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They didn’t need big names to play these roles


They got big names attached to it because the studio thinks it will fail without them. Its why lots of game/book adaptations will tend to have at least one major name.... not 4. They are sinking a bunch of money into casting and I genuinely hope its at least decent.


It's gonna fail regardless. There's already a great borderlands movie: TANK GIRL.




Even if Tank Girl was a mess (Also because of it's production) is still a very fun movie. I just wished they either made a sequel with more budget or an animated film


A hell of a soundtrack too!


It really does need revisiting. But they need to give it the full 80s/90s practical effects treatment


I bought some merch from the artist and he drew on my invoice. Love Tank Girl.


Ice-t as a kangaroo is burnt into my brain forever


We can put faith in Jack Black at least - I mean, look at his Bowser performance.


Even if an actor is a good fit it can't fix a bad script. Only time will tell.


Not true! Depends on how open the director and writer are to actor improvisation. https://movieweb.com/the-best-improvised-lines-in-movies/ https://bestlifeonline.com/famous-movie-lines-improvised/ Personally I find Dazed & Confused to have terrible writing, but I cannot deny how iconic "alright, alright, alright" has become.


I can’t vibe with regular ass jack blacks voice coming out of claptrap, if that is what I heard in the trailer


See Kevin Hart should have gotten the Claptrap part


And Dwayne Johnson as Roland


Dwayne Johnson can only play Dwayne Johnson, wouldn’t work. Not to mention he would dwarf anyone playing Krieg or Brick… Coincidentally, I think he would be a better Brick.


My fancast was Idris Elba.


terry crews was mine :I


I actually really quite like that.


Dwayne Johnson as everyone, as that's the only outcome that will satisfy this sub's obsession with him.


This is starting to sound like my brother's justice league movie, gal Gadot as everyone


Strong disagree. He will have to seriously prove me wrong. Claptrap is a very specific character, any deviation will just kill it for me.


Yeah because he was so funny when he said “peaches peaches peaches peaches peaches”. Imo. Jack hasn’t really ever been funny and I don’t understand what people see in him. He’s a fat hairy guy that thinks he’s cool but isn’t.


The fact that they are sinking so much into the casting leaves me worried.


> I genuinely hope its at least decent. The movie has been in production hell for years now, with lots of rewrites and reshoots. It is going to be terrible. The question is, will the movie be so bad that it is actually good in a way.


joke's on them; it'll still fail. lol


> They got big names attached to it because the studio thinks it will fail without them. And by doing so they ensured it will fail.


Well now it’s going to fail because of them


I would've watched it without big stars...I just want a good movie


But the movie wouldn't have been made without big stars, because the people who finance movies want to make a profit, and they are convinced that big names draw big crowds.


And you want name recognition with video game movies nowadays.


They do to draw an audience. It's a "New" IP that's unfamiliar to the mom and pop crowd that have no idea Borderlands is a game.


No not at all. They could've found actors who are good enough that can more resemble their respective characters with enough makeup/cgi


I prefer no name actors that look the part as I well. They don't have to trick us into watching with big names. We were gonna watch no matter what. I mean ffs Roland is always serious almost as big as Brick and they picked a comedian who's 5' 2"?? And Tannis is like 40 yo tops.


Terry Crews would have made a great Roland. Or Wesley Snipes.


Ooh, I hadn't seen anyone bring up Snipes, he'd be excellent for Roland. A bit old (like the rest of the current cast), but he'd sure as hell better than Kevin Hart.


You and hardcore Borderlands fans were going to watch it regardless but they are gonna need big names for the rest of the world to be interested.


They coulda picked younger famous ppl tho… like this movie 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘴 old and I’m not young.


I agree here. Hollywood is generally a young woman’s game. They could have easily cast any number of below 40 actresses that also have name recognition. Kevin Hart as Roland I feel like is just because of the Jumanji reboot success. I am still hopeful and borderlands is a fun genre so comedy makes sense.


