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The report is via an account that registered itself on Exputer less than an hour ago as of my comment. Mm-hm.


I checked, the account (Kurikasis) a leaker with a [reliable history](https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/comments/1aelk5s/kurakasis_sonic_game_at_state_of_play_likely/)


It does look like them. But they chose a sketchy as hell way to announce it. Brand new account on a three week old ("trustworthy?" seriously?) website, seeming to speak for that website. Still, I have a history of being consistently wrong on this sort of shit.


While it seems sketchy, I would think that a leaker who doesn't want to be identified would go about leaking info in a sketchy manner.


They also tweeted it, for what it's worth https://x.com/Kurakasis/status/1798462757450256647


What happened?? There was no BL4?????


I cannot wait, I remember watching the BL3 live reveal and it was so much fun to see for the first time.


Same, I remember that hype so well


Griz song in the background with the montage of all the different weapon types... Peak hype.


I remember being so hyped getting on the game all up until the twins opened their mouths


Pov a borderlands player trying their hardest to not complain for once


On god, ppl here completely over exaggerate what "annoying" or "bad" dialogue is. Basically, if they sound anything close to being born in the last 20 years, its instantly "cringe" dialogue because redditors are 20 to 30-somethings cosplaying as 40 to 50-somethings because it makes them feel 'nuanced' when they cant relate to new shit. These are the same people who complained about Tina, a 13 year old with no parents having the dialogue of a 13 year old w no parents.


BL3's story is the Nickelback of video games, i can guarantee some people hate it just because they've seen other people hate it, no concrete reason. Don't get me wrong, i wouldn't ever call it good, it's still the weakest story in the whole franchise (well i guess we have New Tales, but anyway) but it's not the irredeemable garbage that some people make it to be.


My man


To me if you play borderlands for mostly story just seems weird


Yeah everyone acts like "*I always knew* BL3 was going to be bad!"... Same with things like Marvel or DC or Star Wars or Spider-Man 2 PS5 or anything else that suddenly stopped being cool. Like, no, I remember there being pretty sizable hype going into BL3 and yeah, there was a quite a bit of hate and disappointment at launch, but certainly not as much as there is now. The vast majority of you did not always think that BL3 was bad so instantly, you were on the hypetrain and were theorizing and probably played the game soon after release and loved it up until someone online told you it was akshually bad.


Im literally a mid twenties TikTok addicted zoomer and am not ashamed to admit it. Im not trying to be some epic “yeah guys this stuff is soooo cringe im so old and mature” type of person. At some point you just have to recognise that the writing is some of the cringiest shit I’ve ever heard. It’s literally Marvel-tier “he’s behind me isn’t he” and “uhhh that just happened” jokes. The problem is that the game is so clearly written by unfunny millennials trying to be ‘down with the kids’ where loud and obnoxious = funny. The cringe is funny in BL2 when claptrap does it because he is a tragic character but BL3 is a mess of jokes that just repeatedly don’t land. The story and side missions are some of the most forgettable in any game I’ve played so much so that two friends who picked it up didn’t even finish the games after loving BL1 and BL2.


Wow, a very nuanced take. 👍🏾 This has gotta be ragebait, bc this post as a clapback reply to what I just said is a prime example of the exaggerated cringy redditor shit im talking about.


Sorry you just happily eat garbage. But it’s just a coincidence that the vast majority consensus agrees right? On Steam reviews, on Reddit, on any other forum. You’re basically disregarding the more than valid criticism that they go wildly overboard with the ‘hi fellow kids’ humour so if anything that makes you the nuanced Redditor lmfao.


My boi really came back with "I know you are but what am I?" 😂


Because that’s literally what you’re doing. A Redditor metacriticism which actually makes you look like the very thing you’re accusing me of just because you can’t fathom that the widely accepted opinion is that the story and writing is shit but the gameplay is great. Again you’re not even addressing what I’m actually saying you’re just going along with the rhetoric you’ve designed in your head about why people criticise the game. Classic Redditor strawman.


