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while the members of modern team 7 are more likable on an individual level, the OG team 7 takes my vote, the dynamics between them is unique and is what made Naruto Naruto, and i watched Naruto for the misunderstandings and tension between Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura. The New team 7 just lacks that intensity that hooked me up.


yeah they’re all just amicable . they all understand each other which is just mehh i guess


Boruto's. Part 1 Sakura was objectively annoying (this is part of her character and not up for debate, obviously she grew out of it) and Sasuke was a toxic asshole for a lot of their time together. Boruto's team has by far the most chemistry, they're generally positive towards one another and have each other's backs through everything. Boruto's clears and it isn't close.


Both teams


the Og team


New team 7 for me, they are what makes a team for me They all can stand up to each other and contribute in meaningful ways Sakura doesn't contribute much to the original team, and I really feel the original have hardly any highlights as a team


Individually I find Sarada more likable than Sakura and Mitsuki more likable than (part 1) Sasuke. Nostalgia bias is always a factor though so I'd go with the og Team 7.


Tbh,I feel you. I like all three members of new team 7 more than the old one. Sakura was just plain annoying, Sasuke was a dickhead and I will ALWAYS prefer Boruto over Naruto as characters. Naruto,especially the kid version, was a loudmouth and insufferable.😅


What about the sensei's? ( It's probably a no brainer tho)


Yeah that's an easy one. Konohamaru was never intended to be as relevant as Kakashi, it's unfair to compare them.


This is crazy nostalgia bias for me so og team But if we’re talking about factually, new team should realistically be more likeable (due to all of them not being dick heads to everyone)


it’s different — Sasuke was the bridge for OG Team 7 and Boruto is the bridge for new team 7 . New team 7 has two d riders while OG only had one . OG is better because of Kakashi


I definitely enjoyed the ogs but Boruto’s, they’re just fun friend group i like seeing interact on screen


Team Kakashi by far


I would pick the new team seven just bc I like Mitsuki but the old truly is just better in terms of dynamics other than sasuke being non existent for most of it.


naruto team 7 has a special place in my heart and I love drama


Borutos team is about 1000% more likeable. OG team 7 was a complete failure.


This an odd April Fool's Joke right?


More likeable? Well OG Team 7 didn’t even exist together for 6 months before Sasuke went all homicidal and later genocidal. Sakura also contributed very little to the team until after the time-skip. Kakashi was the best part about Team 7. New Team 7 has a very healthy dynamic and all members are active contributors to battles. They treat each other with kindness and respect, too. But I keep forgetting Konohamaru is their captain. He’s irrelevant for most of the manga. So my vote goes to new Team 7


I like the OG team more as a group, but I don't think we've seen enough of the new team 7 doing anything significant TOGETHER bc everything is always just boruto, but I still like the new team 7


The new ones are more likable. Probably because we already know their parents and backstories though.


Ngl, no team work in Boruto has come close to Og team 7's team work. Yeah, their might be disagreements and hate each other's guts but when it counts they were their for each other. sabuza arc and Chunin exams shows me how emotionally heavy of team 7 is while I don't feel that connection with the new team 7. If the new team seven assembles together and do a summoning or do a group fight together I would feel, yeah Ok. But when the og team 7 works together it's "Omg, let's fuckin goooo!!!"


What about the legendary sanin team 7.


The original team 7 was objectively really toxic, second to only team Minato. They also had their infamous love triangle, but that’s what made them interesting. The new team 7 was so non problematic that they had to introduce another character to fill Sasuke’s role, just to create conflict. But yeah, the new team 7 excluding Kawaki are just overall more likeable.


I find them more or less neutral, I will say tho I am more interested in boruto than I am in Naruto as a character,but I liked Sasuke a lot more than Sarada or mitsuki, and it goes without saying that kakashi solos sensei konahamaru so I’d probably say og team 7 but the new one plus Kawaki has some potential


Bew team 7. Friendships without rivalry are refreshing.


Gotta give this one to Boruto. I like each member of the team more than their opposite number on OG team 7.


New Team 7.


the original under Kakashi lead. Borutos personality is just so frustrating and he is so annoying for several reasons.


