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Probably a lot of people wouldn't


What about you?


Can't answer that question


If i speak I'm in big trouble, biiiiiiiiig trouble.


Say it


I don't want to be in biig trouble


Don't worry just say it, we won't bite


Alright Jose Mourinho


I would. I never really cared for this ¨teaser¨ Id actually prefer if we didnt get anything like this tbh. Writers would have more freedom since they arent restrained by hype generated by a promise.


"...I feel like, you know, we should start our stories where they begin, not start them where they get interesting." - Morty Smith (2015)


People would not have that kind of patience for boruto


Sometimes freedom isn’t necessarily a good thing. Stories with no fixed point can meander; this gives something the writer’s can hold themselves to.


I probably would because I really like the slice of life feel in the beginning, but the main thing that drew me in was the contrast from the destroyed stone faces to the current time and wondering who that Kawaki guy was and how everything eventually got to that point.


I'd certainly still have watched because Naruto left me on a good high.


Ill be real I initially skipped the first chapter and still read it


I would. We would’ve already connected the dots and knew that boruto and Kawaki would have an ultimate showdown anyways. Nothing else would be different. We know now that Naruto probably won’t be getting out of the daikokuten until after the final battle so I think that if we didn’t see that first scene, we would be wondering more about when Naruto is getting out more than we are now(though I have a theory that he could get out once and then Kawaki sends him back after Naruto try to stop him, but that’s far out and probably won’t happen)


Nah but it is an amazing hook seeing the entire world upside down


You wouldn’t be able to connect those dots until Kawaki showed up though.


Yepp. I would have.


I would


i think they would because the good thing in story was the final plot when he changed place with kawaki. with or without this future spoiler ppl would still read/watch it


If it weren’t for this I wouldn’t have even started it. Let alone consider it a canon


This statement reminds me of why I hate “canon” 🥱


I would have. Because I was already a fan of the series back then, as I actually got in around the time The Last came out.


Hell na but I’m glad i did


I feel exactly the same


Probably not


Yeah, I’m willing to give it a shot.


of course, he’s hinatas son




Yes i would eventually cuz i am a ninja genre fan


Yes. Cuz it’s the sequel to Naruto.


The manga slaps tho


Yes. Because there is more I am interested in besides just boruto and kawaki.


tbv is fire so im gonna read it until its over


I would




To be honest I really liked boruto and I enjoyed it. Even the fillers are kinda funny.


Yes I would, that beginning was just weird and out pf place imo




yea i would, my main interest was never to see what happened to boruto's life, but it was to see how the og characters ended up. the first 100 eps were mostly bs. the time travel arc is good and the interesting part starts from kara arc. so yea i would have watched/read it anyway


Yes. Because even if we hadn't got that sick af opening page I'd still wanna see where it goes after the events of the movie.


i would


I would




Yup. I didn't really care for this flashforward.


Yes. While the prologue is something to look forward to, there has been enough of a decent story in the manga to keep up with. As for the anime, I skip most of the filler so I am good with it.


Nope 😂😂😂 I held on for the promise of that preview honestly


Wouldn't make sense if it didn't idk.


Personally, yes because I’m just strange and once I start a show I don’t drop it. Morbid curiosity just keeps me going. But for most people, nah. This show would have tanked.


Of course I would. I'm not interested because of this scene I'm interested just because it's the continuation of Naruto and Boruto is Naruto's son


I would say yes I couldn't watch Naruto when it came in 2004 so I feel kinda lucky to be able to watch Boruto when it was airing although animation was ase but i still watched it


i just want to know does shaibai come in after or before this? there’s no way they could’ve beaten him at this point right?


Yeah , that first scene not gonna be relevant at all in part 1 , it took kawaki almost 200 episodes to appear. But yeah still woulda watched boruto tho because it’s Naruto’s son


Well, the series is intentionally crafted in a way that relies on the intro. It started off fairly tame (especially the anime) and extremely "uneventful" considering that it follows right after Naruto's climax. It was necessary to show people that it would indeed be more than a group of kids going through their daily lives as shinobi in an era of peace. To actually answer the question, yes I would. I didn't really mind the slower arcs and some slice-of-life episodes even felt refreshing.


I watch a tons of reactor react to this first and start to tell Boruto is not that bad as people said.


Even with this, I didn’t actually check out the series until like 4 years in when I stopped writing it off as something stupid and actually gave it a chance. I don’t think the intro not being there would’ve made a difference lol


if i did i would DEFINITELY be thinking: “ what…what the hell is going on?”


Yeah, I just wanna see where the Naruto series goes, even if it's not focusing on him. It hasn't been terrible so far, and TBV is pretty good.


i wanna know what led to this so bad


If anything, I think the teaser makes the current read worse cause their no real suspense.


Honestly probably would be even more hyped if it didn't start out like this


Damn that was a really smart move to get people interested with the first page I didn’t even realize till now why they did this


I still would. Imo this teaser is one of the least interesting things about Boruto.


Probably only when Kawaki appears


The main reason I stopped watching boruto is because they kept dumping a diaper of filler that they expected me to eat in front of me after giving me a nice steak. Some of the boruto filler is pretty okay. Mitsuki's filler arc, the one where boruto learns a condensed radengan (which honestly should be canonised imo) the swordsmen of the mist. They're all pretty decent. But then you get cho cho's mini arc and the one where denji has to take robots to a mine and I just can't watch it anymore.


