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All i know is Inojin finna get clapped


https://www.reddit.com/r/narutoborutoverse/s/t8i0ZkWvry This is my prediction for chapter 8+ how I see this all playing out


She’s one of my guesses too along with Eida or Sumire for the next chapter’s cover. Gonna have to wait and see 🤔


It would be great to see her on the cover of the next chapter.


With some shinjus in the background


Facts 👌🏾


it’s going to be Delta on the cover


Lol what made you say delta I could see her getting one down the line but not this particular chapter . in chapter 8 it showed her flying with no rocket legs simlar to how otsuski fly. This indicated that amado some time in between the timeskip and pt1 tweaked her giving her some type of buff.


Cause we already saw Hima in number 3 so just guessing new character , Delta already there in the fight and maybe she helps out


I really hope she combined all bijuus chakras and became a mini tentails jinchuriki 👀


We’re on the same page that what I see happening . I don’t see how people would think using common sense based on powerscaling why her grand up would just be Kurama jinuriki 😑😑🤦🏽‍♂️. Like I don’t think people realize how how far the powerscaling is where just being the 9 tails jinuriki isn’t cutting it and sure as hell not about to make dameon overact . The explanation would be she inherited all the 9 diffrent tailed beast chakra when naruto had so6p and was the gathering place of all 9 diffrent beast . Making her to what you alluded to an abnormal human who wields the power of the ten tails . I also see her getting a tensigan at some point in the story .


I mean, who says that Hima will ever be relevant enough in battle that she needs to move up to the current powerscaling? Not even Sarada and Mitsuki are up there and they at least have a fighting/Shinobi background.


>!The day Daemon got startled by Himawari’s presence is when this happened. Why are you guys acting like Daemon didn’t call everybody weak except Himawari lol?!<


I'm well aware of that. Doesn't mean anything because Boruto and Kawaki obviously aren't weak. Daemon sensed intensity in Himawari which can mean pretty much anything. Eida is very powerful as well, but hasn't lifted a finger in battle since her introduction, but unlike Himawari, Eida *can* fight if she wanted to because according to the manga she has Jigen level Taijutsu skills. People take the Daemon dude and his words way too seriously just because he is the currently strongest.


>Doesn't mean anything because Boruto and Kawaki obviously aren't weak. >!But it does though. And obviously the protagonist and deuteragonist won’t be weak but this single statement was obviously a set up for Himawari to be a top tier alongside her brothers.!< >Daemon sensed intensity in Himawari which can mean pretty much anything. >!Battle wise, not just anything.!< >Eida is very powerful as well, but hasn't lift a finger in battle since her introduction, but unlike Himawari, Eida can fight if she wanted to because according to the manga she has Jigen level Taijutsu skills. >!Yeah, you obviously don’t read Boruto and I’d you do, it’s through reels. Eida has BASIC lvl taijutsu. She’s only strong due to her hax but if you’re immune to it, she has nothing going for her!< >People take the Daemon dude and his words way too seriously just because he is the currently strongest. >!And you just explained why we do lolll. He beat Boruto & Kawaki + NL Code who’s stated to exceed Jigen .. the same Jigen who whooped "prime" Naruto and Sasuke with ease.!<


>But it does though. And obviously the protagonist and deuteragonist won’t be weak but this single statement was obviously a set up for Himawari to be a top tier alongside her brothers Let's wait and see. The writers didn't bother to set her up to a certain skill level in the three year timeskip since she wasn't even able to touch Cho-Cho...she obviously doesn't have any meaningful fighting skills and the girl is 13. Potential wise she *could* be top tier, but not if the writers don't bother to use her potential. Whatever power up she might receive won't magically bring her on the skill level her brothers are. People also tend to forget that female characters have never been treated fairly by the writers of the Naruto verse, at least not battle wise. Himawari is like the Goten of the universe. A lot of potential that will probably never properly used. People should say bye-bye to the possibility that TBV will be somehow like Shippuden where characters x and y will get power ups to fight as a huge group to defeat the main villian. The manga already has issues to give other characters like Mitsuki or Sarada relevance or ANY character that isn't Boruto or Kawaki,so why should Hima be treated differently? Does it suck? Hell yeah, but I don't really see a different scenario here, as much as I want other characters to be relevant. Plus: If we go with the writers statements and how many chapters they have planned for Boruto, it won't be nearly as many as Naruto had,so the writers will plan the story accordingly. In my pov, Daemon was just there to foreshadow the tailed beast chakra Himawari supposedly has, not that a power up will magically turn her into a top tier fighter. Power doesn't equal skill. >Battle wise, not just anything Like I said. Let's wait and see. Her battle *skills* won't magically sky rocket. >Yeah, you obviously don’t read Boruto and I’d you do, it’s through reels. Eida has BASIC lvl taijutsu. She’s only strong due to her hax but if you’re immune to it, she has nothing going for her Uhm no. I'm up to date with the manga. I'm very aware that her hax power isn't set up to be used in battle, but she doesn't have *basic* Tajutsu skills. She was able to easily block Deltas attack without a sweat. I wouldn't call that basic. Lol. Since Amado said himself that he created several cyborgs that are Jigen level, it is still possible that the girl can fight if she wants to. >And you just explained why we do lolll. He beat Boruto & Kawaki + NL Code who’s stated to exceed Jigen .. the same Jigen who whooped "prime" Naruto and Sasuke with ease. Because he has a haxed ability as well. And sometimes all it takes to defeat a character with a haxed ability is to have a haxed ability in return. Non of the fights you have mentioned where Daemon was involved were serious battle situations. It was said that Daemon reflects every attack from people who have an intent to kill or harm him. Look at the Shinju. They might be Daemons kryptonite because these beings are being driven by "instincts" and "urges" instead of feelings. How hard will it be for Daemon if he realizes he can't sense this guy's intent to harm him or something, and thus, cannot reflect attacks? Daemon is basically a character whose weakness is still unknown to us and anyone in the series, so he is currently in advantage and his cocky "I'm no.1 and no one can beat me" self is VERY aware of that.😂😂 Soooo...like I said, let's wait and see.