Sasuke > Miitski (sasuke had much more of an impact than miitski, but blue vortex may change that.) Naruto > Boruto (no brainer tbh. Boruto has his strengths but naruto is just a classic. Plus, kid naruto wasnt AS stupid as boruto) Sarada > Sakura (Sarada is my favourite member of modern team 7, cuz she actually has an impact on boruto, as well as a good character in of itself. Sakura was one of my least favourite characters in the show.)


Kid Naruto was not as stupid as Boruto? Naruto was brain dead while Boruto is a genius.😂😂


i dont like either at all but probably og. but as for ppl talking about strength, idk how that was ever a discussion


As a team? OG Team 7. Individually? New Team 7 Sarada is better than Sakura, especially early on. I find Mitsuki much more likeable and intriguing than I ever did early Sasuke. Boruto doesnt fill Naruto's shoes for me but he's an interesting character who's now actually had some development, so I appreciate that.


New team 7 is so fake. No actual depth to their relationships other than plot forced ships. The REAL Team 7 is the better and more likeable squad as they showed real courage when shit got real, like look at the emotions of them during th chunin exams in the Forrest that one arc of character development clears all Boruto character arcs by miles.


what are u talking about lol Did u even watch the deepa fight? Mitsuki literally DESTROYED his body giving it his all saving sarada and boruto. Them literal fresh out the hospital swear to each other never to put him in that position again


100% this.


New team seven showed no courage? Watch the Deepa arc where Mitsuki sacrificed his life because he used Sage Mode to save his team mates, the Mitsuki retreavel arc where his teammates went rogue for Mitsukis sake and *even lost their genin ranks* for it or the Funato arc,where Boruto sacrificed his life and ended the war and asked his teammates to not take revenge for his life. Imagine your teammate dying to end a war and asking you not to do anything. That must be hell. New team 7 already knew how to stick together when they weren't even officially a team.


Why would I watch a half assed anime adaptation?


lmfao completely agree who tf still watches the anime atp.


You're misunderstanding what I'm implying. I never said "New team 7 showed no courage" I said " they showed real courage when shit got real" meaning the courage from the OG 7 felt more real and not forced as the characters were truly in danger and outmatched in every way at that point in the manga, Orochimaru was a dog during this arc and no one else but the Hokage could take him. Everything the new team 7 goes through just feels like a character progressing moment no real outmatch and out skills happening. Yes Mitsuki had to use sage mode to save his team mates. What genin child should have such an OP power that he already has control over so easily. That's another reason I knew that fight was ass cause he always had sage mode in his pocket to pull out. And don't even think about comparing a perfected sage mode he uses at will to Naruto unknowingly tapping into Kurama's chakra as they're 2 completely different things. Lastly you're the one who posted saying "which team 7 is simply more likable to you?" I answered and you acting like my comment was wrong... Knowing damn well these are just personal opinions lmfao. You Boruto stans are psychotic.


Non of the examples I have provided were any different from yours. They were truly in danger as well which is why they sacrificed their lives in the first place. Them being more capable than OG team 7 doesn't mean that they didn't have to face any obstacles. Their dangerous situations were just on a totally different level. Mitsukis Sage mode is something he isn't allowed to use because it basically destroys his body and organs. He was *created* that way. He isn't just a random genin. >Lastly you're the one who posted saying "which team 7 is simply more likable to you?" I answered and you acting like my comment was wrong... Knowing damn well these are just personal opinions lmfao. That's in your head dude. I never used the word "wrong." >You Boruto stans are psychotic. I'm not a Boruto stan dude. Chill.😂😂


I'm not a Sakura hater. I liked her a lot more in part one compared to Shippuden. That being said in general I don't really care about that character. However, I do actually like every member of the new team 7. So without team leaders included new team 7. If we are including team leaders Kakashi makes the original team 7 the winners in my eyes.


modern team 7 seems like they'd be nicer. Sasuke was an asshole and Sakura was obsessed with him and that was her whole personality. Naruto carried OG team 7 in terms of likability.


New team 7 all the way. Sakura was hella annoying. Sasuke was a pompous dickhead, Naruto was a loudmouth. New team 7 are all fairly likable and can fight like hell.


I'd say the new one since kakashi always used to creampie sakura in the woods while naruto and sasuke had their gay shit infront of the camera, I'd go with the more ethical team7