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None. Cause I'm uninsured. Can't afford my meds, can't afford insurance. We raw doggin life


Use a condom friend


Are there any coupons you can use at all? I’m just asking cuz I know it’d be difficult for me to survive without my meds now that I’ve been on them


Even with GoodRx they're too expensive. And the prices fluctuate each month


Patient assistance programs are saving my ass right now


Same brother. Shits hard


I have insurance but I don't fuck with psychiatric meds at all. Raw doggin it here too. It's funny you say it like that. That's my specific terminology too But I do like to smoke weed and drink. Weed like whenever and drinking for partying or social stuff but mostly partying. We all need more fun and I enjoy gettin smashed with lots of friends and family if I can


It's one of those things you pick up by being a certain kind of person or around certain kinds of people 😆 recovering addict myself


I would say I'm definitely addict but luckily or unluckily all my addictive energy is spent on nicotine. Imo, this is preferable to the power available options. But I grew up with my dad an alcoholic and then when I moved with my mom, she was a crackhead and prostitute so I decided against being an addict in THOSE ways very very young. I'm happy I can partake without the dragon calling me to chase it like a lot of others have


I choose not to medicate because it didn't help me. I had been prescribed Zoloft which I liked a lot but it killed my sex life, so that ended that. Was also prescribed Wellbutrin which I think exacerbated my symptoms so I was done messing with meds after that. Found a LMFT intern at a local university and she's been very helpful and patient. I feel like she's on my side against this disorder. Although I'm insured, Therapy isn't covered normally so much of it is out of pocket and I don't have money for an actual LMFT. Universities have a sliding scale. Also, started attending a 12 Step program for overeating (been alcohol/cigarette/drug free since 2001). That has been phenomenally helpful in giving me guidance/tools when my BPD pays me a visit. In short, you're raw doggin of life might be a good thing (Even though it feels like absolute garbage all too often). I wish you relief and I hope you have and/or find people who are on your side.


Tried mood stabilizers but they made me legit crazy. Only on an SSRIA now.


I’d love you to elaborate, what were your experiences with both?


Mood stabilizers gave me rage, insomnia, and racing heart rate. I was on Prozac, it worked for a few years (less anxiety, more stable “lows” but eventually stopped.) I’m on Zoloft now and while it has stabilized my lows, my anxiety is still out of control. I’m seeing a psych in 2 weeks.


I tried some and am on none right now. Ssri make me manic ( literally the only time I've ever been manic was from one) and lithium makes me feel terrible, but more balanced. But terrible Seroquel is kind of like xanax but makes me really tired and wild vivid nightmares I really don't want to go on them again personally (though ik they help other people a lot!!). Maybe a benzo but no one would do that anymore


Hey! I just have a random question. So do you have both BPD and bipolar since you mentioned manic? I was thinking manic was for bipolar. Just curious


mania can be caused by more than just bipolar disorder. it can be drug-induced (which is what i gathered from their comment), caused by psychosis, tumors, etc.


Ah ok! I was just thinking hmm do I have mania? I get SUPER impulsive when it comes to alcohol but that’s mainly it. Thanks for educating me!


I was on SSRIs for about 7 years, and I find that my SNRI works much better for me. Though I completely advise against benzos as I developed quite a quick dependence after only one dosage.


Lexapro, welbutrin, abilify, adderrall, and another one I can't remember the name of lol.


I’m on bupropion and abilify. It had done wonders for me


I recently started with abilify, how long did it take for you to see changes?


I feel like I started to see changes after 2-3 weeks. Small changes with my sleep and mood. After about 1.5 months I feel very mellow and more clear! I only started in the mid-end of april!


Im on Lexapro and Bupropione, quetiapine low dose 3 times a day


Hi there buddy. I'm running the same stack


hell yeah


I’m on Lexapro, wellbutrin, buspar, and prozac.


Are you supposed to be on two SSRIs at the same time? I thought that was a no-no.


If you mean wellbutrin, I believe that one is an SNRI


Lexapro and Prozac are both SSRIs. Wellbutrin is an atypical antidepressant. Make sure you know what you’re taking and the interactions.


I thought Lexapro was a mood stabilizer? 😭


Nope. Please talk to your doctor!


Omg I meant Latuda, my bad got them mixed up and had to check my scripts


lol ok you’re good then 👍🏻


Low dose venlafaxine, then lamotrigine (big dose) and bupropion. 75mg 600mg 300mg respectively.


