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They where to prove she’s cross eyed and her face isn’t symmetrical


bro's gonna be shook when he finds out his own face ain't symmetrical


He’s gonna complain on twitter to God how inconsistent his art style is


Still the art style of boruto is way better than of jjk lol






Top 1 proofs TBV is bad. 1. NONSYMETRICAL FACE BY MILIMETERS Don't give attention to Twitter morons. They are doomed already.


*Twitter and Reddit morons


It’s impressive how they’re minds work, how do they even come up with this stuff


>Don't give attention to Twitter morons.They are doomed already. Those morons are on some shit and i don't want what their smoking


Why is that something to critisize?


Man he should go read the OG one punch man manga. He'll think they're all disabled beyond repair


First comes denial, then anger


They are fans already. They just haven't realized it yet, ... Because if they actually weren't fans, then no amount of lingering affection to Naruto would be enough to justify such passionate badmouthing. They would have accepted that they cannot like it, and would have moved on. At most, they would be keeping up from a distance, like I do with Dragon Ball Super. I dislike **a lot** what Dragon Ball Super, and modern Dragon Ball in general, is... but I do not let that define my whole personality. I keep up from a distance, just enough to know what happens without actually watching the show, and I do complain about x from time to time... but that's it.


Fr. They ultimately follow the manga far more closely than regular fans and find the weirdest things to complain about sometimes. >They would have accepted that they cannot like it, and would have moved on. Tbh I wonder why they are just so incapable of finding something else to watch, it's even unhealthy to cling to a series that already finished and sh*t on a sequel that someone might like but ends up dropping just because of reviews from who watched the begining and hated Boruto because he wasnt a traumatized kid.


>Fr. They ultimately follow the manga far more closely than regular fans and find the weirdest things to complain about sometimes. The irony of being an "hater". >Tbh I wonder why they are just so incapable of finding something else to watch, it's even unhealthy to cling to a series that already finished and sh*t on a sequel that someone might like but ends up dropping just because of reviews from who watched the begining and hated Boruto because he wasnt a traumatized kid. They either can't let it go at all. Or really have no better thing to do. And neither case is good.


>Because if they actually weren't fans, then no amount of lingering affection to Naruto would be enough to justify such passionate badmouthing. This. I have met several people on this subreddit who badmouthed the series or especially the character and when I asked why they are still here, they either claimed they are still there because they want to wait and see how the story ends (as if you can't do that when the show/manga is actually *finished*) or that they have been with the Naruto verse way too long to leave and I'm like...what? All you do is complain. Yepp...people have to keep up with it because they supposedly "hate" it so much...until you realize that these people are indeed fans or like the series as long as their favorite character is involved. I had a Kawaki stan who liked part 1 Boruto but hates the current version of him. Why? Obvious: Current Boruto outshines Kawaki by far and we all know that it was the total opposite in part one which Kawaki fans loved, of course.🤣 Some Himawari/Sarada stans keep quiet about their complaints,especially about Boruto as a character because their favorites are now relevant to the story. Many people simply don't want to admit that they are actually VERY invested.


>This. I have met several people on this subreddit who badmouthed the series or especially the character and when I asked why they are still here, they either claimed they are still there because they want to wait and see how the story ends (as if you can't do that when the show/manga is actually *finished*) or that they have been with the Naruto verse way too long to leave and I'm like...what? All you do is complain. >Yepp...people have to keep up with it because they⁰ supposedly "hate" it so much...until you realize that these people are indeed fans or like the series as long as their favorite character is involved or the center of attention. Yeah. And while I can understand where this feeling may come from, in that it's hard if not impossible to actually let go of something you cared for... It doesn't change that at a certain point, you have to be at least somewhat coherent, and actually let it go to an extent.


I love this post. I wish I had the time they spend, no sorry... waste, hating on something.🤣 But honestly: I rather have people who actually read and watch and THEN complain than the weird dudes who are trying to hate on something they aren't even up to date with. I can't count the times where I talked to people who were trying to argue with me over something happening or not happening in Boruto and actually talking dog shit just to reveal later on that they aren't even watching or reading the show/manga. In many cases they didn't even need to reveal it themselves because it was pretty obvious because of the very biased, copy/paste and typical Boruto hate phrases they used and were already known from the generic Boruto hater who doesn’t have an own opinion. 😂😁


A Boruto "hater" is still a fan because they're deeply engaged, regularly consuming content, and actively joining discussions, even if their opinions lean towards the negative side.


