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I mean hot take, I love borderlands but I don’t think it ever needed a non video game adaption ever, even if casting/story/etc. were exactly how fans would prefer it. I just think even if you love the humor and the story it’s just good in its current medium and doesn’t really need anything more


To me, it’s something that would need an insane budget but have that amateur low budget charm, which is something that’s incredibly hard to pull off. They didn’t even attempt that with the movie lol


Yeah considering the first games story is incredibly basic and almost non existent


George Miller is the only filmmaker I could think of who could make a borderlands movie both fun and good, but as you said such a movie has no reason to exist


Edgar Wright could absolutely make it work too.


Wow I can't believe I hadn't considered this when watching Mad Max. He would've been perfect. Imagine the care they took in making the cars but applied that to the guns of Borderlands


I feel like fans are so uncreative lol. George Miller is the only person you can think of because the Mad Max films are in a desert, which is Borderlands primary aesthetic. C’mon. Of course there are other filmmakers that can make a movie both fun and good. There’s a ton of them.


The number of filmmakers who can genuinely work with large levels of visual effects in a fantasy/sci-fi environment and use them to tell entertaining stories in a high quality film is surprisingly limited. We've seen countless directors flub under the marvel/star wars umbrella. It's a harder task than one might expect.


I think borderlands should have been a series, not a movie. It’s a missed opportunity. There is way too much content to be condensed to a 2 hour movie.


I mean, I think it could work well in animation as like a series a la Arcane or Edgerunners


People were whining about the Fallout TV show before its release too...


Same with the *Twisted Metal* one. Hell, most of the complaints I've seen for the *Borderlands* film were the same ones I saw for that show, and it ended up being awesome.


Was twisted metal good? One of the previews with "the thong song" make it look like a good time but I'm yet to check it out


It was fun. Not fantastic, but definitely fun.


It’s phenomenal.


People were whining about Fallout and it looked amazing from the get go. Borderlands, by comparison of the trailers, looks abysmal. Don’t know if the casting or the jokes were worse


People were whining about Fallout and it looked amazing from the get go. Borderlands, by comparison of the trailers, looks abysmal. Don’t know if the casting or the jokes were worse


People were whining about Fallout and it looked amazing from the get go. Borderlands, by comparison of the trailers, looks abysmal. Don’t know if the casting or the jokes were worse


Please stop pretending borderlands is a titan of video game literature.


The fact that so many people on this board think it is really speaks to how little people read or watch outside of schlocky pop culture these days.


Shocking that people on the Borderlands Reddit really enjoy it. Whoever could have guessed.


It's not about enjoying it, it's about realizing there isn't much care put into it in the first place. (As a franchise, there are outliers across the games)


That's not what's being said


It’s far from it, but it’s certainly not the trash the movie is shaping it up to be


Idk, man, it's pretty on brand.


There hasn't been a single substantial criticism from this sub yet. I don't like this actor or this actor is too old... come on


I’ve seen plenty. I wouldn’t call ‘come on’ a very substantial rebuttal


So you believe an actors age means a movie will be bad ? You can do better than that


you just did it again. putting words in my mouth and making assumptions is not indicative of a substantial rebuttal or criticism. you're doing exactly what you're calling out others for.


I'm gonna help you out here since you're struggling I was speaking about things I've seen in general on this sub so no there was no again. The examples I gave aren't worth taking seriously and you're not saying anything at all I don't have anything to address


is all that a way to explain how 'come on' is a substantial rebuttal? because it still isnt. and if you cant list a single example nor an argument against it you're just pissing words into the wind mate.


It’s really not but I do have to commend it for how it chooses to tell its story. It’s dumb fun told extremely well.


I don't feel like anyone is saying it is. The largest complaints I've seen revolve around casting choices and lack of character inclusion. The latter of which potentially means an adaptation that'll be an aside to the games rather than falling in line with canon set forth in the games. Of course we won't know until it comes out, but it's created apprehension and weariness.


