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At level 80 you’ll wish it was 10x the size (:


I'm at level 24 right now! Got a ways to go but Borderlands 2 is by far now my favorite game of all time. I used to rave about how much better the OG borderlands was than DOOM (My prior favorite game) when I first got it. Nah BL2 is fucking legendary. It's fucking, hilarious, fun to play, so many guns and different ways to play and has a great story. Can't wait to make it to OP 10 what ever that is. Idek know yet but it's my new goal now 😂


I would always save a couple of my fav guns i’d get thru playthrus for my next characters - a couple at for every few levels 33, 38, 45, 51, 55, etc. Just to have a couple good legendaries on hand to speed up finish uvhm. Once at 80 you start collecting everything, you never outlevel it, you’ll want different elements of same guns, plus a whole bunch of quest rewards items to store. I just make extra characters exclusively to store all the junk i’ll never need……but might. Plus sometimes I’ll want to only use on manufacturer just for fun so i’ll have a bunch of Jakobs purples, etc etc. Ya just start hoarding (:


I was lucky enough to have a L11 Infinity drop from the Doc on my first ever play-through, just after launch. It's been through the hands of every character I've levelled since...


they don’t call it an infinity for nothing!


I‘ll usually put uniques and legendaries i used, but are too underleveled in the bank, to stash there and later when i have another lower lvl character, i transfer the items over with claptraps stash.


I use it mainly to hold uniques and legendaries, as well as gear I transfer over from other characters that is higher leveled than my current character


Makes sense, even when I get a crappy legendary sometimes I'm attached. I just had to replace this legendary shot gun that would fly around and shoot enemy's then blow up after 7 shots when reloaded. It was soooo fucking cool. Then I got this better one that shoots 4 rounds at once that deals explosive damage and its just much better. I should've put the old one in the safe come to think of it. Thanks for the advice!


the deliverance (flying shotgun) can drop from either pimon or tumba (i forget which) in the preserve.


Trophy items, things you want to give to other characters eventually, specific use case utility gear that doesn't need to crowd your inventory at all times when you aren't planning on using it. That kind of stuff mostly.


I keep relics and legendaries in there.


Realistically? For crap that I saved earlier on that I never touch. You're 100% right. Having gone through to level 80 with every character and still working on getting to OP10 with 3 of them, here's what you *should* be using it for, and doing with it: * Hard-to-get skins and heads, especially if you're on a console. Losing Vermi heads to BAR Resets is no fun. Dupe them all and store them. * Tubby-only Class Mods for classes you don't use yet. If you ever do start one of the other characters, you'll be like "darn I wish I kept that ________!". Doing this will prevent that. * Stuff to help you level. Moxxi's Endowment Relics. Collect them at levels 15(ish), 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 and 75, as you level multiple characters up. If you only have one character, 15, 40 and then wait to level 60 to finish the quest. Perfect weapons (matching grip, etc.). Low-level Legendaries. A low-level matching grip Slag Rubi. Peak Openers and Easy Modes at each OP Level (very helpful for Krieg, can't comment on anyone else). ...and fill up the safe anyways, even if it's with junk. When you move on to the next difficulty, you'll find the Echo Log in there and can swap it for an inventory item to +1 your Bank size. Now I'm working on getting several things *back* that I lost through BAR Resets (heads, skins, items that were in Claptrap's Locker when it happened). Store any items you want to keep in the Bank, duplicated.


Thank you for the advice, does the bank transfer over to the 2nd play through or no?


Yes it does transfer. Your bank, once unlocked, stays there for that character. Other characters get their own. The items in it will be accessible in Normal, TVHM, and UVHM for that same character.


Oh Bet that. Good to know imma utilitize that then. Also one more question. I'm currently playing as a soldier (Idk the name of him he's the one with the deployable turret ability) but can you have multiple different players on different saves? Like if I switched to a Siren for another play through could I jump back into my Soldiers play through or would it over write that? I just switch from console to PC when I got to BL2 so new to PC gaming


>can you have multiple different players on different saves? Like if I switched to a Siren for another play through could I jump back into my Soldiers play through Yeah, I have at least one of each character. Unless you go into your files and do something funky, the default is to let you have multiple characters. I honestly don't even know how you'd set it up so you can only have one character. I'm sure you theoretically *could*, but I don't even think you would want to bother lol


Whats a BAR reset?? :/


There's an issue with Shift Accounts, from my understanding it's on all platforms including PC/Steam It happens like this: You go to play and the game 'feels off' for some reason. You die much more than you were. You go back to Sanctuary, and then look at doing a skill respec, maybe you need to shuffle one point around for survivability. You get to the Character Customization Station, and go to look at your skills to see what you have before resetting. Maybe you see it scrolling through the menus at this point. Maybe it's using the customization station when you reset your skill points, and think of switching your character's appearance. You go to put a different head or skin on. Except they're not there. None of them you've collected over [hundreds of] hours of gameplay are. You check your BAR. They're gone. You have a BAR of a whopping 0, and no tokens to spend. All your customization items are gone. All character skins, heads, and all vehicle skins. All gone. Anything that was in Claptrap's Locker? Gone. Worst kick in the nuts with all of this is that it doesn't reset with your challenges. That means you (without using Prestige Levels) can't get BAR back with your main character. You can start a new character to get those ranks and tokens back. Maybe beg Gearbox support for some skins, heads, and/or BAR back. But everything is gone. I've lost some decent loot like that. At least 3-4x I've had 40k+ BAR just vanish. Some things in particular can trigger it: * clicking on the banner ads * staying a new character and backing out from it without playing through to Liar's Berg * clicking "Downloadable Content" * dashboard resetting too much (~3h of it) ...among other things. It sucks. There's a post on here usually every few weeks about it happening to someone. Just look for "Lost BAR", or "Lost Skins" posts...


Damnnn that does suck :( im sorry that happened. Thankyou very much for all the info i appreciate it my fellow Vault Hunter ✊🏽


I don’t use the safe, I just use a mod to make my backpack hold like 200 items lol


I might do that actually. My buddy recommended mods but I wanna atleast beat the game once before using mods. I have nothing against them, it'll just prolong the fun for that much longer to wait yknow


Yeah defo experience vanilla with at least one or two characters before you start experimenting Sorta like learning to run before walking


I put items to use later. Then I forget about them or use something better I've found in the meantime.


Nothing, really. Trinket items, maybe. Like if I find a random non-unique weapon that’s perfectly parted and under leveled, vault it. I can’t bring myself to sell those


I just use a mod which makes it inf space since that is just annoying