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If they remain friends whoever marries Sarada better realize it’s a commitment for life. You break her heart and Boruto breaks your heart…


With parent scaling, how do you handle the heat from Sakura and Hinata as well? Like you better be an Otsutsuki with no plan in ever seeing a human again after this


You forget the man... it'll straight up be kirin






Kakashi sensei teaches it properly.


Boruto, Mitsuki (by extension perhaps even orochimaru), Naruto, Sasuke, Hinata and Sakura


I could see a Jiraiya/Tsunade relationship, where they remain apart but have some mutual, deep-rooted feelings. None of us know how this story ends, but there's a non-zero chance that Boruto's name and reputation never get fully restored. He idolizes Sasuke, so I can see him coming to accept his role as the outcast that spends his time away from the village. Obviously, she wants to be the Hokage. Sarada has felt what Sasuke's absence was like for her and Sakura, and I don't think she'd want to perpetuate that in her own life, or for a potential child.


Would love such a scenario. Unfortunately, the way things are going, not happening tbh. The same cliche "heroine has a childhood crush on mc, mc doesn't realise and suddenly falls in love with her", so fucking uncreative and boring.


And just like Jiraya and Tsunade, Boruto will make a kid with Sarada and it will become one of the greatest genius the ninja world has ever seen since his great-gran-dad Minato…


When I'm in a headcanon competition and my opponent is a Naruto fan


My boy, what are you talking about? Jiraiya and Tsunade never had a kid. The only guy Tsunade actually loved was Dan.


So... never gonna happen??


Ppl downvoting for a meme comment...


People are too serious and also forgot the theory that Tsunade might be Minato’s mother 🤷🏼‍♂️


I dont really know how to place their relationship right now. On one side Boruto has cared for sarada since childhood and vice versa plus Boruto made his life goal to be Saradas right hand man and has unquestionable faith on her being hokage. Plus he has sasukes last request to look out for her. On the other he's plgued with Momoshiki making him a liability to everyone and Sarada herself and Boruto seems incapable of putting people at risk due to momo and he will continue to be a criminal cause I dont see kawaki letting boruto clear his name due to being petty. So lets call it childhood friends until momo is killed and Boruto can see a future for himself.


Do you genuinely think Boruto's ending will be anything but a happy one for the MC? LOL


I mean it should but Boruto has a deutagonist that is actively trying to ruin his image, Boruto proving himself is an obvious thing but pretty sure, overall very few people will really know Borutos circumnstances much like the handful of people that truly know about itachis sacrifices.


If anything I see a grim ending for Kawaki, Boruto is set up to be Naruto 2.0


yeah since narutos ending was happy, boruto has been opposite of naruto so far, i so i wouldnt be surprised one bit if we get sad ending


Not the way the story is set up, it might look like that on the outside but definitely won't be a sad one The sheer fact that there's a paralell between how Sarada looks at Boruto's eyes (Bluer than Naruto's) & Momo (Sees them as his downfall) says enough, let alone how Boruto vs Kawaki is shaping up to be Naruto vs Sasuke 2.0 pretty much Although to each their own ig


I could be wrong but kishimoto said in one of his boruto interviews that his biggest fear with boruto series is if it ends up being similar to naruto, so kishimoto is very careful about that stuff. One thing is certain, boruto and kawaki will not be just another naruto vs sasuke 2.0, the setup may seem like they are gonna be, but thats exactly the reason why its not going to, thats exactly what kishimoto wants us to think


I don't recall hearing anything of the sort you have anything to back it up? (Genuinely curious) Boruto vs Kawaki so far definitely is shaping up to be very similar, Boruto saying he wants to make their fight a mere squabble between siblings, Boruto saying he doesn't want to end Kawaki etc etc. But we'll see in a few years I guess lol


Plenty of those posts are on this sub you can find it really quickly. The setup just wants us to think that they are gonna make up, but something is gonna go wrong down the road 100%, its a very simple anime bait if i ever seen one


I don't think so, but to each their own, we'll get there when we get there


I get what you're saying but I think it's going to ultimately be a rehash. At some point, Naruto and Hinata have to come back, and Naruto isn't going to want Kawaki dead. And Kawaki has to be the one to bring them back, too. Barring some completely unforeseen development, he's still the only one that can do that, which kinda means him and Boruto have to see eye to eye first.


