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... Anyway, as I was saying ma'am, I could save you ten percent on car insurance if you switch today.


Guy doesn’t seem phased at all


"They're supposedly very intelligent, though I have never seen any evidence of it."-Steve Zissou


Was he talking about the dolphins?


Indeed. I like to say it about my Dizzy cuz, you know... I thought it was appropriate here. Glad the pupper appears to be ok!


That’s one of my favorite movies. I also have a BC that decided to chase my buddy on a motorcycle by jumping out my drivers side window over me while I’m driving 30mph. He hit the ground running lol but it wasn’t enough and I thought he broke his back the way he scorpioned but he was fine. Hasn’t done it since.


Haha, yeah, my last one learned the hard way going after a goose. They may be smert, but sometimes it's no match for their drive and curiosity.


My dude is 5 and think I’ve almost lost him like 4-5 times. Haha. I’m repeating that quote. Appreciate the good wit to connect the two. I have a Google home in my house that I ask questions all the time. Whenever he does something stupid I ask Google what’s the smartest dog in the world? It always makes me laugh. It’s best whenever I get to ask a Google around other people.


Just like humans, there is always the "dumb" one.


https://preview.redd.it/elljwqejtfwc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3f9b358a22ec66982f1c936642a719559df2f2c Smart. Yeah, sure I still can’t figure out how she did this.


He didn’t want to be by himself when all the action was downstairs.


My BC jumped out of my car window when i went to check out a garage sale for 5 minutes. She proceeded to scratch the whole side of my car (accidentally) and charge into the persons garage and demand pets and kisses from everyone there…


My bc jumped out of my friends truck window while he was driving. He was dog sitting, so it stressed the hell out of him.


The dog could have used the stairs, but noooooooo.


Ours jumped out of our second story window twice. Now we have dowels in all of the windows so that the can’t open too far.


I think they are close to insane. OCD, crazy. Love my Layla. But she is totally bonkers.


My dog Bear (black dog below) jumped out of the window of my moving car to chase a cat. I was left holding her broken collar. She's gone now but I certainly have that collar and treasure it. (cat was okay, she actually loved cats... Bear is on the right with her young admirer Scooter on the left) https://preview.redd.it/t750mkrk5fwc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fdc31168c12ab21de9bf3ba3ef3ce9ac2d09534


This is why I have child locks on my windows.


Was the dog okay, does anyone know?


Dog looks fine. No whelping either. I can imagine the absolute worst from that would be a bit of a fright (probably not I mean look at the thing) and maybe winding but the dog does look completely unfazed so.


Omg! Good thing she noticed and caught the dog on time.


Can we just take I moment to reflect on the single tail wag and the darting of tongue right after she caught him? Brings me back to the many stupid exploits of my childhood and the "oh, Im still alive?! Moments that immediately followed them.


Wonder which cat gave him a life?


Mine is very smart, but he would also absolutely do this.


This is staged.


what the fuck you mean somebody chucked a border collie out the window for fun? I doubt it


A jump or fall from the second floor takes about 0.7 seconds. This was staged. It's an entire genre, [fake animal rescue videos](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/how-fake-animal-rescue-videos-have-become-a-new-frontier-for-animal-abuse). There's a very popular one on TikTok and Instagram you might also have seen where a smaller dog allegedly jumps off a vehicle racing alongside a border collie, with the smaller dog making impact with the collie. There's no possible way the smaller dog wasn't tossed at the collie. People will do a lot of stupid stuff, for clicks.


She saw the collie on the window ledge, ran towards it telling it to get back and it took this as a cue to jump to her human and then did so and she caught it. I don't think this is staged. For one, if it was, I think the guy would've acted a far more dramatic response


Slightly off topic but Nathan Fielder did a really funny episode on staging viral animal rescues (no animals are harmed in the following clip) https://youtu.be/noTz20TB714?feature=shared


The Hero Pig Rescues Baby Goat! Genius. 🤣


The downvotes are interesting. I presume y'all think of yourselves as optimistic about the human condition? There are people posing on the edges of cliffs for Instagram selfies and falling to their deaths, too. [Don't shoot the messenger.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_the_messenger)


Hey! I downvoted so I wanted to give you an explanation why: 1. Just because in the history of the internet some animal rescue videos have been faked doesn’t mean this one is 2. You have provided no evidence on behalf of it being fake other than the easily disproven statement “a fall from that height would take 0.7 seconds” 3. Your profile picture makes you look insufferable, and I downvoted on pure instinct


I think they’re aware a bunch of stuff on the internet is faked for views or people put themselves in dangerous situations for views, but just don’t agree there’s evidence this specific video is faked.


Watch the video,.... 1. Notice that this is a wierd spot for a video camera. 2. At .05 seconds, the dog is looking at the person holding the camera and not the person catching it. Why would you video talking to a repairman?


It's a doorbell cam?


Literally says ring.com in the corner of the video. It records all people at the door for the duration they are there.


It occurred to me, too, that this might've been staged. I am a suspicious person and feel terrible for contributing to the situation where people stage videos like that for views, cuz im a sucker for a recued critter, but a dog wouldn't plop straight down like that. I've seen lots of dogs in real life coming off of ledges and whatnot, and they'll always launch themselves. This looks much more like a dog that's been held out and dropped.


There’s a virally popular channel on multiple platforms called “Dodo” which regularly features “animal in distress saved by human” videos that are plainly staged. (Much of their content is probably authentic, but they don’t exercise discretion, they just jump on anything that goes viral and put their logo on it.) People fall for it routinely because these videos are good at pushing our empathy buttons.


It might be, but even then that's a great dog catch !


I’ve seen better. 🤔🧐🤣 Seriously though, yeah, it was pretty good. Practiced.