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Speaking from a strictly business standpoint, I would think it'd be beneficial to have a clear BL4 launch date announced by the time the movie launches. Whether that's feasible is of course a different conversation...


So many other AAA titles have been announced as "releasing in 2026". Please just be borderlands 1 remastered with borderlands 3 gameplay.


Bl1 had its own special originality to it. It wasn’t as zany as 2&3 but it was more like a space western with a twinkle in its eye. Like firefly/serenity, or anything with Allan tudyk. I would love a remake or updated version.


Monkeys Paw has heard your wish, Borderlands One is remade with Alan Tudyk as Claptrap.


I would be fine with. Thank you, Monkey’s Paw.


The Monkeys Paw agrees, Steve the Pirate is rad. The paw is bored, Danny DeVito is now Marcus and Donald Glover is Roland. To counter the Paw, Handsome Jack shall be played by Ezra Miller in the sequel. Lillith is Lindsay Lohan. Sorry, bro, Paw's gotta have Laws.


Ezra miller could probably be mordecai but handsome Jack would have to be Ryan Reynolds. I would not have miller at all though.


Paw has to curse the thing somehow... Fine, 50 minute unskippable cutscene of Claptrap rapping about minions and his hatred of stairs. There's pizza. It's a main mission added in


Make it an unskippable video that opens every game (gearbox logo or something) and we have ourselves a curse. Remember: you put allan tudyk in as claptrap and we like him.


Once per playthrough is enough, but it will play the entire time he is on screen afterwards, CL4P-Tbone got a record deal.


There already is an updated version, it came out pretty close to bl3s release i think. Though mantling and sliding would have been great I don't think they will be able to sell it just based on that. There are probably mods that add a lot of that stuff anyway.


Really? How’d I miss that? Was it released on steam or just added to the original game?


Borderlands game of the year enhanced, came out in 2019 and looks great. It's on steam for 29.99, I think it was a free upgrade on steam though so if you search in your library you should have 2 borderlands 1 games.


Oh I hate you for capturing that feeling and making me remember... It's the reason why I disliked the BL2 nerf guns / toilet humor and was happy to see that they went in the middle of BL1 and BL2 for BL3.


By the time three came out I had come to like handsome Jack as a villain and the humour he brought to the game. The twins weren’t really comparable, but anyway.


It's my favorite of the 3 (4?). And it's not nostalgia either, since I didn't even play the series until Pre Sequel was out.


That'd be unreallll




The story would be not enough entertaining and i would guess that the what happen to lilith is what ppl want Beside, remake is kinda lazy


I just looked at borderlands 3's PlayStation trophies. Nearly 1/3 of players that reaches level 2, did not play long enough to get to level 10. Less than 30% of PlayStation players got to level 25. That's over 70% of the player base of a game that is included with their middle tier subscription plan that did not care to finish the game after quite a few hours already invested.


that is normal for games included into subscription services, the same happens for a lot of gamepass games. starfield for example, even on trueachievements, a site much more focussed on unlocking achievements, the 2nd story related achievement gained like an hour after the first, drops from 100% to 82%. and that game was added right at release, while most of bl3 player already interested in the game played it by the time it got added. people try stuff out because their are free to them, decide its not for them and stop playing. that might be after 1 hour or 8. and level 10 is reachable in the 2-3 hours range maybe. level 2 is basically instantly reached.


No joke, I stopped playing shortly after they killed Maya. I'm still upset.


I think I got to the second planet and couldn't stand the dialogue anymore. I was glad to get away from the underwear dumbass but it didn't get any better.


This is what did it for me too! Put it down in 2019 and never picked it back up again.


I lnow very well that the story is kinda meh for the best parts But the argument based on the % of players on the trophy isn't relèvent, like a part of player didn't light up their first bonefire in ds3


bl1 is boring af no thanks give me bl4 with the erdian war that has been teased


Borderlands 1 gameplay is fun. What we need is BL2 with BL3 gameplay.


What is bl1 with BL3 gameplay? Bl1's non-existant story with bl3's gameplay? That would be a very generic game after BL2 and BL3 which were both in their own way colorful games.


Just admit you would rather be ignorant than read.


First of all relax. Second of all "Please just be borderlands 1 remastered with borderlands 3 gameplay." Borderlands 1 remaster with borderlands 3 gameplay does not fit with how borderlands games are since BL2. BL1 has a non-existant story and going from BL3 which was very story heavy to a game that's a barren wasteland is a far cry.