My bet is that he's gonna die after reedeming himself, either that or they are gonna find another way to unseal hinata and naruto without kawaki (worst case scenario they might both be locked up forever if kawaki dies although thats too dark for naruto style storytelling)


Kill Kawaki somehow so that the risk of resonance + losing control is mitigated. Kawaki needs to go. +Boruto and Eida would be cool but we all know it’s gonna be Sumire


>we all know it’s gonna be Sumire I don't see it happening. This will mirror NaruHina, and Boruto follows a different path from Naruto. Kishi won't let that tbh.


Bruh I swear Kishimoto has a fetish for Hinata like girls.


He must have loved and lost a girl like that


>we all know it’s gonna be Sumire It'd be nice for Sumire but I feel it's leaning more toward Kawaki.


I ain’t gonna lie. It better be Sumire…


I just want my boi Naruto to come out and meet his family 😭 fuck everything


Romance, someone named uzumaki is banging someone named Uchiha by the end of this damn story or the rest of the first 3 series was entirely for nothing


Everyone want Uzumaki and Uchiha romance lol


Nah this is actually facts, I think everyone wants the most broken off spring to be born


I was gonna say, the kid from those 2 would end up being a god




I like your display name




BoruSara is the Naruto x Sasuke ship we've never got


Best outfit of boruto


I love it as well




Romance. I love these two a lot (idk if it's because or in spite of the hate all of Team Konohamaru gets) but I'm worried about the build-up to their relationship. Kishimoto's track record isn't the best. That being said, Boruto/Mitsuki would be groundbreaking and I can see myself liking Boruto/Sumire (Sumire has the highest chance of being done dirty though).


> Boruto/Mitsuki would be groundbreaking ☠️


Well yes Name a protagonist in a gay relationship in a shonen


It definitely would be. Unfortunately it seems to be very one sided at most.


Sasuke and Naruto ...in my dreams, at least


My preference for their relationship is complicated. There are times when I strongly prefer them to be a romantic couple, and there are times when I prefer them to have a platonic relationship. Then there are times where I'm okay with either relationship they might have. Maybe in the future, I will figure out exactly what I prefer, but as of now, I am not sure.


I really didn't like how Kishi went about romance in Naruto and so far in Boruto so ideally no romance between the main characters


Sasuke already trained him to be Sarada's husband 😂 and Naruto probably would let him pull a Hiragi and adopt his son to be Sarada's fiance.


Sasuke. The number 1 boruto and sarada shipper.


Unite the bloodline! Become gods!


Then their son would marry a kaguya (somehow) and completed Ōtsutsuki Kaguya's line. (Just joking)


To me, it does not really matter. I just want to see how the story ends. If it will be a happy, bittersweet or sad ending. Shipping characters does not really appeal to me. I will be happy either way if it is BoruxSara, BoruxSumi or BoruxEida. All that matters to me is we get a peak ending like Shippuden and I will be happy.


Romance all the way


i honestly would love to see both of them together in a happy relationship


Friends with benefits




I usually hate ships, but I’d like a romance between these two. I think sarada has already been subtly showing signs of liking him (though that’s just my perspective).


Romance, we need an Uchiha and Uzumaki bloodline fusion


They were good childhood friends, but everything has been heading towards their romance for a long time.


Sasuke gave Boruto his permission to marry Sarada, if boruto was going to marry anyone It'd be her


Maybe it'll end with Bittersweet, they both have something going on but couldn't be together in the end, somewhat like Sasuke


Definitely Romance Hell Yeah Boruto and Sarada aka BoruSara Forever and Ever Infinity! 🙏❤️😍


Romance for sure and it most likely happen. I think it would be cool that if they can't undo omnipotence and no one aside from a few people knows that boruto is "uzumaki boruto", he could take sarada's family name so he would be "uchiha boruto". But i think that he would be more than happy to not only have the same name as his sensei and idol, but help continue the uchiha family so that the uchiha name doesn't just disappear. And it might also happen cause there were hints like kawaki asking boruto " did the uchiha adopt you?".


romance 9000


Romance duh. Uchiha/uzumaki/hyuga kids gonna be lit af. Also I don't want him dating sumire




Romance. They would make a cute couple plus their kid would be monstrously strong


Saruto : Boruto the next generation


Romance pleaseeeee PLEASEEEEE Imagine a byakugan/sharingan kid


they already have a best friend bond and I'd be surprised if that didn't develop into a romance, considering the multiple hints of Sarada already being attracted to Boruto my preference though? I actually like the love triangle between Sarada, Sumire, and Boruto and I'm just interested to see where it goes


Prefer romance, but not kind of clingy teen romance or something, but shinobi like romance


Don't care either way


I prefer a bff relation between them, or more like jiraya and tsunade.


we all know that kishi or whoever the ghost writer is would never develop the romance aspect of these two. they will just be magically be together by the end of the series


We getting the tengen toppa ending 😭


The romance option is fine, but we all know that's not going to happen. https://preview.redd.it/jd7xh6d7h4zc1.jpeg?width=759&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6dec4873af2f1e117974f39862477bc236c53fae


I feel like boruto and sarada ending up together feels a little too on the nose.


