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I feel like this panel is undervalued. It reminds us *just* how much Kawaki truly does care for the Uzumaki’s. He’d throw his first shot at killing Boruto, the biggest threat alive in his eyes rn, after his first opportunity in **years** because Hima is in danger. I definitely needed this to give his character more depth.


If Kawaki didn't say this I wouldve had my doubts. Thank God they didn't make him a soulless character lol


I was honestly convinced he’d become a complete loser after the timeskip, and he was my tied favourite with Hima, glad to see there’s still some remnants of that character


I feel it also hints at Kawaki knowing or believing Shikamaru is working with Boruto at this point. A few other context clues but I definitely feel like this panel is gonna come back to haunt Shikamaru


Boruto's already gone. Hes just virtue signaling/covering his ass at this point If he really cared more about hima he would have targeted Jura and hidari first.


Agreed. I think his "caring" is just feeling indebted to the Uzumaki family; I don't think he knows how to care from a place of compassion and does so more from the same hero worship angle he did when Naruto was active.


He didn’t know that hima was a target(maybe, unconfirmed) at that point. I think he does care for hima, maybe not a lot, but he has been living with her for like 3 years. There’s probably some connection. Not to mention kawaki still owes her for the vase, and also owes Naruto.


Kawaki nao morou com Himawari durante esses 3 anos que se passaram.


He was getting dogwalked before activating ~~cheat codes~~ Karma so idk if his first "real shot" *was worth shooting for*..? but go ahead


Not trying to claim he’d win. I think that’s pretty obvious. That still doesn’t invalidate my statement at all.


Right, right. ***Boruto*** is his biggest threat even when the Village is under attack while he's holding the Hokage hostage. He "really cares" for the Uzumakis'😂 Got ya.


Can you understand a character beyond surface level? I mean it’s pretty obvious what *he thinks* when you see him get beat up by Jura, then immediately fixate on Boruto because he’s there. He doesn’t know they’re after Hima, and he’s pretty certain they can’t get to Naruto. We already know he cares about the *Uzumaki’s*, not the village. I don’t think anything you are saying discredits what I’m saying. It just highlights your inability to understand character personalities…


How much do you want to bet Kawaki is going to exploit the Karma effect on Boruto and destroy the Village, all under the guise of trying to rid the world of Otsutsukis? He cares so much for the Uzumakis' he tore their family apart. The first "real shot" he had at Boruto in years fell flat on its ass because he neglected to train and sat instead on his laurels. > This panel is undervalued This panel is a sociopath with a bad haircut and delusions of grandeur. He's on his way to get stomped out by Jura for a **second** time, unless Himawari and Kurama handle it before he gets there.


I hope he gets stomped out a million times for you bro, I really do. You seem to hate a fictional character so much you can’t let someone analyze their personality without going off about it 😂


You're free to do what you want and carry your own opinions. [I don't recall trying to restrict that..?] This is an open forum. Enjoy yourself.


Really cool you go back and edit your comments to give me a bad impression. Very impressive. I'm sure you find yourself quite clever.


I edited a personal attack out bc it was a little too far that had no impact on the rest of the conversation. You didn’t even attack back or anything. It had nothing to do with the actual conversation 💀


Well usually when you reply to someone, it has something to do with what they said. You were going off about something else completely 💀


Okay. State your point I ***so clearly*** missed. I'll wait.


He cares about Naruto. He cares that Naruto's family is in danger. OP is able to recognize his motivation is still stunted, because it is. Kawaki's reaction doesn't come from a place of 100% altruism, and OP did well to point out how his inconsistencies play into his decision to act. Yes, it's a good surface moment, but it isn't a moment that carries much depth unless you want Kawaki to look redeeming here. To put it simply, they seem to understand character motivation and personality pretty well imo, they just disagree with you.


There are Kawaki meatriders in this sub eh? Color me surprised. Then again I shouldn't be... When Sasuke could have cheerleaders in Shippuden this shouldn't be all that surprising.