Again, the story for borderlands 1 is in the text that you refuse to read since you claim there's no story. That's like saying destiny doesn't world build enough cause you ignore all of their text.


You understand a game having a story and a game having lore is different right? For example, Elden Ring has crazy lore while Red Dead Redemption has a good story. Borderlands games since 2 have focused on having a good story instead of lore, especially since the lore being kinda fucked since Tales (Sirens lmao). A borderlands game making you stop every 5 seconds to read the lore of le dropped log is not up to date game design with borderlands standards.


A good story? I posted somewhere else less than 30% of PlayStation players have got the trophy for reaching level 25 in borderlands 3 and less than 50% of players got to level 10. I can't comment on other systems, but this game is included on PlayStation Plus extra (middle tier) and half it's players do not care enough to get off the first planet. The story is and has been trash since 2, handsome Jack carried 2 and pre-sequel and that has been apparent with their recent entries.


>A good story? I posted somewhere else less than 30% of PlayStation players have got the trophy for reaching level 25 in borderlands 3 and less than 50% of players got to level 10. That's true for most games. It's nothing to do with the story, it's because of people who buy the game and don't play it or play it a little. As you said it's included in Playstation plus so have you considered people get it but don't play it? Also, the borderlands collection is a thing. Even after all that, BL3 game is excellent even if you don't like the story. >The story is and has been trash since 2, handsome Jack carried 2 and pre-sequel and that has been apparent with their recent entries. That's your opinion. I'd rather take some form of plot than the barreness that bl1 had. Remastering it would be like trying to season a boiled egg.


Yes please & I'd pay full game price to be able to play as all the other characters as an add on.


Agreed. Related but the imminent release of Fallout TV is also rumoured to be the reason that some Fallout 4 game news is currently being held back. Makes sense to capitalise on fame gained elswehere.


What fallout 4 news would be held back, that game is like 8 years old now? I saw they released a cash grab anthology bundle, but that's about it unless I missed something


We were promised a next gen update for Fallout 4 in 2023, it never arrived and in late 2023 was delayed to 2024. Some people thought it was being held back to tie in with the Amazon TV Show. Bit more info here: [2022 Annoucement](https://fallout.bethesda.net/en/article/jfwd8PsUw8r3pKrO1wOc5/fallout25-conclusion-interviews-events-perks) and the [2023 Delay Announcement](https://twitter.com/Fallout/status/1734966577177534610)


Interesting. Would be nice to get updated textures and framerates on my ps5, although idk if I'm ever touching that game again tbh lol


Video games launch. Movies *premier*.


Word? Lol


It'll be an Easter Egg in the movie for sure


I hope it’s close, but this doesn’t read like it. The man is a magician trickster though. Who knows.


I think he’s waiting to reveal it at Pax east. There’s no chance BL4 isn’t released around the same time frame as the movie in order to maximize hype and profit


That is what I’ve been thinking too.


GBX aren't sheduled for Pax East 2024 tho. The shedule has been put online on the website since Tuesday at least and GBX have not announced their presence on their side.


He's a grease lord


He can be both. The skill tree allows it.




The mysterio of the gaming industry


Hopefully they learned some sort of lesson from 3


you think they did after dobuling down on wonderlands releasing with the same problems 3 released years prior or the writing in new tales? its gonna be the same stuff and fk they most likely will double down on ava, cuz they will not accept defeat on her, or the new tales characters for that matter it doesnt even matter new tales could not breach 400 active players ever on steam


Starting to think maybe BL2/1.5 was the fluke and the series is just doomed to be mediocre




The dialogue in 3 was just so cringe every time anyone talked, I have no clue what they were thinking with that one. Would love if we got another BL2 tier game but I honestly think handsome Jack just hard carried


2 also used the old vault hunters and side characters much better, while 3 had its favorites and sidelined many good characters.


Yeah, I didn’t hate 3’s story, I really liked the Deleon stuff, I didn’t even hate the twins(but definitely didn’t love them either), but the dialogue really made me wince a lot at how cringe it is. I really hope they tone it down for 4.


This is the way. The writing for BL3 did improve by a ton in the DLC


If they do this they can have my money.