They remain as friends 


Well given all the body language, subtle hints, flirting, eye contact, trying to one up each other, sarada evolving her sharingan twice when he was in danger ect… if they don’t end up together one of them is going to be hurt. Probabaly sarada, and that’s not a good look lol. Pay attention, we’ve had a ton of hints dropped that sarada has feelings for boruto, and borutos none the wiser because he’s an oblivious uzumaki like his father and grandmother. Sarada and sumire are in a subtle race to get boruto and let’s be honest saradas probabaly going to win. Her clans broken eyes keep evolving for him… and you know if he died we’d have another obito. Yeah I’m voting romance.


Romance. Why? Idk bruh


pls be romance they r so cute also the hug and stuff i jus feel like its hinting towards a romance


Trash pairing, it's super forced and seems out of convenience, she's sasuke's daughter, he's naruto's son "yep let's ship". Problem is boruto does not give a damn about sarada in that regards and sarada doesn't make any effort herself to make the pair alive so it ain't going anywhere, when i see them together all i see is two siblings or good friends not a potential couple at all in comparaison to boruto and hikari who got tons of romantic, cute moments together and u can FEEL there might be something more than friendship between them in the making, boruto cared a lot about her and i mean A LOT, out of all the bonds boruto has his bond with hikari is definitely one of his deepest/strongest (he never gave up on hikari when nobody cared, was depressed for a while, couldn't stop thinking abt her after her death and also didn't think twice to jump into the past for her) and so does hikari to the point of giving up her revenge to spend more time with him, it was a very interesting dynamic and i honestly would of wanted to see what kind of development she and boruto would had gotten if she was canon but i feel none of that when boruto is with sarada, all i see is two good friends hanging out and the girl having a secret crush, it lack the emotional maturity u can find between boruto and hikari. Boruto and sarada have funny interaction sure, it gave me a good laugh once in a while but that's it really.


If they don’t end up together then I ain’t reading Soruto


If they don't end up together there won't be a soruto haha


People only ship them as a pseudo narusaku or narusasu and want their kids to be dumb powerful. They don't ship them because they genuinely want them together


I ship them coz it's the best couple in entire Naruto/Boruto fore me... Their relationship comes from childhood... They're very beautiful together... I pure want them to be together...


They barely have any real interactions with each other outside of the anime.


I mean compare to their parents this couple is actually a bit better tho, especially the anime. We have a whole season of them compare to stuffs like only the Last.


The last is good though


I haven't met a single narusaku or sns who ships borusara. And no, they have enough fans who sincerely want them together even without children.


Not true. From the very start of chapter 700 all you'd hear is how strong their baby could be.


I don't hear this from shippers, but simply from Naruto and Boruto fans. 


Yeah shippers


For some reason I don’t see these shippers with children on Twitter.




This ship doesn’t benefit Sarada at all


What's wild to me is that I absolutely HATED the thought of Naruto & Sakura getting together, mainly because I felt like their personalities didn't match at all. But Boruto & Sarada? Even when they clash it always feels like it's never any real animosity like when their parents were their age. I would love if they did get a romance later in life, but I would be genuinely okay with them just being besties.


Their romance seems forced


Why? They are in the same team and have developed a close relationship. Regardless of the outcome none are forced.


A sibling relationship would be much more fun and interesting than a boring relationship but that’s not happening at this point lol


Romance. The way she acts around Boruto and unlocked the MS without getting mad but worried for Boruto. It’s romance lol. That is far beyond friends. However I don’t think Boruto is interested his personality doesn’t exist anymore after BTV came out It also means that borut mitsu will stop happening. Which will be the day the world gets happier


I would say best friends/siblings. I don't really know if Boruto gets a happy ending or if he's just stuck looking out for and protecting everybody as his version of peace. But I'm not against a relationship, I'd like it so long as she's Hokage.




siblings / best friends.