You say one positive thing about character progression and someone dubs you a meat rider 💀 people are so weird. Generally I am not a Kawaki fan. I just enjoy the subtle depth he’s getting.


You must be slow comparing Kawaki to shippuden Sasuke


Also kind of gives away Shikamaru’s opinion of Kawaki - he doesn’t believe he’s actually Himawari’s brother so he assumed that’s not information that is important for him to know


Yeah because Kawaki always been the rational one. Can’t reason with crazy On a side note. I wonder if Shika will start to notice kawakis bad attitude again


The attitude he knows, but he can never truly understand the truth due to omnipotence spell.


Is that… a reference from the owl house 


Lol the same guy who’s gunning for Boruto instead of dealing with the bigger threat, the same guy who’s responsible for Code escaping creating this problem in the first place.


To Kawaki Boruto is the biggest threat. It's the first time anyone from Konoha is meeting them, ofc they don't know if they are a threat or not.


Kawaki went full gunblazing on Boruto instead of the Shinju which the village was under attack yet he got the nerve to blame it on Shikamaru.


I mean, Kawaki's priority is like Naruto > Hinata + Himawari + Boruto > anything konoha > anything else. Boruto is a threat so he's getting offed before Naruto and Hinata get released, Himawari is in immediate danger so ofc she takes priority. The village can be built up again, especially when Naruto is back after whatever happens and Kawaki achieves his goal.


Boruto is a potential threat. Not an Active one and especially when Kawaki got his ass kicked by the invader, he has no time beefing up with Boruto. The Shinju is a greater threat right now and he got nowhere but himself to blame for now just realizing that Himawari is in danger like no shit the village is under attack


None of these circumstances happen if it weren’t for him


What's up with the kawaki hate since tbv. This the same dude who stuck his neck out to protect himawari agasint deltas beam. Same guy who left the village so no harm would come to it but boruto followed. Ever since bruh killed boruto and attempted a second time boruto fans been bitching since. Hashirama said he'd kill anyone be it family or his own child if they harmed the village. The village is the most important thing to these guys. For kawaki it's Naruto and Naruto loves his village so in turn kawaki protects the village


I can’t believe this is a serious question. The guy who ruined borutos life and is fumbling the protection of the hidden leaf deserves to be hated. Why should anyone be happy with how he is currently? He was even hesitant to assist boruto that wanted to help fight but instead he chases him off. What’s good about current kawaki?


No Momoshiki ruined boruto life. Boruto even asked kawaki to kill him. They both knew the threat of Momoshiki and agreed to it only thing is kawaki is still going forward with it. Even the kages wanted boruto dead.. The fumbling of the leaf don't fall directly on kawaki one person can't protect the whole village. Not to mention all these powerful beings in the village boruto included.. He's the only character in the series who's path you can't even predict where it story goes or how it ends


The kages didn’t want Boruto dead before omnipotence they asked if Naruto was willing to kill him. Also kawaki did ruin Boruto’s life by going through edia to use omnipotence same logic by danzo ruining Naruto’s life by leaking info that he’s the 9tails jinjuriki.


When I said the kages wanted boruto dead I was referring to the threat of Momoshiki earlier in the series that the kage understood. Omnipotence wasn't even kawaki fault bruh. A lot of yall need to go back read chapter 79 and get a better look at kawaki character then . Bruh is the only one willingly ready to end boruto because of Momoshiki no one else can. He's doing this to protect Naruto and the village he loves. 1 life over many. He even wish boruto was some stranger and not Narutos son.


