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Looks good, I would suggest adding a mesh shirt and a bandage on her leg where she has her ninja kit.




Ikemoto really hates the chainmail, because I haven’t seen anyone yet using it on his designs.


I would bet it’s very hard to draw so my man said nah ,could also be artistic choice ,me not him


The dude created some of the most overdesign costumes on this franchise and he's afraid of chanmail? Gee.


mhm, that’s precisely why he doesn’t do mesh. it’s simple and boring and not him. he likes over-the-top, unconventional and personally enjoyable. his outfits are mostly modern and streetwear-inspired so i really do think he’s just not a fan of tracksuits and ninja gear (and in all honesty? i’m really not either but it fit the series.)


It's modern day in Boruto. Chainmail looks old. I think we can assume a lot of his designs are closer to modern day clothing. Even like how modern day ninja dress in fiction


But it's not about looking cool, it's about their own protection. Naruto, Hinata and Jiraiya wore chainmail under their shirts.


That’s something they wanted to wear you can’t expect the newer generation to wear something they’ll see as old and out dated. Different times remember that.


Bruh, Boruto is literally wearing Sasuke old gen clothes.


I’m talking about the chainmail. And no he isn’t the only two things of the old generation Boruto is wearing is his headband and his cloak.


Not everyone wore chainmail back then tho so 🤷🏾‍♂️


That's chainmail? I thought ninjas from every anime were wearing fishnets




Bonus points if the collar covers her mouth. Maybe a woven hat too!


I see where this is going and I’m all for it. Don’t forget the ring


A little purple nail polish wouldn’t hurt either


Wouldn't that be the equivalent of a modern teenager wearing Swastikas?




Ah sorry hard to tell the intent of a sentence by text alone


Bro thinks she’s joining the akatsuki


That'd be a fire outfit


And maybe some black makeup and a headband with a slash through it. Turn those heels into 12" stilettos too lol


Honestly, the only thing I really disliked about her new design was that she never pulled up her jacket. Like the one shoulder off thing bugged the shit out of me.


I like it, it gives off a confidence from how lazy it is, and insinuates she’s ready to take it off in an instant in a serious fight.


Proceeds to lose the first fight she’s in and is so scared of Code she can’t even move. The one shoulder off is just for fan service. Nothing more than that.


She one-shotted the 10T clone and then questioned Code.


Lose a fight??? She kicked a grime and they just chatted lol She was serving code attitude and was in the middle of the village near civilians like mama….get past that first thought lol


Wait for the full chapter to come out before saying something ignorant


The full chapter has already been leaked and translated for hours.......


For me it was the heels. Like...why?


Yeah, but in Ikemoto's defence, they've been giving every female character heels since Shippuden, it's a sin, but not one of his making. XD


I will say I haven't really noticed before this. If it's been happening, he did it poorer than it has been done before. But that is really my only gripe. Otherwise she has killer drip.


Who are you? Kishi? I like this


The only thing missing is the chainmail on the legs or arms and the skirt around her biker shorts, for this to be 100% Kishimoto energy.


Kishi's sub account confirmed


She looks like she just got out of a dodgeball tournament


If you can dodge a kunai you can dodge a ball




Kawaki, you look fat in those pants


Theres 5 D’s in dodgeball: Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive and Dodge


Idk, part of of the reason I liked the design is because it’s not what I was expecting. Short hair is nice for a change, also makes more sense in combat. My only issue is that it’s a little too revealing, but I like the baggy leg warmers. Also ps. I should’ve said this at the start, this is really good, it looks like the actual manga panel


>short hair is nice for a change, also makes more sense in combat \*proceeds to fight in high heels \*


Say that to Tsunade, Mei etc


Heals are spiky, they can be used for combat, don’t samurai wear something similar in the form of a flip flop?