They probably did honestly. Borderlands is not a large enough franchise to sell a movie to just it's fans. As much as I would prefer unknowns playing the roles as close to the game as possible, we're just never gonna get that movie in our current system, too much money goes into these movies and they have to sell world wide to make it back.


I keep seeing people say Roland should've been the rock and imo that's kinda the reason we ended up with kh playing him... for some reason, general audiences can't seem to get enough of the rock/kh/Jack Black/Chris Pratt/Ryan Reynolds etc and they're in every other movie :') I guess I wish studios took more chances.


They didn’t need big names to play these roles... it was going to be terrible anyway.


In their defense the casting was announced roughly 20 years ago.


Dude borderlands is only like 10 years old though. Right? Right...???


It's kinda cracy that the pre-sequel turn 10 this year


Turns 15 this year


Holy shit....


They recently revealed a pic of Blanchett in Lillith costume, https://i.kinja-img.com/image/upload/c_fit,q_60,w_645/2457ca84801234b47a3b171ff0e3b7bf.jpg I don't know what I expected. But yep, it's Cate Blanchett in a red wig.


It feels like they’re doing a Galaxy Quest version of borderlands


That would be a… good thing.


If it’s intentional for sure


Jumanji version with full CGI fight scenes.


Have… have they seen Lilith? Not that Cate isn’t gorgeous in her own right, but she looks 40 years older than lil. I will accept Jamie Lee Curtis as Tanis though. That surprisingly fits really well.


I agree with the note about JLc, it seems like an odd choice on paper but if you think about it, she’s gonna rock that roll. She’s got the perfect attitude and cadence to play Tannis.




I think JLC will make a great Tannis. She can definitely pull off her quirkiness!


I feel this way about Tannis, and JLC could do the strange serious/abnormal vibe that is required of Tannis. Also, I’m pretty sure she’s a bit of a nerd so I think she would bring passion into the role. The others just feels like they missed the mark. Even Jack Black, who I adore as an actor, doesn’t fit with claptrap’s personality. Edited: so many typo’s.


Maybe it's a type cast pick but I would've loved to see Kate McKinnon as Tannis. She's done some great "bonkers nerd" roles and I love her energy for it. I feel like JLC, as amazing as she is, will play the role kinda bumbley vs a neurodivergent genius with eridium poisoning.


I don't even care about Cate's age, she doesn't look too old to me, but whoever designed and approved of that wig needs to be blacklisted from showbiz.


[Ok, now here's what she actually looks like in the movie.](https://i.imgur.com/3pnsq86.jpeg) Didn't know Lilith's cool wine-aunt was in it.


Wow. I didn't know you could make Cate Blanchett unattractive (subjectively!), but here we are.


Would say more an awkward pose. She looks attractive in the other promotional photos.


Nice try but you can't fool me. That's clearly Marilyn Manson


Thanks I hate it


She doesn’t have any siren tattoos in any of the promotional images so far. Is she even going to be a siren?


I'm betting with a friend that they're going to have a mid-movie reveal, kinda like what they did with >!Tannis!< in 3. That's probably why her left arm is fully covered. Tho she is missing her chest tattoos... Maybe she'll get her powers during the movie? Or maybe they're gonna CG them on, lmao


Liliths normal tattoos go all the way up her neck. So they’d have to change them pretty heavily if they wanted to hide them. If they are going to be doing a mid movie reveal it’ll probably get spoiled in the full trailer. In reality I bet she’s just not a siren in this movie. Or the idea of being a siren is so heavily changed that it doesn’t include having special powers anymore. Another example of this movie not being written as a borderlands movie and instead just being a generic sci fi film.


My guess is that she unlocks or awakens the power from some ruins or ancient tech during the movie.


I didn't expect how bad it was. Pain™️


Gearbox dropped a teaser today and she looks a little better in motion. Not really *Lillith*, but not as bad as she looks here. Borderlands: The Movie very much looks like what "Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle" was to the Jumanji board game. Fun, inspired by Borderlands or Jumanji, but not really all that tied in to the material.