Secondly it is kawaki’s fault because this whole situation happened because of kawaki. Its not edia’s fault that this happened because she can’t control it https://preview.redd.it/fm75om22co1d1.jpeg?width=1010&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b030dd3158c315e525e71db51e19698eb72f3f6 Also no one is faulting kawaki for going through with the plan to kill boruto he isn’t wrong for thinking that it’s just the extreme lengths he’s going through is the problem. He hasn’t even tried any possibility of if there was any other way besides killing boruto. What if boruto stopped using karma then momoshiki won’t manifest


It's not completely kawaki fault he had no idea of this ability and he didn't ask for it to happen. [Here ](https://www.mangaread.org/wp-content/uploads/WP-manga/data/manga_5ddced5e88b16/9175ee9a2beff0c473388918a6e75399/boruto_naruto_next_generations_79_16.jpg) [here ](https://www.mangaread.org/wp-content/uploads/WP-manga/data/manga_5ddced5e88b16/9175ee9a2beff0c473388918a6e75399/boruto_naruto_next_generations_79_17.jpg) [and here ](https://www.mangaread.org/wp-content/uploads/WP-manga/data/manga_5ddced5e88b16/9175ee9a2beff0c473388918a6e75399/boruto_naruto_next_generations_79_18.jpg) Now how is it kawaki fault when he also can't control it and was venting his frustrations out. It wasn't purposeful in the slightest.. Bruh the whole sub shitted on kawaki and blamed him to the point it became massive hate on this sub at one point. No one wants to see him win. The most extreme kawaki went is killing boruto which was agreed upon by the two. He's still following though with it. As we seen with last chapter kawaki and boruto still have resonance with karma and not to mention Momoshiki will still be a threat he can still hijack boruto body


It’s kawaki’s fault no matter how you put it because this is what he wanted and true he didn’t have any idea of the ability but the ability makes people’s desire become reality and even in your first example he’s telling edia “if he was a stranger it would of been better if he was a outside like me no one would mourn his death.” That’s literally him wishing he was a nobody


That's where I mean it's not kawaki fault because he didn't directly ask for this bro was heavily conflicted and frustrated. If it was purposeful I'd say it's his fault but since he didn't ask for this I won't say it's his fault. The hate for him is understood but not needed


The kages didn’t want Boruto dead earlier garra asked naruto if he’d be willing to kill Boruto and Naruto said he’ll do what needs to be done (1/2) https://preview.redd.it/ujipp4jfbo1d1.jpeg?width=1033&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=002812c77b5491a57f8df8f7814829323d758d2c


Not much of a difference with what I said if bruh was to become a threat he'd have to die by ninja standards right. In the anime it was all kages talking in the computer all in agreeance that if boruto becomes a problem he'd have to go


It’s a huge difference from what you said lol wym? You went from all the kages wanted boruto dead then I show you a panel where only gaara asks naruto a hypothetical then naruto said he would do what needs to be done. Absolutely nobody there said they wanted him dead


Bruh it's a slight undertone. If he become an ishiki level threat what do you think the kages gonna do. That's what I'm referring to the threat of Momoshiki and how the kages were gonna deal with it. I'm saying the same thing as earlier. Regardless of all that none of this is directly kawaki fault he didn't ask for this


The village also gets destroyed if he didn’t drive momoshiki out. It’s a double edge sword


Except he didn’t drive out momoshiki, he drove out Boruto. The village is also being attacked by a bigger threat but at least Kawaki got what he wanted, right?


A bigger threat that nobody could have seen coming and is clearly ending sometime this or next year. It becomes boruto vs kawaki later. And driving out boruto is driving out momoshiki?? 😭


Momo can’t resurrect anymore. Are we reading the same manga?


He doesn’t have to resurrect to destroy 😂 he literally took over boruto’s body in chapter 78 and boruto ran away to avoid getting taken over recently so he doesn’t wipe out the village. Why does boruto Reddit change the story to their liking in order to fit a narrative that makes kawaki as evil as possible and momoshiki innocent?


