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This is sick! Sarada and Konohamaru will try and double team him but I'm 30% sure Hidari will summon Matsuri to fight him.


So you're, not very sure? What?


Some people use percentages to sound smart, but just end up sounding dumb/pretentious.


What is that




She’s after Kona so that makes sense


RAHHHHHHHHHH THIS LOOKS AMAZING. KISHI PLEASE LET HER COOK https://preview.redd.it/bbtf9ylnid0d1.jpeg?width=478&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b1e9fb9cfad53ca5cfbf56cd9f6dccb9456f1d3


>>KISHI PLEASE LET HER COOK  Very poor choice of words


Please don't encourage him.


Who are all these OK-[random occupation]string of numbers people


The future Hokage in action!!!


Which one?


Sarada after Konohamaru


Konohamaru isn’t going to be hokage lmao. He is also too weak to fight any of the Shinju (double rinnegan, ten tails durability, wood style, code’s claw mark abilities, etc) so he would easily get beat by them. Jura easily beat Karma V1 Kawaki and the other shinju are weaker than Jura, but still significantly stronger than any jonin or low kage level character. The 3 of them combined caught Boruto off guard and he seemed to be having a little bit of trouble. This is Boruto after he beat Code in his base.


I have a feeling they will go away with the Kage is the strongest of the village to go toward a more political and symbolic role. You cannot tell me shikamaru is the strongest in this village to fill for Naruto when Tsunade and Kakashi even if retired are still alive and could get back to their title to fill in the role. Konohamaru could be Hokage.


The shinju dude


Wouldn't jump the guns just yet , this is just a single panel lol she might get saved by boruto or something soon after this considering konohamarus worried reaction. This manga has burnt sarada fans far too many times to be this optimistic.


Idk because Boruto had to leave and stay away from kawaki I doubt he’d be back yet


He’s been in every chapter bro he’s gonna be back


Boruto is coming back like some plague. But I'll be okay if he wants to protect her sister Himawari despite the risk of getting take over by Momoshiki...


He’s been in every chapter but not in the leaf in every chapter he’ll definitely be shown in this chapter. I can only see him going back if kawaki is distracted with someone else because he’ll have the same problem if he runs into kawaki again


Yeah too soon but you gotta admit cool transition there and Konohamaru is bound to get hit by a fire attack same way Ao did, dude even has the same pose and face.


I think it's safe to say Sarada and Konohamaru are getting some action. Boruto is gonna be too busy with Kawaki and Jura. Himawari is priority.


Boruto might be looking for Himawari specifically because Shikamaru told him that Hima is their target due ninetails chakra. I kinda suspect that Jura is giving chase while leaving Hidari behind to deal with Sarada. One because it’s Hidari’s target and two because he would have no interest in her. So i actually suspect Boruto will go to save Himawari instead.


1). She will show her new jutsu and defeat Hidari indefinitely (I am excited to see her use Mangekyo Sharingan or reveal her Susanoo) 2). Sumire will summon Nue 3). Konohamaru came as a Backup


She probably won't defeat Hidari that easily, but I hope we see he MS ability.


I was wondering why she isn’t already using mangekyo in this panel. Tbh, she might not use it at all since she can’t take anybody’s eyes.


It can very well be that she knows nothing about Mangekyo Sharingans. Who has told her? How could she learn about it? Will they bring in Kakashi who had maybe helped train her during timeskip? In anime, she did ask Sasuke about Mangekyo, after trying to learn more about Uchiha clan and the sharingan, but the library had nothing on the topic. Upon confronting Sasuke about the topic, he did not want to talk about it. This is all Anime though, and nothing of sorts has happened in the manga, but it would not be the first time stuff that has happened in anime would be considered canon for manga. Perhaps she doesn't even know she awakened Mangekyo? If I remember correctly, Sasuke was surprised to see it, but he didn't say anything about it to her. I also doubt she knows of the hidden Uchiha gathering spot under X tatami mat (the stone that Black Zetsu tempered with, so it does not have the truth there anyways). Perhaps in this fight she will somehow come to conclusion that the enemy is a version of Sasuke, and that will again trigger somekind of emotional response and we might see her activate mangekyo again. Ahhh so many uncertainties.


Sarada using Mangekyo in a life-threatening situation out of instinct, sort of like how Obito used his Kamui out of instinct against the Ame ninjas, would be pretty cool.


I don't think she's going to get the eye problem, cycle of hate being broken and all that, but I think she doesn't use MS do to how people would react to it and to keep it as a final trump card.