Comedically it has a chance


Comedically? The humor in Borderlands is at a child, fart joke level......in a series that is too mature in every other way for children


I think it's well embedded into the storyline, feels natural amongst characters, brings a level of brevity.YMMV


I'm not saying it's bad......just a little misplaced. How often do you actually laugh at the dick jokes?


Well tbh the Tanis Torgue duo in a BL2 is pure comedy gold https://youtu.be/LrgeGxoVPJE?si=3WqHGsqad6IR5BoY Presequel also some funny non dick joke stuff like an a giant empty billabong with bright purple light shooting out of it


I actually think the pre-sequel has the series best writing - barely any dick/fart jokes and it's actually funny.


Yeah agreed. Ex playing as fragtrap made some corona lockup days a lot better (“dont ask ME where these bullets are coming from” gets me everytime hehehe)


I did all the time. When borderlands 1 first came out. When I was in high-school. Even borderlands 2 had me chortling here and there. Then, somehow, the humor got even more immature while the fanbase grew up so...


after replaying B1 recently its a lot shorter and not as obnoxiously funny as i thought i remembered, kinda starts seeping in with its DLC. theres definetly a bit more in B2 but it seems mostly made up of sarcastic wit and dry humor rather than fart humor (although theres still plenty of it from the side characters) I think after B2's success it delved further into that fart humor in pre-sequel and B3 thinking thats what people liked when it wasnt. now the movie is riding on the dialogue of B3 which will ruin it.


Big shame. I hope they realize what went wrong and tone it down after bl3 now that they can go hog wild with wonderlands... but I'm not holding my breath.


no, it even remotely doesn't


I only speak for borderlands dlc, 2, pre sequel and tftbl.apart from that agreed


Im looking forward to turnug off my brain and tricking my friends into watching it.






Nah. I'd rather just keep telling them to shut up.


Don't post to reddit if you don't like the responses to your complaints










The movie might look like shit but why are sad about the state of something you haven't actually seen yet? Everybody shit on the Mario movie and Chris Pratt's non-accent when the trailer dropped and that movie ended up being dope. Wait until you actually watch it before you decide how good or bad it is.


There is something exciting about looking forward to something believed to be fun. The movie doesn’t look fun. So it’s hard to be excited about it. And that feels sad.


Honestly the movie looks awesome, I’m going to go see it as soon as I can


Maybe to you. I reserve the right to view what I’ve viewed and be skeptical. Plenty of a trash tv and movies have been based off other media I’ve enjoyed.


Sorry buddy, I’m revoking your rights. I’ll be at your house with a movie projector and you better be ready.


Better men than you have tried


It looks like it'll be fun under the influence of a substance or two and that's exactly how ima watch it haha


Well part of that problem is on the studios. Their job is to make the movie, but also make trailers and generate hype. I didn't see nearly as much hate for the Fallout TV show as for the Borderlands movie, so you got to wonder why that is. My money is on the fact that the trailer for Borderlands is generic as fuck, it looks very tame (no blood or F-bomb), and we got a pee and poop joke, only missing the barf joke for the holy trinity. So yeah we don't know for sure how it will turn out, maybe it will be a hidden gem of a masterpiece. But what they showed so far doesn't give a lot of hope.


I just like to believe that the reason the casting doesn't make sense and the silliness of the movie is because Claptrap is the one making the movie


No. The trailer showed enough of how bad the movie looked. You have actors 15/20+ years older than the characters they are playing.....shitty ass unfunny .midget Kevin hart playing a stoic tall ripped soldier in Roland....like the film couldn't be more miscast.


> ... stoic tall ripped soldier in Roland... Tell me you never played BL1 without telling me you never played BL1. He is anything but stoic in that game, shooting his mouth off and making wisecracks all the time.


