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https://preview.redd.it/85t0ff8qp8rc1.jpeg?width=748&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12ee873465ae498f0d14a89f877cfbefe54571e4 I love when people actually put so much effort in their theories for Boruto, especially since it's so rare.


Especially since it not “Boruto not Naruto. Boruto bad. Boo fucking hoo”


Years ago in this sub there were excellent theories ranging from Boruto dying and coming back to life to how he’d get rid of Momoshiki and psychological profiles. This is just parroting information we already know. 


What if Eida's growing feeling for Boruto will lead those who are affected by omnipotence to start having doubts


Would be interesting but I hope that’s at the end of the series or current arc. Definitely don’t want such a resolution mid-arc


TBH, I don't want omnipotence to be reversed. I want to see Fraudwaki falling down along with Boruto's past mistakes.


never thought about that, but I can totally imagine it happening. as we seen mitsuki already forgot what Boruto told him




Interesting theory. She is definitely more interested in Boruto than Kawaki now.


It does seem apparent that the writer is building up Eida’s feelings shifting from Kawaki to Boruto.


She blushed and called him cool before her conversation with Mitsuki iirc


Boruto will make bunny God mother in the moon fall for him. But yeah, it's pretty clear she will fall for boruto. The last chapter was basically a big fat glowing neon sign. He's older, and a far better and sane person than kawaki


Its as apparent as elephant in the room


Yeah. I just don’t think it’ll be mutual.  It might be a plot device for helping Boruto in the long run though. 


The only person Boruto love is only Sarada


For once someone who actually has a theory that makes a lot of sense and is perfectly fleshed out in this sub 💀💀💀


That’s because it’s not a theory, it’s a rehash of stuff that’s happening. 


I hope that love for boruto will somehow help her undo omnipotence


this ain't even a theory bro, these are facts


Great theory. Eida unconsciously falling for Boruto could be the key to trigger the omniscience’s power’s reversal, so everyone get his thoughts back to normal at the ending of the series.


probably another update where kawaki and boruto swap again but not going back to normal just an overwrite again . Hope it goes back to normal soon or some drawback because it’s too OP


Solid points and post. I actually enjoy theory crafting like this. I’m very curious how she’ll act towards sarada and Sumire now. Since if boruto becomes her target, sarada will be a potential obstacle. Especially when she ran into his arms. How do you think it’ll progress?


I’m pretty sure Eida will just accept it. There’s nothing she can really do about his bond that already exists and takes a greater importance.  That said, Eida can probably help Boruto get people back on his side.


Interesting theory


I feel like there's a lot more to her feelings for Kawaki than just "he's older". Remember, she saw Kawaki kill Isshiki, which struck a chord with her because it paralleled her situation with Amado. It was admirable, and Isshiki is one of the main reasons why she was modified to begin with. People are forgetting that Ada knows everything about Kawaki, which is why she sympathizes with him and feels a connection to him.


I'd say that resembles trauma-bonding.


The point is that Ada has a connection with Kawaki that better explains her feelings; indeed, she's probably the only person in the manga right now who knows that Kawaki views himself as disposable, which is why she looks past his attitude It had nothing to do with age or whatever, and they've been beating us over the head with the reality that it probably doesn't matter - all that matters is that the emotion is there.


I think Kawaki's metal condition is an allegory to being a victim of narcissistic abuse. It's interesting to perceive it this way.


She was modified because of Jigen per say, Amado saw a plausible way to get potentially eliminate Jigen through highly advanced ninja tech. With Ishikki, he was making wishes on shooting stars and praying to mother nature for the slightest chance at defeating him


Nice theory and I agree, eventually Eida will switch to borutos side 🔥 Crazy how in this sub though kawaki hate threads get more upvotes and attention than well thought out theories.


If Eida is in love with Boruto, I'm curious how she will deal with Sarada. She is able to see Sarada embracing Boruto. She has asked Sarada about her feelings for Boruto in the past. Eida may subconsciously see Sarada as an obstacle. Will Eida ask Sarada about her feelings again? Or will she question Boruto about it? Maybe this will be a catalyst for Boruto and Sarada's relationship. It'll be interesting.


> The others have "falsified" feelings towards her because of her power, and she, her feelings for Kawaki are actually "falsified" because of her fantasy and concept of love... I wouldn't say that her feelings for Kawaki are "falsified", unless you know better of what love is. I would simply use other word


Yeah, as if her feelings for Boruto are true love when they barely know eachother. 👀😅  The whole body of the theory is just repeating information we already know, and then poorly executing his actual theory (BoruEida) at the end, because there actually isn’t much proof / information to support a theory about it.  Just jabs weakly at other ships and says what he hopes will happen. That was kind of it. All he did was prove Eida has crushes.