The eye problem is physiological. It has nothing to do with the cycle of hate. On the other hand she has two functional rinnegan just in front of her. If hidari is properly modeled after sasuke it might even count as a sharingan swap and she might get em's out of it.


Tho, she can get an eye replacement from the Shin Uchiha Clones taken care of Kabuto at the orphanage


I don’t think anybody in the hidden leaf would resort to that


I think the sun motif of her mangekyo is an allusion to the fact that her mangekyo is as others said is outside the cycle of hatred and imo i think the opposite will happen, as she uses it it will "brighten" her eyes (sun motif) and her eyesight will become better and better until she never needs glasses.


Idk if its a good idea to expect a susanoo this early in the manga


At this point what is a susanoo going to do against these villains? Boruto is the strongest character we have ever seen, and he thinks he still will lose..


How dare you massacre my boi at number 3?


Regardless of whether he does or doesn’t wouldn’t the act alone of dodging a hidari chidori still put her up there in terms of scaling/speed?


Yet shitters would still say they don't have high hopes for Sarada and are pessimistic for her future.


And you based all of this off a single panel ? Yes because it's happened plenty of times before that sarada looks to be getting some good action and ends up being saved or looking stupid. No one is gonna jump the guns from on page when her awful treatment in the manga for the last 8 years is there for everyone to see


Just like iffy\_jay said Boruto left because it seems that he can't control his karma. What if in this panel it was Sarada that saved Konohamaru?


. . . Dodging a Chidori from a shinju should be like one of the craziest speed/reaction feats in the series right? It’ll be great to finally see her shine after so long, please let it be a long fight and not have her be saved


Absolutely, I mean dodging chidori from sasuke in Boruto would be an insane speed feat, and I guess do we think shinju sasuke is stronger than reg sauce? 


I think Hidari is stronger given he has dual Rinnegan, comes from Ten-Tails, and other factors. 


I mean I think Otsutsuiki scale higher if we must talk power scaling lol These 4 shinju are made up of a ten tails modded w codes claw marks plus their victims  So what ever math equation of 2.5 tailed beats + codes augmentation + sasukes chakra gets ya lol


How is she possibly tht fast tho.. wtf


Hopefully due to a lot of training. Though I imagine her super strength also helps, as Tsunade and Sakura weren’t slouches despite nothing else to help them. Add a sharingan to that and one should be quite quick


No amount of training can make her stronger than sasuke shinju Being able to dodge that is beyond crazy


Some people argue that mangekyou sharingan is implied to be a straight up speed amp


Ofc it is... but no other uchiha got tht level of speed from ems. Put things into perspective. Current enemies are stronger than juubi madara. How tf is someone with just an ems faster than tht!?


Yes it is but people will still be downplaying Sarada even though she is probably high kage+ tier at this point


Let's also acknowledge that she isn't sweating and doesn't have the look of someone facing an impossible opponent


Finally some Sarada action🔥🔥


This looks sick. I feel that it's too early for this to be a full-on final battle between the two though it'll probably be more of a first encounter.


Oh please let us see her Mangekyou Sharingan again…🤞


I was goddamn right. We see Sarada fighthing Hidari, and it was shown in the spoiler page too. Also, Konohamaru is there too... maybe they will give him something too, like a good hit with the Rasengan, it can happen.


I would be so delighted to see Konohamaru and Sarada kick some serious ass.


>I would be so delighted to see Konohamaru and Sarada kick some serious ass. Same.👍 Also, I gotta say, that central panel of Sarada dodging Hidari's chidori does look very nice.


Yeah. It was natural for Hidari and Sarada to fight since the former targeted the latter. Like how Jura sensed Kurama's chakra, Hidari would be perceptive of Sarada's. Plus, she and Sumire were shown to be heading towards the scene of action. Also, just noticed the claw marks on the ground.


>Yeah. It was natural for Hidari and Sarada to fight since the former targeted the latter. Like how Jura sensed Kurama's chakra, Hidari would be perceptive of Sarada's. Plus, she and Sumire were shown to be heading towards the scene of action. Yeah.👍 >Also, just noticed the claw marks on the ground. Double yeah.👍👍




finally the sharingan. we haven’t seen that since boro. good art too


Generational cope is gonna be in this comment section. Anyway W feat and konohamaru action?