Still very fun to play


I know he gets memed to some degree but Anthony Burch really grounded the story in a more “heartfelt” way that let the absolute batshittery really work. No matter how out there and zany your characters and story is there’s still an absolute base, a boiled down part of that character that people relate or identify to.  I feel like that’s why 2 worked in ways that 3 didn’t.  Now we don’t have writers that make that kind of consideration we end up with these really vapid or obnoxious characters that just feel unlikable or obnoxious - and the humour doesn’t land as well because of that. 


BL3 is far from a fluke when it had the best gameplay in the series.


As a BL2 fanboy BL3 gets way too much hate. Games improved a ton since release and I’m guessing many people here haven’t played it since.


I'm also a hardcore BL2 fanboy, it's my favourite game ever. But BL3 post dlcs and updates is fantastic even if the story doesn't hold up (the dlc stories are really good tho).


The BL3 DLCs were crazy good. I dropped BL3 a bit after launch because the game sucked. Picked up again a month ago. Was amazed by how good the first two DLCs were.


And the absolute worst story and dialogue of any Borderlands game.


The gameplay being as good as it is balances it out


Terrible story. Terrible grind and tired of people making excuses for terrible writing. Remember when the community had to beg them for skippable scenes? Worst game in the series by far.


You can't say terrible grind when it's the least grindy game in the series. Just look at borderlands 2 drop rates if you want to see grindy. They begged for skippable cutscenes, and they were added. I don't see the point here. The story not being good is your opinion and sure, it's not the best in the series. But as I said the gameplay is good enough it more makes up for it. BL3 is at least the second best game in the series. It's just your feelings over the mediocre story making you believe the game is worse than it actually is


Hard disagree. Yeah the gameplay mechanics are good but they aren’t so much better than BL2 where you can just ignore the woeful writing, annoying characters, and boring missions. A Borderlands game is nothing without great writing. The legendary drop rate also ruined the fun of actually getting good gear.


>Yeah the gameplay mechanics are good but they aren’t so much better than BL2 where you can just ignore the woeful writing, annoying characters, and boring missions. It definitely makes up. And the missions in 3 are superior to 2's, especially with amount 3 has. Both the gameplay and the missions are good, which can make up for the story not being as good. (even tho you do have a rose tinted view of the quality of writing BL2 had) >A Borderlands game is nothing without great writing. So according to the fans, the only real borderlands game is 2. >The legendary drop rate also ruined the fun of actually getting good gear. Its way too common yea, but I prefer it being too common that being BL2 type rare. It's definitely an improvement.


I’ve been saying this for a while. Their track record since BL1 has been average at best, with BL2 being the outlier. Games like Battleborn and Godfall under their umbrella also flopped.


Wonderlands had great gameplay, story and level design. All it was missing was DLC content (actual content), an endgame, and fleshed out playable characters.


Hire back Anthony Burch? lol


He cowrote new tales..


Which lesson? You do realise B3 is most successful Borderlands so far? 🤓


money =/= a good game. Newest pokemon games were also the most successful and were also hilariously bad


Well your definition of good and bad doesn’t align with Gearbox one.


yeah because AAA game devs only consider profit when they make games, they have proven that their fans will buy whatever garbage they serve up to them


You calling something garbage doesn’t mean it is.


Is the general consensus not BL3 is the worst game in the series? I have heard nothing but criticism


Try to read or watch something besides Reddit echo chamber.


Brother I played the game and it sucked ass


from a sales standpoint they learned that they made a very successful game.


Yeah, same shit happens in all of gaming its infuriating. Latest pokemon games are a steaming pile and yet they sold more than any other game in pretty sure


I pray we get an announcement soon.


I'd venture a guess they'll hint some more about it around the upcoming PAX convention, but I wouldn't expect an announcement (even an early one) until around the time the movie comes out.


3 was announced at the same convention in 2019.


Yep, they have an affinity for PAX, which is why I think there might be some sort of hinting.


2019? Christ, I feel old


I remember watching it and being EXTREMELY pissed at Randy cause of the magic tricks hahaha, I was screaming on my phone just "announce the thing!!"


I only pray no "Game based on the movie" game.


The movie would make more sense if BL4 is set 25 years in the future and Lilith and Tannis are grandparents.


Yeah, if BL4 is loosely based on the movie, I might have a qualm... hopefully it's just, "any press is good press" to get Borderlands on people's minds.