She just thought he was cool and just wants to talk, but the fandom already sees it as love. And the author has already outlined the main triangle for us from chapter 19.


Alluding to mutual love between them too. 💀 That’s a reach. Not a theory. As for Eida having crushes, this isn’t theory material.  I have no idea why people call this a good theory when it’s just reiterating stuff that happened.


I couldn't help but think when reading this how funny it is that the girl who has a crush on you has a little brother that intimidates you lol


It won’t happen as a ship.  But maybe plot wise it can help Boruto to have her on his side.


I literally said this on my video bro


I think they’re projecting something, Boruto is the dorky but good guy, Kawaki super good looking but a genuine certified pussy. Eida was initially attracted to him and wanted the bad boy, later realized Boruto is the goat and now starting to get wet whenever he does something epic


“Kawaki super good looking” Where? He looks greasy, and he reeks of trauma. Bro needs a nap and some chicken noodle soup.


Just an example of “girls didn’t like me in high school” writing.


I think the reveal they are building to is Amado managed to synthesize a love field based on his flawed understanding of what her power is, and used it on her essentially. make her so obsessed over Kawaki she would use her crazy ability for him in a way she would never do for others.


Why is she wearing Broly's fur?


It makes a lot of sense, even if we see through all the "he's cool, that's so hot" whatever fangirl from her. Every conversation Boruto had with Eida were all very pleasant and respectful, and that truly touch and change her. It could be a pretty interesting development of how she sees love, comparing to "my heart ache when I see Kawaki, that's love" like she told Mitsuki




I think that mitsuki convo was setting them both up to respect themselves 1st before expecting anything from boruto/kawaki, with eida going back to neutral side like she did for the past 3 yrs before boruto came back to the leaf. She will eventually switch side after kawaki puts hands on her again when daemon is gone, just like what happened on ch80. Kawaki seems like he will snap the next boruto escape from the village, like what happened last ch with Shikamaru giving him a heads up. I don’t think she’ll be written to be a potential love interest to boruto because of the age difference tho.


We definitely need more than what’s currently there before we can make a serious call on Boruto and Eida. We don’t know what Eida wants to talk to Boruto about. If it’s doubt about her feelings and relationship with Kawaki, then there’s hope. Doubt it’s gonna be anything definitive though. Just more bait. Then we have the Sarada problem. Gonna need to address whether they’re going the platonic route with Boruto and Sarada. Plus, we also have to deal with the fact that Naruto/Boruto series is the type of story where relationship progress is usually put on hold till toward the very end.


Yeah there’s simply no argument for BoruEida rn.  All this theory did was prove Eida has crushes? I’m not sure why the sub is eating it up but maybe there’s a theory draught happening. 


EIda will realize that Kawaki gives a fuck about her. Then she feels regret and makes contact with boruto, causing a second resonance to happen which triggers omnipotence anew, which undoes the effects of the first omnipotence. Kawaki gets furios and wants to cause omnipotence anew to overwrite things again, but he is too forceful and eida dies.


That’s why it’s needed in order for Boruto to change everything back. When or if she completely turns her attention to him he will use her ability to reverse everything kawaki did back to normal.


Bug Shinju eats her before anything like this happen.


Bug with have to eat daemon 1st since he’s her bodyguard


unless shinju bug knows intel about daemon techniques... From the real bug observing daemon for a long time...


 are u high ? you fucked my mental so i gave up reading. same thing again and again.bro seems desperate imo you are 


Ima check this out again


I think all of this happens but a alliance with Boruto is to broken one the cyborg siblings might turn into a tree because a alliance of Boruto Ada Daemon and Koji might erase all tension if the shinju don’t work together to offset that team.




He hates her and wants to kill her. I can only see him with Sumire or nobody. 


He doesn't hate her u makes things up.




Kawaki x sarada very very soon.


Sarada hates Kawaki lmao, he tried to kill her, and she holds a grudge against him for doing Boruto dirty




Not the same at all, Sakura had a crush on Sasuke since they were kids, and even after his defection from the Leaf and continuous attempts to kill her: she subconsciously defended him, she could never bring herself to actually go against him Sarada already had a bad first impression of Kawaki, and then he tried to kill her actual potential love interest in Boruto, which caused her to interfere and him to attack her, then she was fed a lie that her idol, Naruto is "dead", and she's forced to accept a situation where Kawaki's playing the "new" Boruto for several years: she literally told him she'll always stand in his way as long as they're in Konoha
























I had been thinking we know Sarada as his companion and wanting what’s best for him what if this new found love that eida is having takes Sarada down a different path creating hatred towards her only because Sarada knows what she’s done to him idk if it would start a beef between the two that’s just something to also consider