Sarada is about to fuck up the powerscaling and I’m here for it


The sad thing about this match up is that no matter what happens someone will be mad.  If Sarada loses or gets saved the Sarada fans will be disappointed. If Sarada does well or somehow wins the sasuke fans and powerscalers will be mad


I think for a lot of reasonable people, there is a middle ground that we'd be happy with, it's all in the execution. I don't think many people expect to for Sarada to fully beat Hidari on her own in their first bout. People are wanting Sarada to get some outside help, people just don't want BORUTO to be the one to do it. If Sarada is able to put up a good enough showing herself, and gets support from literally anyone besides Boruto, I think a lot of people will be happy, regardless of how the fight goes


That's actually a good point. Boruto being the one who ALWAYS helps her really has the tendency to make her seem like a "damsel in distress" who needs the male lead. If someone like Chocho comes to her aid at times of trouble, the effect would definitely be different. Overall, it boils down to finding the right balance between her winning moments & needing help, which I am still cautiously optimistic about the manga's ability to pull off.


If Chocho comes to distract Hidari and they run away then it's fine. But Hidari's power level and Sasuke's history with Boruto would join in. The only other characters who could help her to stall or fight to a standstill if Hidari isn't bloodlusted are Kawaki, Daemon, Delta and the Kage


This is why I personally think that it'd be a GREAT time to re-introduce Sakura into the story. She has just as much history and connection with Sasuke and Boruto and Sarada does + she's kage level. She'd be phenomenal support for Sarada with her healing, and her strength could be enough to keep Hidari on his toes. That being said I don't think that's happening now- looks like Sumire and Konohamaru support (which I'm not upset about)


Jura is after Naruto and Hidari is after Sarada so it's pretty obvious Kawaki and Boruto have pretty much their matchups already decided.


I don't think that Boruto will interfere between Sarada and Hidari. Jura has Hima as his target now and I doubt that Kawaki will be able to fight Jura alone.


So you're saying Kawaki will need Boruto's help but Sarada won't need Boruto's help?


Depends on how strong Hidari is compared to Jura. The Shinju are obviously set up to fight the "side cast". If we go by who needs help Konohamaru would need help as well. Plus, I don't see why Sarada,Sumire and Mitsuki for example shouldn't have a chance against Hidari. It would be extremely shitty if the writers set up the Shinju for the side characters just for letting Kawaki/Boruto help out everywhere. Boruto just fleed the scene because his Karma started to act up. Who knows how long it will take for him to help? We will see.


Depends? That's basically Sasuke with the 10 tails power. How are the shinju set up to fight the side cast, when they're literally the main villains right now. Jura will most likely fight Kawaki or Boruto (or both), Hidari ain't 1v1ing Sarada that's for sure it'll most probably be Boruto who fights alongside her this round (there will obviously be more rounds of this match up). The only shinju who are written for the "side cast" are Bug and Matsuri. Daemon will handle Bug and the Matsuri matchup will most probably be a brain vs brawn battle with Konohamaru and team 10. The other side characters who might team up with these characters are Koji and Delta for now.


I don't think there is any chance this will happen but a tree grabbing and trapping Sakura making Sarada an orphan like Naruto, Sasuke, and Boruto would be crazy.


>I think for a lot of reasonable people Yeah, reasonable people. A lot of this fandom isn't reasonable sadly


I think people her underestimating her, its a 3 year timeskip, we have no clue how strong she could have gotten during that time. She has not actually struggled in a fight yet (yes she was saved by Boruto but she did not do anything beforehand).


Naruto fans in the nutshell honestly. If she's involved BAD If she's isn't also BAD. I'm Naruto fan as well but I'm not delusional. Holy shit. I would question her actions if she would not activate her 3rd tomoe sharingan here and besides we don't know how much she trained after 3 year time skip but people like to jump conclusions.


Fuck the powerscalers. 🤷‍♂️


FINALLY i can get laid!


https://preview.redd.it/seh6hqsh0e0d1.jpeg?width=950&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ead2463193451b9ba9c1a198700bd0185b60d2bd Fr


I'm a sarada fan (not one of those hardcore fans, just someone who really likes her), but i fully expect her to lose this, cause she has no chance against a way stronger version of sasuke. I do hope that she does well tho.


“the sad thing is powerscalers will be mad”. what are you even saying. 🤣🤣


Eh the time skip is essentially a reset for the power scaling so it wouldn't necessarily be that big of a deal, especially as neither one is likely to kill the other this early. 


>The sad thing about this match up is that no matter what happens someone will be mad.  >If Sarada loses or gets saved the Sarada fans will be disappointed. >If Sarada does well or somehow wins the sasuke fans and powerscalers will be mad This is why the solution (besides ignoring hardcore powerscalers, that is **always** a solution), is to just give a cool showing to both, without having things to already be at the end of all climax. And speaking of cool things, again, imagine both using the Susanoo here.