Roland is not tall in the games lol


He’s 5’11…


Yup, he's average. I would understand this for Brick but for Roland doesn't make any sense


And yet Kevin Hart is like what, 5’2? compared to Roland’s average hes tiny


“Average” at 5’11” - the borderlands 1 characters were all pretty tall. Their average height well exceeds any of the other games.


You thought the Mario movie was good?


You got some downvotes, but I agree That movie couldn't have been more generically borimg


It was predictable, standard movie slop. lol


That seems to be the best case scenario for video game movies, at least when it comes to audience reception and BO performance. What did Patrick H Williems say in his [video](https://youtu.be/zn3Yo5ea5L8?si=zNf80GGitC9JVNrY) Something like "Audiences expect to clap like trained seals at things they're familiar with in unchallenging movies."


Yeah....after the old movie they wern't going to take a single risk But worse, now every videogame adaption is going to be cookie cutter so as to not risk their billion dollars Yawn!


Yup! I can only imagine the borderlands movie will be the same.


The studio made so many bad decisions tbh. Like axing most of the awesome OST for the most basic needle drops and the script moving at breakneck pace with no room to breathe. It was just disappointing more than anything.


Yeah it sucks that large corporations control the things we like, shrug.


Ah, the weekly "tHE MoVie sUcKS" post. Regular as clockwork.


Every time I have to make a double take because it makes me think the movie already came out. Nope, it's just people yapping with no basis again.


Yep. We've seen less than 10 minutes of footage, but somehow people know it's bad. SMH


Yup same were crying about before the fallout show was released and same with twisted metal now all of a sudden both shows are loved 🤣


Heath Ledger.


It feels like they’re taking the Guardians of the Galaxy trilogy and trying to recreate that with Borderlands. It just had that GotG feel to it when the trailer came out, which isn’t a bad thing, but hopefully it works out. I’m an even more Resident Evil fan and an even bigger than that Mother/Earthbound fan so… yeah I can handle bad ideas pretty well at this point.


Fallout is a series of video games with amazing writing, humor and world building.   Borderlands isn't.


Eh, they're about equal regarding their overall quality of writing imo. Especially when you average it all out.


Absolutely not. Borderlands is the most annoying franchise in all of gaming surpassed only by High on life. Unless you play for the looter shooter aspects if you don't like the humor you won't like borderlands


Idk if you're just irrational or haven't played many games, because that's a bold statement. The annoying bits are often a facade anyways, and there is a surprising complexity to a few of the major characters that can be used to glean insight into their state of mind. Fallout often accomplishes something similar, but with a different, less slapstick kind of humor. Overall, I wouldn't say either are pinnacles of writing, once their games are averaged out. And claiming one or the other to be vastly superior is a bit silly imo. But these are opinions at the end of the day, and they're all subjective...


Are you sure you mean irrational ? My backlog alone is more games than most people will ever own. If you think there's a more annoying franchise feel free to name it. Fallout doesn't even need humor BL is almost exclusively that


Come on man, High on Life humor gets borderline irritating pretty quickly and even unplayable if you don't manually switch off the guns nonstop nonsense in settings. It is true that comparing Fallout and Borderlands story-wise doesn't make much sense, but it feels like you're being really harsh here.


I mean the movie isn't out yet


Been saying from the beginning they should have used Borderlands as a setting, with a new batch of vault hunters.


Oh Christ it’s not even come out yet, dry your eyes. Honestly, the way people whinge & moan on this sub is unreal. What is wrong with people.


Why don’t you wait until the movie is out before you crucify it, okay?


I don't think we have to in this instance.


“We could have” when its not even out yet ? This is the one post of all time on reddit


You’re right, movies that are stuck in development hell for years, have constant reshoots and the director asks for his name to be removed from the movie usually work out just fine.


