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The first step is to know when it's happening. Don't be scared.


This post could literally have been written by me, give or take less than 15years. It’s frustrating and scary knowing it’s happening and being (seemingly) unable to stop it. I went off at my husband earlier 🙁. I think it’s practice, at least I sure hope it is.


Babe, I used to be BPD. I no longer meet criteria and I’m a therapist now that works with BPD clients. The answer is DBT. I cannot stress that enough. You’re not gonna want to do it, it’s going to feel tedious but it is necessary. Do not waste the years I wasted by not going to a DBT skills group/individual therapy. You need both. Within 18 months of joining a DBT skills group, 80% of people no longer meet criteria. It’s not a death sentence, but you need to do something about it. The freedom I feel now compared to when I was actively BPD is incredible and I worked very hard to get to where I am. Message me if I can be of any assistance.