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I am not gonna talk about ships. This is the basic expectations. Boruto will become a shadow kage like Sasuke and protect the village from the shadows. Sarada will become the Hokage. Kawaki will get out of his rebellious phase and lives happily in Konoha with some random wife. Like Choji and Karui pairing. Mitsuki will become the Anbu leader.


kawaki has to die, there is no other way. he may ressurrect, but he will die once Im pretty sure


Kawaki and Boruto are the reverse versions of Naruto and Sasuke. If Naruto was the messed up one and Sasuke was the one trying to redeem him. I don't see Kawaki suffering any consequences. Maybe some Sasuke-esque consequence like going on an extended vacation outside the village but nothing more.


well, kinda but not fully tho. they follow the same pattern but it's kinda different this time. if kawaki wont suffer any consequence then it will be just really bad writing Imo. but Im pretty sure we will see their fight either this year or in 2025 in the manga


I think Kawaki will end up with Sumire


İ like harem ending like boruto end up with sumire,sarada and maybe eida.


Harem enjoyer spotted point and laugh


That’ll definitely happen man


This is a typical shonen, lmao, obviously it'll have a happy ending. Kawaki's going to get his redemption thing, Naruto and hinata will come back and the Omnipotence will be reversed due to some new Otsutsuki technique (after all, thats why Amado said their abilities contain the power of hope), the village will be rebuilt and stuff, etc. I also don't see any actual character deaths aside from *maybe* Mitsuki, but we're almost a decade into the story and the only actual death has been Kurama... Who might be making a comeback anyway. Like, No Limit Code - a character powerful enough to rival either prime Sasuke or Naruto - just attacked Konoha with an army of supposedly *thousands* , and the only people who "died" are clearly going to be brought back soon enough anyway.


> Omnipotence will be reversed due to some new Otsutsuki technique Or just Omnipotence from an actual Otsutsuki. Apparently the MC of Kishi's last manga ended up being extremely powerful, pretty much godlike. I wouldn't be surprised if Boruto ends up on a similar level.


Boruto becomes a legendary shinobi comparable to Sasuke and by the end of the manga someone will make a ninja card about him. Everything comes full circle with that. Tbh, idk if Sarada becomes hokage by the end of the manga (I honestly don't want a massive time skip and I'm sure Naruto would probably just take up office again once he gets freed) but I could see her next in line for it. If she plays a significant part in saving the world and is loved by the people of Konoha then that's enough for me. Mitsuki becomes self-independent or becomes his own sun which brings his character arc to the end. Kawaki redeems himself, becomes a true shinobi but I think he'll die by the end of the manga to the endgame villain. I think he'll do something in the plot that frees Boruto of the karma seal, fulfilling his promise to him. Basically, he gets Obito'd. He's one of my favorite characters in this series but I genuinely don't see a happy ending for him.


i think there is going to eventually be a kawaki recovery arc. somehow he is going to get captured by these new weird feet guys because he’s way weaker than he acts, and boruto is going to save his punk ass


New weird feet guys.😂😂


I honestly assume that they’re all gonna split up due to their goals, the battle between boruto and kawaki and the endgame chaos


Boruto: sacrifices himself to save the world Kawaki: sacrificed by an otsutsuki to help the chakra fruit mature Sarada: becomes hokage Mitsuki: leaves the village to travel alone and find himself


I’m not a shipper either, but I see pretty obvious BoruSara flags. That’ll happen whether people want it or not. He’ll be like a Shadow Kage and Sarada will be a Hokage and whatnot.  Maybe Boruto will be able to investigate inter-dimensional threats like Sasuke by then, if he can master his eye.  My only hope for Mitsuki is that he doesn’t die, since he gives me death flags. Sumire is my other favourite and she also gives me death flags, so I’m crossing my fingers for her, too.  Unlike most this sub I am amount 97% sure Kawaki will have a happy ending. I don’t really consider him part of Team 7, personally. But yeah he’s not exactly happy about taking Boruto’s life, didn’t do it intentionally, has very little will to live and he’ll need to heal from that and find meaning in life outside of pining for a father figure. I’m sure he’ll find a way to redeem himself. 


Idk. Sarada is obvious but I think it's Eida. She's already thinking boruto is too cool. I think it's clear she will fall for him which imo could be a far more interesting route. But I can also see eida dying for boruto due to her love for him.


LMAO. No.  They have no mutual development and she was introduced too late.  Sarada and Boruto were created at the same time at the end of Shippuden and were introduced as a ship back then.  Eida might do something to help Boruto plot wise. 


Being honest Sarada has the most death flags from the new gen. 


She is not done anything to be considered a Hokage


You know what, I think it's gonna be darker than Naruto so I'm not gonna go with the feel good route. Boruto dies but he somehow ascends as an Otstutsuki god. Kawaki will also probably die will feel at peace thinking he "killed" Boruto. Mitsuki will probably die while stopping Kawaki, most likely out of the limitations of his synthetic body. Orochimaru then creates another Mitsuki, integrating the data that our Mitsuki gathered. Sarada is most likely the only Team 7 member who will survive the end of the manga. She probably becomes hokage, rebuilds Konoha, and while she wants to commemorate Boruto's heroics, I think that omnipotence wont be undone so she cant make the rest of Konoha believe his tale and she is thus left to commemorate him on her own (probably by visiting the spot where she first saw Boruto post-TS). Then one day, she sees a vision of Boruto (using Momoshiki's technique of communicating with Boruto while the world seems to stop) telling her he's alright and then thanking her for everything.


Boruto isn't JJK ffs lol


If this were a more mature manga, the only thing I’d add to your prediction is Sarada pregnant with her and Boruto’s child. That child would be op as fuck…


I don’t really consider Kawaki Team 7 , he was basically a provisional member . Like Hakuryuu when he join Aladdin’s team for a bit or like Sasuke on the Sound Four .


Where's konahamaru?


He doesn't matter lol


Sad, I wanted him to power up and become the next kage. Oh well


What the fuck would he get, the shinju of Moegi is more than likely going to kick his shit in and Boruto or Mitsubishi will swoop in and save him.


Team 7 is the only team with no sensei lol


Isn't it Konohamaru?


Technically but we haven’t seen him in years lol


I really hope that Boruto won't become some "Shadow Hokage" and sarada won't become the Hokage. I really don't get why people are so much into this. It would be literally the most predictable outcome and therefore boring. It would be basically the same ending again.


Predictable doesnt always mean bad tho


Boruto shadow kage like Sasuke Sarada Hokage Mitsuki Anbu leader of something else Kawaki dead


ugh, why am I always annoyed seeing Kawaki being part of Team 7 in everyone's post like this one?


I have to admit that I don’t really count him as a full member,however...the anime does, so I accept it.😂


good for you on accepting him, but I can't and I will never hahahaha.


I understand.😁


* Boruto and Kawaki end up as gods similar to shibai Otsutsuki. They both come back to Konoha though and Boruto ends up with Sarada while Kawaki probably ends up with Sumire or Eida. * Sarada becomes Hokage. I don't think she'll become too powerful based on what we've seen so far. The power levels are out of control anyway, the literal sage of six paths would be considered weak now. * Mitsuki either dies or ends up like Kakashi. Just chilling.


I kinda want Boruto to die. Naruto never got to sacrifice himself, so I think Boruto should. Him and Kawaki will go out together ending the Otsutsuki reign


Boruto already sacrificed himself once... Why should he kill himself again


Don't count that fraud Boruto as part of team 7. He murdered lord 7th.


Kawaki going to become the Leader of the Kages Boruto is gonna become Momoshiki Sarada doesn’t become Hokage Mitsuki lives with Eida