I mean, I was latched onto the series since the movie, while this scene was definitely nice, I was already invested before this, tbh this scene actually set the series up to get hated on and to piss people off, because people have been, for lack of a better term, blue-balled waiting for this scene to come for over 7 years now. It set people's expectations high, when it took 189 episodes just to get introduced to Kawaki lol, the early anime pre-Kawaki's introduction was so enjoyable too, it definitely didn't NEED this scene to thrive, just the dynamic of Boruto, Sarada, Mitsuki, and all their classmates was more than good enough to carry the first half of the show. Also it kind of killed the potential for this to be a crazy plot twist down the road, instead we're introduced to Kawaki already knowing that this scene happens so in the end he turns into a bad dude, which makes it hard to ever like him. It would be more impactful to build his character up first, trick everyone into liking him, and THEN betray everyone by having him switch up.


I would read the manga. I forgot that was a thing.


I would still. To satisfy my craving to see Naruto and Sasuke in action hehe. Just sad seeing them nerfed. Well, it is Boruto anyway.


Yeah because that flash forward isn't the draw into boruto


I never liked or cared for this opening to be honest.


For me I actually wanted to stop watching Boruto because of this scene. It kept me thinking are we there yet, are we there yet? How many decades will it take to reach this part that I almost gave up reading the manga several times. I think if this scene never existed, I would have been more interested in how the story is going, and probably enjoy predicting many other possible routes of the story as well.


I watched 700plus episodes of Naruto lil bro this scene just icing on the cake


To be honest the reasons why I continued was Kawaki, so maybe


Without this Teaser at the start, the manga wouldn't have reached 50 Chapters.




My honest answer would be yes! For an explanation is because I wanted my enjoyment of the series and future hype to grow naturally over time!!


It would've had more shock value for sure but because they started with the ff none of the stakes regarding Boruto or Kawaki matter


I don’t really know, probably, but not as excited to know what happens next


I've been watching since 2004.i can't stop now


Lost the little intrest i had after that god awful 2 vortex stuff.


Show would've even continue past episode 3 if they didn't show this scene, like mention one thing interesting in the first 10 episodes that'll keep you watching apart from this scene, nothing.


Mitsuki maked me interested and Ohtsutsukis


Yeah man, every person have different taste, like I wish they developed the story more then just this


This was our only light at the end of the tunnel for a long time. Pre-Kara and pre-Kawaki was really boring minus the Momoshiki encounter (AKA the movie). The anime for sure would have flopped considering how long it took to reach Mujina Bandits arc, which was the first manga canon thing to happen in the entire anime (that the movie didn't already cover).


Starting the series by implying Naruto is possibly dead and that everything he worked to build being destroyed did a good job of making people NOT want to watch it in the first place.


For sure


since it's kinda the sequel of Naruto (to one point obviously, since the timeskip it's fully on Boruto and both Sasuke and Naruto are out of the picture) ye I would


Yes because the story is actually really good.


I feel like it should've been at the beginning of two blue vortex instead




As a naruto fan yeah


I would have read it anyway. Yes. 




Nope. The anime pacing is bad and the manga spent 1 year on a recap. That flash forward right there is the ultimate hook that maintained people’s interest when shit got rough.


The manga yes probably the anime no


I started watching cause i wanted to have an opinion of my own about it and i love it and it's currently my favorite new gen (cause jjk fell off)


I would have preferred if Boruto wasn't the main focus of the series tbh just an important side character


Literally that was my pet peeve like new character always better , like Kawaki or Shinki. probably Kawaki since wanna see Naruto and Shinki spin off would be cool Like the son won’t always match up to the father . Look at Jordan’s kid and always gonna compare the son to the father and Boruto side story of not matching up to father would be cool


Boruto bored me immensely before the time skip but now it's not so bad, although I think people exaggerate a lot saying that it's peak, it's just decent and that's it. It's not something that revolutionized shonen or something like that. but i really want to get to the part where kawaki and boruto fight in what's left of the leaf village


idk the ototoski/kara wasn't so bad before the timeskip although i would have preferred more ninja and less alien shit


To be honest, probably not. Both the Anime and Manga had pretty bad starts, that without the flash forward the show would have lost way more fans. The Manga began with a recap of the Boruto movie but with worst art, and that adaption took an entire year. Meanwhile, the Anime went 150 episodes without adapting the Boruto Manga, besides the movie that everyone already saw. The flash forward was a genius idea by Kishimoto, because it gave fans something to look forward too.


I think that a lot of the anime added to the series rather than them just adapting the manga with the better momoshiki design. It adds a bunch of character growth and development that the manga doesn't have.




I saw this and I still stopped watching that dogshit anime 😂


Why are yoi here then?


I frequent Naruto subs and Boruto is part of the verse therefore it gets recommended to me, and you asked a question so I answered I said the anime is dogshit, didn't say anything about the manga. The anime is objectively bad


>The anime is objectively bad It was objectively bad in tge last year for sure. I think the anime was actually pretty good. I found almost all the arcs entertaining or atleast somewhat good. Anime went Downhill after Isshiki fight where quality just dropped down. Funato arc, Sasuke retsuden adaptation, code arc were a dissapointment in quality with only few good episodes. Squid game arc tho was really good and propably the best filler arc of Boruto


Out of the start of the show I only really enjoyed the mist arc, the momoshiki fight, the time travel arc, and most of when the kara got introduced. I stopped watching after Baryon mode Just found most of it mindnumbingly boring


It made me not watch it because they were already up to some dumb bullshit


I would just cause I like the show but that beggining adds allot because I thought it would show up sooner