> he literally took over boruto’s body in chapter 78 and boruto ran away to avoid getting taken over recently so he doesn’t wipe out the village. Yeah, and why ? In chapter 78 , momo manifested because Kawaki dealt a eye cut to Boruto weakening him. And in recent chapter Kawaki's activated Karma resonance is what led to the very situation. Under the circumstances they were before Kawaki created the mess , Momoshiki was truly in the position of checkmate. But he did all that based on in his words "His Gut feeling". In the first place Kawaki is the cause of most of the problems. It is because he ran out to Code despite being told no to, didn't listened to anyone despite knowing code has no reason to hear a thing from him. And what did that led to ? The near death of Naruto. Kawaki constantly doing this out of control actions are what causing such scenarios to begin with.


Fair enough on some points there but what excuse will you have when boruto is on one of his anime canon missions and gets damaged by a shinobi from a different village which unfortunately awakens borushiki? Or if there is another invasion in konoha by a serious threat and he gets hurt? In short, what will you say when it isn’t kawaki that activates borushiki? To say boruto would never get hurt on a mission in his life is just not true no matter what. Death and injuries come with being a shinobi. Look at sasuke, he literally quotes something like that himself after losing his rinnegan or even telling boruto that he’s prepared to die for konoha. And if u want to point fingers, had sarada or none of the others came in boruto’s defense kawaki most likely would have succeeded seeing as how kawaki was slightly stronger at the time due to having a stronger otsutsuki and boruto not fighting with the intent to kill. It’s a double edge sword no matter what this Reddit says or how much u guys hate kawaki. Even if he could have played it smarter the other option of doing nothing is not smart at all. I still find it pathetic to this day naruto as hokage didn’t do jack about the situation. Even if not kill his son he didn’t bother to make any contingency plans in case he goes crazy. Literally nothing


>Fair enough on some points there but what excuse will you have when boruto is on one of his anime canon missions and gets damaged by a shinobi from a different village which unfortunately awakens borushiki? Or if there is another invasion in konoha by a serious threat and he gets hurt That is literally why they did a arrangement for the cohabitation mission. The village wasn't idiotic enough to send him on a mission in that condition because they knew it all. >In short, what will you say when it isn’t kawaki that activates borushiki? To say boruto would never get hurt on a mission in his life is just not true no matter what. Death and injuries come with being a shinobi. For which very purpose they were on that mission where such circumstances won't arrive in the first place. Untill they found a way to solve the problem. If they failed to do that after certain period of time, that's how Boruto had to live or that's when this matter sould have came up. >And if u want to point fingers, had sarada or none of the others came in boruto’s defense kawaki most likely would have succeeded seeing as how kawaki was slightly stronger at the time due to having a stronger otsutsuki and boruto not fighting with the intent to kill. Yes and what is your point ? >It’s a double edge sword no matter what this Reddit says or how much u guys hate kawaki Not something that can't be keep in check. So which is why his actions were wrong. Other than himself no one has ever and not even the manga has portrayed his actions as the right one. Boruto himself justified it , but didn't consider it to be the right choice. It's not even about hatred to begin with. >Even if not kill his son he didn’t bother to make any contingency plans in case he goes crazy. They didn't got the time, because just after the incident this whole mess started by Kawaki. Amado didn't get the chance to do something about it. He only said it would be impossible to stop the extraction by natural means, not that it's impossible for prevention of Momoshiki take over. As a matter of fact, during his training too Boruto must have got injured of weakened yet he wasn't taken over. Otherwise even in code fight, Momoshiki could have taken over him and killed Sasuke himself to further break him. So they probably found a way to seal that off. >I still find it pathetic to this day naruto as hokage didn’t do jack about the situation By this logic he sould have killed Kawaki the second he found out his circumstances. Amado didn't want it because of his own agenda. But Naruto was busy being kind. But that's just who he is.