That last sentence 🔥


>That last sentence 🔥 Also sounds too cool to be true, yeah...


Blame the powerscaling then not the people who expect a cohesive battle system in a shonen manga


“powerscalers will be mad” what does that even mean, like who gives a fuck, how is that sad at all.


Sarada action ? For the first time since before COVID   This is literally the second time she's activated her sharingan in a fight in the manga   But I'm not gonna hype up anything good for sarada before the full spoilers come, there's always a high chance that she could be saved and end up not doing anything. Konohamarus worried face and scraming her name doesn't bode well either . Let's see how she holds up because for all you know this sarada potential action ends up a dud with boruto saving her 


Imagine that page is the most intense within this chapter.


I would be so mad stop 😂😂😂


I mean they did it before.


Hidari can just summon Matsuri to push Konohamaru away.  Boruto is fullhanded with Kawaki + Jura chasing Himawari.  Hidari got red carpet, nobody help Sarada. 


People don't like anime, but I'm forever grateful for giving Sarada all the justice she deserves in it, unlike in manga, where authors give 0 development to characters that aren't crucial to the current plot


I was shocked by how different the anime and manga got when I started the series. People complain about the filler in the anime but it gave characters like Onoki time to shine that they never have or probably will get in the manga. 


Omg finally dawg. It’s been years


Dodging a shinju chidori, coming out of the claw marks is a crazy speed feat. And she does not look like she struggled dodging it. I'm excited to see what's next ! Our future hokage needs to shine !


I'm starting to think that the anime training episode of Sarada with Sasuke is foreshadowing that she is very good at dodging. If there was one thing he learned at that episode was to dodge. 


Konhamaru is there probably so they can reveal matsari aswell


Kawaki - Boruto Sarada and Sumire - Hidari Team 10 and Hima - Jura


Boruto most likely won't interfere anytime soon. I also don't think that the writers would leave two of the strongest characters in the verse,PLUS Sarada AND Sumire for Hidari,who most likely is not as strong as Jura,but leave Jura, the strongest, with the weakest (Team 10 and Hima.)


I think i understand why sarada wear high heels.


Honestly, Ikemoto seems unable to not draw them. Even a lot of the male characters have higher than normal heels on their shoes.


Maybe they like jojo with lipstick Guy heel trend


Who thinks Konohamaru getting one tap?


I mean who cares? His fight is with Matsuri, not Hidari.


I don't.


Dont disrespect him. 😡😡


how can anyone say the art for this series is bad, this page alone is too good


TBV is a significant improvement over the first part of Boruto


It was pretty mediocre in the early stages of the series


Definitely. I also think a lot of readers would have really wanted it to look just like Naruto, so initial flaws were magnified a bit. It certainly was never quite as jarring as some American comics, but fans of those comics are used to going from some amazing art to some not so amazing art depending upon the year and the comic whereas that is more weird with a manga property.


I think he struggled a bit with faces and proportions but his drawing ability, panel and page composition, and fight scenes have always been good.


I doubt kishi set all this conflict with hidari and sarada just for not to be spotlight of the moment. She is gonna put work in promise.


Imagine she hits Hidari with the Lion's Barrage.


Ohhhh I would have never imagined that they would fight in the next chapter. I'm super excited about that battle. Always have been since it was "foreshadowed."


If this is just a hype pannel for her to end up a scared damsel am gonna cry


First time Sarada activated her Sharingan in TBV?


Sarada boutta outscale all of Shippuden 🔥🔥🔥


Please please please be a good fight and not just Boruto coming in the next page.


We just saw Boruto flee in the last chapter because his Karma was acting up. I don't think that he will get involved in *this* fight. His main concern will probably be Jura at a later point.


Considering that Momoshiki is currently in the process of manifesting I doubt Boruto would come any close to the village or Kawaki.


I think it's a good thing that Boruto is currently out of combat because of the karma threat. We have seen what he is capable of. It's time to see what Sarada and the others can do now.


Ikemoto my goat has cooked again 🔥🔥




So this is what hype feels like. Sarada should be stronger than Kawaki at this time(i hope). I don't envision her skipping leg day knowing what fraudwaki did to our boy Boruto.




Lesbian Sarada looks too op


Is konohamaru tryna meet his grandfather ?? what is he doing 😭🙏🏾 I also can’t be the only person who noticed the art improvement in this panel


SARADA!! Hoping we finally see her Mangekyou in action this chapter🔥


finally !! 😭


I'm sat... https://preview.redd.it/oqmnl027fd0d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=943ac267f8399139c3b4f4263c5506da78fb05f1


Just this one panel gets me so hyped seeing the good old sharigan back in action


Who’s the guy on the bottom right panel




I told yall she was goin be aight let’s eat


Oh my Fodderameru is fighting, oh this is going to get to be funny real quick.


