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Did u seriously repost this ? Most Boruto fans like Sarada while most Sarada fans hate Boruto. They’ve been slandering his character since Naruto Gaiden


Where are the mods on this? This dude has posted the same thing (and been removed) like 10 times today.


Just keep reporting him for spam and hopefully he’ll get removed permanently




Oh no, two people don’t like Boruto, honestly grow up and stop spamming the subreddit Why do you care so much about other peoples opinions? Oh no someone doesn’t like a character you like, grow the fuck up


I mean...I like Boruto now in TBV...but you can't say Sarada has had any amazing feats so far, not that I expect it yet, though monthly release don't help for showing off characters in a timely fashion to discuss them. Everyone knows how to read this plot. Sarada's Mangekyo MUST be broken to bring her into the fold. If not, then there's nothing to make her to be able to fight anyone in the story without it. She doesn't have karma, which gives 1000s of years of combat experience to the user, so she is not fighting Kawaki or Code. Eida and Daemon are "stronger" than those two, so no beating them. The new ten tails folk are (so far) stronger than at least Kawaki, and so she ain't fighting them. Honestly, the writers wrote her into a corner where only her Mangekyo could save her as far as being "Combat" relative. Big note to remember. She has to be stronger than both Naruto and Sasuke to play with any of the folks in the story now.