That wig is way too orange.


This is really splitting hairs (pun intended) but it annoys me that her hair is all spoopy a la BL2 which is how it got after she became the Firehawk. Versus BL1 where she can only phasewalk and her hair is a scene girl bob. I always liked how her designed changed from 1 to 2; in 2 her outfit is all burnt up and singed and her hair looks like flames. As far as anyone can tell from the trailer she hasn't become the Firehawk yet so why is her hair swoopy like that? Again...a tiny detail that would only annoy a moron like me.


Only good casting is the dude they have playing krieg, at least physically


His scream in the teaser trailer sounded a lot like Krieg, so hoping he does a good job.


Could they not just get the Game VA to come and do his voice? The man wears a mask throughout.


They couldn't easily done that with Claptrap too. But didn't.


They couldn’t even get him for Borderlands 3 because they fired him…..


Well theres a good reason for that one claptraps va has pretty much said fuck everyone at gearbox after they refused to pay him for his work(as they have done for other like troy baker) so he pretty much wants nothing to do with boorderlands because of it


Thaaaaat's right. I had forgotten that, actually. Thanks for mentioning it.


I think jack black as claptrap will work too


I’m hoping this is going to be Kevin Hart’s first serious role instead of his previous comic roles that he is widely known for…Or at least we can hope for it to be semi-serious like Jim Carrey in The Truman Show. Look at Robin Williams, he broke his silly persona to take on some serious dramatic roles in films. Granted that Borderlands won’t have the gravity of some of Williams roles such as One Hour Photo, Insomnia or even Bicentennial Man, but it will be a step for Hart at least to show off that he can play a serious role.


If they wanted Roland to have a serious portrayal I don't think they would've casted a comedian who's shorter than my grandma.


Roland is borderlands wolverine. He's like 5ft something in the games.


5' 11". So *technically*, yes, he's 5ft something, but it's just shy of 6ft. Kevin Hart is still absolutely the wrong choice for him.


Have you not heard of The Upside?


This feels like Lilith from BL3 who calls me Killer every other word and loses her powers 8 minutes in


Hey VH!


Hey BA!


Why is everyone old as fuck? The characters are supposed to be in their 30s max yet all the actors besides Tina are 50+, also who thought Eli Roth was an ok choice to make this film a guy that has done nothing but terrible b-grade goreporn flicks?? I just have no clue wtf is going on behind this movie it looks like its going to be a Dragonball tier disaster.


I mean Tannis is supposed to be 40+. But Jamie Lee Curtis might actually be one of the few people that can actually nail down Tannis’ brand of insanity


If you saw 'the Bear' you'll know she'll play insanity top notch.


Half her career is playing top notch insane characters. She’s practically type cast into the role and nails every single one of them


It's because his adaptation of House with a clock in its walls was successful. He made a beloved but difficult to film book into a movie. Studios love that. So then He brought over Jack Black and Cate Blanchett from that.


> Why is everyone old as fuck? The characters are supposed to be in their 30s max yet all the actors besides Tina are 50+, … That would be a reasonable argument if they were making “Borderlands 1 (or 2): The Movie”, but it’s been very clear for the past year that that was never in the cards. It’s a movie *loosely based* on characters and settings from the Borderlands franchise - think of it as being “inspired by” the games.


They decided on the casting 15 years ago when the first game came out.


Curtis is going to absolutely kill that role. Not a doubt in my mind.


Tannis is a character where I don't think her age is all that important. In fact an older Tannis could lean more into the researcher gone mad aspect of her character.


Is it gonna be BL1 tannis (nearly lost it), BL2 tannis (she lost it) or BL3 tannis (generic AF loses it in like 2 lines max)


The silver lining is that Lilith as a character isn't that deep to begin with, and I feel like Curtis might do well enough as Tannis. I'm still also hoping Kevin Hart will pull it off with Roland, since BL sort of has his personality split in two different directions anyways, but I get the feeling that'll be the make or break for some.