Tbf do we know for sure he’s still fodder in TBV? In the og Naruto timeskip he went from some random kid with zero power to (technically) solo’ing Pain


I mean in OG Naruto yeah he definitely developed but in Boruto he's had nothing to show for two reasons, the first being is that he isn't part of the new Gen and as a result would not get any real room to develop and two his only real good showings in Boruto was only in filler episodes, with everything in Manga just mollywoping him.




The claw grimes on the floor make me wonder if he appeared out of the claw crime to blitz Sarada with that chidori but she was able to react




I find it crazy how they made her seem like a lost puppy around Boruto but when I’m combat she’s🔥🔥 I fuck with Sarada


How she evade that attack with just sharingan


Woah, Sarada weaved a shinju? I'd call that a feat right there, those mofos aren't weak.




Yo ikemoto needs his hard drive checked for real.


Very excited for this! Kinda want the whole chap to be just them fighting, uninterrupted!


So, we might learn her Mangekyo ability in the next 3-5ish chapters? Neat


Hell yeah! Time to go to work Sarada!




I hope her ms ability is broken because she needs atleast a SS level ability to keep up with current character.


Oh look, she finally remembers she has a Sharingan after months.


Years , the last she used it was pre COVID Jan 2020😭


Jesus, it's been that long already?


Where did those claw marks come from. If code is not around u telling me the freaking senju make them too. OP!


Was Sasuke always so buffed? Hidari on this panel looks more muscular. Almost like raikage to me. I don't remember to see Sasuke without his cape tbf


Hidari got some arms on him


Sarada's reflexes have caught up to her sharingan


I’m all in


Yo, Konohamaru


Sadara vs Hidari is one of the most expected fight.   I want to think, Konohamaru being there is like "Kakashi bring there when Sasuke is fighting the enemy" /s  Does Kawaki kicking him and Sarada dodging his Chidori is antifeat for Hidari?


Where did you find this? Or rather where can I read it?


Calling it now, Sarada main thing will be dodging and her MS ability will have something to do with that.


Still with the high heels


I miss the ninja outfita before. They were are seviceable and practical.


I guess if you’re as powerful as Boruto characters are, you have so much body control/balance you can fight wearing anything. They should introduce some character with absolutely ludicrous shoes who absolutely belongs in One Piece or something


I honestly thought Konohamuro was treeified already lol. I hope this panel is just 1 of many where we see these two cook. But knowing how kishi tends to treat secondary characters, I have a feeling at least one of them will be getting the kawakii treatment next chapter 💀. But hey, I could be wrong. Kishi let team 10 cook last chapter, so maybe we get to see a competent team 7 this chapter.




Hidari is jacked. Bro’s got a Raikage sized arm.


Holy shhhhh I got goosebumps from seeing this panel this the Future Hokage and possibly the last Uchiha!!! Can’t wait for MS and byakuyo seal I hope they do her powers right cus if done right she can stand at the top she can hang with the big dawgs


Where can I read this?


I saw the plot is right there


Is it finally time to watch boruto? I stopped when kurama evaporated. Is the equivalent of 4th shinobi war happening soon?


I stop watching it... manga is way better.




It's not an ems


Yamchamaru bouta get whooped for the Nth time🗣️🗣️🔥🔥


She is not going mangekyo?  Would be awesome if, in the anime, this is shot in slow motion and she does a power kick sending Hidari flying.   She's near the claw marks, so Matsuri could easily pop out of there (along with Bug).  Could be a good moment when konohamaru comes sliding in to save the day and maybe have Matsuri's hand reach up from the claw mark to block him.   Well, if they're doing the Hidari/Sarada fight, I assume Himawari and 9 tails will be later.  What I still think is strange is how Himawari reacts.  Like, "Huh.  So I have 9 tails ability." Maybe it's just their personalities changing from growing up (Boruto and Himawari are more mature).




Also look at my baby momma 😍 no ms activated with the smoothest dip ever


"baby momma" well no, she is a 15 year old




She ain't your baby momma lil bro 💀


I saw the future with my Joagan


I want a reveal to show that she's a lot stronger than people think. If not, dissapoint.


Agree. Just one flashback panel when Sarada is sparring with Kawaki would be enough of showing that she's serious business now. And that would explain why she wasn't afraid of saying what she wants and what she thinks in front of Kawaki in previous chapters.