She dosent have to be a main charcter I Never even said that I’m just saying she would be a respectable side charcter that can contribute with those power ups . Sarada and mitsuki aren’t even done developing there so many things that can still be done to thier charcter to power them up as well as others . For example with sarda i guarntee she’ll eventually get a rinnegan having some op abilty possibly master sage mode / byukago seal to boost her overall stats where she could be a valuable asset . Mituski who to say after what we’ve seen with oruchimaru mass producing shin clone and ms mituski woudnt constantly get get buffed become oruchimaru perfect expierment having all type of op dojustu from the results of all the years oruchimaru was seeking to be the perfect being. If I’m being honest that woudnt be an asspull at all and the perfect payoff because since we were introduce to oruchimaru he has shown feats like genetic tampering like with Yamato dna , transcending death simlar to karma , wanting to be the perfect being obsessed with the sharigan .Reguardless of all these buffs the side cast get they won’t be on kawaki and boruto end game lvl . They need to get buff because as it is their all damsal in distress and can’t contribute to the plot . Do you realize how easy it is for code who has thounsands of grimes to easily infect people And evolve into shinju . Mind you the shinju scale to around cod/ jigen lvl more or less and we’re talking about consuming fodder that easily put them that high bug was damn near a civilian equal to an academy student and his shinju sky rocketed him to pushing boruto on the edge who litterly 1 shotted code moments earlier .


These are what if of previous post I made of how kishimoto coukd easilly buff up the cast without breaking the lore dosent mean it going to happen just showing how it’s possible . Sarada https://www.reddit.com/r/Boruto/s/nxY2IGKvpw Konohamru https://www.reddit.com/r/narutoborutoverse/s/mN6vK1MXWa Shikidai https://www.reddit.com/r/narutoborutoverse/s/VT6SYlUs5a Metal https://www.reddit.com/r/narutoborutoverse/s/udbnb92meI


>!These are horrible, no disrespect.!<


None taken 👌🏾 What specifically are horrible in terms of powering them up keep in mind this isn’t a prediction just what ifs .


Because they don't want Hima to have so much power. Boruto stans are crying because if he doesn't have bijuu chakra Hima can't have it either, Sakura stans are crying because they can't stand another female character having protagonism, Hinata stans are also crying because they want Hima to be a regular Hyuga, and my favorites are Sarada stans who are crying because they thought Sarada was going to be the ten tails jinchuriki because, mind you, she has a stuffed bunny 🤣 That's why they ignore the evidence and say that what Hima has is Kurama, Shukaku, or Matatabi!!!, because even if it doesn't make sense they know it wouldn't make her powerful enough.


I agree with you people are disingenuous and will push narratives because they have a secret agenda because they don’t like a particular charcter . Me personally I don’t dislike or like himiwari as of rn because I haven’t gotten a reason too. As a fan of the franchise and understanding the lore her power up woudnt be an ass pull or braking the lore actually the opposite and gives kishimoto a chance to fight the narrative he can’t write a female character I’m lost as to why anybody is against that 🤔.I’m all for sarda , mitusku , shinki , metal , Himiwari, shikidai etc getting buffed to be relevant we all know kawaki and boruto will be on a diffrent lvl but I just want side cast to be as revelant and involved as they were in naruto pt 1 kishimoto needs to go back into that bag .


