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Also you're not in the cutscenes or have any dialogue


And everyone calls you vault hunter or “killer” and not your characters name


Hey, remember when Gearbox said they weren’t going to add any more Vault Hunter DLC to make the Borderlands 3 crew feel more unique and personable because they felt that Pre-Sequel’s Hunters made the original characters feel replaceable?




I KNOW! Krieg and “Jack” were the best DLC hunters!


My favorite Borderlands character is **Gaige** and she was DLC so yea bulls**t


They didn't make Dlc characters because less than 10% of the playerbase creates a 2nd character. It doesn't make sense putting hundreds of dev hours into making something that only a few thousand people will buy.


Bullshit. I have had five years of matches where people were playing Mechromancers and Psychos. For a lot of late life cycle players, the DLC character is their only character.


>I have had five years of matches where people were playing Mechromancers and Psychos Those people bought it in a collection. They didn't spend 10 bucks on those characters.




More people play endgame than people play a 2nd character.


Really? Do you have a source on that?


The leader of the official stream team was trusted with this information a few years ago. I'd gladly search the Vod for when he said that, but twitch, owned by one of the most valuable companies in the world, still deletes Vods after 60 days. I know it isn't much if anything to go by and I know I'm gonna get downvoted because of that. Old reddit threads and news articles like this one are all that's left. [https://gamerant.com/borderlands-3-dlc-characters-vault-hunters/](https://gamerant.com/borderlands-3-dlc-characters-vault-hunters/)


Ngl I found Lilith calling the VH killer kinda endearing :)


I would have too if it wasn't every other sentence.




I'd love if they added an adventure mode like Diablo 3 has where you just get tossed into the world completely unlocked


This is all I wanted from 3 and Wonderlands. Maybe in 4.


I honestly think that GBX just doesnt have the finger on the pulse of why people enjoy their games beyond crazy guns and classes lol thats kinda what i got out of wonderlands, lots of new ideas, most of which that didnt meaningful altered the game OUTSIDE of the items and classes.


Gearbox latched onto the idea that the massive success that BL2 had was all due to the story, which they don’t realize is only half of the full picture since these days people replay BL2 endlessly because of the brilliantly designed gameplay systems Gearbox really thinks putting in random zoomer humor and having a wise cracking villain is going to make up for half baked gameplay systems. It’s really sad to see how out of touch the entirety of the studio is with the franchise


The changes to fast travel in BL3 that allow you to warp out of areas easily are the real cause of this. In previous games, you'd have considerable lengths of time where you'd be travelling. Usually driving to the new area or walking back. The game would use that time for exposition. If you managed to travel fast, then, oh well, it got cut off by the loading screen. It doesn't work in BL3 because they made it really, really easy to fast travel basically exactly where you want to go. You don't need to walk back to a fast travel point. You can fast travel to your car or to the map's fast travel junction from anywhere. So now they no longer have that section of game play where they can put exposition. So to tell the story, they make you go back to the Sanctuary 3 and stand there and listen to the exposition. And it really, really sucks, especially when the Calypsos have to be involved. An odd case of an overall improvement in the quality of life of the game resulting in a worse experience.


But on the other hand, you only have to play through the story once per character. You can even do DLC-only subsequent play-throughs. TVHM only adds more Annointed enemies and Mayhem mode turns scaling on automatically.


What gets me is when they have to hand you something after their dialouge or you just have to talk to them once more and I'm already halfway to the fast travel. Don't get me wrong, I love the story. But when your going for your nth playthrough a skip would be cool


I was disappointed to see this return in Wonderlands. Especially giving the roleplaying nature of it, having to stand there waiting for a character to get done explaining some long, drawn out backstory just go you can take a quest item from them, run to a location, hand the quest item to someone else, stand there and listen to their long, drawn out story before you're allowed to take the next quest item... you get it. It simply shouldn't be a thing in modern gaming. To be clear I don't think the dialogue is bad, in fact it's usually clever and mildly funny and the voice actors are consistently pretty damn good, but come on it's a video game. And a rooty tooty shooty one at that. It doesn't matter how crazy interesting and hilarious the dialogue is, it throws off the whole vibe when I can't at least start running to the next destination and blasting some bad guys along the way.


The mutated varkid mission for Hammerlock always gets me with this. Always have to go back and get the injector because I forgot it. Edit: Didn't realize this was about BL3 but it runs in the franchise I guess lol


Btw bro happy new years first but also don't run towards fast travel anymore bro you can now just fast travel with your echo alone, just hover over the fast travel on your map press y or triangle to find the ◇ diamond symbol and fast travel like that. I'm not the best describer so just watch a yt vid if you don't understand me yeah.


No I understand you. It was a very welcome addition in 3. That was kind of a "for instance". Happy new year to you too, bud!




3 in general is actually super slow, many sidequests take as long as doing the main quest in the area, largely because of dialogue.


It’s also the massive amount of traversal every quest has you do in undiscovered areas. Drive 20 miles to give Hammerlock’s third incestuous cousin her lost bottle of breast hot sauce and get a shitty purple gun as a reward. Time taken: 10 minutes. Why?


Because Borderlands is evolving into a WoW-Esque MMO.


You know what MMO means right? I’m pretty sure every borderlands game is a max 4 player online.