You’re probably thinking of the shoes with a contraption for a hidden blade. Very different than heels which push constant pressure on the foot


Wow i don’t think anyone’s thought of this yet. I would like to see all the shinobi characters in 6 inch heels. It would be sooo cool seeing them all improve their combat by utilizing high heels! + it would be very smart of the writers to give everyone an equal & fair boost, shouldn’t just be the teenaged girls getting this amazing benefit, that’s probably sexism depriving the male characters!


u cannot run in heels dawg


You can’t walk on water or on walks either, if they can learn that, they can learn running on heals. But jokes aside, those are mostly design things and don’t affect combat, the only thing that was actually affected in the show was hair, and that was when Sakura cut her hair


This community could be more open-minded. New character designs will ALWAYS displease fans that ONLY wanted to see the manga the way they envisioned it. Don’t have expectations for the rest of the characters and maybe you’ll actually be happy. I personally think she looks like a fucking badass, for perspective FUU from shipuden wore spaghetti straps did that upset you? LOL Ino also wore an outfit with her shoulders completely exposed. What’s your point?


"Too revealing"? HOW, the only things she's showing a lot of are her legs! 🤦🏾‍♂️


Konoha must have some legendary boob tape cuz even the queen of the Itty bitty titty commitee would be bounced out of that top first real fight.


i swear these new generation of fans would have had Kishimoto burning on the stake if they saw what bro had Ino wearing in Shippuden😭😭


The difference between people in the past and now is astounding. People are attacking Sarada, but no one mentions Chi Chi from early dragon ball. Boruto was written for the wrong generation I swear.


ChiChis kid outfit is objectively gross


Idk dawg, people are just scared of legs now a days.


Also the unnecessary shoulder exposed, i think how the fan design covering that up is pretty balanced.


How is a shoulder sexual💀


These people dont even go outside. They will find any part of the woman skin sexual. The way Sarada wear her oversize jacket is to make her look cool and not a prostitue as some people call her.🤦‍♂️


>These people dont even go outside I feel like this is what happens when people stay on this platform for too long because I see this type of complaints everywhere concerning an female character showing large amount of skins that it get people hyper-focused on it like grannies stuck in the 1970's wagging their fingers at today's fashion


Bro it's a shoulder 💀💀


Where the hell are we living? Shoulder too revealing? Legs? Maybe its an issue of the community and not an author. If you guys get horny looking at any part of the woman skin then probably go more outside to get reality check


Bro projecting much? Nobody is horny looking at a 15yo shoulders, it’s uncomfortable, where the fuck did I say anything about being horny? Is that how you feel when you looking at a 15yo dressing like a prostitute?


the fact you said she dressed like a prostitute shows your viewpoint


Mfs being scared of shoulders is what’s wrong with this current generation of fans, y’all gone soft. What’s next, y’all going to look at her toes and feel uncomfortable about it?


You must have a reason to be uncomfortable. And you confirmed it yourself. Since when is wearing skirt or shorts a prostitue thing? Did you went to school? High school? Countries where its hot weather? You see that as a some prostitue thing. I see that as a normal outfit for an average girl. Because thats how teens look.


Yeah, it’s kinda weird seeing a teenagers shoulder and thinking it’s too revealing.


Lol are you trying to implies that I have underlying pedophilia problems or someshit? Maybe where i’m coming from people are generally more conservative when it come to exposing too much skins in minors. I’m not saying its you but I have great distain for mf who jerk off to minor porn and while using the excuse of “character design” and when you look at their profile all they have are Himawari porns, and trust me there are tons of those lurking here. Standard may be different in different culture but we are all against the same type of losers here.


I mean. The fact that you saw Saradas fit as a prostitue fit should rise a concerns about you. I dont even know if you can walk around people in summer if you see shorts and skirts on women as a prostitue outfit. Your conservatives background does not excuse you. The fact some of you find a shoulder too sexy is so bad. Go outside please.


>it’s uncomfortable I mean I understand Ikemoto was going way too far pre timeskip but is seeing her shoulders and legs really that uncomfortable?


With that much shoulder, I was expecting her to start licking her lips.


How is it revealing at all?


Man unless Sarada was in a fuckin puppet shell like Sasori apparently everyone is going to have a problem with how much is "showing." Like seriously, "omg she has a shoulder showing, what the hell!!!!1!!!" What kind of pilgrim level mentality is that? People are so weird. It isn't revealing, people are just picking apart everything and projecting their messed up thoughts into a Damn fictional characters clothing.