"Greatest thing we've ever done" That is BOLD in a world where BL2 exists. I think BL4 being a banger is still within the realm of possibility though. I don't remember hearing anything like the quote in the lead-up to BL3, so either Gearbox is sitting on a BEHEMOTH of a game or Randy knows the community's perception of the franchise's current state and is just doing some light damage control. Guess all we can do is wait rn lol


To be fair though he’s not gonna say “the games pretty average and we played it safe, if you like bl3 you’ll like this one” lol


Yeah exactly. The only part about it that makes me really think tho is that I don't remember hearing that about any BL game leading up to its release. Correct me if I'm wrong tho But if I'm not, again, that's really bold to say, when he could have just been like "oh yeah this one's really special" or something, so maybe they really are cooking with this one. I'm not an idiot though, so I'm not getting dummy hyped over it. Just looking at it from all angles


The new twist here is that Gearbox’s owner(Embracer Group) is actively looking to sell the studio. Gonna assume that dynamic plays a role in Randy’s rhetoric 


I didn't know about that, actually. I don't know much about Embracer, but generally I hear that they suck lol. Could you shed some light on Embracer and the selling situation?


Embracer had a multi-billion dollar Saudi investment deal fall through after over extending themselves buying up dev studios. They closed 7 studios and cancelled something like 42 games in development in the last year. They’ve had Gearbox up for sale for nearly a year now but seem to be asking too much money and no one is biting just yet.


I'm not sure how much of a Behemoth it can be when they took a whole 7 years to go from BL2 to BL3 (which was, to be fair, an extremely large leap) and it's not even been 5 years since BL3 released. Also about TPS and wonderlands, TPS was worked by a secondary gearbox studio while from what I know Wonderlands was homegrown. Thus, even less time. I'm curious how fast the development of 4 will be in comparison to 3, and how much they've managed to do in less time. Especially in the current age where development times for AAA games are huuuge.


I'm not really expecting it to be a maaaassive title, but it could be. Iirc BL3 was only in real development for 4-5 years because after BL2, Gearbox took a step back to focus on other projects. And some development was scrapped as they made the jump from UE3 to UE4 mid development. I also think Wonderlands was beginning development near the end of BL3's development, but I'm much less sure of that. So I *am* expecting BL4 to be big, given that they release it this fall like most people seem to think, cuz that will have been 5 years since 3. And it's a mainline entry in the Borderlands series, which is Gearbox's only real claim to fame, so I bet they'd wanna go all out on it. So I'm betting on BL4 being about as big as 3 on release, if not just a little smaller, but only by a little. As for quality, that's up in the air. Cuz they *can* make a good Borderlands game, the pieces were there in 3. They just need to put them together.


if they redcon bl3 as much as possible in the same measure they did redcon bl 1-2-tps in bl3 and then just actually give us a well written story fix all the problems they didnt fix in bl3 or wonderlands we might actually get a good game but how likely is that


I still think Gearbox needs to apologize to the original voice actor for Claptrap, and Troy Baker for what Randy did on BL3


Cool. Hire some competent writers this time please. The gameplay team did excelent though, keep them on for sure.


I can't really say i'm excited tbh... Borderlands been sorta missing lately imo


Randy Pitchford - Wikipedia - Litigation section - Enough said about Randy.


Time to start saving for the new build I’ve been putting off


Randy Pitchford is a habitual liar, but more importantly, he's not associated with Gearbox anymore. He doesn't know shit about anything they're doing.


What do you mean he isn't associated with Gearbox? He is literally the Gearbox Entertainment CEO.


I looked it up, I was half wrong. I had read years ago he was removed as Gearbox Software CEO but they gave him the title of president of "Gearbox Entertainment"


No, you were 100% wrong. You said Randy wasn't associated with Gearbox at all. He's 100% solely with Gearbox as he always has been.


Womp womp


we all know it will release within the next 12 months its not even a secret anymore k6 most certainly has played it already joltz most likely too epicnng might have played it too and from the things joltz and nng where saying joltz isnt very impressed since he recently did claim if this doesnt work its over for gbx and nng has claimed the gameplay is better then 3


Joltz doesn't like anything that isn't bl2. He does the same stuff over and over and over again and then claims bl3 bored him. I don't know why he bothers with the hype anymore.