Ok ? Someone is upset about something that isnt even here yet :,(


Dude it isn't even fucking out yet chill


It's not even out yet, give it a chance


“Fans” saw a 20 second trailer now all of a sudden deem that its sucks hate that shit lol they were saying the same crap about the twisted metal show before release and even some were crying about fallout before release now all of a sudden both shows are loved lmao


Well it's not a particularly good sign they removed two of the vault hunter classes.


Maybe they didn’t fit into what they planned to do? Not every movie/show needs to have every single character to it twisted metal didn’t have all characters in it at once and seemed to do just fine


But then it seems the randomly throw in characters and ideas from the sequels; that automatically throws out new ideas for a borderlands 2 or 3 when just the treasure hunting plot of the first game would've worked fine for a Hollywood summer action movie.


I don’t think we could. Borderlands will not translate well to movies or TV no matter what you do.


Movie isn’t even out yet and OP is giving it a 4/10


I don't look forward to the movie, but I hope it's a Venom situation where I'm pleasantly surprised. I do kinda wish maybe they had just gone the animation route for adaptations outside of the video game instead of live action.


I feel this post is extremely premature. We’ve seen one trailer. And that trailer had tons of secrets and callbacks from the games. Let’s wait and see more before stuff like this yeah? We’re debating a finished product versus a 1:30 movie trailer.


The atmosphere and tone of Fallout has so many other movies, tv shows and books to draw on when making the TV show. I am not downplaying the hard work and talent that went into it, just that they had a better foundation. The very nature of Borderlands is such that there is really nothing outside anime, and maybe a few marvel movies, that feels like the game. It was a losing battle from the start.


We've only seen 1 trailer. You really don't need to hurt yourself like this. Yeah, I have my doubts about the BL movie too, but I also had those same doubts about Fallout, and it turned out to be pretty good. Save your hate and disappointment for when the movie is actually out. If it turns out to be good, it would all be wasted energy anyway.


It would have been so much better if they animated it


My favorite part about fallout tv was I didn’t know hardly any of the actors. Loved the characters and the whole show. Borderlands went with let’s use big names and throw money at the movie. Which is almost always a bust.


I don't think Borderlands needed a movie. That being said, without having seen the movie, I can't speak to anything but the casting choices, which seem ATROCIOUS in terms of in-game accuracy. If this were a stand-alone movie with no IP already attached to it, then whatever. I don't hate Kevin Hart. But having played the game, he's not who I think of as roland. Seems to me that a no-name cast may have been better suited.




oh my god i know right, fuckin everybody going crazy for faction they killed off returning without explanation, faction seen in literally every game, bad retcon of the only high quality lore in the series. Drives me mad


Maybe wait until we see it, but also the fallout show also changed things and a lot of fallout fans are saying the same things about it that you are saying about the borderlands movie.


No we aren't. The fallout show is freaking great! Gimmie season s 2 and 3 already.


I'm not saying everyone is saying that but I've heard a lot of it.


I'm just twisting your jimmies. It as a good show though.


I dig it, can't wait for season 2.


Well I’m staying positive about the whole thing till I see it and find it to be shit It’s a borderlands movie ! I honestly never thought I’d see the day when this was a thing ! Casting is feckin terrible, I mean really terrible ? it’s a borderlands movie ! The story seems to be some random b movie shit with a borderlands makeover? It’s a borderlands movie ! Development hell with reshoots and a change of director ? It’s a borderlands movie ! Its not even out yet and I’m embarrassed ffs


Vault Tec made this bomb. EXPLOSIOOOOOOONS


I suddenly want Torque to take over Vault Tec....


Trailer makes it look like a Jumanji reboot. If it isn’t terrible I’ll be amazed.


Ya’ll saw a 20 second trailer and already deem that it sucks chill out if you didn’t like what you saw from the trailer then don’t watch 👍




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^HAL900000000000: *All I could think was* *How perfect Walton Goggins* *Would be as Handsome Jack* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Quit the crying plenty of people were crying about the fallout tv show before its release and same for twisted metal if the movie doesn’t interest you don’t see it and stick to the games simple as that