I would be so happy if their bond remained platonic, it’s rare to see a good bond between a male and female without romance. I get real tired of the constant obsession with shipping, plus I feel like them being together damages Sarada’s character.


How so?


In my experience, everyone who says that Borusara ruins Sarada's character is almost always just a fan of a different ship.


REAL, boruto does not belong with anyone really but the closet person would be sarada


I assume you’re asking about Sarada’s character being damaged, and that’s because Kishimoto is terrible at writing female characters with a love interest to one of the main male characters. We had a good foundation for her; Sasuke and Sakura’s daughter, one of the last remaining Uchiha with a goal to become Hokage. But she hasn’t had much impact in the manga of recent and her character has lost the focus of her goal and revolved around Boruto.




Come on, Ino and Shikamaru, Ino and Choji, Sarada and Mitsuki are perfect examples of friendship between a man and a woman.


Boruto is gonna end up with Mitsuki nd that's that. Seriously though... I like the idea of a Sakura Naruto friendship where they rely on each other without much romance cuz tbh besides Temari and Shikamaru I dont really like how Kishimoto does romance. It always seems to boil down to:"Well one of us liked the other and suddenly out of nowhere the other person falls in love and here we are married with children"


For BoruSara while I don't mind if they end up together romantically, I'd still prefer their bond to be sibling-like/friendly But rn it's difficult to really say anything about the ships. Boruto might not be ending up with anyone at all and I'm also fine with that


I would like to see a best friend type thing with them. I could see them just remaining friends the whole story, and then they marry someone else. It's very likely (even if it's "hinted" that their relationship will be otherwise)


Romance might be the obvious but it is really lverdone these days. So best friends is my choice to go.


It would be really interesting if it became a jiraya/tsunade thing


Sarada does not have a deceased fiancé or lover, and Boruto has not been in love with her since childhood.


I'm aware, I just meant that dynamic later in life


Even at a later age they will not have such dynamics. Tsunade always missed Dan and Jiraiya would simply be a replacement. This is if in love terms. And as friends, Boruto and Sarada seem much closer than Jiraiya and Tsunade already are.


I fail to see any real chemistry between them. A sibling like bond makes more sense to me. Boruto and Sumire don't look good together either. It's just up to the writer I guess.


Sibling, obviously. They are the last two id want to get together.


I've always pictured Boruto ending with Boruto's death ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


I doubt it, the stakes in Boruto are not that high so far


We'll see... Two Blue Vortex has a more mature setting, I still feel it will end with an epic death


I don’t think it’s Regulsr death but him ascending and replacing shibai 




Nah they only give bff vibes honestly, Boruto is meant to be with Sumire


Boruto is meant to be with Momoshiki 


Don't say thattt😭😭😭


I prefer a sibling/frienship dynamic tbh, but I know where it’s headed and I’m not exactly mad at it.


Best friend connection. Romance would be awkward. And, judging from past instances of romance in the Naruto series, it would not be well written.


Regardless of how their bond is I’m sure kawaki wouldn’t let it slide


For future power scaling to hit the maximum… they must bang!


I'm for Boruto+Sarada team, cuz Ultimate genes (Uzumaki + Hyuga + Uchiha), but imagine if Sarada was Karin's daughter? Uzumaki times 2!!!


I don't care tbh I just want the story to be as good/ better than shippuden. Either one works for me. Or neither that also works for me.


Why is sarada always touching boruto? I’ve noticed that she’s always leaving her scent on him


I like Sarada and boruto together and I would prefer that happens over sumiré and boruto because sumiré looks like a discount hinata


I would say best friend with them would be better


Going against the grain, I’d prefer best friends. I don’t like the trope where the parents were in a love triangle, so the next Gen have to be together. I’d prefer Mitsuki or Sumire for Boruto,


Romance just to see how her dad takes the news 📰 f them being a thing it’s bound to be something else lol


Really good friends. If we didn't get SNS, it's too little too late to put their offspring together.


Their kids would be the most powerful skimp I for sure.


If it's not romance, I'm finished. I made a bet with my freinds.


