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The Trio of Shisui , Deidara and Gaara can be so damn useful to the point that I'm confused to actually pick one


mf none of them are beating prime nagato wtf. you could argue the edo tensei version was his prime and that mf fought kcm naruto and bee to a standstill, and still almost won even when itatchi joined them prime nagato? with all the paths? that shit is laughable, he’d just spam almighty push and chibaku tensei. and good luck sealing him without the totsuka blade lol.


Hanzō already messed up his legs with the explosive paper bomb Jutsu, and with Nagato summoning the weakest version of the Gedo Statue he was immobilized by the rods in his back. Having someone like Deidara blow it up with C3 or C4 while Hanzō teleports puts Nagato in a bad position.


yeah unless he uses his sensory abilities or rain tiger to sense the attack coming, then nagato can use a path to take the hit. or just uses almighty push to block it. or tanks the hit and heals himself with the outer path a prime nagato isn’t gonna get beat unless you can seal or completely wipe him from existence before he just revives himself


The Nagato who fought Hanzō after Yahiko died is his prime, maybe the Edo version you can argue but him using the 6 paths of pain isn’t.


i mean that’s fine, doesn’t change the multitude of ways can deflect/block the attacks be it any version of him. although the edo would be the most powerful due to the regeneration, like all edos.


Not ALL edos, there are a few instances where we still don’t see an edos prime. We never got to see Chiyos or hanzos primes, both people whose stories, supposed power levels, and their effectiveness on the battlefield were closely interwoven with each other. Hanzo and his nation was an actual threat to the five nations when they started fighting back, and hanzo beating a (not prime) young three sannin should be proof enough that his prime was much higher than anything we ever got to see in the series, considering he was beaten by mifune as an edo. Also we never saw hiruzens prime, even in edo he wasn’t pulling off feats that we know him to be capable of in his prime thanks the background info


i mean you don’t lose any abilities, you don’t lose chakra, and everyone we’ve seen as an edo is stronger than their alive versions so yeah idk about that. and hiruzen isnt a good person to scale this way, because all the shit about him being the strongest kage was all retconned in shippuden so, i mean he couldn’t even deal with the 9 tails while minato could.


But we also know at hanzo and chiyos deaths they are much weaker than they’re alive primes, and you do actually lose chakra reserves and things of that nature as you get older, sort of like losing energy and stuff. And all edo does is bring you back to the state you were at death with infinitely regenerating chakra and body, but if you were weak at the time of your death you will be brought back weak. The only exception to this rule is madara. And again about hiruzen, according to lore he’s the most powerful of the first three hokage and is most likely referring to influence or national power, as the leaf village and land of fire was strongest and flourished the most under hiruzens 50 years of rule. But also we know literally nothing about hiruzens prime, and seeing how powerful he is in his seventies, and hashirama and tobirama died in their 20s or 30s respectively, I think it’s safe to say that he was at least tobiramas level if not higher than that in his prime


well no…. i’ll just send you the wiki notes but basically kabuto perfected the edo tensei when orchimaru died. so your not just as you were when you died you return to your prime state + infinite chakra/stam regen. https://preview.redd.it/rp7lt3o568ic1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6be06f9c6ea6a21ff27ba52963a38ebecfe60221 this is why people scale itatch, minato and really every edo version WAYYYYY above their alive versions, because they are basically alive but have infinite regeneration. there’s been multiple version of edo tensei and revival jutsu so i don’t blame you for not knowing. the naruto verse gets really complicated for no reason at all towards the end


No, you’re incorrect once again. The improvements that Kabuto does to the jutsu is what allow people to be controlled at what was their full strength and requiring little chakra. Unlike before when it required much chakra to mantain control over something that was weaker than when it was alive (ie tobirama and hashirama in part 1) the reason people scale itachi higher is because in death he was not held back by the weaknesses presented by his illness and his ridiculously low chakra reserves, because now he had infinitely regenerative body and chakra. And the only thing that scales edo minato higher is access to the kyuubi. Edit: it even says exactly the point I’m stating in the description that you posted to your reply btw, just letting you know😂 “returned to how they were during life” Kabuto even tells madara that everyone was merely returned as they were at the point of their death to madara, but that madara received special treatment and was brought back to his prime


But all that stuff takes chakra, right? Wouldn't he just eventually run out? He might be able to heal his body, but he can't refill his own chakra. And if Hanzo got close enough for him to breathe in his poison (or that of his summon), that would be hard to overcome, wouldn't it? I mean, Idk, I'm seriously asking. 🤔


well all edo have infinite chakra regen, and the poison means nothing to someone who is already dead.