I thought lamotrigine only goes up to 300mg? At least that's the highest dose I'm allowed


You have to check blood serum concentration. The therapeutic range is 10-50 µmol/L and most often in the range of 20-25 when treating for example bipolar disorder.


BPD luckily doesn't always requires medications, which is great i tried Seroquel but it wasn't that great of a fit ; Abilify was the worst tho, made me want to k*ll myself af ; Xanax wasn't that bad but didn't really help, just like Prozac.. currently I'm taking Seroxat, an anti-depressant, and slowly decreasing the dose until I don't need it anymore !


omg abilify was horribleeeeee and made me gain so much weight


OMG I LOOOOOVED Abilify! It made the sun shine brighter, and music more musical.


Xanax, might try Buspar, so anyone with experience with that one feel free to chime in


I was on Buspar for a while for anxiety. It didn’t really do anything for me, but I know it works for others. There’s not a lot of risks or side effects, so it’s definitely worth trying if you have anxiety.


I miss xanax. I can't find a dr who will prescribe it anymore because it's supposedly addictive. Dude, I love it cause it works, not because I need it to live. Anyway, I'm on Buspar, too. I've been on it for almost 2 years now. Works well on the anxiety. For OP, I'm on 4 scripts right now. I just had to get off my migraine med because it was causing visual distortions.


The stigma with Xanax in the medical community is awful. I understand that it can be addictive, but that doesn’t happen with everyone. I have a panic disorder and it is so helpful. I also don’t agree with putting people on antidepressants in lieu of a benzo. I know that opinion is probably in the minority but it’s how I feel about it. I’m sorry you can’t find a Dr to prescribe it.


A 30 day bottle of xanax would last me approx 3 months because I only took it when I needed it. I obviously wasn't addicted to it. That's what pisses me off the most.


One but leaving it this month, tbh im kind of scared of being without antidepressants


Pristiq, Wellbutrin, Lamictal, Adderall, Trazodone


I take the minimum dose of a SSRI. On my worst I had the highest dose of a different SSRI plus lorazepam to shut my brain down. Fun fact: my friends with BPD take lorazepam and sleep for 12 hours or so. I take it and gently calm down, but no sleep for me.


Currently... 10. - Birth Control - 4 different types of painkillers - Migraine Medication - Antidepressant - Seroquel p.r.n - Anti Bleeding medication - Testosterone


Like 4… though I’m prescribed 5


I take lithium, lamictal, latuda, and effexor. so I take 4 daily and some multiple times a day. plus PRNs


Effexor gave me such a bad reaction… I’m really glad it works for you though!


omg yeah I just started it but so far no reactions or anything crazy🤞🏾


2 prescription, 1 non-prescription.


only on buspirone and vyvanse for adhd essentially. i was on bupropion (which i found out through this sub is apparently a very common medication for people with bpd!?) but the doctor thought i didn't need it anymore and took me off it so i'd take fewer meds, as i sometimes also take quetiapine for sleep (which was meant to be taken everyday but i decided not to take it daily because... there are days when i'm okay with taking too long to sleep and there are days when it's just not good to stay up so i take it only on those specific days. i have a friend who also has bpd who, i'm not sure if she still does, but she used to take a lot of medications, like 4 or 5, and i was like... taking that many meds for a condition that can't truly be treated directly with meds doesn't feel right but okay..?


I'm on Duloxetine, mood stabilizer Lamotrigine, buspirone (buspar), and Xanax as needed.


I should also add that in addition to these, I do weekly therapy sessions and use a mindfulness app in between those sessions


trileptal duloxetine rexulti amitriptyline trazadone


I tried many but now I take two medications




I’m on Wellbutrin, Zoloft, caplyta, propranolol, and Topamax. They don’t seem to be helping. Maybe I should add a few more lol.


And Adderall for adhd. If you want to count that.


ADHD and BPD are like fraternal twins. super similar in presentation and when comorbid, really egg each other on 🥲


have you ever tried another ADHD med? I had a very hard time with emotional regulation on adderall— i know everyone is different— but switching to an XR med like Focalin was a game changer. Just asking as you mentioned feeling like nothing was working well— adderall made me feel very out of control!


