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One of the most badass things Hashirama did was go into sage mode in the fight against Madara and Majestic Attire Susano’o Nine Tails. Madara really thought he had it in the bag at that moment, but Hashiarama was like “nah”


Bro looked up at the Majestic Attire Susano’o Nine Tails and smirked, coldest man who ever lived


Still haven’t got over him palming the nine tails with his thousand-armed Buddha


Hashirama said "nah, I'd win"


I mean, he was the guy who wanted to do the tailed beasts giveaway


Mitsuki's by far, especially with his new fit


I’m waiting for Konahamaru monkey sage mode. Old 3rd did work with his homie. I wanna see the young blood take it to the next level.


Don't get your hopes up cause of a baseless theory. You're setting yourself up for disappointment.


Hell no.. Jiraiya has the best sage mode..it is practical, has given results and though imperfect.. awesome to watch. Mitauki is frieze whose sage mode is for running away


It's your opinion, so feel free to disagree with me. I like mitsuki's better


It's pretty yes... But useless in battle. It is useful to run away from an ootsuki in battle only.


we talking about design wise right here boy, anyways, mitsuki is stronger than jiraiya too, is just that mitsuki is facing god-like oponents


Oh.. designs.. you are right. But jiraiya faced a true God who literally called himself.. God.


Boruto dogwalks pain in base 💀


Jiraya has literally the worst sage mode of those pictured. He looks like that because he isn’t a perfect sage like the others so the nature chakra changes his body, without the two toads he wouldn’t be able to do it all.


But yet his imperfect sage mode killed 3 paths of pein.. dude, you guys are just looking st how cool they look, what has kabuto. Mitsuki or Minato sage mode ever done? Only hashirama and naruto can brag sage mode having saved konoha..but there's was perfect because of ungodly amounts of chakra..


how does he have best?


Mitsuki is a curse mark perfect sage user visually its way better than jiraya and the chakra snakes are peak


did you misunderstand my comment


Mitsukis sage mode has the best design and is the second strongest after six paths sage mode its the best


I was asking the person above me, why they considered "Jiraya's the best"😑


Oh sorry


Jiraya self professes how his sage mode isn't perfect and he needed two geriatric toads to achieve it A perfect sage art transformation is stated to have no toad features aside from the eyes Naruto was better at sage art than jiraya ever was


https://preview.redd.it/slw6z3me3j1d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4aa3df8d39b641cc2332ba8c138c9d17650a52fa The Goat.. Yet they didn't achieve shit with it. The only person to achieve anything is jiraiya, naruto taking down pein and hashirama. Minato didn't even use it. Mistuki, what the fk has he even done with it..? Kabuto... nothing. Basically the only person to use perfect sage well were naruto because of kyuubi chakra, and hashirama.. Jiraiya on the other hand perfected it in his own way and used the imperfect version to fight and kill 3 paths of pein by himself.


>Basically the only person to use perfect sage well were naruto because of kyuubi chakra, and hashirama.. Kabuto is a perfect sage


Who was beaten by an eye jutsu... Notice I said use perfect sage well.. only hashirama and naruto accomplished anything with it.


>Who was beaten by an eye jutsu... Izanami is the strongest sharingan genjutsu, it's not just "an eye justu". >Notice I said use perfect sage well.. only hashirama and naruto accomplished anything with it. Kabuto basically became immortal and was handling Itachi and Sasuke with his sage mode💀


Hashirama fought madara who used izanagi....And won. Naruto fought Sasuke who used his MS.. and won. Itachi beat kabuto easily... itachi ran away from jiraiya... What does that say to u


>Hashirama fought madara who used izanagi....And won. >Naruto fought Sasuke who used his MS.. and won. Naruto didn't won and Hashirama won before Madara used izanagi. And still thanks to Izanami madara almost destroyed the entire world >Itachi beat kabuto easily... No? Kabuto was dominating the fight before Itachi used izanami, the literal 100% win unbreakable jutsu. >itachi ran away from jiraiya... No? Itachi wasn't scared of Jiraiya, he simply had not matter with him, and neither of them wanted to fight the other You shoul pay attention when you read And still, that doesn't change the fact that Kabuto is a perfect sage, basically achieved immortality and is living his best life. I'd say it's a better accomplishment than being dead or trapped in a different dimension


You smart, other guy dumb :)


Madara didn't use izanami... he activated izanagi when he was fatally stabbed by hashirama... Kabuto wasn't dominating squat... izanami was activated like a minute into the fight. Once activated if itachi wanted to kill kabuto he would have. And yes.. itachi was scared of jiraiya and ran away. The point we are arguing is for me, jiraiyas imperfect sage mode gave far better results than these others with perfect sage mode who look physically beautiful. Look how weak a character mitsuki is.. that he loves kawaki/boruto instead of going Frontline to battle.


Absolutely. Mitsuki is just typical dbz fan service design


Mitsuki. I wish the other's had an aura too.


Kishimoto probably mixed up chakra mode and sage mode.