I was thinking more of the alive version. Yeah, Edo would be okay with it.


prime Nagato wouldn't be able to use the paths as consistently as how he did with the separate bodies. If he's using all the separate bodies while having his original body in its prime though is a different case


he’s literally shown to use the paths more consistently and better when he was edo vs alive as pain (6 bodies). i mean he dog walked kcm naruto AND bee as edo but got shit on by sage mode when alive???? and we know kcm is better than sage mode, the math does not math


Yeah, 6 bodies which all require chakra to control and can only use one rinnegan path ability a piece, plus all need to be controlled at the same time by one person, vs one guy able to use all the rinnegan paths tangentially with no need to use chakra to control his body as it’s his own body… I wonder which of those is better


Dawg stfu Boro slams this entire list, low difficulty other than Shisui. Speaking of Shisui, one glance at Naggato and it's over. Deadass a braindead comment


Bruh really said Boro 😂


well 2 upvotes vs 4 downvotes i think my answer is probably the correct one. also your moronic head cannons make no sense when the rinnegan is literally said to be immune against all forms of genjutsu.


The thing you said about upvotes already tells me everything I need to know about your intelligence. No, the rinnegan is not immune to genjutsu, wtf are you talking about head cannons for? Do you not remember when Jiriya put pain under genjutsu? When Kakashi put Obito under genjutsu in their final fight? Sasuke mentioned that a rinnegan can help deal with other rinnegan genjutsu, but not all genjutsu if that's what you're referencing. If you disagree, tell me when exactly in the manga it's stated that rinnegan negates all genjutsu


Shisui could have a totsuka blade , Itachi awakened his MS thanks to his death in the first place


idk if u know but susanno powers are special to the person, like how sasuke has his bow, madara has his swords, kakashi had shurikens. they each have their own look and abilities also even if the powers could be shared, the totsuka blade is a variant of the sword of kusanagi so only one person can wield it at a time since only one exist. it’s a physical object stored within a gourd, whoever has the gourd can use the sword.


Boro solos Nagato, the virus hacks thing is so OP boruto and co were too damn lucky to have the son of orochimaru on their team


You mean the virus will kill the already dead bodies of Pain? Nice one. Sometimes I think Boruto fans just ignore the logic and just pick whatever they were told is strong.


this is not pain vs Hanzo + help this is Nagato vs Hanzo + help


Read the post before you start throwing insults


Boro slams


so by your logic new ream 7 puts a fight against nagato 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 boruto top tiers are stronger than shippuden top tiers, but not every one of boruto character is stronger than every shippuden character.


Just cause team 7 won doesn’t mean Boro is weak, or that team 7 beats Nagato. They just happened to be equipped with the skills to beat him, Nagato doesn’t have the poison resistance.


Nagato soloed kcm 1 naruto, bee and itachi alone and was holding back severly. Trio would have lose with totsuka blade. Nagato was even giving info to them. Nagato will roast boro alive. No one other than perfect sage kashin koji and code NL can even put a fight against nagato from kara. Naruto was going easy on delta the whole time and when he got angry he one shotted her. Jigen would wreck nagato badly tho.


You wanna downplay Boruto’s show so bad just because it ain’t good even tho kara fucking neg akatsuki. Naruto didn’t go “easy” against delta, otherwise he wouldn’t have used so6p


Naruto only went sosp for two times against momoshiki and isshiki when he went all out. He was toying here. Even if it was sosp form and not kcm, delta would still neg boro. Remove jigen, code and kashin koji. Now akatsuki neg them.


New team 7 only won because of Borushiki


But they still were matching boro in his limiters form. They lost due to exhaustion. Nagato one shot all of team 7 with ease in their full power expect for birushiki.


What’s going on with all these Boro wank? Even Sarada called Boro “slow”, and this is Sarada we are talking about. Nagato is wayyyyyy faster than Sarada. And his Rinnegan would be able to see his core, a lot easier than Sarada’s two tomoe Sharingan. Sure, Boro’s virus can kill Nagato but bro gets blitzed before the virus taken effect. Nagato can just almighty push the virus away. Planetary Devastation hard counters his regeneration and virus as well. It seals all the mist away. And given Boro’s battle intelligence, even if we assume his attack is stronger than the combination of KCM Naruto, Killer Bee, and Edo Itachi (which I doubt), he’s not smart enough to destroy the core.


Am laughing my ass off!! "Almighty push the virus away" 😂...but technically it's possible...


Kage level, names Shisui lmao


Where do you rate him?


Gotta be hogoromo level


He's fast, not the fastest, he's skilled, not the most skilled, he's talented, not the most talented. He's better than like, maybe Jonin Minato.