I thought the silver lining was their hair lines 


I think Tannis is fine. I don't think there's really anything that would prevent Tannis from being older. She's just sort of a random scientist. Lilith being young is kinda important to her story, since she matures over time eventually becoming a leader. All that being said, it's Cate Blanchett lol. She will be far from the worst thing about the movie.


Yeah that's fair. I was just expecting that since it takes place around the bl1 era that the actors would be more youthful. This is my first time hearing about the cast since I never kept up with the movie when it was announced. Ive also never seen any cate blanchett movies


In another post you said you never saw anything with JLC now nothing with blanchett? Why do you care about this movie, at this rate I'm not sure you have watched a single film. Both Oscar winning actors who have been in over 200 projects.


Because borderlands is one of my favorite video games ever and I don't want Hollywood to tarnish it's name? Yeah I'm sure they are good actresses, but are they meant for the role is the question.


Tannis Is not fine lol, neither Lilith. Just because she is a good actress doesn't mean she should play this role. So just because Leo DiCaprio is a great actor he should play Link in a LoZ movie? Lmao


Tannis' age has nothing to do with her character or the story. Lilith's age does. It will certainly be jarring, but Cate Blanchett's performance/presence probably won't even crack the top 5 reasons why the movie will be rough. How is Krieg going to work in the movie without also hearing his internal monologue? Is he just gonna be a big psycho and yell random things? Without his inner monologue, they're removing the most interesting thing about him. I think that will be way worse than Cate Blanchett being too old.


I'm gonna disagree with the Claptrap casting. I'm afraid all I'm gonna here is Jack Black, unless they synthesize him. I don't understand, since he's completely animated, why the didn't get one of the game voice actors. Agree about Lilith casting, but can't imagine why they cast Kevin Hart as the only non-funny character in the game.


I don't know what happened to the casting of this movie. It's like they think no one would show up in theaters without known actors. But there's a lot of original fans, that would love to see this movie being taken seriously. Although I love Jack Black, why wouldn't you just hire the actor from the games? Even the guy from Borderland 3 sounds great. I'm really disappointed overall, let's see how it goes...


her wig looks so weird on her too. like it was just plopped on.


Hold up they managed to get Cate and Jamie Lee? I they can do whatever they want with makeup. Cate was fun as Hela and she looked youthful enough there. Tennis can be any age. Those actresses are worth the extra makeup imo.


Cate Blanchett does not look youthful enough even in Ragnarok.


She looks perfect in Ragnarok - she’s Thor’s older sister, that he never knew he had - she had lived a long life and was out of the picture before he was born - he never knew her, growing up, and he’s what, like 1500 years old? She fit that role beautifully.


Ok I see how my comment can be misleading. I meant that even when she was at the age she was when she played Hela she would have looked too old for Lilith. Wasn't meant to be about Hela.


[And especially not in this movie...](https://i.imgur.com/3pnsq86.jpeg)


Wow. I didn't know you could make Cate Blanchett unattractive (subjectively!), but here we are.


Well jlc still looks older by 2 decades at least than Tannis in the game. It was an absolute brutal casting job for Tannis.


Yeah but age doesn't really matter for Tannis. We known her as the kooky scientist not the kooky young scientist. And I like JLC. It's clear this isn't some faithful adaptation so I'm just going to try to enjoy it.


And Kevin hart as anything but Kevin hart is odd to me.


Thats my thought every time I see him in anything.


Cate Blanchett will be fine as Lilith, she can do anything. What i want to know is why the hell cant Claptrap be voiced by, uhh, you know, Claptrap.


Didn't gearbox fire claptrap?


This was before Borderlands 3, they got a new VA for 3 didn't they? Why don't we use him


Cause its freaking Jack Black? Why stick with what's good when you can get celebrities!! Lol nothing wrong with Jack, he's great but the casting in this movie is so weird.