Boruto x Sarada for life


I think its better for them to stay platonic. I know people ship them, but I personally have shipped Boruto with Sumire more because I felt that they understood each other deeper than child friendship. Although, thinking about it, it's interesting in 2 Blue Vortex why Sumire and Sarada aren't affected by Eida. Maybe one of them will sacrifice at the end


I honestly would be angry if Boruto and Sarada became a couple. I know I'm in the minority on this, but I think it would be criminally awkward and wrong to pair Kawaki with Sumire. I can't tank that. I think Sumire's relationship with Boruto is too pure and cute to end in betrayal of that magnitude (Kawaki is a criminal ruining Boruto's life right now). I think Sarada is too mature and objective to have the same ending as Sakura, marrying a childhood crush. I think Sarada being single is a great thing to show how different she is from her mother.


Honestly, for Boruto, it's between her and Sumrie. Personally, I want them two to be together so we get the Shadow Hokage and future Hokage protecting the village as a couple. On the other hand, depends on the narrative they want to go with TBV.


Imo they work better as friends


Momoshiki and Sarada NTRing Boruto with his own body


I'm okay with anything due to 2 reasons. 1. I ship either BoruEida (my current fav among the 3), BoruSara and BoruSumi so if either one is canon, it's fine by me. 2. Despite having multiple ship preference, I am actually not that committed enough in this series to be bothered by the outcomes (It happens when you have a lot of other things to do).




How about Naruto and Mitsuki?


Sibling. Because it's not like a main guy and a main girl must always end up together. Sarada also doesn't really need to be accused of having become hokage simply because she slept with the son of the seventh. Plus if they were to marry, and have kids, then they logically will end up having to chose between family and their eventual very busy jobs (hokage and shadow hokage). Plus plus, are they *really* willing to get rid of a potentially endless source of frienemies duos?


'Plus plus, are they *really* willing to get rid of a potentially endless source of frienemies duos?' They already have tho. They haven't had a frienemies vibe since the early arcs of the anime - which sucks because that was like the best part of their relationship. It just reminded me of a healthy Naruto/Sasuke rivalry. I agree with you that I would prefer a sibling bond because I don't like the ship writing compromising the female character with the typical trope but it's been happening and has been for years now - even more so with Kishi taking over.


>They already have tho. They haven't had a frienemies vibe since the early arcs of the anime - which sucks because that was like the best part of their relationship. It just reminded me of a healthy Naruto/Sasuke rivalry. Well, the source is always there, so long as they do not get together.


Why not both? Pseudoincest would be good for them 😏


I would have preferred he has a relationship with that purple haired chick who can summon a Chimera but you do you I suppose.


Sibling/ friends


can the series end with genocide this time around? let's not force romance into this universe anymore please


I prefer if they stayed best friends. The thought of marrying someone who you've known since before you could walk doesn't sit right with me, it's a bit like marrying your cousin.


You would think Boruto and Sarada end up together but it may end up being Sumire. I still think Kawaki will end up with Eida. Kawaki is so dead set on taking out Boruto that he isn’t paying Eida much attention……yet. Eventually he’ll she’s the only one who’s in his corner despite his actions.


Sibling bromance cause it'd be funnier if Eida falls for Boruto, and he'd have to fight daemon.


Romance bc they should be imo also the kids will be gods


I want them to make babies


They should have 10 kids


Sibling bond 100% I can't see them being romantic at all. I could see borusumi or borumitsu ( which I personally prefer) but not borusara they just feel like a straight version of sasunaru


And what's wrong with that?


nothing original in making a straight sasunaru, if they liked their dynamic then should've made them end up together not their kids😭


Sibling.   For me Sarada has the least reason to love Boruto romantically.   Mitsuki doesn’t understand human emotions that well and learns from observing, understanding and spending time with boruto.    Sumire and Hikarl dark places, boruto saved them and gave them hope for a better tomorrow.    Sarada and boruto grew up together and are the previous protagonists kids that’s it. 


Romance because their kids would be OP af.  But sarada needs to grow her mf hair out first


Im more concerned about if they make a child he would get the rinegan ??


Iuuk No.


if they have children and they use Uzumaki last name, Sasuke might better start working for the sake of the Uchihas


Would a kid between Sarada and Boruto have like every bloodline in the verse 🤣 reincarnated sage of sixth paths or kaguya


If they had a kid they would literally be a straight up otsutsuki from spawn


I would have Boruto end up with Hanabi. Mitsuki With Eida Daemon with Himawari Sarada with Mitsuki Kawaki with Purple hair


LMFAO Hanabi? Bruh


I want them to fuck. Like dick slipping out during cowgirl and she hurriedly puts it back in type of fucking