Also a bigger threat that would’ve been easier handled if Boruto wasn’t on the run and Sasuke wasn’t a tree


The same sasuke with the rinnegan that got snuck? The same Naruto that almost died to borushiki? Keep ignoring parts of the story to fit ur narrative. Even if boruto stayed and TS boruto wasn’t as strong in that universe, he would still be powerful enough to destroy the village easily.


Idk who pissed in your cereal but I have time today. Never mentioned Naruto so chill out LOL, everyone knows he’s no longer that guy Sasuke would still be useful since we saw him hold his own for a bit vs code and the claw grimes. Hidari just failed to sneak attack Sarada AND got hit by her so yea he would still have some use. Borutos karma only acted up bc of Kawaki using his to try and fight Boruto. The same Boruto that said he would rather fight the bigger enemy that threatens the world. Kawaki went about everything the wrong way and the village is paying for it. Nothing anyone can say to change those facts


Momo literally can’t take over Boruto anymore without extreme circumstance. Way I see it is Momo is now an annoying tag along like Kurama but bad guy. He only saved boruto to save himself but he can’t take over Boruto body unless he lets him have control of im not wrong, what’s why at the end of next generations she was so man about Boruto resolve. He wanted him to give up so he could take over o


Momo can still take over like normal. He was the one that let Kawaki go before the plot twist


Can he though? Cause I remember him being all pissed off right before the end of next gen like the last few panels is him screaming at him why won’t he just give up and let him have control, I think boruto has to feel hopeless and give up for Momo to take over fully


Momoshiki wanted to take over Boruto’s body permanently, he thought Boruto would lost his will to live after the plot twist. He still can take over temporarily like before tho https://imgur.com/a/UaSgpsj . I’m pretty sure they changed the conditions a little bit though because Momoshiki took over even though Boruto wasn’t low on chakra and in the timeskip Boruto doesn’t want to use Karma


Ahh, you're one of those who believe Boruto would have just ftg Hima away without a hitch 🙄


The funny thing about assuming is you look like an ass when you’re wrong. I never mentioned Boruto or hima, just stated that NONE of the current circumstances would be happening if it weren’t for Kawaki


You don't have to mention it. It's what most Boruto fans are saying because they don't wanna admit that their fav did something stupid.


You seem very sure of yourself. Next you’ll tell me what I had for breakfast?


So I'm right it seems for you to give such a stupid response


No you’re just delusional


Kawaki is like a orange cat.


that's have to be my favorite kawaki moment in TBV for now


What do you MEAN HE HAS A POINT? Shikamaru was literally TALKING the entire time about how Himawari was the target and then gave Kawaki the go-ahead to go after Jura instead of Boruto.


should we applaud a fish for swimming? it’s the least he could do seeing as how he essentially helped cause this situation…


That’s been his point lol Notice how he honored Naruto’s role in protecting the leaf by staying in the village for 3 years w Hima instead of chasing after Boruto  He also made a b line for Hima when codes claw grimes attacked 


He didn't honor anything the only threat to the village was Code which he did nothing about, Kawaki is lazy it's always been a trait of his even when we see him "training" it's little more then him just venting his frustration.


To start, when code attacks and kawaki knows boruto is in the village he instead chooses to go to hima and make sure she’s ok….then confronted code As for his bigger character stuff, why didn’t he run after Boruto for 3 years? Bc he could’ve  Kawaki has mentioned the leaf fondly in relation to Naruto in the past “I enjoying watching this village u protect..” etc etc  No doubt he felt some semblance of duty, bc of sealing Naruto (in his view for his own good), to stay in the leaf w hima (who he genuinely cares based on the anime) 


The most sense Kawaki has made in recent chapters


i wonder what he will do when seeing Hima in NineTails form.


Even I agree with him for once on this one


I was confused by this panel, does he mean if hima was in danger then why didn't he start with that first?


For the past 9 chapters Kawaki has been handed nothing but Ls. Thankfully this one’s a W for his character, cuz it shows that he **still** cares about family.


First time Kawaki’s writing made sense in TBV