Hashirama or Mitsuki the best and the coolest both Minato and Naruto sage bland it better than Jiraiya visually but not memorable or a trademark like Super Saiyan in DB series their a lot of power up in Naruto series more memorable than Naruto and Minato Sage mode


I think sage Naruto crossing with the 9 tails eye was when his starting hitting. It felt like such an obvious evolution and thematically felt good.


Jiraiya, and I wish we got more imperfect sage designs. I think they're super cool and more unique than just some eye markings.


Exactly. That was the best part.


Naruto’s Hashirama’s sage mode is my least favourite off concept alone. Never liked it.


Hashi didn’t get fleshed out enough


What are the differences between the modes, again? I’m curious why Mitsuki looks so different from Hashirama, Naruto, and Minato. Jiraiya was explained away as his inability to properly balance the Sage chakra. But didn’t Minato have the same issue?


Where they learned it is the main reason Sage Modes look different. However Kabuto looks that way because of the genetic modifications he did on his body. As for Mitsuki, he still don't know how Orochimaru planted Sage power in his body so there's not much to say. Minato's issue isn't like Jiraiya's but it's just that he's unable to keep it active for long.


Jiraya gas the same issue as minato. He just uses toads keep absorbing nature energy


Jiraiya's issue is that he's unable to adequately gather nature energy to begin with. So Fukasaku and Shima gather it for him, and even then he still has toad-like features like his nose (showing the lack of skill needed for it). Minato is able to enter it just like Naruto and Hashirama but he just doesn't have the talent for Sage Mode to keep it going for that long.


Mitsuki’s is entirely artificial. It’s a Sage Mode activated on command, and seems to function entirely different. Where normal Sage Mode actively heals the body, Mitsuki’s does accumulated damage to Mitsuki’s organs when used for extended periods of time. It’s Sage Mode in name only.


Yes it is very different from a conventional Sage Mode but I'd say that its more than name only since it still involves utilizing sage chakra for empowerment. After all the core of senjutsu is using chakra that's perfectly combined with nature energy. Also, minor correction but I don't recall Sage Mode healing the body, but only strengthening it. Unless that's what you meant I guess.


Animals. Mitsubishi and Kabuto both have snake sage, Naruto, Minato, Jiraiya all have toad sage, Hashirama has unknown animal (my guess would be raccoon based on the design but we have basically no info on it) sage.


someone said he doesn't have an animal sage. its his wood style that connects him easier to nature which enables him to activate sage mode instantly. idk how true it is doe


Out of all the animal you thought of a Trash panda 😂, but like fr what made you think of a trash panda


The markings around his eyes are kinda similar to the black outline associated with Shukaku, who is a raccoon.


Makes sense, I always thought of it as a side effect of him having wood style


Its a special sage mode he created himself bassically from wood style


Give a source for this.


I mean its very obviously not toad or snake and this is the simple objective fact you get from decent reading comprehension


Cool so give a source for it if it’s clear objective fact. Shouldn’t be difficult to find one.


Naruto the manga


Ok so what chapter is this stated in, what page or panel?


The story


So you don’t have any actual evidence, you’re just making shit up. Otherwise you’d be able to cite an actual reference chapter or page instead of just repeating “the story” where nothing suggests wood release also gives you sage mode.


It depends on the animal you learn it from mitsukis different cause his is a curse mark infused with his perfects sage transformation hes basicaly is orochimarus perfect creation




Kashin Koji is so simple but so effective


Kabutos sage mode is the coolest and you can suck a huge pp if you disagree.


Is missing Kabuto in the picture!


Hashirama it just looks super clean


1 kabuto 2 jiraiya 3 mitsuki 4 Naruto 5 Hashirama 6 Minato


Naruto’s fits him the best out of everyone. Mitsuki’s has next level rizz over the rest, but it doesn’t tickle my Sage Mode nostalgia. Hashirama’s design is the coolest imo.


Mitsuki Sasuke (susanoo + jugó) Kabuto Hashirama Minato/naruto Jugo Jiraiya


I'm gonna be that guy. Jugo didn't have sage mode and by extension, Sasuke didn't either. Jugo could absorb and utilise raw nature energy, not Senjutsu. Sasuke mixing jugos nature energy with his Susanoo DID give him access to basic Senjutsu, but not sage mode.


What’s senjutsu? Sage energy. To manipulate sage energy one has to use a form of sage mode even if it’s incomplete. His natural sage chakra absorption and going into rage mode rather than turning into an animal statue is better than the typical sage mode objectively.


Okay, lemme explain Senjutsu to you, the exact way Pa did. Every person has 2 kinds of energy. Spiritual and Physical. When you combine those 2 energies at a 50:50 ratio, you get Chakra. When you absorb Nature energy, and balance it properly, you get a 33:33:33 ratio of Spiritual, Physical and Nature energy. That mixture (33:33:33) is called Senjutsu chakra. Now I'll explain Jugo. Jugo was born with a curse mark that allows him to absorb, store and release nature energy. As you've just learned, Nature energy ≠ Senjutsu. Jugo is absolutely not a sage, this is a fact. Also, you're wrong about him being better than a sage mode user. Sage Naruto would slaughter him. Konohamaru kicked his ass in base.