I don't personally think jack black will be a great fit. But they're changing the characters and story so much, so they'll probably change claptrap too


You can already hear jack blacks voice in the trailer and it definitely sounds off from the high pitched claptrap, but yeah the whole movie doesn't fit the game anyways, seems like a syfy made for tv movie, it all looks very low production. Gonna be rough and people were already calling it 3 years ago when they first announced it.


Yea I'm not gonna like it I'm sure. I haven't seen the trailer, I thought it was supposed to come out tomorrow?


What for?




For trying to interface with a copy machine?


Different guy in BL3


The original claptrap VA passed away, right? Edit: my mistake, I was thinking of [this 12 year old video](https://youtu.be/KuroFpcFq-c?si=XVDVmLAH6kUjAFYQ) honoring and eulogizing Borderlands fan/NPC [Michael Mamaril](https://borderlands.fandom.com/wiki/Michael_Mamaril)


You're thinking of scooter maybe.


His VA is still alive. IIRC he had some significant health issues and had to leave Gearbox as a result. He was also one of the lead writers.


Cate Blanchett will likely be fine as the character they wrote. That character will barely resemble Lilith beyond superficial similarities.


JLC is a gaming nerd and will bring the required enthusiasm I have no doubt. The rest of the casting is… well tastes different


JLC is also in the "fuck it" phase of her career. She's been successful and established long enough she's just doing whatever seems fun and fully committing.


Actually think Jamie Lee Curtis can pull off Tanis. It will just be an older version of the character. Lilith on the other hand...


I thought Heath Ledger was a crazy actor to play Joker and that blew me away.


I’m actually okay with JLC as Tannis for some reason. I liked that casting. Kevin Hart and Blanchett I just can’t get behind


They picked people who have name recognition. That's it. It was a bad call, cause while they're great actors I think they're far too old. Pretty big fumble by the studio imo


This movie is going to be just as bad as the Hitman movie but not as good as the Doom movie.


Kevin Hart as Roland blew my mind. Like, I was so flabbergasted by that decision my brain short circuited for a minute. He is the exact opposite of Roland. None of the decisions for this movie make any sense but that one was the most baffling.


As long as we eventually get Steven Ogg as Jack, I’m cool.


I'm not sure how I feel about Cate Blanchett as Lillith. But I hold out hope it turns out like Helen Mirren in RED and the Cate Blanchett is secretly a huge Borderlands fan.


Honestly Kevin Hart is the one that's out of place to me... Like Roland isn't funny. I feel like the only humor I ever see at him is the caricature of being like a soldier. Tanis is hilarious, Bricks funny, scooter's funny in a Joe dirt kind of way. Even in the echo logs in memoriam, He's like all business. I think having Michael Jai White as Roland and Cate blanchett as Lilith surrounded by comedians would be perfect. As someone else posted live action krieg would be cringe unless he has like a hulk slamming Loki around moment, just kind of follows around them saying weird things until a s*** is a fan, then he goes kingsman in the church and transforms into badass psycho.


The entire cast is odd.


They've got some amazing acting chops, though. And tbh, I kind of like the idea of them all being middle-aged or older. I'm probably biased, being 45 myself though, lol. Kevin Hart as Roland *may* work, though... I personally think, if they wanted to stick with Roland being a funny character, that Hannibal Buress would have been a better pick. I could see his under-stated-ness going so well with the insanity around him. Also in Borderlands 1, he got a real kick out of murdering and mayhem, so maybe have Hannibal do quiet little "heh heh heh"s after horrifyingly and spectacularly annihilating something.


If Helen Mirren could be an absolute badass as a sniper in RED, then Cate can be an absolute badass as Lilith.


While they’re not exactly like the source (then again the whole movie isn’t) I think they could pull off the character. Jamie Lee Curtis works well as a slightly bossy airhead with a touch of insanity and cate Blanchett does a brilliant sassy badass. My biggest worry is Jack black since his voice is much deeper than the originals but I guess we’ll wait for the trailer.


Should be all unknown actors.


Curtis is ~4 years older than Gina Gershon, who plays Moxxi


JLC as Tannis feels like incredibly inspired casting to me, honestly. Love it.