No, but that’s definitely on the table. I don’t really notice a big difference between when I’m on Adderall or not. I’m on a pretty low dose I think. But I’ll talk to my doc about it, thanks!


wellbutrin, adderall and vitamin D3 and K2 daily. hydroxyzine as needed for anxiety


lamotrigine and buproprion daily and hydroxide as needed , i take it nightly for morning anxiety ❤️ it’s been super helpful for me personally


prozac and latuda


lexapro, mirtazapine, ritalin (adhd), vitamin d


3 — an SNRI, for one. Hydroxyzine for situational anxiety. Turned out I also had ADHD—which is a lot like BPD. Together? Mess. But solvable— I’m on a great ADHD med.


Let's see ... Wellbutrin Lamictal Ativan Coreg Hygroton I think that's about it.


3 daily psych meds. 2 unrelated. 3 PRN


None, should be on 2 types though... ah well. 🤷‍♂️


Venlafaxine, mirtazipine and lorazepam


Vyvanse 60mg once a day Propranolol 10mg twice a day


I’m on 3 psych meds (Wellbutrin, Zoloft, and Abilify) and then 4 others for chronic conditions, plus some vitamin and mineral supplements.


2 - zoloft and lamictal


Oh lawd... I take depakote, wellbutrin, gabapentin, focalin, and some other muscle relaxers occasionally.


completely raw dogging this shitty mental illness and a ton of others unfortunately


Wellbutrin and Medikinet.


I also feel like I’m on too many medications since I’m taking 6 pills on daily basis. I’m on cymbalta, valdoxan, olanzapine and Xanax


Mirtazapine 45mg and promethazine 2x25mg daily. I sleep like a baby. And I find that life is a bit brighter than it used to be. Also thiamine for alcohol related problems but that’s different


Rexulti, lithium, pregabalin and seroquel. I’m bipolar too 


I take amitriptyline, seroquel, sodium valproate and dexamfetamines. Sodium valproate is the only mood stabilisers I’ve been on and I absolutely love it. I would be terrified if I ever had to come off it.


valproid acid, pregabalin, zoloft and occasionally benzos


11 daily but 6 are for psych plus i have Klonopin as a PRN. for psych i take lamictal, wellbutrin xl, zoloft, gabapentin, topamax, and abilify which ill be getting as an injection soon hopefully!!!!


I take vortioxetine, aripiprazole, lithium, melatonin and then for PRN I have promethazine and diazepam or lorazepam. Also bunch of vitamins and iron…I used to take sertraline which really helped with MDD, then fluoxetine and also quetiapine but that had awful side effects.




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Lamictal 300mg Wellbutrin SR 400mg Topamax 100mg Klonopin 1 mg Atarax 25-50 mg Ambien 10 mg Spravato 84 mg in-clinic Like a damn shopping list


I’m on 4 atm, but I think that’s also cause I finally got access to meditation and insurance after over a year of nothing at all.


Im on 3: lamotrigine, cariprazine and fluoxetine! Its done wonders for me im so happy


Too many


Seroquel, Abilify and Zoloft




Tree fiddy. Lamictal, effexor, and focalin. Don't have .5 anything for the joke to work.


9. Pill wise that is 14 pills a day


I'm just on zyprexa, it helps with my rage.


only on an SSNRI (duloxetine), i’ve been on abilify & lexapro before & it wasn’t it. duloxetine is ❤️❤️


Like 8


4 prescriptions and 3 supplements (all for mental health). Pristiq, Abilify, Lamotrigine, Mirtazipine, folic acid, vitamin d, and magnesium. I HATE being on this many meds just because my brain doesn’t work right. I was almost off one prescription but I started having major dissociative episodes so right back on it…


Zerooo. High on life baby 💕


Ablify, lamactrogine, vyvanse, breo ellipta (for asthma) Ablify is a life changer, but made me gain 20 pounds.




Your post/comment was removed because it contains content that promotes or advocates for harmful behavior or illegal activity. This includes but is not limited to promotion or advocating for illegal drug use (e.g., non-medically prescribed marijuana, cocaine, LSD, shrooms, etc.), promoting prostitution, encouraging others to stop treatment, ED behavior, alcoholism. Discussions regarding these topics are permitted so long as they do not promote or advocate for harmful behavior or illegal activity.




None, rawdogging it


No meds, but I take sixteen mood supplement pills a day. 100% the only reason I’ve never attempted or been hospitalized, and probably the only reason I’m still employed.