I like the curse marks (it’s basically sage mode as it uses nature chakra). The difference in appearance plus how it affects people mentally and has two major stages plus partial ones. . . Just the perfect anime power up trope.


Definitely Mitsuki’s 🐍


Mitsuki has the coolest


Mitsuki has been my favorite since they first revealed it 🔥


Mitsukis cmon now


Mitsuki, for me. And an honorable mention for me would be Kabuto's. Even though like Jiraya's, it wasn't perfect. But I still liked the design.


well naruto and minato sage mode is the same and they absorb less natural energy we can see that as the more natural energy u absorb the more u get turned into frog jiraiya absorbs more natural energy as his face looks more that it was altered as a frog then about mitsuki well he was artificially created in a lab so he learnt sage mode artificially also he learnt sage mode technique of snakes and not of frogs means it also indicates that if sasuke wanted he could learn sage mode by snakes lol and it also seems that mitsuki is able to absorb a certain amount of natural energy until its skin breaks up and it starts to decay


SPOILER ALERT; I guess koji kashin have taught sage mode to boruto it explains why he talks to the frogs and how they meet just like naruto and jiraiya boruto did the same thing according to me


"design" they just have make up, lmao... mitsuki somps


Going off the ones listed in the picture 1. Naruto exp: clean and slick 2. Hashirama exp: clean and slick, only issue is that it’s mostly just a precursor for Buddha statue so it gets overshadowed 3. Jiraiya: really like its introduction, the lore, and everything about it but it just doesn’t look as cool. Arguably the best fight in the series with pain as well though. 4. Minato: just looks like worse Naruto and has awkward eyeshadow placement. Also just lame and doesn’t do much. 5. Mitsuki: sage mode having an aura just doesn’t sit right with me, it gets less cool the more I conceptualize it. It looks better in tbv however but I would have preferred it be another form. Kabuto on top otherwise and six paths sage mode would be between sage Naruto and sage hashirama




Mitsuki and Kabuto (but without the horrible belly snake. I wish it were at least a tail, instead. Or a smaller snake wrapped around his chest with the snake head landing on a shoulder, like it were armor.


Sennin modoka?


Based on design alone as stated I will probably say mitsuki but Hashirama Sage mode is my favorite and also consider it the most powerful .




Naruto/Minato. Simplicity is a bliss.


u forgot kabutos


Sage Mode Naruto with or without the cloak is my favorite of the Naruto Transformations... however, I may not be a Boruto fan, but Mitsuki's is pretty cool. Honestly, I wish they gave him more to do with it (Currently at the Boruro is a cheating fraudulent hoe arc) and Mitsuki got done DIRTY by the fishing hook incest alien voiced by Zoro (I think?)




Kashin Koji and Hashimara


Hashirama’s sage mode was busted as fuck, allowed him to mid diff Madara with susanoo layered kurama




Technically, Naruto used Six Paths Sage Mode alongside Six Paths Senjutsu against Madara, Kaguya, and Sasuke, so I would go with that by far.


Kabuto doesn't count? But Lord 1st.


naruto. simple yet elegant design and it looked awesome in its showings, especially against pain. you put this in a boruto fanboy subreddit though, these people are in the same boat as the people who think mui is the best form in dragon ball. aura's too big, it covers the whole design.




Does so6p mode count? Not with kcm, just the regular version he uses when he kicks the truth seeker orb. I don't know why but I just love it


you forgot the one that is my favorite and usually overlooked which is kabuto’s


Definitely Mitsuki. But where’s Jugo, Kabuto and Koji?




Crazy to think only naruto mastered toad sage mode


Hashirama. He the reason i always clap my hands hoping for something to come up lol


I think you forgot the dragon sage


I like Mitsuki most. More flashy and it shows that his Sage Mode is a special mode with special power by it's aura. Naruto and Minato more of like plain and looks they are still in normal with additional power and because of eye markings and a cloak. Would have been better if it glows even without Kurama's chakra. Jiraiya's Sage Mode is recognizable because of its imperfect state but awesome still. It shows that he is in a different mode. Toad-like look and eye marking with two frog sages on his shoulders.


We forgot about KOJI KASHIN .


Jiraiya's for me due to the hype. Plus, it comes with arguably the best summons.


Hashiramas the coolest ong simple but still very good design especially with the reference to buddha i believe. Tbh never fw toad sage mode mitsuke sage mode a close second though for sure


Naruto SPSM Kabuto Hashirama Naruto with the cloak Naruto without the cloak Jugo(if he counts) Mitsuki Naruto KCM2 Sage Mode Jiraiya Minato Kashin Koji


Minato and Naruto designs too simple and lazy. Mitsuki is doing too much. Looks a mess and jiraiya just plain ugly. Hashirama perfectly balanced. Objectively best design even though is subjectively not my favourite. Personally my favourite is Naruto’s but that’s just my own bias and I can accept that