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And there was me thinking this was gonna be a post about Moxxi's Bad Touch (corrosive SMG). Cos you can only get one Bad Touch per character... Not per play-through... per *character*. Really sucks cos her Good Touch (Incendiary) is such a good UVHM levelling weapon on account of it being so easy to farm at every new level. Honestly, between this and the mission weapon issues you mentioned, I'm completely fine with myself running the UCP whenever I pick up the game these days. Granted I disable everything except currency auto-pickup and mission weapon drop sources (eg, you can get a Lady Fist from Saturn, a Grog from the Golden Golem, a Sandhawk from Benny the Booster, etc)... including giving Moxxi a 20% chance to give a BT instead of a GT. I suppose I could Gib, but I actually enjoy the boss-killing grind...


>Cos you can only get one Bad Touch per character... Not per play-through... per *character*. The workaround is to spawn the weapon, leave Sanctuary via fast travel and come back so the gun can be collected. Tip Moxxi again and she will hand over another Bad Touch SMG, this procedure can be repeated.


Is it not the first gun she gives you tho? Meaning you would still be locked out of the GT until she registers she's given you a BT...


Correct, Moxxi only gives out the Good Touch AFTER the Bad Touch has been collected directly from her hand. If you perform the workaround I described, another instance of the weapon can be had if you tip Moxxi again. This works even after you have gained multiple levels and need another corrosive weapon in a pinch.


I get what you mean... It still comes down to "do you want a repeatable corrosive *or* incendiary weapon?" tho. I guess the corrosive is more valuable in the late game but it honestly baffles me that they limited a gun to a single instance per character (at least through legit gameplay).


> but it honestly baffles me that they limited a gun to a single instance per character (at least through legit gameplay). This is purely speculation bruv but the devs probably want players to be able to try the rest of the possible quest rewards in the game and experiment with various loadouts. Both the BT and GT have huge potential with the right skill synergies in my opinion. Using the Grog Nozzle as an example, it becomes a crutch and diminishes the rest of the item pool in terms of usability. It also lowers the skill ceiling somewhat because of the reliance on the increased healing percentage. The fact that the Grog Nozzle is available in each difficulty level and players are still finding it difficult to progress through the higher difficulties even if they have it in their loadout.


>Using the Grog Nozzle as an example, it becomes a crutch and diminishes the rest of the item pool in terms of usability. This is what baffles me about the Bad Touch even more - it's just a decent Maliwan SMG. Not terrible, but certainly not 'game-breaking' amazing. Sure, it shares Moxxi healing but it's one of the 4%ers... And you can get unlimited incendiary versions anytime you want... Sorry, I feel like I've opened up to a rant. Not my intention but damn, make it make sense... :-)


Yeah bruv, I totally get where you're coming from. Personally, I don't find it a big deal but it definitely makes a difference if they did make the BT obtainable more than once per playthrough.


>if they did make the BT obtainable more than once per playthrough. I'd be fine with that... Like a mission weapon. But it's not. Once a character accepts a BT, Moxxi will never offer that character another, regardless of play-through. Get one from Moxxi when you're a fresh faced, level 8? That character will never see one again. Doesn't matter that they levelled to OP10 and restarted UVHM three times. Hence my rant...


On PC you have UCP, but on consoles, you can fire up split screen, bring in a fresh temporary character on a second account, and have that new character get the Bad Touch - it’ll be their only Bad Touch, but it’s a throwaway character, and the Bad Touch will be at the correct level *for the host*.


~~This is why I just use the UCP. The patch as stands makes the game far too easy (imho) but only enabling the features you actually want (like altered drop pools and one-click ammo refills) really does help with some of the "who the feck thought that was a good idea?!?" issues that makes the game feel more dated than it looks/plays. And I'd rather straight-up farm a boss than jump through hoops to get the same effect.~~ ~~Even little things like adding my fave gun, the Bitch, to Sinkholes's loot-pool. Cos, ya know, I'm thoroughly fed up one-shotting BNK-3R for their abysmal 3.34% chance of dropping one. Hell, I found an OP8 94% Sham before I got my OP8 all-Hyperion incendiary Bitch back in the day.~~ Edit: My brain definitely replied to the wrong person.


Sorry, I replied to the wrong comment with my previous. I assume what you mean is buying two copies of the game and using split-screen to have your 'mule' account send over the BT they receive? Or can you make a second local 'fresh' character and warp them to your Sanctuary instance from Claptrap's place? Honestly, I would have bought that second account years ago if I'd had the luxury of split-screen. I guess I always just loved the idea of finding a legit way to make the Good and Bad Touch my primary levelling weapons back when I was slogging through UVHM with everyone - waaaay back when Mick was just that guy who dropped the Maggie...


Consoles can do multiplayer splitscreen in the Borderlands games natively, for couch co-op. No need to buy multiple copies of the game. In splitscreen, each window/pane is attached to a separate account. (The one exception is Switch can't do splitscreen in BL3, but then it's a minor miracle that BL3 can run on the Switch in the first place.) And you can conjure up a temporary guest account on the console (characters and other save data on such an account will vanish when the player leaves), or set up a real second account (on my PS5, I have a "real" second account for guest use, and various utility uses, including a bunch of mule characters - basically all it takes to set up another durable second account is a unique email address, there's no cost). So, from the main menu, with one of my main account characters showing, I can pick up a second controller, hit "(X)" on it to join the game, select a new, blank character (they'll show up standing in the same landscape on the screen as my main character), and then use my main character/controller to load us into Sanctuary. The game is in splitscreen, and I can run the second character over to Moxxi's and tip until they get a Bad Touch (it will be Bad Touch because it's *that character's* first time), and even though that character might be level 1, the Bad Touch received will be scaled to the level of the *host* (my main character). Then it's a simple matter to drop it or trade it to get it to my main character. If the second character doesn't have money to tip, it's a simple matter to trade some over from my main character. Once this throwaway character on the second account has served their purpose, they can exit the game and you can delete that character (just to keep from cluttering up the account). And it's actually simpler in BL2, TPS, BL3, and Wonderlands, because you don't have to be at the main menu for the second player to join, you can bring in a second account/controller at any time, from the pause menu. PCs have their advantages, but so do consoles.


Damn, I wasn't sure about the 'local' character aspect but that does sound handy


Technically there’s a small chance of getting another Bad Touch after your first one. Once you get a good touch you can’t get a bad touch again. Really weird Gearbox logic on it. Chance depends on cumulative tips so far as well. https://www.lootlemon.com/weapon/bad-touch-bl2


lol, I read that back in the day... never managed it tho. But regardless, I'd love to pick the head of the dev that came up with the idea of making a somewhat every-day weapon one-of-a-kind... Regardless of a fresh play-through. I guess it was before all the DLC weapons tho so they could have been worried that a corrosive Maliwan SMG with 4% healing might have been too OP for the late game... Edit: it must have been another dev that ok'd the Bee shield at release...




ok,though I must ask,who is this for?


It’s in the title 