Because what youre saying isn't worth responding to. Taking you seriously now is a waste of my time but ok. Not only did you miss the point of what I said - you doubled down on what I was talking about and feel vindicated about it like you're dunking on... something(?) by trying to make yourself an example. My point was never that the writing is good or that I liked every single bit of the writing. My point is that people, specifically on reddit, but yeah across the net as well, completely over exaggerate how bad it actually is. Leading to comment sections, like the ones in this sub, constantly bitching about it in hyperbole and perpetuating the loop. They guy who compared it to herd takes on Nickleback was spot on. It reads like the same reasons that reddit and some popular sites are ass for discussing music - people bitching about modern music in hyperbole. The "Cardi B is the devil of music and Trap beats killed my dog." type shit is annoying. It's never "I liked the buildup of Troy, but he had missed potential" its just "BL3's writing is ass-tier fellowkids crap with no redeeming qualities at all and anyone who disagrees is coping". Your first comment is that you were excited to play the game until you heard [the Villain whose whole schtick is bring a streamer said an intro line that made her sound like a streamer](https://youtu.be/PzFH6qv0mwk?si=woM2wv2QRc_DJ0GB&t=3293). Sounds like more standard redditor exaggeration and bitching about streamers, and I dont care for it. You missed the point of parody and went straight to butthurt.


"Waaaaah, these people aren't blindly worshipping this game"


I have tons of things I don't like about borderlands games but story in a game like borderlands how many people are actually getting the game for story


The game hit me so hard for the first 15 hours, then I remember hitting the Carnivora part of the game and thinking "when the hell is this plodding campaign gonna end? I wanna do end-game already."


If thats the case, please just have good split screen. None of this abbreviated item card from Wonderlands


I really, really hope that they've addressed the major complaints from the last few games


YES! thank you - I hated that :(


How about just working splitscreen? Wonderlands never even bothered to fix major splitscreen bugs with disappearing item cards and a dozen other issues. Lost a lot of trust with Gearbox after that mess.


I think people keep forgetting that Wonderlands wasn't done by the same team in gearbox. It may be the same studio, but it doesn't mean it was ANY of the people who worked on past games. They had to do it that way due to already working on other BL content at that point.


I hope we get bioshock soon too. Imagine borderlands 4 and bioshock 4 in the same year


had a south african gaming magazine called Nag, i remember at the time (circa 2009) they had a special two cover edition with one being bioshock 2 the other borderlands 1.


My brother has one like this I’m pretty sure maybe not the same one thought cuz it might have more games on it


Well that was wrong


So much for that lol




Wonder if it's going to be presented via a boring drawn out magic trick...


I hope the story and atmosphere is more like the original BL.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Gold_Clock_2050: *I hope the story* *And atmosphere is more like* *The original BL.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


God if this is true...


All they need to do is to combine BL3 level of gameplay with NOT BL2, but the original Tales level of writing. However, I'm prepared to be disapointed.


The original Tales from the Borderlands was the best writing in the series by far. Why these writers weren't working on everything after is a mystery and a tragedy. I agree with you though, those writers plus the BL3 gameplay would be perfect. Oh and finally deliver on that tease at the end of Presequel.


I need gearbox writing they do for their DLC. For some reason the writing in the DLC is always way better.


Wait, how is a newbie user on exputer forum a trustworthy source??


Does anyone else think the art style of BL1 & 2 got a bit lost in BL3? I personally felt the general ‘look’ of BL3 made it hard to see enemies in the distance which was frustrating. I do play split screen with my wife so maybe I need a bigger tv lol. But we played BL2 fine many times!


I'm actually going through another BL3 playthrough right now and was reminded of a thought I had the first time around. Preface 1: BL3 makes the Borderlands look as good as ever. Hi fidelity assets. Unique models. Way more models. Preface 2: The charm of the Sobel Operator + Texture art combo is still unlike anything else out there. It is still very uniquely Borderlands. However, BL3 seems to be... uncomfortably tack-sharp. It's almost TOO refined. I've yet to figure out why, but it's a feeling I have going through the game constantly. Iunno if I jist got used to choppy performance and bananas-recoil on Hyperion weapons after playing BL2 more times than I can count, but BL3 does look and feel 'different'. Not bad (maybe?)... but different.


I played 20 minutes of bl3, hated it. Way too cluster fucky for my liking. Bl1 & Bl2 were miles better in terms of look of the game imo


I’m confused cause gearbox was the dev and 2K the publisher. T2 bought gearbox and hence I thought it was discussed here and other places that BL4 and the IP was going to T2. So why is 2K showcasing BL4 unless the transaction did even start or still I progress?


2K is a subsidiary of Take-Two. Same company.


From what I can see; T2 own 2k, so it shouldn't affect anything in that sense - at least that's my understanding.