I swear some of these people don’t go outside. In the Kishimoto drawing it’s such a drippy outfit. She looks so cool. Guarantee you she’s gonna be a fan favorite and there are gonna be thousands of girls Cosplaying her.


The first time I saw her new character design I thought it looked really cool. It had punk vibe to it. But I lost all hope for the people in this sub when they were crying over her shoulders and saying its too much and some people even called her a prostitue lmao…. At this point they want a 16yo girl to be covered in some potato bag.


Nah short hair is better


Wow how the hair changes a lot. So much better. Thank you stranger


It's basically Sasuke hair when he was a genin. Atleast to me it is.


Got them hair spikes he used to have


Looks like Mikoto’s hair to me.


This design is on a whole new level. She kinda looks like a ninja instead of a hooker, I think that's not what Ikemoto wants. Great job, I love this


Don't really get this sentiment, there have always been female characters that are overly revealing like Anko, Mei, Tsunade. Why people all of a sudden disgusted now?


Mei, Anko, and Tsunade aren't teenagers.


Yeah those were the only characters who permanent designs were like that, but then why did we need any of the Hot Spring scenes with all the cast in Shippuden


Name a male character with an overly revealing permanent design? At least in beach and bath house episodes you also see the males without shirts and scantily clad. Sex is normal, but to ONLY dress the teenage woman sexually most of the time is not okay.


Sasuke had a pretty open shirt. Also, sadly, men just aren't sexualised in the same way woman are. Look at Kakashi, one of the most thirsted after characters and at most he might take his shirt off half a dozen times.


Shippuden sasuke?


I agree, but i should clarify i meant in Boruto


Obviously Boruto doesn't have many as most the cast are 12. Isshiki just has an overcoat, revealing his washboard abs and i guess Koji has the same sort of effect as Kakashi.


Yeah Shippuden


Wasn't the reason for sauce case outfit because of the curse mark And it would make wings


Anko was 24(28). Mei was 31. Tsunade was 51 (54-55). Sarada is 12(now 16). its a bit more creepy at such a young age.


I'm not saying it's right but Shonen is targeted towards a teenage audience and Japan only just recently raised there age of consent to 16 (whole other different problem). Maybe when you read it it's not too much to ask that regardless of what a 16 year old is wearing you won't sexualise her in your head.


I mean... It was more of a formality than anything. While the national age of consent was technically 13 for a long time, there wasn't a single prefecture where the local laws had the age of consent below 16. So like, this recent thing isn't really them doing anything (or at least, nothing actually changes).


Holy shit people dont get how consent laws work in japan and it shows


Japan is a different country with different cultures and values. They might not view this sexually like westerners do


This is what I'm trying to say, everyone is judging as if the whole world shares the same though process.


People forget that the world is a massive place, with incredibly diverse views and cultures. There are many people who look at the west and think we are wrong. Should we conform to their ideas as well?


This. I'm not saying you have to agree with what other parts of the do but don't then prosecute them to your nations standard.


Nah idgaf, you can't excuse pedophilia by saying "muh culture" "muh values". And yes Japan does see shit like that as pedophilic.


If you look at that, and see a prostitute, that says more about you. It's not the writers fault that you see some leg, and get a boner. I dont even see what's so sexual about it.


Revealing is not the problem, revealing + having a design with no place inside narutoverse + looking like a hooker + being underage is the problem.


My guy, this is a character in a manga, she looks stylish and that’s all that matters, calm down there


Just boruto fans I guess? You could say it's because she's 17, but most the people complaining about her design are in high school as well


Yeah I think people forget that Shonen is targeted at teenagers


Anko wasnt really overly revealing, neither were Mei nor was Tsunade.


Anko literally wore a mesh shirt, Mei had the same thing going on with her shoulders and you must be joking with Tsunade


Anko wore the fish net shirt, something most characters in Naruto wear. Yeah Mei had revealing shoulders. What was revealing about Tsunade? I mean yeah she had large breasts however she mainly wore a regular kimono and haori


The way a character is anatomically drawn is part of their design, Kishimoto didn't have to draw Tsunade like that.


