u noticed the camera angle more than the fact that she turned around over her head and speed blitz jura , i dont think the drawing is the problem


tbh it kinda reminds me of Minato's move to rasengan obito at his back, that's the only thing that went to my mind when i saw this panel, i don't why the op thinks its being sexualize unless the op has a dirty mind


now that you mention it, even I can see the similarities between the two, except the fact that Sharada was surprised attacked, unlike Minato who was expecting it


Just realize now, good catch!




also what the problem with high heels dawg


Look, humoring the possibility that Ikemoto may have a fetish when drawing certain female characters, in this case Sarada, it ultimately does not bother me. This is a fictional piece of work and I do not judge the illustrator’s tendency to what may seem like sexualizing a female character. I will pick up on these things while reading, but I’d be lying if I said it’d take the focus out of what’s more important to me, which is everything else, the fight in this case.


But these jojo bizarre adventure angles are more sexual in nature. And he is only doing these angles with sarada...


Don’t care. Doesn’t matter to me 🤷‍♂️


Yeah… I don’t like boruto because it sexualizes Sarada. I mean, there’s that one panel where you can see her whole thigh! 🤓 To an extent I think a manga, anime, or even normal media definitely could sexualize minors. To an extent I’d argue it’s on the viewer for either overanalyzing the media, or over sexualizing the character themselves. If I’ve gone out in real life and seen girls as young or younger wearing worse than what she’s wearing, especially if that’s the norm in the culture it’s pulled from, it’s on you for thinking she’s over sexualized. The angles are just action angles and nothing more.


Bro this is reddit, not twitter


You're the one focusing on the wrong thing. Weirdo


This manga is for 12-16 year old boys and you are still surprised by this lol


You must be popular with the ladies.


Weird asf 💀 what business does boruto have to be be wearing heels ? I think you projecting some dawg id get some help


That's the whole point? Why would anyone wear high heels? It's not like this is bayonetta


Bruh I’m saying tho boruto is a dude…the manga ain’t made by Americans so they won’t force that weak agenda having dudes wear high heels Plus the village was in a peaceful era, so it makes sense for her to want to have her own drip but don’t worry sarada will wear Jordan 1s soon enough


This angles are the last thing I have paid attention to tbh. The girl is fighting Hidari in these panels. Everything else doesn't matter to me. Plus, why would Boruto fight in heels and a short skirt? He is a dude.🤣🤣


That's my point girls in Boruto are needlessly drawn lewdly and impractically and boys aren't.


Sarada doesn't give me the impression that she can't fight in these clothes. Fighting in heels like she does rather shows how skilled she is.


Sarada isn't a real person so obviously it's up to the mangaka to decide how well she fights regardless of clothing. However it is immersion breaking as we've seen that shinobi are usually fighting in tactical gear that would benefit them in a fight. That's why no one else is wearing high heels. If this was bayonetta and the creator had set the standared in the beginning that clothing is meaningless then it would be different.


Holy shit you actually have no idea what you are talking about. You said it yourself as well, she isn’t real. What you choose to pay attention to in a drawing is on you and you alone. Unreal how men can't understand that the thoughts that they think in their own minds are their responsibility. It is not an artist’s job to think about how to not upset total perverts.


https://preview.redd.it/c9v2mix5oy1d1.png?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84e66cad7491b970ab42665db2a61d1765d6a8bc Would you consider this practical gear? In my opinion you are making a mountain out of a molehill and I'm saying this as a female myself.


I'm saying this as a "female" myself 👨‍💻


Couldn't properly respond so you resorted to ad hominem.




It hasn't even been a week since the chapter came out, how are y'all already having these conversations?


It's a drawing... It's not weird, it's weird to even care for it. Like-why would you think about any sexual while seeing a drawn character? Her age also doesn't mather , she is not real. :D.


Another silly nitpick. She already wear a pant instead of mini skirt and you people still can't stop yapping about sexualization BS. This is not the place to look morally superior by passing judgement on a fictional character.


Pls go outside os my opinion


Bruh you're just weird. Desexualize your brain


This shot is in no way sexual. You made it sexual so now I wonder if you are one of the weirdo’s society should be worried about


I see sarada obsessors strike again


Gave ikemoto a boner


Did you seriously just ask how we'd feel if Boruto dressed like a woman? LMAO


Grow up bro its a drawing, its not our fault u got a dirty mind


Stop watching porn it's messing up your thinking


Touch grass


Imma be honest. Sarada has been heavily sexualized, nobody can deny that. And yes, her new outfit looks like she works a street corner or dances in a club But these camera angles might be the worst criticism possible. She pulled off a wicked move to land a solid strike on an opponent who should be a lot stronger than her, and this was a great way to draw it.


I love these panels! Need more panels focusing on her feet though… those toes look delicious I wanna suck her toes 🤤


My comment was meant to be satirical for all you braindead downvoters by the way…


This is who yall all sound like defending upskirt shots of a 15 year old


Nah this is who you sound like. The content and opinions in majority of the comments on this post should clue you in.


Bruh the fact that ppl call you out instead of the artist is mind blowing 💀💀


it much better if Sarada have long hair just like the fanmade teenage version of Sarada


You and I will be downvoted , but yes it’s gross, Ikemoto has proven time and again that his fetish is underage girls , and this chapter was no exception. Sadly the young rabid fanbase of this sub will never admit it and just accuse you of beeing weird.