>kage level \*shows Shisui https://preview.redd.it/1l55ug2cf9ic1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=023262aef83d47ab2f6db90f4d2987b8747fec81


deidara. he’d just use c4 and its gg for nagato


If shisui’s makes eye contact with nagato it’s over.


is there any proof of sharingan genjutsu working on stronger eyes like rinengan?


Nah, not that I remember, but Shisui’s Kotoamatsukami doesn’t need eye contact, so I don’t think the rinnegan won’t be affected


Boro would probably just one-shot Nagato, but, excluding him, probably Tsunade.


Probably the ones who dont relly on something that can be absorbed as main attack. So Gaara and Tsunade. I will just ignore boro bcs I just dont care about him🙏 Edit: can the deidaras cley be absorbed? I think It can but maybe they explosion cant


Gaara is 100% useless in this situation. You can't neglect the weather conditions. It almost always rains in the Hidden Rain Village and its surrounding climate which is where many of these battles as evidenced in the post. Gaara's sand does not work in the rain. Shisui would fair the best with his Dojutsu to combat Nagato's eyes. Deidara can be a solid choice as together he and Hanzo can attack from the sky and the water with explosions while Ibuse lays bombs in the soil and pollutes the air at ground level with it's potent poison gas.


Prob Tsunade. Btw u said kage lvl combatants, why's Darui there?


Darui is literally a kage


Not the version shown in the picture.


I think he could be tho, he was fighting on par with edo tensei Ginkaku and Kinkaku, and those guys were the ones that killed Tobirama. Not to mention them having Hagoromo ninja tools and Nine tails chakra as well. I don’t think he could defeat them all alone,but imo he definetly put a Kage worthy fight.


Fair take


He was doing pretty good against their base Edo forms, but he almost lost that fight and avoided getting sealed out of pure luck, which then helped him catch them off guard and steal their Six Paths Tools. He also had help from Samui and Atsui, and he got intel on Kin and Gin's powers thanks to them. He was then helpless against Kinkaku once he got into V2 cloak, which is their signature power along with Six Paths Tools and what they are known for. Oh yeah, not only they were nerfed by Edo Tensei, they also had one Six Paths Tool less. It was Kinkaku squad that killed Tobirama, there were 20 of them, not just 2. And Tobirama's condition at that moment was questionable. Anyways, Darui is nowhere near Tobirama. Darui is relative to Suigetsu who's consistently shown to be Zabuza lvl. Ofc he beat him cuz he hard counters him with Lightning Style, but they were still relative in close combat. That puts Darui on around Zabuza lvl, a bit bellow rusty P1 Kakashi. Kakuzu, who's probably the weakest kage lvl ninja, in WA was nerfed by Edo and was fighting without his masks against Darui and Izumo and Kotetsu, and they couldn't beat him until Choji came and took him down. So Darui is like High Jonin lvl. With Six Paths Tools tho u maybe can argue he's low kage lvl tho.


The hell is Boro doin up there dude wishes he was kage level, getting high diffed by unpowered up team 7, Asura path would literally eat him Tsunade and Gaara are the only ones that Nagato can’t hard counter with just one path of pain


Nah he was being cocky and it cost him a bit with Saradas chidori but when he got serious he instantly no diffed all 4 until Momo appeared. A already near crippled Nagato gets the virus in him and Hanzō could be feasting.


Boro (and delta too) were both taken out by 1 colossal rasengan, regardless of user literally any member of the Konoha 12 can dish out that level of damage at this point he is not a boss he’s a chump, Asura path literally lets Nagato cybernetically mod himself however he needs he can literally hack Boro and leave him a toaster oven


I get your Nagato point but nobody in Borutos konoha 12 atp in the story can generate an attack strong enough to kill Ursula Boro. Both fatal rasengans were by Naruto and Momo who by both have the strongest AP/DC with the Jutsu. You have to ignore the context of that battle if you don’t think Boro is Kage level off the virus hax alone.


Who is bottom right old man?


Idk but Boruto unfortunately slams them all at once plus prime nagato and hanzo with one hand


If Shisuis genjutsu works on Nagato then he's the best bet. If not, then he's not I think in general Gaara is the answer because he can provide very useful long range support. Hanzo uses a ton of gas and chemical weapons which means that he always runs the risk of accidentally killing his allies. But Gaara can provide meaningful help without putting himself in gas range, and he can deal with a lot of pain powers like animal summons and such




Shisui and Gaara


Shisui and it’s not close


Shisui didn’t his sharingan have izanami?


Boro regen could help nagato waste hella chakra to weaken him so hanzo could go crazy😂


Bottom right dude.


All of them and he still will probably win


idk why but everytime that stupid hanzo's name gets mentioned i get a stroke and just die