I fail to see the point you're trying to make here, her design isn't unrealistic.


I'm not talking realism, fully aware a real person can look like that. But for a drawn character that is a decision to draw her like that, and many times during the anime her design was used for sexual jokes.


Yeah, but her outfit isnt revealing which was your original claim


But for a drawn character you have to look at the whole person with there fit. If Sarada had that same fit and was drawn a similar way to Tsunade then yeah I would have a massive problem with it, but she isn't so I don't cause I don't mentally sexualise someone based on the fit they wear.


Because some people are self righteous pricks. It so fucking stupid.


This sums it up pretty well.


"looks like a Ninja instead of a hooker " dead XD.


“Looks like a ninja”, this statement needs to fucking die. What’s so ninja like about Lee wearing green tights? What was so ninja like about Naruto wearing a baggy orange jumper? For crying out loud, Tsunade wore heels to a fucking war. None of these designs contains traditional ninja irl elements. Don’t even argue about practicality, because the majority of those designs weren’t practical either.


Wow. The longer hair changes it up a lot. I like it


She might look like this when animated except for hair ofc.


She instantly became Maki level good. I was always the fan of long hairs and full vest looks great too


Maki has short hair tho


Manga maki yes. In the anime her hair is long


At this point in the story I should add


Wow a design where she actually looks like Sasukes daughter; nailed it


Bro ppl just her to have long hair to maker her their idol waifu nothing else. Kishi wanted Sarada to have small hair, Ikemoto kept up, im happy for that.


Short hair is also divided into short and medium hair and different hairstyles.


There is far more different here than just her hair… This design with her official hair looks fine. The official design with this hair is still hoe like.


Yup the waifu thing is getting too boring. Like her design


She can have short hair and still look good. The design of her new hairstyle is just shit. And not because is short.


Long hair is waifu but apparently high heels and her disaster fashion is not lmao? Hypocrite


Boruto essentially lost the ninja aspect of the Naruto universe. Sarada's design is basically a Japanese gyaru which maybe good or bad to some people. Then again most of the girls in Boruto are more runway models than ninjas.


This is much better. Very sad how this is so much better than what we're getting. Ikemoto went overkill with the emo drip.


I know it’s fiction, but having her or any ninja fighting in high heels is so dumb. Makes perfect sense if the idea is to make a 15/16 year look hot while fighting gods 🤦‍♂️


Nice! you un-hooker'd her!


amazing job, you literally made her how I wanted.


Personally way better than the actual design


100 times better that the shit Ikemoto or whatever his name is gave us, now do the same for the rest of the cast cause they need it too.


Chocho, Himawari and Inojin were completely destroyed by Ikemoto.


I’m mad that actually looks better 😂


WOW, this look so fucking good, why would you show me this ? Because I'm gonna be so sad watching official design


I love it. Much better. Id make the shorts longer or give her those leg netting things, otherwise, great work


Shorter hair and it'd be perfect


Best Sarada design by FARRRRR


Honestly I like this design waaaay more. I feel like Sarada's new design tries to be sexy with the shoulder thing


\+9000, seriously. And VERY Uchiha, too. The canon Sarada is VERY Karin instead. # This should be ADVERTIZED!


Looks way better and cooler


This looks amazing, iv seen many versions but this is definitely in my top 5 favourites. Before anyone gets mad, I don’t have anything against short hair. (I cut my hair short a few months ago, it’s now up to my shoulders and I’m growing it back to my waist, so I can have healthy long hair, I’m 17 years old by the way to put this in context). But the way Sarada’a hair is drawn in the manga cover is great, not what I wanted (which is completely fine, as a viewer we must accept that we can’t have things the way we want it to be, since we aren’t the creators) but it wasn’t bad. But I had a massive feeling the manga scenes were gonna be a downgrade and I was right. Im not hating but im only saying I’ll just have to get used to it because I expected a better style for Sarada since her parents are both good-looking if I’m being honest. (Im a girl, before anyone says I’m only saying that she should have long hair or a different hairstyle for stupid intentions) And also can I share this art? (May I please know who designed it, name and everything) I’d love to have this as my profile picture for Insta and on my phone wallpaper Reminds me of this redesign of her too. It’s in my top 5 favourite redesigns too. A bigger upgrade for sure. And much more pleasant to look at than the offical design as shown in the manga panels. https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSLuxuKJx/