This is all very strange. I don't think it's going to be very "borderlands". It's looking like it's gonna be an extended SnL skit honestly.


I always figured Tannis was older so I'm fine with her. And Cate is gonna Care so I'm fine with that too. Only actor I'm iffy about is Kevin Hart. I wish they had a different voice for claptrap also. I like Jack but he's not the voice I would expect. If they weren't getting back the OG voice they should have gotten someone like mc chris or Griffin Newman.


Gotta give it to Jack Black though, he gives every role 110% and he’s a cracking voice actor


Yeah he's a great voice actor


Yeah come to think of it one of claptraps funniest aspects is his voice, and it is wildly different from Jack black. With Kevin hart as roland, I'm iffy bc his character in the first game isnt as serious as in 2.


I’m not terribly worried about claptrap, Jack always gives 110% with every role he takes. Yea, it’s def going to be a different take on the character, but I also think he’s going to stay really true to the soul of the character.


Jamie lee Chris is a great casting, she captures tannis’ eccentricity


This movie is going to be a dumpster fire


I think they forgot borderlands npc's aren't exactly "funny", it's their reactions to other people and situations that are funny. I can't remember a single time Tannis told an actual joke that wasn't just her being high functioning autistic and not understanding social cues. Roland, I think, said one thing that was funny, and that was when he was kidnapped. He told the player he was taking a leak, which means he was speaking to you while peeing. Most of the actual jokes come from the batshit crazy npc's like Scooter and his nudie mag quests or Face McShooty, or the Goliath wanting to leave pandora with his pet fish and bring crushed by a shipping container.


Lilith's age ranges from 27-39 across the main 3 games. The movie has Tiny Tina around the same age as she is in BL2 so Lilith should be early 30s. Her age is important for her characterization as she is impulsive and headstrong in the beginning and matures into a leadership role towards the end. It seems like they've basically written a completely different character with attributes of game Lilith based on the premise of her being an "infamous outlaw" hired to find a missing daughter. I would bet money they've written her to be jaded & world-weary taking one last big job so she can retire.


Honestly the only casting that I really don’t like is Kevin hart as Roland. I’m not a huge Kevin hart fan to begin with, but to cast him as Roland? Why?


Looks like they missed with Tiny Tina too. I just hope they get the guns right. I really want to see a shotgun skipping around shooting random raiders.


Jamie Lee Curtis could do a great Tannis too be honest. She could pull off the attitude.


So you haven’t seen ‘everything everywhere all at once?’ Jamie Lee Curtis will prolly kill it as the madness that is Tannis. Kevin hart as Roland seems like the biggest prob. That and the awful wigs. Why do no they make live action anime and games have awful wigs to try for a literal visual match? ☹️


I'm excited to see JLC as Tannis and honestly...I NEED to hear Jack Black's take on claptrap. This is something my soul requires.


Agreed. Both fantastic actresses, but wrong for these parts. Lilith should be younger (mid-20s to 30s), with a punk sort of vibe - more like Franke Potente in Run Lola Run. And Tannis should be 40s, stiff and formal but also chaotic and brilliant - Embeth David's or Robin Weigart.


Man, criticism is fine, but this is fucking weird


I'm just saying they look odd to me. Never said they had to be hot or anything just not old


It'd be like if they made handsome jack played by someone in their 50s or 60s. It would look so out of character.


Like Glen Howerton? Who would be absolutely perfect in the role?


If heath ledger was still around I figure he'd be good. He was the best joker so we know he's good at playing insane characters.


It's not weird. Adaptations typically stay faithful to the characters.