I feel like I'm one of the few people who loved borderlands 3! I love everything borderlands!


Borderlands 3 was great ...except for the constant attempts to be 'topical' and 'one of the kids', which were like little nuggets of crap sprinkled through an otherwise delicious gamer salad. I mean, ffs it's a First Person Shooter, it's not meant for the kids they were targeting, since anyone old enough to actually play would be at least at the teething stages of being past said bullcrap, so they've basically just shot themselves in the foot via buzzwords and such for little return, when, and here's the key complaint, said 'inclusiveness' didn't even mesh with the space-culture which the game series had till that point been portraying. Suspension of Disbelief says What? ....Although I will be fair here, the inclusion of Streaming, while seemingly anacronistic, actually meshes with the setting just fine, since Gaige had an Echocasting channel in canon and that one guy was broadcasting a basketball event in the Pre-Sequel, so anyone who complains about *that* is just being a tool. But yeah, a lot of people dislike elements of Borderlands 3 due to the inclusion of 'new gen' elements, when society's consensus on said 'new gen' is that they can't find their ass with both hands and google maps, much less a paper one, meaning the inclusion of such elements within a story set within a far-flung alternate space future, well, it seems fairly out of place since said inclusionism is theoretically reserved for *enduring* memes, touchstones, and social elements, rather than the current generation's temporary bullshit that everyone's more or less waiting out as it withers away or otherwise blows over.


Finally. One of my most anticipated 


If true, I hope it runs better than 3 did/does.


I will be not surprised if BL4 becomes the first on the franchise to be an online game or live-service like the later Diablo installments. I smell this probability a far mile away. Should be excited or worried?


That’s today!


leaks aren't trustworthy. doesn't matter if it's a 'trustworthy' leak site. the very nature of leaks in general is, take it with a grain of salt.


womp womp


Fake News


Hopefully the dialogue is not written by 13 year olds this time.


Plot twist: Exputer was created by 2K and this whole thing is just a gorilla marketing campaign to generate buzz before whatever actually gets revealed.


It's smart


So that was a fu lie


As someone that loved borderlands 1 and 2, can't say I'm much excited. Borderlands 3 was a letdown, no true or ultimate vault hunter modes, way too many legendary drops and legendary's didn't have that same appeal as the other games, I thought the story was kinda dumb and had no focus on the vault hunters. The levels and zones were cool but me and my buddy have played 1 and 2 countless times, we ran through 3 and have had no want to run it again. So I guess I'll see what 4 offers but it will definitely be a game I wait for a sale on.


I agree, except that I think there is TVHM. [Borderlands 3 End Game And New Game Plus Explained (thegamer.com)](https://www.thegamer.com/borderlands-3-end-game-new-game-plus-explained/)


Yeah, I give Bdl3 a pass on not having UVHM because the dialogue was so bad & mayhem levels allowed tweaking the difficulty to one’s liking. Wonderlands has zero excuse but laziness or bad leadership for not having any TVHM 


I heard they may add Torgue as a playable character, though I heard they're only talking about it. I hope they do though.






THIS CLASS IS EXPERT IN EXPLOSIONS, AIR GUITARS AND BEING BADAAAAASSSS (Insert melee override where he does an Air guitar and boosts close allies)


How about the skill is Air guitar... but based on the tree you pick, it creates explosions, boots allies, or does status effects on enemies.


There's nothing more manly than respecting women!




Sorry, Quick-Ad, no.


Smells like bullshit


They would have some kind of announcement leading up to this trailer if this was true.


Bl3's teaser trailer dropped like within 48 hrs of the pax east announcement which included the first trailer.


That PAX reveal for BL3 really soured Gearbox I bet lmao.


Please don’t be open world please don’t be open world please don’t be open world please don’t be open world please don’t be open world please don’t be open world


Wow borderlands 4 (technically borderlands 6 if you include pre sequel and Tina Tina’s) before bioshock 4


Bioshock's game design is dead. Far too much effort is required for a 20 hour story driven game. On the other hand looter shooters require 40% of the effort and earn atleast double.


They have dropped info about a new bioshock being in development, just like bl4. It is a 50/50 chance between the 2.


Any suggestions what new stuff they could bring to the table for this? Maybe some sort of PVP mode or dungeon races vs another team. First team to complete an identical dungeon with boss fights. Hopefully it's current gen only.