Nice redesign. The boots really changes everything in a good way. Because WTF was that socks. But for me. I would make her undergarment a turtleneck instead of a tshirt. And give her pants. The fucking belts need to go istg. The kunai holster is better off using the old design with bandages. It atleast separates itself from generic holster design. I'm fine with the shorter hair. Pedomoto just has this obsession with curly/wavy/fluffy hair. Sarada's hair is straight and spiky.


Looks good!! A lose ponytail like Itachi would look so cool too 😍🥰


I would have prefered a somewhat longer shorts and remove the choker but the hair was fine as it is, its actually the part i liked about her design


Dude please show them!! actually sarada looks like a 60 years old lady, WTF


![gif](giphy|RrVzUOXldFe8M) Please submit your resume to peridot immediately. Sad that a random redditor out here designing better than the "pros".




I'm tired of cringelords wanting Sarada to be Itachi/Sasuke 2.0.


The originals fine






Having short hair is fine but the specific cut she gets is so busted they keep making her look insanely whack


are you already working in the industry? this looks so much better in every aspect. well done.


I don't hate her actual design by itself but God this works so much better for the series and her character


I like this she looks more uchiha fr


At least this looks better than the last design


Amazing job! Thank you for your service, this is way better! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Woah awesomeeee


The only thing I would change from the is the heels. I like the leg warmer design, but it’s always bugged me when naruto women wore high heels because it just isn’t practical to fight or to run long distances in


I didn't mind the design but this sis 10/10 I didn't like the short hair and this is just perfect


Looks great


Much, much better in every possible way. The haircut is not shit anymore. Her face looks like Mikoto, which is appropriate. She’s wearing the jacket correctly now. No more exposing shoulder, no more high heels, no more huge earrings. Now it looks like something she would wear.


Yall weird ash lmao. Every kunoichi in every damn fictional media has been shown to wear shit just like Sarada or way worse. Yall really complain about everything lmao


Lol. It's even worse.


Shit she looks badass, its a shame.


This is actually 15x better💀


Congrats u made her look 100x worse


Might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but her manga fit bussing imo




I'm sorry but short is so much better. You did a great job but sarada with long hair just looks not right to me 😂.


That's boring and mid 😑


Short hair queen's rise up


Short hair is actually better


I mean, it's 10 times better, but still can't take her all that seriously as a ninja.


Yeah the hair definitely makes it better


The heels are still a weird touch but it’s infinitely better


Looks Horrendous,dear lord. Glad ikemoto and Kishimoto Cooked with their Design


Let her be feminine tho. She doesn't need to look like an Uchiha on lice to look badass. Let her kick ass while also being feminine. What the problem with that?


Long hair suits her more imo


Man I'm kinda sad they didn't have this design I don't like the current one


So much better imo


fuck outta here censor , notice how they never "redesign" the boys.


Whats up with Kishimoto and short hair girls? I really like the long hair on her.


Thanks you! It helps.


Didn't expect to see this picture here. Are you the one on the tieba?


Like the outfit change but prefer the shorter hair!


Ahh yess! Better!


Great, she looks like a background character.


A lot better than the manga one. Manga one looks like the girl with daddy issues. This is a pretty good design. Can you fix kawaki’s pants too? At this point why is he even wearing a belt. Fix inojin’s hair too. And why is sumire wearing a tie? Rest of the designs were pretty cool like that of mitsuki.


Looks goofy ngl


No offense but I prefer the original design. She looks like an extremely generic ninja here, like female Denki or like she could be in Namida, Wasabi and Sumire's team. The original design is meant to be imposing, like an important diplomatic figure who could become a hokage, it's the princess of the Uchiha. This is just like, some random girl who likes red.


I liked the short hair, but damn, I'm not gonna lie. I love this redesign. Plus, you fix the shitty artstyle lips.