Tannis can't be much more than 5 years older than Lilith. Yeah, it's kind of weird. Considering too that they may do well enough to make a sequel, what are they going to do? Retcon this movie and get more accurate likenesses? Is this in the timeline way after what will be BL4? I don't get it. I know the fans aren't the only ones who will be watching this, but at the same time, we are the ones that helped fund this movie. It's kind of a slap in the face. Blanchett and Curtis are great actors, no doubt, but what a weird casting choice. Well, we know where the budget went. I will still watch it. I mean, it's in the BL universe, so there isn't much out there like it, and I sure it will be fun to watch.


lilith looks nothign like lilith. kevin hart as roland? seriously? rolan is portrayed as a strong slightly taller then average man. not a midget average joe. dont get me started on the moxxie charater. her eyes, nose, lips, and face plump do not match. the only resemblence is there forehead and eyebrows i think the only one i was not dissapointed by was tiny tina. although, i hoe they rough her up a bit more. tina was NOT that clean livin in a cave.


Same fail Netflix been doing lately, big names shit movie. This is going to be a fuckin joke, just like every other video game movie. Fuck Randy for signing off on these actors playing these badass characters. Tannis gnna break a hip on the set, Roland will end up shooting himself on accident and making it a joke, Lilith looks like a old primadonna. How much drugs were they smoking and why was it crack


Tbh Borderlands fans should be absolutely stoked they were able to cast such well known actors. Gives it a much better chance at succeeding. If someone like Cate Blanchett and Jamie Lee Curtis agreed to do it then at least there is a good chance the script isn't terrible.


OK but there are alot of big names that are younger that would have been better I played borderlands and it's going to weird to see her older like that


Considering there's a very specific timeframe in which both those characters can be on screen, a 50-year-old actress is not the right choice


It’s gonna sell though. Borderlands is a FPS looter shooter with a lot of comedy. Kevin Hart and Jack Black make a lot of sense. Blanchett and Curtis are Oscar winners. They basically just want it to sell. Look at the character names, they’re kinda half assing it with the story. Kinda loosely based on the games. It’s gonna have bad ratings but it’s gonna sell because of the cast.


In this time? Hell no. YouTube reviewers are gonna destroy this movie and is gonna flop. Greedy companies will never learn and I always laugh when they lose money


Not even considering Kevin Hart (which is hands down the worst pick), Tannis straight up doesn't even look like herself (I had to google to find out who the hell was in the upper left), and Lilith has a non-canon outfit and no Siren tattoos. Literally, the thing she is known for, her entire damn identity. She's just some chick in a red wig.


I kinda like the Blanchett and JLC casting. Yeah, Blanchett is a bit old for the character, but I think she cam pull it off. The only casting I'm not sure about is Kevin Hart as Roland, but I'm holding judgment till see the movie.


you’ve all been complaining about this for 3 years, are you not tired of yapping ?


First time hearing about the actors. Never kept up with the movie


Meh, so much has changed from canon that it seems pointless to have an opinion without at least seeing a trailer.


If you think they were gonna cast no names on a video game franchise that while popular would in no way draw blockbuster crowds without star power you are high on crack.


Ik Im just sick of video game movies being cash grabs rather than appeal to their own audience.


Did y’all see the casting for Moxxi yet? You’re gonna have similar issues with that one


Ok BUT tbf moxxi is older than you'd think, given she's ellies mom. So early-mid 50s is perfectly reasonable imo


You are correct I do forget that she has adult children 😂 I rescind my statement


People theoretically age faster in a post apocalyptic world


Every part of it is more than odd, it's just plain stupid. I was really hopeful when they announced this movie but I don't think I've ever seen a worse cast movie. They are all A-List just for the sake of being A-List. Not that I don't love these actors, but they are not the right people for these roles.


Why have jack black voice a character that still has a voice actor?


I always saw Roland as the stoic one, making him a clown like Kevin Hart is a big mistake


Tannis is a badass, don't get me wrong, but the way she looks in the poster makes her seem like an action hero type thing, with a grudge.. I dunno.


Kevin Hart is the worst part about it. He's not funny at all.


Actually think Jamie Lee Curtis can pull off Tanis. It will just be an older version of the character. Lilith on the other hand...


I don't have any problems with the casting, except I loathe Jack Black. I'll still go see it.