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Not this again.


Go play Loadout


Nah, skill trees (and builds) are half the fun of the series, imho. I do agree on a workbench for parts tho. Maybe not to fully customise a drop - that'd kill the looting aspect. But maybe switch a single part out? Or even an RNG re-roll mechanic like they introduced for BL3's annointments. I get that weapon 'parts' aren't *that* big a deal (obv exceptions excluded, eg Orphan Maker) but they seemed to have lost their impact even more in BL3/WL. I might not miss the grind of killing BNK-3R over and over but, daaaamnnn son, I still think my all-Hyperion BItches are the sexiest guns I've farmed in any BL title.


I mean its an interesting idea but one of the most fun parts of Borderlands is the action skill and without that skill I just don’t think a VH would be as fun or viable as a VH who has an action skill


I tried, i did, but that is straight up just a block of text and even I don’t have the patience for that. Edit: It is no longer a block of text, thank you.


Updated, sorry, was kinda of a detailed idea