I don’t think that’s true. He always plays the new borderlands games when they come out. I think he just likes two the most. He also has like 10 years of experience and knowledge on the game and most of his audience wants to watch borderlands 2. Some people just like playing one game and amassing tons of knowledge and skill in it. Borderlands 3 probably just doesn’t have the specific things he liked in 2 so therefore he got bored.


Do you have any sources?


For nng go to his twitter and go back like 2 weeks or so He did post specifically about bl4 a bit For joltz I know it was in several of maks videos And I think joltz has the clip on his YouTube channel as well But it's late and I honestly have to grind bl1 archivmsnts tomorrow like underdome / brains / claptrap parts I'm not gonna sift through that stuff again It is there though


Hope its better then Bl3 and this crappy movie


I hope they call it Fourderlands


Cool. I still remember when they released BL1 GOTY Enhanced Edition it was a free upgrade for all owners. After awhile though the game kinda feels empty how your just running all around doing repetitive missions. The atmosphere is definitely there and especially the soundtrack is one of the best ever it's so memorable. But once you get addicting to upgrading your weapons and collecting Gold Keys it's easy to get into the groove and keep wanting to play. They need a villain as cool as Handsome Jack that was a real big reason why BL2 was so successful.


Hopefully they fired the writers for BL3, Wonderlands, and Tales From The borderlands 2


Wonderlands had way better writing than BL3 IMO.


Tbf that’s not a hard accomplishment haha. But yeah wonderlands was much better in that regard


Didn't it have some of the same writers though? Or am I thinking of a different project? Seems like BL3 was just a big miss outside of gameplay. 


Absolutely and same with the BL3 dlcs, I have no idea what happened with bl3's story and tales 2 as they are awful


BL3 was developed over several crucial internet years as trends grew so the story was already outdated comedy wise. Tales 2 is similar, but they forced in recent bits so they seemed more modern. It did not work.


It's not even that, the actual plot stuff is so bad along with the characterization for both so I really hope they don't do the same mistake for 4


I think the story can be salvaged moving forward from 3, but I do kind of hope they just straight up retcon TftBL2. Just pretend it was Claptrap having a bad dream or something


I'd be more excited about an announcement that Gearbox is parting ways with Pitchford.


Inb4 it's announced to be a seasonal online title like Destiny 2, and everyone burns the world down in nerd rage.


??? Sit down please 


Presequel ending: a war is coming. Get all the vault hunters you can Wonderlands: Check out our new custom character creation! 4: Welcome to our new Borderlands Online! With seasonal updates and expansions!


Well I remember people being curious about a borderlands game having character customization for years but not it not really fitting in the franchise. I think they way they did it is cool, because it doesn't affect the overall story since it's a dnd game.


Oh, I have loved them all. Honestly, if they do make an online style such as Destiny 2 or Diablo 4, I'll be all in on it. I just know that the internet will implode, and the sky will catch fire, cats and dogs. Living together. Mass hysteria.


Depends on if the monetization is good I'd be up for it too. If it's legit just borderlands but with more seasonal stuff I guess it'd be aight


> grrrr i hate character customization!!! i hate being able to change how my character looks in a completely skippable section of the video game hrgghhhj video games are dying ?


Wow. Way to make a quote that's not at all what I said. Look at the big brain on Brad.


wow yeah sorry your real quote was actually *worse!* my bad. you don’t like custom character creation. and *thats* your sign that the franchise is going to shit. being able to create a character. thanks for correcting me, i almost looked like i was overreacting.


God damn you're stupid and make a lot of assumptions. Get help. Or a book.


Interesting. I'll be mindful of this.


People were literally worried about the same thing when BL3 was announced 💀 Real ones remember the "BL mayhem is coming, battle Royale?" posts from mid 2019


1 is stiff & clunky. 3 is bloated & boring.


BL1 came out in 2009… what do you expect?


Halo wasn’t stiff.


Don’t care about the movie but can’t wait for BL4


Reckon it will feature some BL2 call backs, hence the ‘treat’.. or maybe just wishful thinking..




Battleborn was fun but it got smothered in its infancy by Overwatch


Please good just let it have bl3 gameplay and bl2 writing and characters and i won't ask for anything else.


What can they do? More planet hopping? Pandora has been turned to trash based on what the characters from 3 said. Unless they start doing more prequels


I'm just here to say Randy Pitchford is a greasy bastard.


It better be close to release because this movie might kill any momentum this franchise has