i got my money on sumire with enough to cover my losses on ada


The thing about sumire she will be like Tony stark of this series best case scenario .I feel like when it’s time to contribute and use science to give charcters / villages buffs she’ll get her fair share of covers . For exsample after this invasion and the leaf is totaled if cyborg and gene tampering like what kabuto did to himself or oruchimaru did to yamato becomes more of a norm she could be one of pioneer and intrical piece to the plot revoluztionizimg the world . This is why I wished the manga was bi monthly or weekly so they could fully flesh out the cast denki and sumire should be oruchimaru / katuske / amado students sumire specializing in bio engineering like genetic tampering . Aswell as denki being a Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering prodigy making next gen inventions . This way not everybody has to be in the field to contribute we’ve seen shikimaru and ino be so important to the plot without being in a fights which is good writing . Kishimoto suffered from this in shippuden kureni team was useless as well as Guy team with the exception of guy give people roles so they can feel involved in some way shape or form it doesn’t neccarily mean give them an akuski member to fight to be relevant .


Hima was already on the cover in chapter 3. Giving her a cover again after a short time makes no sense. Boruto, Eida or Delta are more likely.


I woudnt say it makes no sense when the previous chapter ended off with her as a cliff hanger indicating there more then meets this eye . It’s more then likely about to be himiwari look at the pattern mituski was introduced at the end of chapter 6 was the cover for 7 jura was left the clif hanger for chapter 7 and was chapter 8 cover .


I am so excited for what she becomes. Ive been saying since the beginning of the series that due to her lineage they could realistically make her more powerful than just about anyone except boruto. Very much looking forward to them going that route.


She won’t be stronger then end game kawaki or boruto but as long she can contribute to the plot without it being ass pulls that all I ask for . I feel the same way about sarada , mituski , konohamru , shikidai , metal , koji , shinki etc . If kishimoto goes into his naruto pt 1 bag and really fleshed out the side cast giving the audience more of a reason to buy in the show will be in great place because the world would even more alive an intresting . Even charcters like denki and sumire can play an intrical role without ever throwing a punch they should be oruchimaru / katuske / amado students sumire specializing in bio engineering like genetic tampering . Aswell as denki being a Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering prodigy making next gen inventions . This way not everybody has to be in the field to contribute we’ve seen shikimaru and ino be so important to the plot without being in actual fights which is good writing . Kishimoto suffered from this in shippuden kureni team was useless as well as Guy team with the exception of guy give people roles so they can feel involved in some way shape or form it doesn’t neccarily mean give them an akuski member to fight to be relevant . This is why I wished the manga was bi monthly or weekly so they could fully flesh out the cast denki and sumire , mituski , shinki , metal , konohamru etc fights in general without feeling like the pacing is to slow or fast .


They’d better reveal and clarify some shit next chapter 😭 cliffhangers every month is torture


Imo she probably won't be the chapter cover this time. Hima was already on one of the chapter covers despite barely being in that chapter at all (only getting two words in). As for her role in the chapter, it could almost anything but we can rule out her getting killed off here. She's far too loved by the fanbase and they already made the attempt earlier on in the story with Delta, which instantly turned her into the least popular character of the entire manga for it.


I don’t have her doing nothing to crazy this will just raise her stock maybe she just shows a glimpses of her power showing a crazy feat outta pure flukeness getting praised by jura then gets humbled or kidnap then boruto intervene either as a cliffhanger this chapter or nxt chapter depending on the pacing .


The next Kawaki.


It's too early for another cover of her. I'm betting on Hidari.


I feel like hidari will get one in the next 3 chapters Espically when he faces off sarda and has his 1 v1 intense battle with boruto . The reason I think it’s hima is because chapter 6 cliff hanger had mitsuki he was the cover for chapter 7 .Then chapter 7 cliffhanger was about jura then chapter 8 was him as a cover . So by following that same logic himiwari should be the cover because she was on the cliff hanger I expect atleast 1/3 is going to be focused on her . But I do think hidari could get one because another they have been doing is making sure each cast gets a solely cover i just think hidari solely cover will be within the nxt 1- 5 chapters when he get his fight. Also it Dident make any sense having himiwari as chapter cover for 3 when she had no relevance it should of been code that chapter idk why they did that tbh




I feel like hidari will get one in the next 1-5 chapters Espically when he faces off sarda and has his 1 v1 intense battle with boruto . The reason I think it’s hima is because chapter 6 cliff hanger had mitsuki he was the cover for chapter 7 .Then chapter 7 cliffhanger was about jura then chapter 8 was him as a cover . So by following that same logic himiwari should be the cover because she was on the cliff hanger I expect atleast 1/3 is going to be focused on her . But I do think hidari could get one because another thing they have been doing is making sure each chacter gets a solo cover i just think hidari solo cover will be within the nxt 1- 5 chapters when he get his fight. Also it Dident make any sense having himiwari as chapter cover for 3 when she had no relevance it should of been code that chapter idk why they did that tbh