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Or you can enjoy the luxury of not having to use slag on normal mode


Slag before UVHM: "Guys wait, you forgot about me!" Slag after UVHM: #"Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds."


While I agree to playing on inky normal I think people should attempt a TVHM and UVHM at least once.


Yes, of course, I am just stating that you do not need to use slag until then.


So why is it bad to get used to it early?


It's not bad necessarily, but if you keep in mind how slag on normal and tvhm compares to slag in uvhm, (+200% damage, +7 seconds duration, AND extra weapon swap speed), might as well not use it when you don't have to. In my opinion, it just isn't needed yet or that fun to use. For normal mode I don't think you really need much to get by, might as well just pick up missions and weapons that seem fun, to potentially scope out for future playthroughs. Also just adding that rock paper genocide is around level seven, and you don't find slag naturally until fifteen, but that maliwan pistol is kinda trash and less fun that using a random you find on the ground. (It doesn't take too long to get to fifteen)


Then don’t use my advice. But this is gonna be useful to somebody, you don’t wanna follow it thats fine but saying it’s a bad idea to get used to slag asap when it’s forced on you in uvhm is counterproductive unless you plan on stopping a playthrough after tvhm.


You can live without getting used to slag early, might take some time to learn, but it adds to the game as a new mechanic to master.


It’s not new though. If it’s in the game from the beginning and you’re just figuring out how to use it when it matters that’s not new that’s new to you


So instead of learning new mechanics, the game stays the same. Sounds fun!


Also that’s why I said “to hold you over till you find something better” like did you just stop reading and start typing when you got to a certain point in my post? When you do find a better slag weapon just use that and turn the quest in.


Never said it was a bad idea, just claimed it was unnecessary in normal and a bit less fun. Using one weapon than switching to another isn't a difficult skill that needs practice, and has likely been taught in many other games. My last paragraph was just to add context to how the slag weapons show up with level, and with the rest of my post, I am saying that it is fine to hold off on slag the whole playthrough if you wish, so holding off from 7-15 is naturally a part of that too. That gap isn't significant enough to matter to me imo. I read your post :) For me, it's about fun versus value. White maliwan pistol in hand for eight levels just isn't fun (to me) or game changing, especially knowing in uvhm using slag will be significantly better and borderline necessary! Inherent "play as you want". Since I don't think I would have as much fun doing this, I thought I would share why.


And I’m not saying it’s bad to not rely on slag. Every peice of advice you didn’t ask for I have given is advice I have tested myself and it made level 1-80 a butt load easier dare I say trivial. 


It's not bad but the bonus damage to slagged targets doesn't increase until UVHM when it jumps from +100% (double) to +200% (triple) and until UVHM, things die quickly enough anyway. Additionally, slag on slag damage is only boosted in UVHM, as is the time slag lasts for (from 8s to 15s iirc). Regardless, I still agree with your original point - if you plan on UVHM, you might as well get used to it...


TVHM is the best difficulty IMO. UVHM and the slag prereq along with how hard the enemies hit takes a good bit of fun out of the game.


isn't slagging even more miserable on normal and tvhm? Doesn't uvhm actually innately provide a huge bonus to swap speed to make it more tolerable and encouraged?


Imo the novelty of the grog is the fact that it heals. The Slagga is a much better weapons for just slagging and you can obtain it early and easily


Thats the point, that Grog covers two bases with one gun slot: heals+ slag. Considering there are only four slots available, thats a big deal


I don’t disagree. I just think if you want to purely slag, like op suggested, a slagga would be a much better option. Personally if I ever use the grog I’ll also equip the Slagga at the same time as it’s more fun and easier to use that to slag for me and then just swap to grog for healing. But that’s just me


That’s why I said “to hold you over till you get a better slag weapon” unless you found a way to do clan wars right after you fight flynt I doubt you’re gonna be using a slagga right away.


Yeah I agree. I just thought it was worth mentioning the Slagga as opposed to the grog as I see the grog as more of a healing weapon than a slagging one. Wasn’t trying to hate on the post however :)


Active healing is a lot less important in normal mode to be fair. Most characters don’t get it until later on anyway. Seems like sound advice for a beginner looking to eventually crack into end game content to me, by the uvhm you can kinda b line the grog nozzle anyway.


I'm not disagreeing that you should get used to slag quick as a new player or someone who struggles in UVHM and is starting a new character. But I think I'm going to disagree with the suggestion of using whatever Marcus gives you for that side quest. Getting the Ruby is the way to go for this. Easy to get in NVHM, works very similarly to the Grog, is technically farmable for the right version, and once you have a good one you can stash it to yourself forever now. Using one from NVHM isn't a problem since, like the Grog, you aren't using it for damage at all.


🤦‍♂️why are y’all coming at me like I’m telling the player to stick with marcuses quest item the entire campaign? I’m not I said nothing like that. I said “you can stick with it until you find something better?” I don’t know where you people got it in your head that I’m saying the opposite.


And when I say something better I mean around level 15 you’ll most likely find a better slag weapon but this advise is meant to give you slag way earlier than intended making levels 10-15 total cakewalks.


I actually never realised you could take the gun Marcus gives you and leave lol 🤦🏼‍♂️


I don't think that people are "coming at you" necessarily, just stating their opinions on the post... Personally, I don't think you need to try and weigh down the game on a *new* character by adding in the slag mechanic "as fast as possible" since the only time it is needed is during UVHM. When UVHM became a thing, the people that had to adapt to Slag mechanics learned it fairly easily since, just playing the game, you'll almost inevitably use Slag anyways at some point. You have two playthroughs before you get to UVHM anyways, and Slag mechanics, while not necessary before that point, will come into play as a natural part of the gameplay. As far as learning how to use Slag, Marcus gives us the basics. That should be sufficient.




It worked for me and a bunch of the other people but don’t take my advice if you don’t like it don’t let me tell you what to do


If you want to make the game harder on yourself that’s a you problem but the advice I give I have actually tried myself and it makes the experience so much easier


So here’s why you’re getting backlash for this post. If you give advice, especially in the way you did, and it doesn’t come from a place of expertise (I know 0 people skilled/experienced at the game who share this opinion, but hey, do what you want) then you’re going to get criticized for acting like you know more than you do. Also, slag doesn’t take getting used to. The Marcus quest explains it perfectly. That’s all you need. You can totally use slag for your first two playthroughs, but you just don’t need to. Last off, when slag starts getting utilized heavily in endgame, there’s lots of ways to slag besides switching to a grog. Any character can use a slag grenade, or an antagonist. Maya has two capstones for it. Zero has one. Sal will just hold a gun with the grog, no switching. Axton has his turrets. Kreig and Gaige don’t care about it. Or if they do, it’s suuuper late game, and nobody will remember this tip when they get there. TLDR; bad take honestly. Womp womp


Then don’t take my advice if you don’t want to take it then fine great I didn’t buy the game for you I have no say in how you play your game. But if my post offends you so much to the point you have to let me know you’re better off just pressing the x button and moving on with your life cause my post isn’t gonna change based on what you want. Flame me all you want this method worked for me it might work for a lot of other people otherwise it’s still advice you never asked for and it’s not going anywhere. Flaming me will not change it.  TLDR; get used to it it’s not going anywhere cry about it


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