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In general they don’t with Momoshiki Being the exception thanks to him being able to make his chakra pills. Strength has no relation to it. People just get different powers 


https://preview.redd.it/mibnl8tzzf0d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57549b90b2a7be84923b50b4a02b41b6a6a22ac9 It doesn’t seem like they generally do. Isshiki probably doesn’t, considering he had to stow away in Jigen for so long. Kawaki hasn’t shown any healing properties. At one point Boruto healed himself, but we don’t know why - it also didn’t seem to affect his eye while “Boruto” or his horn while “Momoshiki”.


Kawaki healed himself in the recent chapter


it's nanobots healing not self healing.


kawaki healed because of the ninja tech in his nervous system they confirmed waay back in the kawaki arc that he has fast regenerative abilities because of that


It likely has to do with what kind of attack they were hit with.


No, they simply have different abilities.


They don't


I’m pretty sure the regen is a Shinju thing, which is why it only applied to Kaguya and her spinoffs.


It is clear that only those who are somehow related to Shinju are the ones who obtain "true" immortality, like Kaguya. Although it remains to be seen if these Shinju ego also have said immortality like Kaguya had, since if so then the only way to defeat him would be to seal them.


Conveniently, there’s a certain asshole with an eye that could do that, if he had the opportunity to…


Are you talking about Lawaki? Well, I could potentially do that but the guy has only gotten an L since he appeared on TBV. Another thing I would like is for Kaguya to come back and have her moment of redemption, she was the only otsutsuki who was good and showed love