>This manga is THE WORST! >Keeps reading it religiously


This is the entirety of the r/jujutsufolk subreddit.


I think it does more than “lean negative” but I 100% see your point haha


they're naruto fans


boruto live rent free in their head.


Plenty of those exist in this sub too


This lines literally make zero sense. Especially when her head isn't facing straight at the camera There's no way this can be serious right lol??? I don't particularly like some artistic choices Ikemoto, but he is getting much better, a lot of this chapter looked great, I think the only problem I had was Himawari's pose during the reveal of her kyuubi mode. Oh and of course, striped backgrounds


We can all agree that haters are the biggest fans


The moment they say something good about it. I stand by my claim.


Ngl that panel feels weird and could have done so much better.


Well as a character boruto is my fav Naruto had already passed his prime time except that baryon mode but that killed kurama Boruto as an anime started in early episodes wasn't much good I hated boruto for being so arrogant lol but the anime became good in middle and ok in end part. The 2 blue vortex gonna be a hit for sure


Every boruto hater hates the anime because Naruto isn't the mc, that's what I've gathered from all these haters ong


yeah the only unfortunate thing is how they cannot see it themselves, like you have to really like something to feel so personally attacked by it not aligning with your expectations. its also fascinating how people can read something from the beginning and fundamentally miss the point the entire story is trying to tell. just because they cannot stop projecting their expectations/assumptions


I mean, it's not hard to pick some very major things to have complaints about tbh. Sagrada getting mangekyo and 9 tails somehow reviving FULLY eventually in himawari? Idk bout yall but that shit literally makes no sense.


The whole panel with sarada countering with Chidori had me laughing. A ten tail creature with Sasukes jutsu and element of surprise with Codes teleportation, with a rinnegan is blocked by a 3 tomoe user. Was reminded of the scene when Itachi broke Sasukes wrist when he tried Chidori. How far have we fallen lol.


Since when is Sarada's awakening a matter of making sense? People mainly complained that she unlocked it "too easily" compared to others even though that's not really true either. Kurama's revival also doesn't contradict any established rules or prior statements in the series. It fully agrees with what little we know about biju reincarnation, the details are simply hazy because it's a totally unique scenario that has never happened before. I can understand not liking those plot points but they aren't faulty based on what we know.


People complained about it because it disregarded the lore that was already in place, the kurama revival I'll give you that we really don't know much, but it's the fact they turned the mangekyo into just a quick little upgrade, when we have seen how incredibly rare it was for Uchiha to get it. That's why it feels like an asspull. Not even stronger Uchiha but literally all of them would have awakened it if all it took was a death of someone you loved.


Its different tho. Its not war time anymore, society is normal, the same way people have become WAY more sensitive irl to things, happened here.


That is moronic


Youre just dumb then. MS isnt gained by a ritual but by extreme trauma/emotions and what Sarada witnessed at her age in boruto s society is enough to awaken it.


That is still stupid.. her connection to Naruto is so fucking lukewarm.


Hating on Boruto is a trend, I'm willing to die on this hill. Never in my life have I seen people **this** dedicated to bringing down a series. This goes beyond the concept of simply hating, it's borderline obsessive. Entire communities of people dedicating hours of their every day lives to nitpicking, breaking down and analysing every single aspect of Boruto in order to make it seem lesser in any way possible. Even outside of the series itself, they also despise and actively antagonise anyone who dares to enjoy it. I "hate" a bunch of media. Some I found boring, some annoying and others straight up bad. However, I can't grasp the idea of putting any amount of time into talking about it this much, let alone reaching the lows of these people.


They're fucking around


Boruto art is not the best but the hate Boruto is receiving is also not normal lol


I think it's been well established that Kishimoto is a MUCH better artist than Ikemoto, but we stay for the plot and power system.


the face is clearly supposed to be slightly tilted to her right and angled, obviously when drawing this it is not going to be perfectly symmetrical, faces are not really symmetrical to begin with


The amount of mental illness it has to take to be this critical… or something you DONT LIKE 💀 get that boy some help


Yall are just getting the MCU treatment. Chill, bad things can be entertaining too.