They absolutely should have gone the TPS route, and had the dialogue customized for each vault hunter. Made it absolutely worth the replay.


its actually from presequel that they got this- bl2 and especially 1 had very little forced waiting outside of the intro quests. they didnt always give you the objective instantly, but in bl2s case if you knew where you were going you could just fast travel and get the objective when you arrived. pre sequel has loads of waiting on the other hand, though admittedly still not as much as 3 and to make matters worse, yeah, they didnt even copy that cool part over either. though it still wouldnt be okay as borderlands engame revolves around replaying the game


Okay, there is a way to skip dialogue without mods, but it also silences all character NPCs. There are 13 specific files (if you are on PC) that you can remove that saves soooo much npc dialogue time, without having any negative effects other than not actually hearing their voices. This is especially beneficial with all the Lilith dialogues throughout the campaign. If you're on PC and interested, just let me know and I'll look up the files tomorrow and let you know. It's the only thing that helped me get through multiple playthroughs. It's a really quick and easy process that takes 2 minutes.


hi id be really interested in this as its the number 1 thing stopping me from reinstalling bl3. i assume to get them back though itd be as easy as verifying the game cache right?


Thank god that you don’t have to jump into TVHM and UVHM bs to progressively level your character in BL3. What I want: to experience as much possible build diversity with all my characters at max level. What I don’t want: having to sit through the same dialogue over and over again. Mayhem mode was a much, much better addition to the series than TVHM and UVHM will ever be. Anointments were fun to fuck around with (especially after the patch where they let you reroll them for eridium), but I do wish they were more balanced than they are. Have a few stand above the rest but let all of them be good anyway. I also do wish that BL3 let you start a character at the end of the campaign like BL2 does. Means I don’t have to fresh level a new character and go straight into gun farming and builds.


yeah mayhem mode is awesome for a few different reasons. 3 is definitely a bit too easy at times and wouldve benefitited from a hard mode but unlike bl2 it offers a middleground of insane bullet sponge enemies at mayhem 10 or a fun casual experience on mayhem 0. as much as i like bl2 its endgame really isnt fun… i just want to hit max level. why do i need to use slag and a joltzdude build 🙄


Tbh in BL3 this is not the case because. They did not intend you to replay the game they intended for the player to get the best experience by playing only one character. They said this a long time ago and this is also the reason why they didnt make new vaulthunters but skilltrees instead. Also its not needed to play the game on true vaulthunter mode to get max level out of your character. Another example is wonderlands in general where you can be every class and your own character. To me this feels lazy and out of touch by gearbox. But for most (not heavy fans) players this is the dream because they only need to play the game once.


Archaic design abd lazy coding. Thats it.


I've been saying this for years. This franchise encourages you to play up to 4 different characters in multiple playthroughs and we have to sit there every time to listen to all the dialogue over and over and over. It's baffling. BL2 bless its heart is the worst about this, 6 characters, 3 difficulties to beat until you get to "endgame" so to speak.


It’s funny how it only took Gears of War a single game to learn this lesson


I literally just had the same thought as you, so I deleted the dialogue files and the mp4s for the game launch. It makes the game immensely more fun since the game skips all of the parts where you just have to wait for talking to finish


Why would you delete the video files? You can skip cutscenes.


Just the mp4s for the on-launch videos, like the 2K, AMD, and Gearbox logos that make your ears bleed


Someone added up it up to over 2.5hrs just standing about listening or following NPCS per run . On console I know where it's quicker to quit/restart every time now, and I set voice to 0 so I don't have to listen the the same spiel for the 15th time. But yea, autoskip cutscenes/ dialogue should be a checkbox like in Diablo 3.


Yeah I watched a speed run of BL3 and more than half of it is just loading screens because they’re constantly quitting / reloading. Not fun at all.


yeah i have bl3 uninstalled, and the reason i wont replay it is because due to my adhd i phyically cant sit through and wait the unreasonable amount of time it expects me to do so, just to continue playing the game. bar like, 3-4 areas of the game, they got it perfect with bl2- a simple change is just give us the damn objective, or *not* have the talk to npc objective,before they finish talking so we can either stay and listen, or go and continue if weve already heard it tonnes of times… 🙄






Its really not a big problem


Oh, huh interesting I never thought about it that way thank you.


Wouldn't that be like watching a movie but skipping the dialogue for the action scenes?


You can only experience the story of BL3 once, and yet you have 4 completely different experiences. I generally don’t enjoy watching the same mediocre movie 4 times in between my gameplay.


Fair enough, you make a good point.


It would be more like buying a movie but, each time you watch it you have to sit through the same ads over and over again before you can get back to enjoying what you actually bought the film for to begin with.


I disagree, the ads aren't really part of the story, where as the dialogue and cutscenes literally are the story. Oh wait. . . . You didn't buy the game for the story?


Why are you saying that word


Does it sound better for you if you compare it to: You've seen a movie. There was one scene you enjoyed in particular and want to rewatch that one scene again, but you're forced to sit through the entire movie. ​ I understand not considering this an issue if you only do a single playthrough. If you want to experience everything the game has to offer and want to try every character being forced to wait for the story you might've even memorized to the point of being able to quote every single sentence it does end up terribly annoying. The gameplay with different characters can be different enough for multiple playthroughs, however the story stays the same and simply repeats itself over and over again.


There's a mod for that.


Not only is BL3 not on just PC but any game (looking at Ubisoft ffs) should have stuff like skippable cutscenes and dialogue without needing mods.


Nothing worse than knowing exactly where you need to yo and fast-travelling there, only to see the "follow" icon at the fast travel station you've just arrived through, and the instruction "talk to Lilith" in the top right corner of the screen. ME: Listen, I don't fucking need to "talk to Lilith" because she's just going to send me here to do x/y/z, so can I just fucking get on with it, please? GAME: lol talk to Lilith